Masonic Order to sponsor Black History Ossie Davis remembered at Harlem funeral Black Trades Council to be held Ossie Davis, 87, noted writer, actor and SPORTS MENU TIPS The Youth I department of the Masonic Order The Black Trades Councal and BTC Trammg and activist, was memorialized on Saturday, February Resource Center will hold a "Rebualdmg Our Neaghborhoods, Jobs will sponsor a Black llistory program at Yorknte Masonic 12, in Harlem New York, where his stellar career Boxing Champ Max Fun Time In and Trammg Meet and Talk" on Thurday, February 24 !Tom 6 p m. llall, 13512 Kinsman Road, at 2:00 p.m. The program is to 8 p.m at the Miles Recreataon Center, 11300 Males Avenue free and open to the public and will consist of young people began 66 years ago, with the public who adored Schmeling Dies The ](jtchen Employment officers !Tom maJonty and mmonty contractors will be getting together to promote Black History with praise songs him and the stars who performed with and admired present and the Black Trades Councal and BTC Tranmg andRe- and dance as well as a skit on the life of Muhammad Ali. him. Ossie shared his career in the arts with his source Center asks attendees to bnng resumes or wntten work The program is coordinated by Thelma White of the Ohio wife, actress Ruby Dee, for more than a half cen- See Page 9 See Page 10 hastories. The meetmg, supported by Councalman Robert Whate, Grand Lodge and Pat Pitts of the National Youth Matron. as open to the pubhc. Call (216)731-7899 for more mformauon For information call (216) 641-7847 or (216) 407-2245. tury. Ossie died on February 4, in Los Angeles. VOL.26 No.4 Thesday, February 8,2005- Friday, February 11,2005 Daily ASTSID ) ISSUED FRIDAY FREE FREE SERVING: LARCHMERE-WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, LEE &AVALON, HARVARD- LEE, MILES-UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, READ ON- WRITE ON WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL\.JDGill.AND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON- WRITE ON "COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FORA BEITER TOMORROW" City Coucil against Social Security reform Cleveland offers amnesty program By KATHERJNE BULAVA court's office on the third floor of By KATHERINEBULAVA According to the resolu­ ment of personal social security ac­ the Federal Building, 1200 Ontario tion, social security has been effec­ counts. Cleveland Municipal Court Street. City Council recently tive in reducing poverty among the The resolution states that is offering an amnesty program to As anyone who has ever passed a resolution opposing Presi­ elderly, protecting the disabled and recent analyses show that the estab­ 90,000 people to whom the court has paid a traffic ticket downtown dent George W. Bush's social secu­ relatives of deceased workers and lishment of personal social security issued warrants for traffic tickets and knows, the lines at the clerk of rity reform plan, which will privatize providing a reliable source of in­ accounts while continuing to provide nonviolent misdemeanor citations court's office can be quite long and the system and establish personal come. social security benefits to current since 1999. slow, so, if you plan on heading social security accounts. Councilwoman Pat Britt beneficiaries would require a combi­ Judges are holding court down, give yourself ample time. The resolution states that (D-6) said that she chose to sup­ nation of federal borrowing, tax in­ sessions on Tuesdays and Thurs­ So far, people are respond­ social security provides a critical port the resolution because "before creases and benefit cuts that would Britt days in February from 4 p.m. to 7 ing very positively to the amnesty foundation ofincome for retired and we can rework social security, we cost between two and trillion dollars. to raise the rate of return for future p.m. for those that want to clear the program. disabled workers and that for one need to fully understand what that generations, some generations will According to the resolu­ warrants. By the end of the day on third of Americans over the age of system is and how it works." tion, the nonpartisan Congressional have to receive rates of return even The court is waiving the Tuesday, February 2, around 350 65 social security constitutes 90% Bush's social security re­ Budget Office reported that in order lower than they would have got $25 fee that it usually charges per people had come to the first ses­ oftheir income. form plan includes the establish- Continued to Page 3 arrest warrant. sion of amnesty court. The judge will then either The average tine for a traf­ hear the case or set another court fic ticket and court costs comes to Supreme Court Justice faces DUI charges date. $125. Ohio Supreme Court Justice test but surrendered her license and reg- and told them that they were wasting To clear a warrant for a traf- Arrest warrants, even for istration. Alice