H. Marcus Masters of Modern Design.,,Fa 2,.-#L&xl.,. .. A Critical Assessment Morris Henry van de Velde Josef Hoffmann Ir illdn IIIC 13 a lulcr fi iluux XLUU~U stand 23 -- - perfect whole 35 l I Frank Lloyd Wright Le Corbusier Marianne Brandt Face to face with the Type-objects and Art and technology, machine type-furniture a new unity! 63 77 Raymond Loewy Charles and Ray Eames Achille Castiglioni Never leave well enough A method of -ion The formal ,ialities of alone 105 the industrial product 91 119 Ettore Sottsass, Jr. Jhiro Kuramata Philippe Starck H way or aiscussing me, I aon t propose anything io open tne gates to sociality, politics, food, or try to instruct people's imagination even design 147 159 133 Index cafe tables (Le Corbusier), 67 toys in design of, 112, 173, 115 candelabrum (van de Velde), 32.33 use of standardized materials by, 112 page numbers in italics refer to illustrations Casobella, 45 Eames, Ray Kaiser, 105-17 Casablanca sideboard, 134, 136 Ecole Camondo, 162 Aalto, Alvar, 107 Case Study House initiative, of Arts &Architecture, 112 eggs: Abet, 136 Castiglioni, Achille, 119-31, 121, 123, 127, 129, 131 in design of Achille Castigl~oni,122, 125 Ab~tOre,138 desk lamps of, 122, 725 in design of Raymond Loewy, 93,122 accessories (Brandt), 79 and problem of directing light, 125-26,129 Egg chair (Jacobson), 162 Academy of Art, entrance to (van de Velde), 25 Castiglioni, Livio, 121 Elea go02 computer (Sottsass), 138, 139 adjustable hanging lamps (Brandt and Przyrembel), 89 Castiglioni, Pier Giacomo, 121-30, 123, 129, 131 electrical switch (A. and P. G. Castiglioni), 124, 725 Adler, Dankmar, 49 centerpiece (Hoffmann), 41 Elysee Palace, 161, 166 After Cubism (Le Corbusier and Ozenfant), 66 "ceramics of darkness" (Sottsass), 145 Endell, August, 25 Albers, Josef, 80 chair (Hoffmann), 43 Entrance to the Academy of Art, Weimar (van de Velde), 25 Alessi, 162 chair (Kuramata), 155 Esprit Nouveou, L' (The New Spirit), 65, 68 American Moderne style, 95-97 chair (Perriand), 73 Esprit Nouveau pavilion (Le Corbusier), 68, 69, 72 Angels Watch (van de Velde), 30-32, 31 chair (Wright), 3, 57 Esprit showroom (Sottsass Associati), 137, 137 antimodernism, 149, 153 chairs (C. Eames and Saarinen), plywood and upholstery, 107 extendable table (Perriand), 73 apartment home (immeuble-villo), 68 chairs (Le Corbusier, Perriand, and Jeanneret), 72, 73 Exxon logo, studies for (Loewy), 101 Arco (Arc) lamp (A, and P. G. Castiglioni), 125, 125 chairs (van de Velde), 29 armchair (Breuer), 79, Br chair with pivoting back (Le Corbusier, Perriand, and Jeanneret), Fallingwater (Wright), 59, 59 armchair (Hoffmann), 41 73 Faulkner, Charles, 15 Armoury, St. James's Palace, 16 chair with revolving ba$ (Perriand), 73 Fiorucci showroom (Sottsass), 137 l "Art and Craft of the Machine, The" (Wright), 49 Chaise, La (C. and R. Eames), 110 Flavin, Dan, 152 I Art Deco. 41. 43-44. 74.89. 137, 150 mold for, 717 , flower holder, design for (Hoffmann), 37 ~rtNouveau, 25-27,32,37-38, 65,71,128 chaise longue (Le Corbusier, Perriand, and Jeanneret), 72, 73 Fluocaril toothbrush (Starck), 162, 163 1 Art Nouveau, L', 29, 29 clock (Brandt), 88, 89 fluorescent lighting, 122, 123 I Arts & Architecture, 112 clock (Starck), 161 Ford, Henry, 26 , Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, 21 Clock with Seven Hands (Kuramata), 149 formalist modernism, 122, 12s Arts and Crafts Movement, 27, 38, 43, 51-52. 