It-22 ta’ April, 2020 3389 PROĊESS SĦIĦ FULL PROCESS Applikazzjonijiet għal Żvilupp Sħiħ Full Development Applications Din hija lista sħiħa ta’ applikazzjonijiet li waslu għand This is a list of complete applications received by the l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet huma mqassmin Planning Authority. The applications are set out by locality. bil-lokalità. Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq dawn l-applikazzjonijiet Any representations on these applications should be sent in għandhom isiru bil-miktub u jintbagħtu fl-uffiċini tal-Awtorità writing and received at the Planning Authority offices or tal-Ippjanar jew fl-indirizz elettroniku ([email protected]. through e-mail address ([email protected]) within mt) fil-perjodu ta’ żmien speċifikat hawn taħt, u għandu the period specified below, quoting the reference number. jiġi kkwotat in-numru ta’ referenza. Rappreżentazzjonijiet Representations may also be submitted anonymously. jistgħu jkunu sottomessi anonimament. Is-sottomissjonijiet kollha lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, All submissions to the Planning Authority, submitted sottomessi fiż-żmien speċifikat, jiġu kkunsidrati u magħmula within the specified period, will be taken into consideration pubbliċi. and will be made public. L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti The following notices are being published in accordance 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a) u 11(3) tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Ippjanar with Regulations 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a), and 11(3) of the tal-Iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta’ Applikazzjonijiet u Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and d-Deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). their Determination) Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016). Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq l-applikazzjonijiet li ġejjin Any representations on the following applications should għandhom isiru sat-22 ta’ Mejju, 2020. be made by the 22nd May, 2020. Wieħed jista’ jara online dettalji u pjanti ta’ dawn Details and drawings of these applications can be viewed l-applikazzjonijiet fuq ( (għal min online at ( (available to eID users), juża l-eID) u fl-uffiċini tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar fil-Furjana or at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana (St. (St. Francis Ravelin) jew Ir-Rabat (Għawdex - Citybel, Triq Francis Ravelin) or Victoria (Gozo - Citybel, Triq Santa Santa Marta). Marta). *Applikazzjonijiet b’tipa grassa/korsiva huma għal Site *Applications typed in bold/italics are for re-issued Site Notices li jinħarġu mill-ġdid. Notices. ATTARD PA/02479/20 To sanction variations from previous approved permit PA01885/00 Rudolph Cassar, 39, Triq il-Ferrovija, Attard ATTARD PA/02492/20 Proposed alterations and change of use of existing security room to substation. Michael Bugeja, Bilven Ltd, Triq ir-Rabat, Ta’ Wied Incita, Attard ATTARD PA/02598/20 To sanction existing agricultural tools rooms and reservoir. Existing rooms to replace pre-1967 dilapidated structures. Joseph Bugeja, Agricultural Land, Tal-Fuklar, Attard ATTARD PA/02633/20 To construct private car garage at existing basement Joseph Farrugia, 55, Triq iz-Znuber, Attard ATTARD PA/02647/20 To demolish existing dwelling and garage, and construct 6no. basement level garages, overlying child care centre Class 2C, 2no.Class 4B shops at elevated ground floor, 6 apartments at 1st to 3rd floor and receded penthouse. SB Properties Ltd Attn: Mr Anton Schembri, Lee Matthew, 73, Triq Hal-Warda c/w, Triq L-Imdina, Attard BELT VALLETTA PA/02559/20 Change of use from commercial premises to Class 4C eatery, including minor internal alterations and the affixing of sign. Fenlex Group Ltd Attn: Karl Diacono, 90, Triq San Gwann, Belt Valletta 3390 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,392 BELT VALLETTA PA/02649/20 Restoration of facade, including minor alterations and sanctioning of diesel cabinet opening. Internal alterations, including the lowering of floor levels and the dismantling and reconstruction of ceiling structures at basement levels, extension of services area at roof level, and other minor alterations at other levels. Elizabeth Ebejer obo Manoel Theatre Management Committee, 88, Priory of Navarre, Old Mint Street c/w, Triq tat-Teatru l-Antik, Belt Valletta BELT VALLETTA PA/02659/20 Alterations to interiors (including demolition of some walls) and construction of a balcony in the backyard to an apartment Marcus John Scicluna Marshall, 6, Block 160, Triq l-Arcisqof, Belt Valletta BELT VALLETTA PA/02694/20 Change of use from shop Class 4B to Class 4C - no cooking