Species lists based on plot records from DEP (1996), Gibson et al. (1994), Griffin (1993), Keighery (1996) and Weston et al. (1992). Taxonomy and species attributes according to Keighery et al. (2006) as of 16th May 2005. Species Name Common Name Family Major Plant Group Major Plant Species Significant Endemic Code Form Growth Growth Form Life Form - aquatics Life Form Common SSCP Wetland Species BFS No Wd? TALB01 (FCT3c) TALB02 (FCT20c) TALB03 (FCT20c) TALB04 (FCT3c) TALB05 (FCT20c) TALB06 (FCT20c) TALB07 (FCT20c) TALB08 (FCT20c) TALB09 (FCT20c) TALB10 (FCT20c) TALB11 (FCT20c) TALB12 (FCT3c) TALB13 (FCT3c) Acacia auronitens Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH-H P 306 y yyy yy Acacia ericifolia Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Acacia huegelii Huegel's Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy y Acacia pulchella Prickly Moses Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy Acacia pulchella var. glaberrima Prickly Moses Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy Acacia sessilis Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y yyy y Acacia willdenowiana White Grass Wattle Mimosaceae Dicot WA 3 SH-H P 306 yyyyyy Actinotus leucocephalus Annual Flannelflower Apiaceae Dicot WA 4 H A 306 yy Adenanthos cygnorum subsp. cygnorum Woollybush Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y yyy * Aira caryophyllea Silvery Hairgrass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 306 y Allocasuarina humilis Dwarf Sheoak Casuarinaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y yyyyyyy Amblysperma spathulata Native Gerbera Asteraceae Dicot s WA 4 H PAB 306 yyy Amphipogon turbinatus Amphipogon Poaceae Monocot WA 5 G P 306 yyy yyyyyyy Andersonia lehmanniana subsp. lehmanniana Lehmann's Andersonia Epacridaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Anigozanthos manglesii subsp. manglesii Kangaroo Paw Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 yyyyy Aphelia cyperoides Hairy Aphelia Centrolepidaceae Monocot WA 6 S-C A y 306 y Arnocrinum preissii Preiss's Arnocrinum Anthericaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y yyy y Arthropodium capillipes Summer Lily Anthericaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Arthropodium preissii Swamp Lily Anthericaceae Monocot 4 H PAB y 306 y Austrodanthonia caespitosa Common Wallaby Grass Poaceae Monocot AUST 5 G P 306 yy y yy Austrodanthonia pilosa Velvet Wallaby Grass Poaceae Monocot AUST 5 G P 306 y Austrostipa compressa Golden Speargrass Poaceae Monocot WA 5 G P 306 yyy yy yyy Austrostipa pycnostachya Hairy Speargrass Poaceae Monocot WA 5 G P 306 yy yy yyyyy * Avena fatua Wild Oat Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 306 y Baeckea camphorosmae Camphor Myrtle Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy Banksia attenuata Candle Banksia Proteaceae Dicot WA 1 T P 306 yy Banksia grandis Bull Banksia Proteaceae Dicot WA 1 T P 306 y Banksia menziesii Firewood Banksia Proteaceae Dicot WA 1 T P 306 yyy Beaufortia purpurea Scarp Beaufortia Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Boronia ramosa subsp. ramosa Blue Boronia Rutaceae Dicot WA 3 SH-H P 306 y Borya scirpoidea Granite Pincushions Boryaceae Monocot WA 4 H P y 306 y Borya sphaerocephala Swamp Pincushions Boryaceae Monocot WA 4 H P y 306 yyy Bossiaea eriocarpa Common Bossiaea Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy yyy yyy Brachyscome iberidifolia Swan River Daisy Asteraceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 306 yy * Briza maxima Blowfly Grass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 306 yyyyyy y yy * Briza minor Shivery Grass Poaceae Monocot 5 G A 306 yy Burchardia congesta Kara Colchicaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y yyyyyyyyyyy Burchardia multiflora Kara Colchicaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB y 306 yyy Caesia micrantha Pale Grasslily Anthericaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 yy y y Caladenia discoidea Bee Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 yy Page 1 of 7 Species lists based on plot records from DEP (1996), Gibson et al. (1994), Griffin (1993), Keighery (1996) and Weston et al. (1992). Taxonomy and species attributes according to Keighery et al. (2006) as of 16th May 2005. Species Name Common Name Family Major Plant Group Major Plant Species Significant Endemic Code Form Growth Growth Form Life Form - aquatics Life Form Common SSCP Wetland Species BFS No Wd? TALB01 (FCT3c) TALB02 (FCT20c) TALB03 (FCT20c) TALB04 (FCT3c) TALB05 (FCT20c) TALB06 (FCT20c) TALB07 (FCT20c) TALB08 (FCT20c) TALB09 (FCT20c) TALB10 (FCT20c) TALB11 (FCT20c) TALB12 (FCT3c) TALB13 (FCT3c) Caladenia georgei Tuart Spider Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Caladenia longicauda Common White Spider Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Caladenia vulgata Common Spider Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Calectasia narragara Blue Tinsel Lily Dasypogonaceae Monocot WA 4 H-SH P 306 y Calothamnus sanguineus Silky-leaved Calothamnus Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Calytrix angulata Yellow Starflower Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yyy Calytrix aurea Golden Starflower Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Calytrix flavescens Yellow Summer Starflower Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Cassytha aurea Dodder Laurel Lauraceae Dicot AUST 4 H (CL) P-PAR 306 yy Cassytha micrantha Dodder Laurel Lauraceae Dicot WA 4 H (CL) P-PAR y 306 y Cassytha racemosa Dodder Laurel