June 27, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 9195 more urban smog, or greater threats to Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the public health and safety. stand here proud of the New Jersey objection, it is so ordered. CONCLUSION Devils' accomplishment in winning f With these five steps, Mr. President, hockey's most treasured prize, the we will make federal rules and regula- Stanley Cup. I congratulate the players PROGRAM tions more effective. And we will do and their coaches for an inspiring se- Mr. BENNETT. For the information something even more important. Amer- ries with four straight victories over of all Senators, the Senate will resume icans will be more confident that their the Detroit Red Wings. consideration of the securities bill to- tax dollars are being spent wisely, and This capped an impressive string of morrow at 8:40 a.m. All Senators that we are guaranteeing public health playoff victories over Boston, Pitts- should be aware there will be a rollcall and safety with the absolute minimum burgh, and PhiladelphiaÐvictories that vote beginning at 8:45 a.m. on or in re- of bureaucracy and paperwork. resulted in the Devils bringing the lation to the Specter amendment. Fol- So I look forward to the debate on Stanley Cup to my home State for the lowing that vote, there will be a series this bill, and to working with my col- first time in history. It is the first time of votes with a brief period of debate leagues to meet these goals.· in history that a national professional between each vote. The first vote will f championship was won by a team with be 15 minutes in length, and the re- ``New Jersey'' in its name. maining votes in the series will be only CONGRATULATING THE NEW JER- Mr. President, it took a great deal of 10 minutes in length. Following the se- SEY DEVILS FOR WINNING 1995 determination, courage, drive, and dis- ries of votes and 30 minutes of debate, NHL STANLEY CUP ciplineÐand no small amount of prayer there will be a 15-minute vote on final Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I ask on the part of fervent fansÐfor the passage of the securities litigation. unanimous consent that the Senate Devils to bring this cup home. f proceed to the immediate consider- And they did this despite the fact ation of Senate Resolution 142, a reso- that no one thought they could win it. ORDER TO RECESS lution to congratulate the New Jersey Not when the playoffs started. Not Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, if Devils for winning the 1995 NHL Stan- when they reached the finals. No one there is no further business to come be- ley Cup, a resolution submitted earlier gave them a chance against the Red fore the Senate, I now ask unanimous today by Senators LAUTENBERG and Wings. consent that at the conclusion of Sen- BRADLEY; that the resolution and pre- But, under the guidance of Head ator PELL's morning business speech, amble be agreed to, en bloc, and the Coach Jacques Lemaire and with the the Senate stand in recess under the motion to reconsider be laid upon the great help of Claude Lemieux, the previous order. table, and that any statements appear Cup's Most Valuable Player, and Mar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in the RECORD as if read. tin Brodeur, the Devils demonstrated objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without everything great about New The Senator from Rhode Island is objection, it is so ordered. JerseyansÐwe have the heart, the So the resolution (S. Res. 142) was drive, and the stamina to do it when we recognized. agreed to. have to. f The preamble was agreed to. I will take a moment to mention U.S. RATIFICATION OF THE LAW The resolution, with its preamble, is other outstanding Devils playersÐKen OF THE SEA CONVENTION WILL as follows: Daneyko, Bruce Driver, and John ENHANCE OUR NATIONAL SECU- S. RES. 142 MacLean who have each been with the RITY INTERESTS Whereas on October 5, 1982, the New Jersey Devils since 1983 and have helped start Devils played their first National Hockey the team's long journey to the top. Mr. PELL. Mr. President, in the past League game in New Jersey, embarking on a Also we must commend Jim Dowd, a few months, I have taken the floor on quest for the Stanley Cup which was satis- New Jersey native hailing from the several occasions to highlight how the fied 13 years later; U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea Whereas the Devils epitomize New Jersey town of Brick, who scored the winning pride with their heart, stamina, and drive goal in game two. would protect the national interests of and thus have become a part of New Jersey Mr. President, anyone who has been the United States with regard to our culture; in New Jersey knows that the DevilsÐ fisheries and our economic activities. Whereas the New Jersey Devils won 10 like our shorelineÐare an integral part Today, I wish to address how U.S. rati- games on the road during the Stanley Cup of our culture. And I, along with 8 mil- fication of the convention will enhance playoffs, thus demolishing the previous lion other New Jerseyans look forward our most important interest: national record; security. Whereas the Devils have implemented an to seeing them defend their cup title in ingenious system known as the ``trap'' that the Byrne Arena next year and the The convention establishes as a mat- was designed by head coach Jacques Lemaire year after as well. ter of international law freedom of which constantly stifled and frustrated their Once again, I would like to congratu- navigation rights that are critical to opponents; late them on their remarkable accom- our military forces. This was high- Whereas Conn Smythe trophy winner plishment, and to thank them for the lighted by the President in his Message Claude Lemieux led the league with 13 play- hard fight they fought to bring the to Congress, transmitting the Conven- off goals, three of which were game-winners, Stanley Cup to the great State of New tion on the Law of the Sea: and goalie Martin Brodeur led the league with a 1.67 goals-against average during the Jersey. The United States has basic and enduring playoffs; f national interests in the oceans and has con- Whereas the New Jersey hockey fans are sistently taken the view that the full range the best fans in the nation and deserve com- ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, JUNE of these interests is best protected through a mendation for helping build the team into 28, 1995 widely accepted international framework championship caliber and for supporting the Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask governing uses of the sea. .. Each succeed- ing U.S. Administration has recognized this Devils during their drive for the Stanley unanimous consent that when the Sen- Cup; as the cornerstone of U.S. ocean policy. Whereas the New Jersey Devils during the ate completes its business today, it The Convention advances the interests of the playoffs beat Boston, Pittsburgh, Philadel- stand in recess until the hour of 8:40 United States as a global maritime power. It phia and in the finals swept the heavily fa- a.m. on Wednesday, June 28, 1995; that preserves the right of the U.S. military to vored Detroit Red Wings in four games giv- following the prayer, the Journal of use the world's oceans to meet national secu- ing the state of New Jersey its first-ever the proceedings be deemed approved to rity requirements and of commercial vessels championship for a major league team offi- date, the time for the two leaders be to carry sea-going cargoes. .. Early adher- cially bearing the state's name: Now, there- reserved for their use later in the day, ence by the United States to the Convention fore, be it and the Agreement is important to maintain Resolved, That the Senate congratulates and the Senate then immediately re- a stable legal regime for all uses of the sea, the New Jersey Devils for their outstanding sume consideration of S. 240, the secu- which covers more than 70 percent of the discipline, determination, emotion, and inge- rities litigation bill, under the provi- surface of the globe. Maintenance of such nuity, in winning the 1995 NHL Stanley Cup. sions of the previous agreement. stability is vital to U.S. national security S 9196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 27, 1995 and economic strength.'' (Treaty Doc. 103±39, nately, some of these instances involve the Aegean Sea. Turkey has warned p.iii±iv) islands located in international straits against the transformation of this area Secretary of Defense William Perry or along routes used for international into a ``Greek Lake'' and many have and Secretary of State Warren Chris- navigation and overflight of the high- warned of the possibility of conflict topher emphasized in a joint letter to est strategic importance. Here again, over this issue. The Law of the Sea spe- the Congress last year that: the convention strikes the perfect bal- cifically calls for peaceful resolution of As one of the world's major maritime ance by guaranteeing to all ships and such disputes and, when the Hamburg powers, the United States has a mani- aircraft, including warships, sub- Tribunal on the Law of the Sea is con- fest national security interest in the marines, and military aircraft a right vened, it could be seized to address dis- ability to navigate and overfly the of passage on, over and under inter- putes such as this one.
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