Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09066-8 - The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Edited by Edward Larrissy Index More information INDEX Aark Arts, 188 Alvi, Moniza, 192 , 205 Abandonedbuildings , 91 The Country at my Shoulder , 188 Abse, Dannie, 244 – 5 Amis, Kingsley, 3 , 4 , 28 , 32 , 57 Poetry and Poverty , 244 Bright November , 28 See also Mavericks ‘Mightier than the Pen’, 35 Ackroyd, Peter, 238 Amis, Martin, 254 Adams, Anna, 205 Ampurias, 64 Adcock, Fleur, 201 , 203 , 205 Anglo-Irish Treaty, 131 The Faber Book of Twentieth Century Anglo-Welsh Poetry 1480–1990 , 163 Women Poets , 197 , 202 See also Garlick, Raymond , and ‘Instructions to a Vampire’, 203 Mathias, Roland Agard, John, 6 , 188 , 192 Angry Young Men, 118 Agbabi, Patience, 205 , 234 Angus, Marion, 149 Bloodshot Monochrome , 232 Anvil Press, 118 ‘The London Eye’, 232 – 3 ap Gwilym, Dafydd, 164 , 170 Telling Tales , 190 ‘Y Gwynt’, 164 Albion Village Press, 4 Apocalyptic poets, 54 Aldermaston marches, 69 Apples and Snakes, 77 Ali, Monica, 181 Armitage, Simon, 110 , 242 , 254 Allen, Michael, 137 ‘The Stuff’, 112 – 13 Allingham, William, 134 Zoom! , 112 Allen, Donald Arnold, Matthew, 189 The New American Poetry , 65 ‘Dover Beach’, 189 Allen Lane publishers, 55 Arts Council, 87 , 241 , 248 , 249 Allen, Woody Arvon, 240 – 41 The Purple Rose of Cairo , 233 Ashbery, John, 44 Allison, Jonathan, 139 Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 151 Allnut, Gillian. 205 Astley, Neil, 248 , 249 ‘Convent’, 207 Atta, Dean ‘The Talking Princess’, 200 I Am Nobody’s Nigger , 190 See also The New British Poetry, Auden, W.H., 2 , 10 , 12 , 27 , 33 , 39 – 43 , 44 , 1968–1988 45 , 47 , 48 – 9 , 50 , 54 , 165 Alvarez, A., 65 , 66 The Age of Anxiety , 44 , 45 , 48 – 9 ‘Beyond All this Fiddle’, 55 Another Time , 40 The New Poetry , 4 , 6 , 28 , 30 – 31 , 48 , ‘A Summer Night’, 40 54 – 7 , 60 , 108 , 132 ‘August for the people’, 40 ‘The New Poetry, or Beyond the Gentility ‘Caliban to the Audience’, 42 , 48 Principle’, 30 – 31 , 54 Collected Longer Poems , 41 273 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09066-8 - The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Edited by Edward Larrissy Index More information Index Auden, W.H. (cont.) Beatles, 28 , 230 Collected Poetry (1945), 39 – 43 Beautiful Barbarians , 199 Collected Shorter Poems , 41 , 42 Beddoes, Thomas Lovell, 15 ‘Depravity: A Sermon’, 42 Belfast, 7 , 250 The Dog Beneath the Skin , 42 See also Queen’s University Double Man , 41 Belli, Giuseppe, 154 The Dyer’s Hand , 49 Benjamin, Walter, 94 For the Time Being , 39 , 42 Bergonzi, Bernard, 246 ‘Here on the cropped grass’, 40 Bergvall, Caroline, 78 ‘Horae Canonicae’, 48 Bernikow, Louise Italian Journey (Goethe) translation, 49 The World Split Open , 198 ‘Letter to a Wound’, 42 Bernstein, Charles, 91 Letters from Iceland , 47 Berry, James, 183 , 191 Look, Stranger! , 40 , 41 Bluefoot Traveller , 185 , 186 ‘Musée des Beaux Arts’, 41 News for Babylon , 187 New Year Letter , 39 , 41 , 49 ‘On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Nones , 2 Victoria, 1955’, 183 The Orators , 42 Berry, Liz, 242 Paid on Both Sides , 40 Berryman, John, 31 , 56 Paul