THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHTTESBURG, KY. Simple Patch Makes I Speaking of Sports Toughest Sports Job Swing Skirt and Contrast Jacket TAKE it from a man who has New Slenderizing Dresses This Quilt Block .Inn, C. AMI nn'm AffVilo Former Greats AbACAGEU OUllUSb W,UUV pUC tlg..l. m the past 12 years Art uon- - By CHERIE NICHOLAS Get out your scrap bag and get ovan of New York the toughest of ready to start your Calico Cat Will Coach in ficial job in any sport is that of quilt. Each cat patch measures third man in the ring. about 4 by 8 inches and is so easy Umpiring a ball game, officiating to apply. You'll be delighted with International on the gridiron or being an arbiter its colorfulness. Use it on a pil- in a basketball or tennis champion- low too; it's very effective. Pat- - By GEORGE A. BARCLAY ship is a soft touch compared with faces will be seen in refereeing a contest in the squared OLD circle in Mr. Donovan s opmion. nlaces when. the Inter- - national league opens its 1938 "In any other sport," he says, the fans never have any doubt season. Names that made about the result because the score sports' headlines a decade ago tells the story. But in a fight there in the baseball big show will be is no score and every fan no matter on the team rosters. where he is sitting thinks his eye- You'll recognize a good many dia sight, judgment, knowledge of box- mond heroes of yesteryear among ing and experience are keener than the managers and coaches. Restora- those of the man in the ring with tion of an old league rule permitting the fighters. each manager to enlist a coach has "No two people look at a fight in opened jobs for some. Vacancies in the same way. Suppose some Fancy the managerial ranks have spelled Dan lands six light taps that opportunity for others. wouldn't muss a baby's hair on There's Jim Bottomley, for in the other fellow's face and the other stance, who will manage the Syra fellow a rough, tough guy lands cuse team. A standout when he terrific right hook under the heart. How would you score the tern 1583 contains accurate pat played first for the St. Louis Cardi- nals in the world's championship result? In my book the fellow who tern pieces; a diagram of block does the most damage is the fellow which serves as a guide for plac- who wins. con ing the patches and suggests like complete, sim- "What I mean is that a man trasting materials; Jack Dempsey might almost kill an ple instructions for cutting, sew- opponent finishing, together with with three solid punches. ing and He might take a dozen feather duster yardage chart; diagram of quilt taps to get to arrange blocks for single just a chance land to help one solid wallop and with that punch and double bed size. he'd do more damage than he'd Send 15 cents in stamps or coins a jabs." (coins preferred) for this pattern receive from hundred to The Sewing Circle, Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York. Dodgers' Renaissance up 39- your name, ad- - ' TF YOU'RE Size 36 requires 5 yards of - Please write QN THE strength of the- high in the dress and pattern number plainly. priced purchase of Base class, here are three brand new mch material. First designed man Dolph Camilli from the Phil- fashions designed especially for 1482 is for sizes 32, 34, lies recently, Larry McPhail may you! Everyone of them is ex 36, 38, 40, 42, 44. Size 34 requires 2 Steps in Fighting yet make something out of the ''' tremely smart and everyone is 4 yards of 39-in- ch material, with Brooklyn Dodgers. enfe i' designed to give added charm and short sleeves. With long sleeves, dignity to full figures. They are 4 yards. Discomfort of The acquisition of a left-han- d pull-- "PHE sports costumes here shown a modern costume into a perfect easy to make. The patterns are Spring-Summ- er Pattern Book. hitter like Camilli who should be begin- are just about as swank as they unit. carefully planned to help Send 15 cents "natural" for the Ebbets Field - by for the Barbara right field target may rouse the make 'em. The feature emphasized Especially in the realm of sport- ners, and each is accompanied Bell Spring and Summer Pattern ac- So m daffiness boys to a new and amaz by each and which, let us assure wear is the theory of the right a detailed sew chart. start Book which is now ready. It con- right costume be tomorrow, and have at least two COLDS ing habit of 'winning some ball you, is a first and foremost trend cessories for the tains 109 attractive, practical and