Serving Lesbians, Gay Men, Their Friends in the Redwood Empire November 1988 Voi. I No. 7 Come Out. Come but, ACHTENBERG SPEAKS AT DEMO DINNER Wherever You Were Clay ^ñiíT-ésB Íañ üemocratá^Seeri as Valid Political Players^^ By Pameta^anyon rivers_________ address the AIDS crisis. Eighth District City Council candidate, oberta Adildóbeig, San Fran­ Bruce Kdroo, aligned himself with “life af­ cisco attofney for the Lesbian firming values’* to support funding in Santa R i^ts Project, addressed the Rosa for AIDS Education, senior citizens, Sonoma County Gay and Les­ family, child cate and health care-issues Rbian Democtatic Qub at a fomtal dinnerinqncting on the atyi -Achtenberg told Demo­ Sqttember 26 geared toiaise voterconscious- - cratic voters the thrust of AIDS.lnilialive,. ness about the presidential dectkn and state­ Proposition 96 “oqritalized onpeoples* igno­ wide AIDS Initiatives, Propositioas 102 and rance and fear, countering educatk» and 96. She told guests, among them a sizable logic.“ Staesaidthepnqpositkmfotcespeoide num ber o f local political caiMlidates for C hy who are only accused of a crime, hoK Council and thecounty Board of Sspervisors, provengnilty by a court of law. to submit to tte gay and lesbian Democrais were not an AIDS testhig. “ezpendable mmotity.” “Such a ^ does not ptotett the safety of rShe emphasized that "we are a miified ■’ law enforoement as it claims to do^ group thatcan crease poBiicalpowertoorgm- but in turn assanito the rights of those oftea iae and walk predncis to deliver the cunency perceived as being gay.” of volea, volqoiBas and money to a Deaiu- crBrtccaniBsto,,sndwhqaidbeiBcogiiiaeda8^ he warned that Rroposition 102 was a vattd poW cil plQier in dm ayasem.” “counterproductive" and would She atiessedtheiBcipBBcily inhereiriin burden the state with billions of poBtica, tolling Demócrata to “support those doBats in health cate costs. load candidaiBS that support ns on bdurif of “MandaSory AIDS testing would dis- Gqr and Ledian righto, and to do everything oomage vobnitaiy testing, early treatment possible to change voters* minds regarding and behavior modification.* and'wonid re­ theaepropositiottt ao we win not feel we con- sult in “conditional empktymetri practices tributod to the death of more brothers and “on die job.* Adrienbetf cominoed. JANET ZAGORM/PHOTOQENICS siators.” SheatressedP>opositionl02could farce Aldtoogh not a chapter affiliate of the Stroliing down memory Ume a Sonoma County s first celebratioH o f National Coming Out apfdkanto and enqiloyees to take tests that DayinOctober, AJmost 200people turned out to share thtir bldtons, smpbooks, dippings San Hrancisoo (HJX:. the Sonoma County would “provide dear opportuniiy far insur- Pay and Lesbian Democratic Onb is a rural andmemontidfiaandlowatekaretrospeetivemediashowof lesbian and ¿¡^history in the ance comperrics to uae the m v Amibody County. and adburban counterpart providing visibility Test as a condition of healdt insurance cov- for gay and ledrian Democrats in the area. Chri>co-cbair,AdamRichmondsaidAcfalen- Achtenberg called the event that hosted berg, who tan for State Aasenririy last spring. ISO guests, “an exercise in politick r *lEept a stdid giy conatityncy amidst a di­ empowerment creatingapowerbaaefiomdto LVAC verse and often diviaivem m betah^ and is a grass toots up. The fartliooming election Is, Endorse the folloimng candidates and measures: perfea eum ide of gay and tednan unity of criiicd— not because g^andlesbian Demo­ Local Measure» political acdon.“ crats have a candidate of their chnhv> la Among the local politicians in atten­ MeasureA YES Measure) YES Dukakis, but because we need to defeat Bush U.S. Senate: dance was Third District City Council candi­ Measures YES MeasureK . YES in the interesto of an gay and minority and date. Eric Anderson who etqxessed concern Leo McCarthy — MeasureC YES MeasureM YES middle class citizens.* MeasureD YES MeasureN YES for the lack of adequate locd fending to ConaresB MeasureE YES Mewúwen YES — M eanreE -------Y E 5“ f D isbictl , State Propositions Eric Freíd I , TAKING THE PLEDGE Proposition^ YES Plropodtion93 YES Propoailion79 YES Proposriion94 YES A s s e m b ly The Following is the text of a proposwl T>ledge of Non-CompHance* with the proviaions PropoattkatSO NO Propootion95 YES D istiict2 Pn^xMtkatSl YES Propo6ttion96 NO of Proposition 102, should it pass in the November election. The pledge is being diculatsd Dan Hauser to all health care provideis. but is also avaHabie to every citizen who, under the law, would Pn^x»tion82 YES ftoposition97 YES DisbictS Proposition 83 YES be required to report hisor her own HIV status to state authorities. The law would also require IVoposition98 YES US to report the names of friends and lovers. Bruce Ketion Proposition 84 YES Proposition99 YES District9 Pr(^x)sttion8S YES There are four