r . ; , u / i '=i.T£RN •••• iChC jr.AP-^;'ICS 453!> 3!/ i : 0 . p: r T- SALALT LA<[ cirr ur i i i K T ■ ■Jsa»f9Sitd y e a i; N k t 7 4 e, Sunday, li Mararcn5^998"""^" G oodmoknpJMG m B attt Struck W i E A T H E R ^ H I b y liu ck ■esK vsBsb i£ s 5 to 153IDi^U^^^^ifaS0B1&Cf i e ' w ii a r f t c wSi^h Bwam . ~ni ^riW h e 13th A l @ o n d m T fT v^ m HS ^ T r u c k bjill i gets nod; 3 b = = H || M iliiiiiiiiii[1 issue looms ^ TTwAssodatadPw»TBtl___________________' ven th o u ^ h was F z i ^ thele 13th, retiring Gov.G Phil Ban scored one of3f . hisbiggestle^pslative victories. Sut lie-was16 also presenteeed witb a major politicBlil dilemma. Tbe state wilnil experiment -wi± b ieg gff tru d a on its bijhighways as he-warned. Btitit he will have to dedde what to do -widt jiJl legally Questiodonable abortion ban tiiatn raiil**iiriM ir .....HWMW. could th m te n the political future of fd-3- «E tdia»niniicSdidk e low Republican:Lns who voted for iL BUB ^ ■ 1 In the span oof litde more timn a -wecik.l:. cdcradmndmaemli ^ ■ 3 the governor -— or in his view his liou-u- ______ tenants — pulleled out an the stops lolirins« r ~ ^i t « r t X : ---------- tlis plan for a pUpilot test o theawerimde^ da—a — :— IMM Idaho highwayays back Id Mthly viiinarM to distiirbances from the dead. StoRTS T te S MilMtt M My bl food lor ttttka SMl, bit dMM «k Ds» S t itoy ^ m StB cold and bwtiy - and h “I stayed abcbove the fray,” Batt said,td.'^ow , some of my ^f*hnrfr«»p nuQ' have gotu tleovenealous,* Cajoling,iminplied not d irect popoUtical threats and gogood bid ' horse tradinsng took r '1 l e w ; pulled a priori posal back fre ItefcpntacliB nm - Call'ofth ild? 5 ^oresfc^rikatitel hours before ^ Sent^ ion ConuniRee narrow^sr - ^ Idahoo’s hills are;; ^ v e with1 the souncid of enginaes: I bin, big truck .opponents were stin prediclicdng tfaQr ^ 'v o te s SDD kmit. W.C5 1 Friday Ban’s allies nm edd bade a laS^iittSST^^toW tiieWn ^ - ' r ^ iS - I & h o ^ i* a ^ is OQ dWTOL andsecuredSeo ' '.zniErE«tLS- ' It tspS;oS a nrelativdy ^od final iwSarr . M m w h i d M a n descrxpdons- aaowxDiwxno> manoe for a lannoe^udc governor, K&io !bu ^^7^ U^nnacQdfad ^ M M o w m d e r f i w a ^ . ishown no incliOination for confrontationn liDy'gDliiS'iritere n a n liss rare with headstzonfing lawmakers. In fact. Ila ^ ''' Ifliteiis suggestt 1that Bate Sn^edlysenSs - ■^—SroSB5»lSk2 ' tfaem mixed stgjgnals'bysdvocatingniitro- - . posal and thealen -when «sked ab o n t ots tiifce * a t cdttid; ning lawmdesta-Oe de c a wD. EbnSr)M ii»e»'s»t»«Sa 0 : istbere. ' iBirsiBXCSidBtSHH<MagieyaneynQ»efTi» n budget .-writers ireaclly BK l^W oJieel^ a rOMen tofKritandCainfc;' •SPc.!.. ■ Even when * -iim ' iiii; llby s b e l^ £is expandeii de eith er neana less critters or< ''•' MMiikHBWii . healdi care foir r: poor c^dlAei^ Batt cdledd ans o a p e o ^ * NeOis said.