NEWLY appoinTED miniS- ArmenianS DenoUNCE TerS inTroDUCED BY THE KOBE BrYanT DeaL WITH Prime MiniSTer TUrkiSH AirLineS PAGE 4 PAGE 2 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia December 14-20 2010 THEMA President SERZH SARGSYAN PARTICIPATED AT “Quote of “THE Crime OF GENOCIDE” InternatiONAL the week” CONFERENCE “RURAL POPULATION IS THE MAIN BENEFICIARY OF THIS AMENDMENT AS THEY WILL AVOID SHOUL- DERING AN EXTRA FINAN- CIAL BURDEN AND WILL BE PRIVILEGED IN THIS RESPECT “ TIGRAN SARGSYAN PM OF ARMENIA December 16, 2010 www.gov.am n December 14, President Serzh Expressing gratitude for the award, Dr. OSargsyan participated at “The Despui said that because he shares the Crime of Genocide: Prevention, Con- pain of the Armenian people and defies demnation and Elimination of Conse- denial of the Genocide, he has decid- Upcoming Events quences” International Conference held ed to fight for justice and truth and has in Armenia on December 14-15. The been on that important mission for years. Conference is dedicated to the adoption “I am happy to be part of this impor- of the UN Convention on Prevention and tant event in Yerevan. There have DECEMBER 22: PM Tigran Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. been many occurrences in the strug- Sargsyan to meet with PM Vladimir The conference in Armenia has gathered gle against denial which have brought Putin in Saint-Petersburg numerous scholars from over 20 states, me here,” said Leandro Despui. including renowned experts of genocide At the International Conference “The DECEMBER 31: New Year 2011 studies, and among them Dr. Leandro Crime of Genocide: Prevention, Condem- Despui (Argentine) - a diplomat and nation and Elimination of Consequences” JANUARY 6: Armenia marks a scholar. By the decree of President President Serzh Sargsyan made a statement. Christmas Serzh Sargsyan Dr. Despui was award- “I welcome all participants of this Con- ed Mkhitar Gosh medal for his consid- ference. I thank those foreign scholars erable contribution to the international who accepted our invitation and came recognition of the Armenian Genocide. to Armenia to take part and make pro- “This award has been bestowed upon posals in the scientific discussions on USEFUL LINKS you through the will of our people, and the crime of genocide, its condemnation • www.president.am I fulfilled that wish. We are grateful and prevention as well as the elimina- • www.gov.am to you, your country and your people tion of the consequences of that crime. • www.parliament.am for sharing our pain, for creating fa- Today, more than ever, it is necessary to take • www.mfa.am vorable living and working conditions serious steps and develop efficient mecha- • www.armenpress.am in Argentine for those of our com- nisms for the prevention of genocides.” • www.panarmenian.net patriots, who had managed to escape Continuation p. 3 • www.matenadaran.am the Genocide,” Serzh Sargsyan noted. ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA NEWLY appoinTED miniSTerS inTroDUCED BY THE Prime HEADLINES OF MiniSTer THE WEEK rime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called at Tigran Sargsyan emphasized that Vache Pthe ministries of finance, economy and Gabrialyan’s long experience in the financial • DECEMBER 14: HSBC Bank Arme- justice to introduce newly appointed min- system adds to his awareness of the goals of nia to assist Khosrov reserve protection isters Vache Gabrielyan, Tigran Davtysn reforms: “I am convinced that Vache Gab- • AH and Hrair Tovasyan. rialyan’s assumption • DECEMBER 15: Henrik Mkhitaryan Introducing newly ap- to the office will be announced Shakhtar best contract player pointed minister Vache very smooth since he • AH Gabrielyan to the staff of has long-standing part- • DECEMBER 16: Kyiv hosts Arme- the Ministry of Finance, ners in the ministry.” nian cuisine and dances presentation the head of government The recent changes in • AH evoked the priority the system of govern- • DECEMBER 17: Armenian Min- tasks facing the minis- ance were said to be istry of Transport and Commu- try and the future pro- aimed at mobilizing nication to present investment grams of the government. the existing capacity, programs at TRACECA forum as well as the achievements and know-how ahead of the new tide of post-crisis reforms. • AH Introducing newly appointed Minister of Justice Hrair Tovmasyan and congratulat- • DECEMBER 18: Serzh Sargsyan: Az- ing him on appointment, the Prime Minister said to be highly appreciative of his profes- eri propaganda would have exploded sional skills and human qualities. In the words of Tigran Sargsyan, Hrair Tovmasyan’s like a soap bubble in case of a war deep knowledge and wide experience may help him promote the reforms stipulated in • AH the program of the government: “It should be noted that Hrair Tovmasyan is well versed • DECEMBER 18: Anders Fogh Ras- in administrative affairs since he used to be deputy minister and member of Constitutional mussen stresses importance of re- Court staff. I am convinced that his professional experience will serve him