54, 60, 79 club chair (Kuramata), 149 found objects, 131 ' Asahi brewery, golden motif on (Starck), 162 club chair (Le Corbusier, Perriand, and Jeanneret), 73 Frisbi lamp (A. Castiglioni), 126, 727 1 Ashbee, Charles Robert, 21, 38 coffee and tea service (Brandt), 79,79 "From Wine Jugs to Lighting Fixtures" (Moholy-Nagy), 84 : Attila table (Starck), 166, 167 Coldspot refrigerator (Loewy), 97.97 Fuller, Buckminster, 117 1 Austrian pavilion (Hoffmann), 43 Colonial Modern, 101 functionalist modernism, 44, 79 I Avery Coonley school building (Playhouse) (Wright), 56.57 comm;rc~al design, 112-15 Furniture in Irregular Forms (Kuramata), 153 i Compasso d'0ro prize presentations, 121 Furniture with Drawers (Kuramata), 152 Baptism of Christ in Jordan, The (Burne-Jones), 15 computers, 116, 138, 139 Barbizon painters, 30 "Contemporary American Industrial Art," 94.95 Gannet, William C., 54 ; Barnsdall, Aline, 54 Craftsman Workshops, 21 Gauguin, Paul, 30 Bauhaus, 25-26, 25, 37, 41. 74, 77-89, 94,152, 153 Chicago Arts and Crafts Society, 49 Geddes, Norman Bel, 93 collection, 87 craftsmanship: geometry. 37. 44. 54. 56. 78, 80,145,155 fabrics, 87 in Wiener Werkstatte, 38, 41 Gesomtkunsiwerk, 26, 39, 44 lighting fixtures of, 84-87 in William Morris, 11, 19 Gestetner mimeograph machine (Loewy), 93,93, 95-97 metal workshop of, 80, 81, 84, 87 Cray textile (W. Morris), 17-18, 17 Gibigiana table lamp (A. Castiglloni), 129, 129 Metallic Fest, 79, 87 cruet stand (Moser), 37 Glimpses of the U.5.A (C. and R. Eames), 717 sexism in, 80, 87, 89 Cubism, 65-66, 71 Global Tools, 142 silverware and tableware of, 84 Cumano table (A. Castiglioni), 126, 727 Good Design, no-15,135.1~2 weaving workshop, 85 cutlery (Hoffmann), 41 Gothlc Revival, 11 layley, Stephen, 94 Crammor of Ornament, The (Jones), 11, 52 lehrens, Peter, 65 Dadaism, 71, 149 Graves, Michael, 44,136,162 !ell, Larry, 152 de Chirico, Giorgio, 138 Gray Furniture (Sottsass), 141 entwood, 43 De Lucchi, Michele, 135 Green Dining Room (Webb, Burne-Jones and W. Morris), 16, 77 ,ernstein, Elmer, 114 Decorative Art of Today, The (Le Corbusier), 66, 67,126 Gropius, Walter, 25, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89 ing, Siegfried, 29,zg De St91, 74, 79, 138 Guild and School of Handicraft. 21 lacktop (C. and R. Eames), 115 Design This Day: The Technique of Order in the Machine Age lake, Peter, g8 (Teague). 93 hanging lamps (Brandt and Przyrembel), 85 loemenwerf (Haven of Flowers) (van de Velde), 25, 27-28, Design of a Very Beautiful Vase: Not Everybody Has Rice to Put Hankar, Paul, 27 27, 32 in It (Sottsass), 143 Hans Knoll Associates, 110 decor of, 27-29 desk (van de Velde), 31 Havana Cigar Company, Berlin shop of (van de Velde), 30.31 dining room at, 27.29 desk (Wright), 59 High-Tech movement, 131 odenhausen, Eberhard von, 32 Dessau building, 87 Hoffmann, Josef, 35-45,37, ook of Verse, A (W. Morris), n Dixon, Tom, 131 chairs of, redesigned by Shiro Kuramata. 