-I)• •. '.I'l I r* them on the eacarpet cnily <to ammraoBtsiy ^ t&ttsonpfeJ*' • / sayitwasnotaa ^ to^jda^-wnod- nitfiibH «:iaE iE se as I rXines- atoi^u^urrt r visitadda is on (he rise 1 L sbed.Ih^rden ■nw>n«»<iftfa«tMiieandmnni“ pey •■ - -• --rim WT« ulTTtagWtf^tlttt cBticB. Modv Tdnde* are lesdiiadnitt neariyly everything tfam he aakafli t&eefiat^bacac ad&pnipdled travelers > iodc 1 payment on anew potk, Bfiaair,' -■' Tdists. snowsfaoers and skiers[ers- •■ ■ . ' for — a down ] more casfa to co]»pe-wilh jwremle oma nddhh igintD new ftontiers. i/MflMM* offenders, a pa hi ceof’em and tfaeir e ^ bOirifsssare a: • ' , '•', pay hike’for state-wotkec,c, ■IBesAmecei >dosatoa judges and tbee :statewide dected iffieMsIs sakL ' -l^iiWMttiiapnbtMnm baO aboot An DildentHMsiM^ tnm fh* fiaflwnatwfi iwlntsror irtiogetswamiiI in n e s January and acadree unti7 iM<*;iiiick«tlMn•m to dopiM anw D InlI«^to!jS«S?riongwfc ar ofnewtaxcoQeclectors. Please see MUlK.PaKB)^ A 2 iw fctftuiaiiUiudws,*, wMiy A Mimttnas drop daadd fr(rom tha exertion. AndwfaOehisds lepdatxve Tecord MBS ootn OpiNiaNi p ^ e c t, it was! tabou 5050. E e got QnsBer _ trucks, lower- 1)bighway speed lin to forJ iuKdnUlbedm em i rj C trucks and hisis sentencing .altftmaOTes.i, . ■ sQuelch a(iccusationi charter schools)ls and -agordable hrmange E ^aribsrkeffiH idsv^ M cKi[inneyvercrdictmays ii««i«fiiKr«» Andid he was stin » -sawe rgeant major of the Anny. is in fact h is p lan 'fo r makingn xhe Sisdnon <tSff • V 'B a n ees, s a n . attorney , as serg« 1 Quditya {linjledgnd matee 3 ! i - * S « ! - . represissendBg retired havinglg ia chiUihg effea among menenaswell I Environmental ( omen throughout the aimeded forces, department, alliltfaough the prognotos wmsIS HOBTBEtVC.VQIR, Va. — The issoe o f' Maj. Brenda , as worn \ er. a . former . accordii-ding to legaland mOitaiy obseiijservw . poor. loenc m tfae miiitBrjr was on hemessage-HTQiSWriniirpeipersoirse) --------He4ost-wateter^uality-jwoteacien i£vr -- Jj. Las th e Arsi:^s fonner top speechch - w rite r. lo r T’^TEe' sadies of the Middle 3 ^ ™n STL'S^ . : JfcKininney ' w h o . lofty tbttbat he or ^ won’t be i n vistigated," ^ . wilderness reai D «n&nediisan.&i&i tfae CDnrt-maniat of Sgc. ■ idiDg an-accuser, says attorneyatt Salmon and SeSelway rivers, revision itf lHg,GeeieSiEnoey. Legalotttetrm say brought(httbefirst public includi tiejuat^ truck tax and ;es against him. EugeneoeFldell, prudent of the: NlNaficmal the state’s antie I Ifcatar:..^'^'. Itaw —___ . Jte tSemiBtaiTWV " wbo wandied may .bie the Army ing of the sopepenaajority xopass «diiAa ■' ■ I ^ wTtw MMf tD' fc**” wiwTttf ?w tht» book her head in Institutitute of Military Jusdce. * ^ 6 *«lliin..-..3a ThU *^ rically hasn’t paid attendon t( -f fcageKwit]ntwar disbeUslief when she historia ^ n o t approve local'pptiiajb ■ nm........s m s....._— 2 jsmiiBttaeaes ******) tfae diaracter of heard1 tthe “not guilty" es." f local govemmem na n SiOh verdtoctsreadFri^. Asaia result of tbe trial, m en—-frompri- fre voter rq>eal o fi y iw uiB a3,as o m btf’SflS s .’