on this post.” newed Armenia-NATO individual Evoking his public statements concerning the dismissal of the former justice minister, the head of partnership program development government highlighted the need for the new minister to deal with serious management-related • AH problems facing the system. “The ministry staff are believed to live up to the tasks specified in • DECEMBER 20: VivaCell- the President’s electoral platform and the program of the government,” Tigran Sargsyan said. MTS to invest $55mln in 2011 Congratulating once again Hrair Tovmasyan on appointment to such a high in 4G network expansion post, the Prime Minister said his efforts will be followed closely by the public. Newly appointed Minister of Economy Tigran Davtyan was next to be introduced to the AH ministry staff. Congratulating Mr. Davtyan on appointment, the Prime Minister said the new minister did not need introducing as he had had quite a long experience at Minis- try of Economy: “He was a colleague of yours all along his years-long service as deputy Armenian DefenCE MiniSTer minister, in particular. So, he is familiar with task, and I am confident that the know-how SeYran OHanYan MeeTS THE gained at the post of finance minister may help him have a deeper understanding of those DeLEGATion of THE US EUro- challenges facing the economy and the State as a whole,” the Prime Minister pointed out. pean CommanD December 18, 2010, full story www.gov.am rmenian Minster of Defence Seyran THE BEST EVIDenCE of naTionaL UniTY AOhanyan met the delegation headed by the deputy chief of the J5 Department ipation of the citizens of Armenia in this of the US European Command Rear year’s telethon was especially gratifying, Admiral Mark Montgomery. Ambas- and it is increasing year after year. If in sador of the USA to Armenia Mary Jo- 2009 the number of donators from Arme- nia was 30 000, these including individu- hanovich also took part in the meeting. als and organizations, this year it reached Underlining the importance of the Ar- 42 thousand 600. Besides 20 000 dona- menian-American cooperation in the tions were made through a SMS (text) spheres of strategic defence review, mili- message, and 19 000 – through “Hay- tary education, peacekeeping, demining, Post” postal service. etc, the Minister stated that it is one of the ayastan All Armenian Fund’s “Tel- In the meanwhile most donations and most important directions of the ARM Hethon 2010” raised USD 20,863 mil- pledges, almost half of the total sum - USD MoD international military cooperation. lion donations and pledges. The money 10,600 million were received from Russia Highly evaluating Armenia’s partici- including the Moscow charity dinner at raised during the Telethon will be mostly pation in international peacekeeping allocated to the construction and recon- the participation of the President of Arme- struction of the water supply system in nia. Correspondingly USD 2,225 million missions and the effective coopera- Artsakh, as well as implementation of ru- and USD 2,112 million was donated from tion with the US, Rear Admiral Mark ral development project in the provinces of France and U.S. Western Region. USD Montgomery stated that the US Euro- Armenia. Executive Director of Hayastan 1,965 million was received from Armenia, pean Command is ready to continue All-Armenian Fund Ara Vardanyan stated and USD 1 million - from Artsakh. the cooperation and broaden its scopes. at yesterday’s press conference that partic- December 18, 2010 www.hhpress.am December 17, 2010 www.mil.am 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA RA GOVernmenT DISCUSSES proBLemS faCED BY LOCAL Begining on page 1 proDUCerS oday, more than ever, it is necessary government,” said Tigran Sargsyan. Tto take serious steps and develop ef- The parties exchanged opinions con- ficient mechanisms for the prevention of cerning efficient implementation of genocides. And today, more than ever, industrial policy in Armenia. Specifi- the impunity of different political admin- cally, tax administration, increase in ex- istrations and states, which have com- port volumes, stimulation of small and mitted the crime of genocide, absence medium enterprises, as well as tourism of international condemnation, lack of development and innovation technolo- adequate mechanisms or their inepti- rmenian Prime Minister Ti- gies were in the focus of the meeting. tude created a situation when the man- Agran Sargsyan presided over a The Armenian Prime Minister said kind, along with other grave challenges, meeting with participation of mem- it is necessary to submit the offers in still faces the threat of new genocides. bers of the Union of Local Produc- written form, saying that they will be Bitter lessons of the Armenian Genocide ers of Armenia and Committee for included in the projects, which are en- are not just memories in the history of the Financial, Economic and Budget- visaged to be implemented in the near world: they were amplified by the horrors ary Issues of the Public Council.
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