games. in the stylmg of spring suits and ing worked out to a nicety. In fact of them ready for Easter. Jim Bottomley But the most astonishing becoming designs. The Barbara thing about the whole transaction is sports outfits is that of the jacket we have gone quite English when Princess House Dress. Bell patterns are well planned, ENTERS BODY jrC of detail days of the twenties, he finished his the fact that the Dodgers are said that contrasts the skirt. This idea it comes to perfection It's a sure way to start the accurately cut and easy to follow. of is car- has to do with our town and 1 THROUGH major career as a coach for to have parted with $60,000 in cash contrast jacket and skirt that day right, having a dress as be Each pattern includes a sew-cha-rt STOMACH fC league country spectator and JTK St. Louis Browns. Now he's get- to get Camilli an unheard of sum rying on so successfully, leading tweeds, our coming and pretty as this one to which enables even a beginner to INTESTINES the sportswear de- sports clothes our cam lofljj) ting his chance as a manager. Bot in Flatbush history. specialty shops and active and put on first thing in the morning. cut and make her own clothes. signed old Hank Seve-- partments are selling one skirt pus outfits. Consider the matter takes a woman with some Send your order to The Sewing tomley has Whether McPhail made a wise With of shoes hosiery should It as coach. move plus several jackets. different and that plumpness to do justice to that Circle Pattern Dept., Room 1020, reid or not will be apparent in the of the costume be worn with the sturdy outdoor cos turnstiles after the season gets well "sets" accessories fitted, long line. Made up in print 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, HI. may be tuned to intriguing and tume. British women have long es y, Vets Get Chance under way. The factional battle in ed percale, gingham or cham-bra- Price of patterns, 15 cents (in varied color moods. tablished as correct accessory to coins) Over Johnny Neun, the Brooklyn management disgust with rows of ricrac braid, each. at Newark, A copper, brown and beige striped their smart tweeds, brogues that so ffl Bell Syndicate WNU Service. old-tim- ed the fans and made them stay this dress will be successful e Boston Red Sox first base tweed jacket topping a light brown spell comfort and a fitness of things. try-ou- away. Now with McPhail making that you'll use the pattern time man, is getting his managerial t. tweed skirt makes a smart spectator With these they wear sensible fine again. He succeeds Oscar Vitt, who gestures of reconstruction, the fans lisle hosiery. We, the American and may be lured back again. sports costume for spring as worn Afternoon Your Food Is Your Fate moved up to the job of piloting the young above women, are coming to just that. In Graceful Frock. Brooklyn by the woman seated XPjffl Cleveland Indians after producing a has always been one of is voguish-l- y deed, the most exciting news about An especially charming style third of the series of RELIEVES in in the illustration. It THE 2 9THROAT pennant winner. Neun will be aided the best franchises the major ensembled with a pale beige felt stockings is the recent introduction for luncheons, bridge parties and entitled "What to RAWNESS.PAINt73 by Benny Bengough. Travis Jack leagues. The fans are rabid and sports hat, matching doeskin gloves, of smartly styled club meetings. The full sleeves Eat and Why," written by C. Xs son's first assistant at Jersey City deep copper brown calf spectator sports stockings of domestic cotton make your arms look small, and Houston Goudiss, the eminent will be Alex Gaston. Steve O'Neill sports shoes with built-u- p leather lisle. are very graceful in themselves. food authority, author and ra- IT will have George Uhle with him at heels and fine lisle mesh copper This spring nearly all the lead Gathers at the shoulders create dio lecturer, appears in this All it usually costs to relieve the Buffalo. color stockings. Thft tailoring of ing hosiery manufacturers are necessary bust fullness. Make this issue. misery of cold today is to 5 a 3f The International league, holder the jacket shows superb workman- bringing out home-grow- n durene dress for now in silk print or chif In these articles Mr. Goudiss relief for the period of your cold of the "little world's championship" ship and the presence of useful as lisle hose that are sleek, bulkless fon.
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