. BiJamQ»«« OniM rlhii^ .'••.'Hie. 1 to generals — may be reviewriewing or its, but tfaey are10 jeady to put * e iBue e tfiembefiacetbefae a wre th at ca n r i g e d ^ e.' .other five vates to eraU bade before mm n tflnS . M B t e — - j a • . »gations against chongi;iging their behavior, saidlid Anne term limits crrer is I f one diarge; obstniction of women who made alleg Iveisityof fall in a ballot aeadvisory. mm'-Mrn\9Mami a E MdOnney did so after EQi[ ^ te r ^ a lw g o t Coughli a professor at tiu Ilnivei »iw.Atl^one. Vir^nia • WhatBattdidiid get-diat he iredly did 31&it aaHliies were aired for all to c m ^ n p in tbe court C8! lat l«»dation diat advocaia9 ■ m a S B U L . to n S ed under direct ordeilen.-WMthese Fornr now,-nobody seema comfort*ortableas wanttoseevdiai » g wWpTBmijrf pn»gn « n g ie« ^nimry— IQce dvillan sodety-ty—^ p - say prohibita sau n objectionable ihtte^er^P •. S o c t a B ate babieSk as tb e defense ■omoi cani* forward, thehev thoufihr thev themilii sdure but diat 13 cm tts I t oe , iverecaIliiig8faodiine,*Baiamessaid.Tlhey pics for vroys to eliminate sontalalbwass* 1 , idxirtion pnicedi MUblUwJM 'SM *B■ F :woaien asvengeftil Iiai« of . : in a workplace’where womeitniKi con* eidier blocdeed[ oor voided on gnnmds Aat «t tadcbnaaerastxyxDg n b t ^ dawd an boo> didn’t know they were gigoing to.be sen- ment in mconstitutionanylbans-gttthih _____ ■ ICTKCCI. • » tOMfcnUmejMUIc" » ■ ------ . - M ------------p rise ababout-14 percent of the.worice■Aitiie; the___isao.br^ j t ^ n’lPi^A^ . aDy^abdrtioniok. , “■ . v.1uii)pui3e.^iii»ia,; ieefii 8 n r a ^ 4 ”'s u d Sosan Ifae caae, vriddi C 0tt.u .'. V , PIranmyEIIDiCT.f M s m[lEElttlingg^am ehabDitatpayss off for Stjtate land<lowiiersi - ® ® “^‘SSdSSSSSS Gm sshbd~ Of ; JiSSg^lg r'' ?^«s Sb ii ^mi fliiaiBBB sm ssm w ut- M Hmw#iiwi,ni1n Fli.ltfite * , l Sondv.ktectililM SI IF I ar—kViiHaMa a Is Precipitation ComosProkle Today MondoyM UiesBdoy Wsdnesdsday ihusdcyr T w i i i F a lls , , Yesterday ItiTwin'Falli .... K: 55 Uw: 28 Yesterday 62 2 udy wilh isobted rain Month to date: .as k Last year 49 2 Nonnalmo.todate: s i showerw en , continuing this I Nomul 52 2 S2 cvcnlnjning. Morning snow Water year to date: . 6J0 ihowcnw slitefy . Normal year lo date.-- 5.555.55 fc S6 Low-. 35 HfhSOi MM H ighsA ow'S s. tH ^ 6 3 low:3S I Low: 30. Lowlow:20i High:M Low:' 20 I d a h o TreoaxeWaley stiy cloudy with SQgNchnz f btncn»sii«doulsw«) Mostly ceofmamirg MoOlysunny. Moaly sunny. Mln Pep l^hoi High, 69eV isohKdso^cxnn 8^ Mtd oin and B»w ainorsnawswdwAos. Max j 1:6 5 tow : 41 * . Boise M 40 .... depec* at Hagernvm.mtn. showcrslorvG^ • *tMWSncR. j 7 __ Low. 11 degrees «i tfy doMcfy with souh- Buriey 66 WflJ c u t windswir 5 to 10 mph. BfOM f f ' •*”* Stanley. ' i ^ ^ ■ 1 Fairfield i ° .... Natlwir High, M84 aiai With rain shw ers HMcrman 69 30 PrwldtnInilf,^ r,^,.
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