150, 151 randt, Erik, 80 Domus, 138,152 critical acclaim for, 44 randt, Marianne Liebe, 77-89 Dr. Skud flyswatter (Starck), 166, 167 geometry in design of, 37 lighting devices of, 79, 79, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89 Dress, velvet (van de Velde), 29 ornamental vs. austere in works of, 44 and photography, 87 Drexler, Arthur, 98 Hollein, Hans, 137 self-portraits of, 87 Dreyfuss, Henry, 93 Hollyhock House (Wright), 54, 55 Branzi, Andrea, 135 du Pasquier, Nathalie, 135 dining room in, 55 Bredendieck, Hin, 89. 89 Duchamp, Marcel, 71,130, 149,150 Homage to Josef Hoffmann, Begin the Beguine (Kuramata), 150, Brera lamp (A. Castiglioni), 122,125 Dylan, Bob, 135 151 Breuer, Marcel, 58, 71, 74, 75, 79-80. 81, 15s Homage to Josef Hoffmann Vol. 2 (Kuramata), 149-50, 151 Brown, Ford Madox, 15 Eames, Charles, 105-17.140 "Home Furnishing" chapter header (Wright), 55 Bubble Club chair and sofa (Starck), 168, 169 "action" and "constraints" in design of, 107 Horizons (Geddes), 93 Burne-Jones, Edward, 12, 13, 15, is, 16, 77, ig,27 plywood chairs of, 106, 107 Horta, V~ctor,27 Eames, Charles and Ray, 105-17. 107, 115, 117, 129 Hot Bertaa teapot (Starck), 162, 163, 164 Cabinet No. 50 (Sottsass), 145 fllms of, 111, 112, 115. 115, 116, 117 Hotel, St Martin's Lane, lobby of (Starck), 162, 163 I cabinet on stand (W. Morris and Webb), 15 house and studio of, 112, 113, 116 House-After Five Years of Living (C. and R. Eames), 116 cabinets (Le Corbusier), 69 photographs of, 112, 116 House Beautiful, The (Wright), 54, 55 Cafe Costes (Starck), 161, 161 plywood chairs of, 107, log House of Cards (C. and R. Eames), 112, 113 House ond Gorden, 108 Le Corbusier (Charles-Edward Jeanneret), 59, 63-75, 65, 67. 69, Moderne Bouform, 43 How High the Moon armchair (Kuramata), 149, 149, 155 71, 73, 130, 138, 149, 155, 166 Molded Plywood Division of Evans Product Company, 108 1 Hupmobile (Loewy), 94, 97 and aesthetics of the machine, 68 Moholy-Nagy, Lazlo, 80, 81, 84, 87, 87 Hussar, Joseph W., 49 folk art and, 71 Mondrian, Piet, 153 Charles and Ray Eames influenced by, 111-12, 115 "Morris" chalrs, 15 IBM presentation, 1964 New York World Fair, 116 and rejection of decorative deslgn, 64 Morris and Company, 11, 15, 15, IZ 19, 49 "immobile aero dynamism," 162 simplicity in works of, 74 Morris, Jane Burden, 12, 13 Imperial Hotel, Tokyo Wright), 56, 57 type furniture of, 68-74 Morrls, Marshall, Faulkner and Company, 15, 75, 17 "In the Cause of Architecture" (Wright), 51 type objects of, 66, 68-74, 126, 127 Morris. William. 9-21, 11. 13, 17, 79, 25, 30. 74, 78, 83, 111, 159 India, influence of; unity through selection in works of, 71 and craftsmanship, 11, ig on Charles and Ray Eames, 111 Leipzig Trade Fair, 84 decorative pattern design of, 17 on Ettore Sottsass Jr., 145 Lemmen, George, 29.29 furniture design of, 15, 15 "India Report" (C. and R. Eames), 111 living room (Le Corbusier), 69 and hand production, 11, 12, 20 indigo-discharge printing process, 19, 19 living-dining room (Wright), 61 and individual workmanship, 11.12 indigo dyeing, 19 Loewy, Raymond, 59, 91-103, 95, 101, 103, 130, 152, 161 influence abroad of, 21 industrial design: American automobile industry criticized by, 101 influence of, on Josef Hoffmann, 38-39 Achille Castiglioni and, 121-30 commercial designs of, 93, 97, 97, 99 influence of, on Henry van de Velde, 27 American vs.
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