Bunyan , 43 Bertram, Vicki, 206 , 209 Poems , 40 Gendering Poetry , 197 The Sea and the Mirror , 39 , 42 Betjeman, John, 2 , 166 Selected Poems , 42 – 3 Collected Poems , 2 ‘September 1, 1939’, 40 , 42 Better Books, 74 , 77 The Shield of Achilles , 2 Bhatt, Sujata, 205 ‘Sir, No Man’s Enemy’, 42 Bible, 243 , 244 ‘Spain’, 42 , 44 Bidgood, Ruth, 170 , 173 Bielski, Alison, 170 Bad Press, 91 Across the Burning Sand , 170 Bailey, Harry, 190 ‘hunting the wren’, 170 Bangor University, 251 ‘sacramental sonnets’, 170 Baraka, Amiri, 186 Twentieth-Century Flood , 170 Barker, George, 2 , 22 ‘wild leek, Flatholm Island’, 170 Calamiterror , 21 Binta Breeze, Jean, 205 Lament in Triumph , 21 Riddym Ravings and Other The True Confession of George Poems , 184 Barker , 21 Birkbeck, 247 Barnie, John, 173 Birmingham, 62 ‘About the Usk’, 173 Black British Poetry, 6 ‘Barque’, 91 Blackburn, Thomas, 248 Barrell, John, 251 Blackman, Malorie, 192 Barry, Peter, 62 , 89 , 109 – 10 Black Mountain, 3 , 89 , 156 , 160 Poetry Wars , 87 Black Panther movement, 184 Bassnett, Susan, 251 Blair, Tony, 94 Bateman, Meg, 158 Blake, William, 1 , 19 , 22 , 82 , 242 Aotromachd agus dàin eile / Lightness Bletchley Park, 11 and other poems , 158 Bloodaxe Press, 188 , 192 , 197 , 248 Soirbheas / Fair Wind , 158 Ten North-East Poets , 249 Transparencies , 158 Bloom, Valerie, 185 Baudelaire, Charles, 14 , 94 Bluecoat Arts Centre, 78 Bayley, John, 104 Blunt, Anthony, 139 BBC, 75 , 188 , 244 , 254 Boccaccio, Giovanni Beat poets, 156 Decameron , 234 274 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09066-8 - The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Edited by Edward Larrissy Index More information Index Boland, Eavan, 130 Butlin, Ron, 159 A Poet’s Dublin , 231 Byrne, Michel ‘City of Shadows’, 231 Modern Scottish Women Poets , 150 ‘The Harbour’, 232 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 1 Bolton University, 247 Bonney, Sean, 82 , 92 , 94 – 5 Caesar, Adrian, 107 Abandonedbuildings , 91 Cambridge, 128 , 249 , 251 Document , 94 – 5 Cambridge Conference of Contemporary Happiness , 94 Poetry, 85 Poisons, their antidotes , 94 Cambridge ‘Group’, 240 , 245 , 251 Bowles, Jane, 43 See also ‘The Group’ Bowles, Paul, 43 Cambridge University, 244 , 245 , 251 Brackenbury, Alison, 205 Campbell, Angus Peter, 160 Bradbury, Malcolm, 247 Campbell, Roy, 150 Brady, Andrea, 92 – 3 Carcanet, 118 , 253 Cold Calling , 92 Carey, Peter Brathwaite, Kamau, 184 Oscar and Lucinda , 235 Bread and Roses Caribbean Artists’ Movement, 184 See Scott, Diana Caribbean Voices , 178 , 184 Breton, André, 19 Carpenter, Humphrey, 41 Brett, Michael, 45 Carruth, Jim, 160 British Nationality Act, 178 Carruthers, Gerard, 5 British Poetry Revival, 8 , 20 , 65 , 83 , 90 Carson, Ciaran, 135 , 142 , 230 – 31 , Brittany, 64 236 , 251 Britten, Benjamin, 39 , 43 , 49 ‘Ambition’, 230 Paul Bunyan , 43 ‘Barfl y’, 230 Broom, Sarah, 179 ‘Bedtime Story’, 230 Brown, Merle E., 218 Belfast Confetti , 230 Brown, Pete, 75 , 78 ‘Belfast Confetti’, 230 Brown, Terence, 130 ‘Gate’, 230 Northern Voices , 134 ‘Jawbox’, 230 Browning, Robert, 113 ‘Last Orders’, 230 Bruce, George, 149 ‘Loaf’, 230 Bryce, Colette, 206 ‘Night Out’, 230 Buchan, Tom, 159 ‘Schoolboys and Idlers of Pompeii’, 230 Dolphins at Cochin , 159 Shamrock Tea , 234 Buck, Claire, 78 , 199 , 201 – 02 CAST , 242 Bunting, Basil, 50 – 51 , 122 , 248 , 249 Cézanne, Paul, 16 Briggfl atts , 3 , 4 , 39 , 46 , 49 , 50 – 51 , 64 , Chamberlain, Brenda, 170 83 , 248 The Green Heart , 170 ‘The Spoils’, 49 Charles University, Prague, 248 Burns, Elizabeth, 159 Chartists, 113 Held , 159 Chatterton, Thomas, 82 Ophelia , 159 Chatto and Windus, 244 Burnside, John, 160 , 215 Chaucer, Geoffrey Black Cat , 160 Canterbury Tales , 190 Common Knowledge , 160 Chicago Review , 92 The Hoop , 160 Childs, Peter, 109 ‘Koi’, 224 Claire, Paula, 78 Burroughs, William, 75 Clanchy, Kate, 205 , 206 Burton, Richard, 47 Clare, John, 15 , 82 Burton, Thomas, 47 Clarke, Adrian Butler Education Act, 29 , 116 , 118 Floating Capital , 84 275 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09066-8 - The Cambridge Companion to British Poetry, 1945–2010 Edited by Edward Larrissy Index More information Index Clarke, Gillian, 170 – 71 , 173 , 205 Crichton Smith, Iain, 150 , 153 – 54 ‘Cofi ant’, 171 A Life , 153 ‘The King of Britain’s Daughter’, 171 Deer on the High Hills , 153 ‘Letter from a Far Country’, 171 The Law and the Grace , 153 Snow on the Mountain , 170 The Long River , 153 The Sundial , 170 ‘Old Woman’, 153 Cleverdon, Douglas, 47 ‘Poem of Lewis’, 153 CND, 69 Thistles and Roses , 153 Cobbing, Bob, 77 ‘Two Girls Singing’, 153 Cockney School, 113 Crozier, Andrew, 86 Coffey, Brian, 5 The English Intelligencer , 86 Cold War, 149 , 150 , 215 Cruickshank, Helen B., 149 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 14 , 15 , 22 Culler, Jonathan, 76 Collins, Merle, 185 , 205 Cutlasses and Earrings , 199 ‘Common Cultureword’, 191 Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, 169 ‘Complete Works’ project, 191 Complicities , 91 – 2 D’Aguiar, Fred, 186 , 192 Conn, Stewart, 159 See also The New British Poetry, Stolen Light , 159 1968–1988 Connolly, Cyril, 44 Dali, Salvador, 43 Horizon , 44 The Dark Horse , 246 Conquest, Robert, 31 , 32 , 66 Darley, George, 15 New Lines , 2 , 20 , 25 , 26 – 8 , 32 , 34 , Davie, Donald, 2 , 4 , 32 , 34 – 6 , 61 , 118 – 19 , 120 35 , 54 , 56 Articulate Energy , 60 New Lines II , 56 Brides of Reason , 28 Conran, Tony, 169 , 171 ‘Homage to William Cowper’, 34 Contact Theatre, 78 Thomas Hardy and British Poetry , 34 Contrafl ow on the Superhighway ‘Poem as Abstract’, 34 See Price, Richard , and Herbert, W.N. Six Epistles to Eva Hesse , 35 Cope, Wendy, 205 Davies, Grahame ‘Daily Help’, 207 ‘Pontcanna Blues’, 172 ‘You’re Not Allowed’, 207 Davies, Hugh Sykes, 19 Coppe, Abiezer, 82 Davies, Idris, 167 Corbett, Sarah The Angry Summer , 167 And She Was , 236 Gwalia Deserta , 167 Corbluth, Elsa, 205 ‘Mineowner’, 167 Corcoran, Neil, 26 , 117 Tonypandy and Other Poems , 167 Corso, Gregory, 69 , 71 , 74 , 75 Davies, Rhys, 163 , 164 ‘Mutations of the Spirit’, 75 – 6 Dawes, Kwame, 181 , 192 Council for College and University English, 240 Afro-Poets school, 191 Couzyn, Jeni, 205 Red , 191 Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Day Lewis, Cecil, 244 Women Poets , 197 , 203 Deane, Seamus, 133 Cowper
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