Robie Resnick was recently Continued to Page 8 fie violation of misdemeanor non- traffic tickets have negative conse stopped on suspicion of drunken driv­ She also told the officers that violent offense, go to the clerk of Continued to Page 8 ing. she was a Supreme Court justice. After the stop, Resnick, 65, Resnick told police that she had insisted there was nothing wrong with been swerving on the interstate because Campbell ponders levy on ballot her and insisted that the state trooper she had been talking on a cell phone. that made the stop let her go. Though the officers told her ByKATHERINEBULAVA feated. The trooper did not comply that she could not leave, Resnick thanked Giving up another tax re­ with her request and arrested the jus­ them, rolled up her window and drove Mayor Jane Campbell re­ quest means more budget concerns tice for driving under the influence. away after they returned her documents. cently said that she thought it un­ and, most likely, cuts for the Cleve­ The stop resulted from state Both officers followed the jus­ likely that voters would see a land public schools. police responding to the complaints of tice back onto 1-75. school levy asking for a tax in­ The school system already several drivers who called a highway Sayarath reponed that the jus- . .. - . crease to fund the Cleveland pub­ recently unveiled a pian to cut tice darted in between to semi trucks when patrol dispatcher to report that the 200 I lic schools in May. around $30 million from the budget Jeep Cherokee Resnick was driving, Resnick she spotted the following patrol cars. She said that she was not for the next school year. which is owned by the state. was swerv­ he knocked on the justice's window sev­ lie pulled Resnick over. saiJ ing all over the road. eral times but she would not up even he detected the smell ofalcohol and called ruling out a November school cam­ The plan includes closing At the time Resnick was though her dog, which was in the car. a supervisor. paign, but that it seems that the 14 schools and quite a few more lay­ heading south on Interstate 75 in north­ jumped into her lap and lunged at the I Janson and Sayarath reported fall ballot is already crowded. offs. west Ohio. window. that Resnick left her car and approached After meeting with Byrd-Bennett said that the Campbell Mark )Janson, who is a State Trooper Vi lay Sayarath them twice while waiting for the super­ schools CEO Barbara Byrd­ plan will balance the budget for this The same would be true of visor to arrive and that she appeared un­ Bowling Green Police Officer, spotted arrived on the seen and, together with Bennett and school board chair­ year, but that next year the schools a 2006 levy. The money would not the Jeep at a BP gas station on East II anson, asked Resnick to get out of the steady. woman Margaret Hopkins, the will face a $28 million deficit. be collected until2007. Wooster Street offofl-75. car and take a sobriety test. )Janson reported that Resnick mayor said that she had no new Campbell pointed out that IIanson said in his report that Resnick refused to take the became very upset with him and Sayarath Campbell dismissed con­ information for Clevelanders so the school district would not be able cerns that she has opted out of put­ soon after the recent school levy to collect new tax money unti12006 ting a school levy on the ballot be­ that would have raised $68 million if voters did approve a May or No­ cause she is focusing on her reelec annually for the schools was de- vember levy. Continued to Page3 Local NAACP gets new leader The NAACP Cleveland and nationally, needs to define con­ which are over 50 years of age. office recently appointed Stanley temporary civil rights issues, re­ The age gap is not as diffi­ Miller, 56, as their new executive charge the mission and attract young cult to bridge as the class gap, ac­ Hall Anderson Rillieux Marshall Wheatley director. people to the movement. cording to Miller. The appointment is the In the late 1960s, the local The NAACP has tradi­ biggest change that the local NAACP had 20,000 due paying tionally focus on urban black is A salute to Black History heroes NAACP has seen in recent years. members but has only 3,000, 85% of Continued to Page 3 In honor of Black His­ She was the first African staff of the NAACP and as Chief Miller replaced Cleveland tory Month, we salute the contri­ American woman to sing in the Counsel for its legal Defense and Municipal Judge Pauline Tarver, Red light cameras to bring city money bution of some of those African Metropolitan Opera Company, per­ Educational Fund, fought for who served almost 25 years in the By KATHERINEBULAVA not come up with a remedy for a car post before she stepped down to American heroes who helped to forming in the "Masked Ball." "seperate but equal" facilities for owner who receives a ticket for a run for judge.
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