levels to the pledge, beginning wilh a vote of No on 102. The following Proposition 86 NO Proposition 100 YES levels would oonsttute acts of dvH disobadienca and might be cause for litigation and a Frank PameO chalenge to the constitutionality of the law. Proposition 87 YES Proposition 101 NO Proposition 88 YES Propositkm 102 NO PLEDGE OF NON-COMPLIANCE Sarria Rosa Q ly Council nopo6itiono7ei---------AA Prryosition 103 YK I. 1 w i vote ■No’ on Prop. 102 and I wüi encourage others to dp so. ^ ^_____ II. If It should pass: PrôpoëtionW YES I ’^opoatipn 104 NO - 1 wW not report m ysel to pubüc health officials. Pit4)Ositk>n91 YES Proposition 105 YES - 1 w« not report the names of any other peopis to public health officials. Proposition 92 YES Pro|fijsition 106 NO - 1 will not submit to involuntary testing of my blood for the HfV virxis or antibodies. Members of the Lesbian Voters Action Caucus are: III. I pledge that I w il participate in nbn-violeni direct action to protect myseM and others CaienCaDahaiu SytviaGafie« Nancy Moorhead Joanna Rebelgale from being harmsd by Its anforoement M artha C ourtot Rhoda Lynda Georgia Prescott Cynthia Riggs IV. Because the affect of Prop. 102 wM be to drive people underground in fear, I agree to make my jie d g e of nonKX>mpllance Dubfic. _____________ WE THE PEOPLE November i9a« Women Open ÉthñÍcT^raft Store Yalode: Moth^r • By Adam Richmond River Spirit Still ProutUnckStFOBO some «re AIDS a^^pQ^t gBMq)&^and some are aqipwt-a^} -Byiol8T*earlman Glory Hole ~ . V ■ awareness groups By Robin Gall »jhftrtiame_______ We have done all of this in an environment whid rir The ffagioiK^c òf incense wafts down the of Bisbee ~ of the March on Washington S tober ,11.1987. fundamentally non-accqKing of our lifestyles. We are a ^stairs, mixing with the fresh autumn air and the - HereitisalitdeoVWayearsincethatevditoccurred. On minority andsvppressedgrbup who is Tearful at times about ’exhaust fumes from River Road traffic, drawing It’s a Long Road . Drains Local October K), 1988 we held our Second Annual Coming Out being discovered, yet through it all we have been there and the curious shopper away from the clothing and Talent Day here in Sonoma County, and looking at our community come through. candy stores and the ’ainbow C ;i^ Co. to Yal­ riting, as I have been lately, about events that . we have every righqp feel Proud and Strong. Being homosexual is a lot like being an addictive ode, Mother River Sp It— crafts store, museum of happened over 25 years ago makes me feel Our accomplishments are many. We and ow friends person. To some members of society we are free to be art and saiKtuary of t goddess. Owners C la u d ia rath^ dated—aftoar all some of you who read hm is caasi^ die mysterious migraiion to an haveraiaedaomeSTOjOOOthisyearfarnaoetoFBce; Tbiswas ourselves, yet most trf our life we fear being found out Vierra and Yolanda Allen have created Yalode as this may not have been bom yet! However.it obscure Arizona descn hamlet? So far three done by wriks,nnis. auctions and shows. We give credit lo Living a dtouUe Ufe is a burden we canty, and it exacts a - a ’^pubhe open place’ where women from all tra­ is necessary to document some of the process in our collective and a half pairs of Gay Sonomans are leaving WComingOut Despite the (^tpression we experience today, we the people who pot time and energy into these events, and price. Any time peofrie must live in hiding from being the ditions can come together to c^d>rate their mys­ for Btdiee. selling busiiiesaes and ptopeny have, as a group, much nKxe freedom and accq>tance tiuui we deserve it they do. but our comm unity also deserves the credit people they are. they are paying a very higby toll. Weare teries, art and culture. Photographs of women and here for a new life tfaes^ Longtime Guemeville bosinessaiea ^ v e r used to. Let us remember to take nothing for granted. W fiv aapporting iheanevQntf with energy, time and money. getting rid of that toll bit by bit every day. W egetstionger posters of women adorn the walls. Woinen”s Wrily KacM mid Jim G io^kopf staned the moviMnent. and One of the first gay bars I ever went to was the Front — — anlpnigd^ which I’m sur« cwmin p<v<pift mn«. have sold their saooessfid Bml Shop on Aimstroi« W oo^ music fills the air. Jewelry, herbal preparations, and ritual .. JANET ZAGORIA4>HOTOQENICS a gloomÿlittle place somewhere down on Folsom Street in AIDS either as a person with AIDS, a p ^ i^ with the virus. worried and fed the need DO try harder to suppress OUT hurom Xllamiia Vienaimd YolamtaMen in their£ozs store. _ RoadtothehaiidaomeRredWasza|c(fannerlyofSJ7.) Wally, uni^emmts crafted b y local women blend with'IntricaiBly San Fnmisco in a scary neighborhood of warehouses and afriendofoneofllio8epeople.anadvoaMewithFacetoFaoe, rights.
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