, 57 Hnwlreyes Fair I 001 Belin Foodball Practice IOWA: Fair to partl el utl1 and Here Tomorrow. "' r loda lU1<1 I -­ See Siory on Pale 4 t Dailt! Fall Iowa City's MQ rning Newspaper ~ FIVE CENTS IOWA ClTY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1941 VOLUME XLI N MBER 296 = --------------~----------------~~----- Lewis was ledge tiro when be Report Nazis Falling and plungeu Airport Celebration to Be Today ,~~~n~irec~Y person who that Lewis but wotktll , S A tivit Back in Confusion reported be Fall Shopping ...;""~r::r.=_,_ Army Bomber on Exhibition a! !111nicipal Airport p" ndows there. ,........ ..." By THE JATEO PRES Washington laim.. Agent Control MOS OW, Wedn day-The R d army's bigg t victory of and moved Season Opens has been Radio Tral1"mh,. ion the war. on the central front wher shattered r mnant of a lOO,()OO-man nazi fol' ar report d in di.onl I'ed retreat, lor the I Of Def('~(' In f orm.:tti n a member of Feature Opeu-Air drew fmm un official. ovi t spokesman today Ule declaration ic lodge. NEW YOft (/I, 1') that "the imp nding rout of all the German armies can al­ his widow Dauce, Style Show lirnpltl \'f"h I .I~ Ilf (! ml flY' "{':lIly ue di:;t ',·ned." SOllJl. £0: rn AIl.Day' Program World WUI .... my. "lin IlrU' 'I'd t .. III confid lit alld expall~iv mood, . A. Lozovsky. ussi~lant ., bo\ll ot hule hi, ntlll\'(' t'oulltry ••\i.(·lu.,,·d fOI'cigll commi' at who Ilcrves as liaison with th foreign Ger[rude Olticially opening lown City's yeslt'rday that th ('tll·... 11 IHIr,'au 11I'l'SS, suid lhill vast op ration, plus th unending ounte1'- Hosteller tall shopping season. a day-long of im'l'sUgatioll. in a ,·uunt .. r- '­ • . atlilck by th Ru. :sian be- one brother' relebration in observance ot the piolltlA tnm',·, hat! \·!t·tulily II r­ Iowa City and vi (·d ["" till' lil t 18 IIllilltil. t'llll - · tt lr~'n" Ifor Od sand th det r- completion of the new concrete N .~ min d tand of ningrad's mi> iJn III C:~TII1ftIlY of ,1"h'II" aZl. a IIInway at the municipal nit'port • def Ild ra al'e "signll oC grow- ' 11 be held at will be staged. In'lI"molion 1I.Y 111'~~'I1 l'1'Jh . afternoon al Sponsored by the chamber of The willll' . Willi m Co, St-l"'ld. LeUlllOTad By ing Red l'esi~tance." Rev. Rtloh 42. 8 n;JWI ,rIi;t~d l'illzf:on nnd a 1"'1 'I'he soviet Inrormation bureau. commerce. the program will in­ , r"porting on yesterdoy's fighting, First EngUsh clude an open-air dance at the air­ Ifovernmellt wlln . :1< 1\"i I'll a 'V M charge. BU rial J'.J ~ 11 lell I.mck 011 it. lI.ual brier state­ port and at" open-oj l' style show at widc-,'yt'\J Urt~IIIIVII ,. IIrtr'llO)I1. cry wh('re 1(1 tn<1l arl' he llll II jill" m'llt thut stubborn bottles stili the corner of Washington and ruged along the 'ntll'e front. Chnton streets, char <If parlidpatl!ll{ in u ~~i­ gantic ('spior :Jg" (Orl, Ii .. l'y. thm Reds 10 'Oul Pun.UU" As an unscheduled atlractil'ln. e Tt·lI of R.,I .. l1tl.'1;. Th vlctoriuus soviet lorces on eV('r inre Allril. 1114~, an FB I­ Canadian lightweight bomber built the centrnl front. under the per­ cCllltrull,od I di., stallclll un Lu"g J'ol1ndio~ by Air, by the Cessna Aircraft company. sonol dil'c<:tion of Marchal Semenn Wichita. Kan .• will be on exhibi­ hlond had L," Il "1\ rilll,! 1111'8.[1 l ArliIJ ry For '{'s to Ihe G ,.. mun spy erll I r ill !lalll­ Tlmo,.henku, wer(' dedal'ed in hot tion at the airport until 10 o'clock pursuit 01 survivors 01 -the Ger­ this morning. The .plone Is enroute buri. IIF-HUN (IIP)- 'I'hp gl'eat city mlln forces. Ht're the Russians III Winnipeg. Canada. to be turned HI' mean" 10,]". ".11 l>l II h ndill" vI I.('nin!:rad. ul'ruundt'd nnd t '0- W re reported oWcially to have over to the Canadian R.A.F, OVI'I tu till' PUI Ihl' '" h IInl 111- For the first lime in u demon­ fOl'll1utiun IIl"t ("Urn" 10 hilll !r"tIl lall·d Irnlll the 1'1'. I "I Russin. is rc onquer"d I ~O sqllar mlles or Humburg anti h.I<\ n"'ei\",t! $511 bling lItta"ked by '\,('IY mllilory territory and 50 villall". In two Itration of night landing. mag­ days. week from the rom. Ill' I ill. • nesium !lares will be dropped over uwnn :It (:t'l-nwtlY 's cummand nnd In ,ne IllIhtll1l1 ...... und Ode' the airport tonight at 10 o'clock as I S -bold told h.. w in 19 HI Ite ram ., lIould h.