Lauraceae Dicot AUST 4 H (CL) P-PAR 306 y Caustis dioica Caustis Cyperaceae Monocot WA 6 S-C P 306 yy Centrolepis aristata Pointed Centrolepis Centrolepidaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C A 306 yyy Centrolepis cephaloformis subsp. cephaloformis Tufted Centrolepis Centrolepidaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C A 306 y Centrolepis drummondiana Sand Centrolepis Centrolepidaceae Monocot AUST 6 S-C A 306 yy yy Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa Blue Squill Anthericaceae Monocot 4 H PAB 306 yy yy yyyy Chamaescilla versicolor Blue Squill Anthericaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 yy yy Chordifex sinuosus MS Chordifex Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P 306 yyy Chordifex sphacelatus Chordifex Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P 306 y Chorizema dicksonii Hills Flame Pea Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy Comesperma calymega Blue Comesperma Polygalaceae Dicot AUST 3 SH-H P 306 yy Conospermum acerosum Needle-leaved Smokebush Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Conospermum stoechadis subsp. stoechadis Common Smokebush Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy yy Conostephium pendulum Pearlflower Epacridaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy Conostephium preissii Preiss's Pearlflower Epacridaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Conostylis aculeata Prickly Conostylis Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H P 306 yyyyyy yy Conostylis aurea Golden Conostylis Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H P 306 yyy yyyyy Conostylis caricina subsp. caricina Conostylis Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H P 306 yyy Conostylis setigera subsp. setigera Conostylis Haemodoraceae Monocot WA 4 H P 306 y Craspedia variabilis Bachelor's Buttons Asteraceae Dicot AUST 4 H PAB 306 y Crassula closiana Stonecrop Crassulaceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 306 y Cryptandra arbutiflora var. tubulosa Cryptandra Rhamnaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Cryptandra pungens Cryptandra Rhamnaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Cyanicula deformis Blue Fairy Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Cyanicula gemmata Blue China Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Cyanicula sericea Silky Blue Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Cyathochaeta avenacea Cyathochaeta Cyperaceae Monocot WA 6 S-C P 306 yyy Cyathochaeta equitans Cyathochaeta Cyperaceae Monocot r,s WA 6 S-C P 306 yy Dasypogon bromeliifolius Pineapple Bush Dasypogonaceae Monocot WA 3 SH-H P 306 yyyyyy Daviesia decurrens subsp. decurrens MS Daviesia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Page 2 of 7 Species lists based on plot records from DEP (1996), Gibson et al. (1994), Griffin (1993), Keighery (1996) and Weston et al. (1992). Taxonomy and species attributes according to Keighery et al. (2006) as of 16th May 2005. Species Name Common Name Family Major Plant Group Major Plant Species Significant Endemic Code Form Growth Growth Form Life Form - aquatics Life Form Common SSCP Wetland Species BFS No Wd? TALB01 (FCT3c) TALB02 (FCT20c) TALB03 (FCT20c) TALB04 (FCT3c) TALB05 (FCT20c) TALB06 (FCT20c) TALB07 (FCT20c) TALB08 (FCT20c) TALB09 (FCT20c) TALB10 (FCT20c) TALB11 (FCT20c) TALB12 (FCT3c) TALB13 (FCT3c) Daviesia horrida Horrible Daviesia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Daviesia podophylla Daviesia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yy Daviesia triflora Three-flowered Daviesia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yyy Desmocladus fasciculatus Desmocladus Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P 306 yyy y yy Desmocladus flexuosus Desmocladus Restionaceae Monocot 6 S-R P 306 yy yyyy Dillwynia aff. cinerascens (Gibson et al. 1994 talb1) Dillwynia Papilionaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y * Disa bracteata South African Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot 4 H PAB 306 yy Diuris longifolia Purple Pansy Orchid Orchidaceae Monocot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Drosera erythrorhiza subsp. erythrorhiza Red Ink Sundew Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 306 yyy Drosera glanduligera Sundew Droseraceae Dicot AUST 4 H A 306 yyy y Drosera leucoblasta Sundew Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAA 306 y Drosera macrantha subsp. macrantha Rainbow Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 306 yy yy y Drosera menziesii subsp. penicillaris Menzies' Rainbow Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 306 y y y yyyy Drosera pycnoblasta Sundew Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAA 306 yy Drosera stolonifera subsp. porrecta Sundew Droseraceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 306 y yyyy Dryandra armata var. armata Prickly Dryandra Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 y Dryandra lindleyana Couch Honeypot Proteaceae Dicot WA 3 SH (PR) P 306 y y y yyyy * Ehrharta calycina Perennial Veldtgrass Poaceae Monocot 5 G P 306 y Eremaea asterocarpa subsp. asterocarpa Star-fruited Eremaea Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yyy yy Eremaea pauciflora var. pauciflora Sandplain Eremaea Myrtaceae Dicot WA 3 SH P 306 yyyy Eryngium pinnatifidum subsp. pinnatifidum MS Sand Devil Apiaceae Dicot WA 4 H PAB 306 y Eucalyptus calophylla Marri Myrtaceae Dicot WA 1 T P 306 yy y Eucalyptus wandoo subsp.
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