~ lakC'll within a t- as­ to Ih l~ ('ount .. y uft, r int"llsiv Lo7.ovbky said 16 Itulllllnian divi­ part o[ the celebration, I un Ibl<' "pal'e or tim!· ... t uthol'iz('(\ aions orilflnally were thrown into I training at th~ !I.,mbul'lI' Jljollllg According to John Piper, chair­ nazi ourrcs d('elared la 't niehl. the strullille and that now more school. He sbid he h III hI'. /l II - man of the committee in charge of noth thl! high command com­ than haH or them already have !I':1n Dying lor the demonstralion. the , ___ .. _ _ . .,.J_ siened throullh fore .. 1<> mil Inunique and a coun of uthori­ b~'Cn shattered. ~"-"'----. Americo's delen II K('crel via Oares. which will be dropped from --- tatJy ('omm ntators told or bombs 20,000 Rumanian lain a plane, will float down on para­ Landing at the Iowa City airport Winnipelf, Canada, the plane will bomber exhibition is port of the ordin tlon with the dl play, lhere couriers. who h: d ran ;",1 dOl'U­ lind hel rrom the mil ("(I might yesterday afternoon for the local soon be turned over to lhe Can­ celebration opening Iowa City's m nts boll hI down tu l>os1nl:e The Rumanians. to whom the chutes. will be an aJrshow and t1yini ClI­ 01 Gl'rmnn lIir lind at'tillery fore­ nazis have left the BICg , of Odessa, The demonstration will take celebration commemorating the adian R.A.F. Two other planes. fall shopping" Qson. Sponsored by hibltlon thl mornlnlf at 11 o'clock Jtamp sizl' throujlh IJJlcrnphutllj{­ ('lI pounding relentlessly into the completion b! the municipal alr­ scheduled for the day-long cele­ the chamber of commerce, the raphy. have n 20,000 of lhair soldiery place during the free dance on th and alfIDn this artemoon lit 3. Co­ hl':ll't ot the city. slain hI 10 days in til approaches port's new cement runway. this bration, were unable to stop be­ prol.'Tom will Include an op n-llir SebOld suid ug nt.~ in G 'nnllny cement runway at the airport. Ry nil German Ilccclunis the to that Bluck 'a port. a soviet Also scheduled on the all-day lightweight Cessna bomber will cause of weather conditions. Mon­ dance at the oirport ond a free, sponsors ot the show wJII be the had boa. ted that th .. )! vo=: lowo City Pilots club and the p!lllM of tht, old cupitol ur Pet('r communique aud(.od program is a !lying exbibition to remain on ellhibitlon until 10 utactured by the Cessna Aircraft open-air style show at the Wash­ the lren~ul' I Not'den IJIlmh. !lIht. til,' Grt!ut lire":" mvre de perate or b'lIlegcd Leninll)'lld In the o'clock this morning. Enroute to company. Wichita. Kan .• the army Intlton-Clinton intersection, In ['0- Shaw Aircraft company. be held at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to­ which is bt-ltev('(\ to h(, al'l'UI 'U !<' With ('uch pn. 'B ing hour. north tll(! Hu ~~ians hnd !tWe to trom u :lO.OOO-foot I'le""tion. Uy. Its 3.200,000 p pie 'l'f unable Isuy, featuring all types 01 air acro­ In slow, h~u \Y.-tl~ceUI"d vull:c. t! n 10 k . " t1l 'Ir milurlnal (a- tr:. ~ ~\its and trick flying. the shows Reject Icke ' o-N-a-z-i-s-,,-t-d-ic-'a-te-lta-l-ia-'-ts-u-r-G-e-r-'-'Il-m-:-s-:-:--t :B -iti h Confir Se Id tuld 01 his trav'l !tel' the dlitles In op ration b au e the I German bo';;;-;:;-twice tried to will be under the supervision of war, and how ht' twiCl' lell G~r­ pI. n t.r under "continuous fire," aUack Moscow IlISt nIght and ear­ l)ave Baker and Al Nelson. od­ Sank American Freighter in Rpd Sea many. lhe 5('(.:0110 timl' for South s id :OienSl Aw OeUis('hland, Iy today but w re dispersed by vance rJight instructors at the air­ Pipeline Plan Arctic Foray America from wh rE' h(' eventually ;tuth.ol'ltutlve G'rJn:ln commentary Rus Ian llleht flllhtera and antl- port. immigrated to lh~ Unilt-r\ SlalE's. ('rvi '. aircraft fire. thl' communique an- Exhibition leats include loops. BERLIN (AP) - The Germans, :lescribed by the Germans as "pre- (Se PIES. pagll 5) Th high commund told ot thc nounced. spins, Immelman turns.
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