on site Mr. George Briffa, 91B, Triq ir-Repubblika c/w, Triq San Nikola, Belt Valletta BIRKIRKARA PA/00700/20 To construct 2 penthouses at receded floor level. Doris Fitzpatrick, Valley View Mansions, Triq l-Ghabex, Is-Swatar, Birkirkara Location address changed from original submission BIRKIRKARA PA/02629/20 To sanction the change of use from shop to residence over PB/1502/79 . Further to, the application seeks to construct a parapet wall at roof level. Anna Cauchi, 38, Jane, Triq l-Akwedott, Fleur-De-Lys, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/02657/20 The proposal entails the change of use of an existing dwelling (ref. to PA2404/81) to a childcare centre (Class 2C). The proposal also includes minor internal alterations to accommodate this new use, such as the demolition of dividing walls, demolition of stairs, construction of ramps, new bathroom facilities, and roofing over of 2x shafts. The proposal also entails the construction of a room in the rear of the property, addition of a window on the facade, and the construction of storage space at first-floor level (ancillary to childcare) Elaine Grima, 44, Il-Gardina, Triq San Kostantinu, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/02664/20 To hive off the front portion of a garage having one entrance fronting onto Triq Francesco Buhagiar and the other entrance fronting onto garage court permitted in PAPB/4174/3656/76, and to change the use of the front portion from garaging of private cars to a Class 4B outlet. Proposal also to include installation of shop sign. Joe Micallef, 86, Triq Francesco Buhagiar, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/02690/20 Change of use from garage to public service garage Meldon Muscat, Garage No 24, Triq Dun Vincenz Saliba c/w Triq Manoel Vilhena c/w, Triq il-Vittmi tal-Gwerra, Birkirkara BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/04036/19 Alterations to Class 5C factory annexe extension as approved in DN01284/17; including an increase of overall height, erection of a connecting bridge to factory extension_1; increase in parking spaces; provision of new secondary vehicular access; widening of access link between main factory and this annexe. Playmobil Malta Ltd. Attn: Matthias Fauser, Playmobil_2 (Site adjacent to Playmobil factory HF 80), Qasam Industrijali Hal-Far, Hal Far, Birzebbuga BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/02655/20 To sanction alterations to a pre 1976 premises Andrew Giordimaina, Site at, Triq it-Torri, Birzebbuga BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/02656/20 To construct domestic store at ground and first floor level Joseph Vella, 97, Garage C1, Triq l-Ghannejja, Qajjenza, Birzebbuga DINGLI PA/02618/20 Reinstatement and construction of surrounding rubble walls, construction of underground reservoir and ancillary pump room, fixing of timber gate Paul Gatt, Site at, Buskett, Ta’ Gormos, Dingli FGURA PA/02596/20 Proposed internal modifications to approved Class 4A office (PA/02557/18). Modifications to existing adjacent garage and change of use to Class 4A offices. Kirsten Axisa obo Propjeta’ Limited, Proprjeta 156, Triq il-Karmnu, Fgura It-22 ta’ April, 2020 3391 FONTANA PA/02654/20 To demolish existing building and to construct the remaining part of Fontana Local Council office building at ground floor level and public open space above. Mr. Saviour Borg, 190, 191, Triq tal-Ghajn c/w, Triq ta’ Mulejja, Fontana GĦAJNSIELEM PA/02572/20 To install a LPG gas tank underground. Michael Zammit, Site at, (adjacent to) One80 Kitchen, Triq Martino Garces, Ghajnsielem GĦAJNSIELEM PA/02702/20 To separate part of fish shop and change of use to garage for private cars by the carrying out of internal alterations and additions. Lawrence Bugeja, Paradise Garage, Triq l-Imgarr, Ghajnsielem GĦAJNSIELEM PA/02703/20 To separate part of fish-shop and change of use to garage for private cars by the carrying out of internal alterations and additions. Joe Bugeja, Garage Maria, Triq l-Imgarr, Ghajnsielem GĦARB PA/01299/20 Proposed dwelling house with underlying garage Denise Cauchi, Site at, Triq Mongur, Gharb Site changed from original submission GĦARGĦUR PA/02563/20 To sanction variations to rabbit breeding facility approved in PA 10777/18 including internal/external height and landscaping scheme. To sanction site configuration from that approved in PA 10777/18. To increase height of approved quarantine area and manure clamp from 10 filati to11 and construct an ancillary storage and office at first floor level. Julian Bezzina, Site at, tal-Ferha, Gharghur GĦARGĦUR PA/02592/20 To sanction facade finishing against EC 00390/2009 Josephine Camilleri, 5, Josbert, Triq Ferdinandu, Gharghur GĦARGĦUR PA/02604/20 To sanction agricultural room Angele Licari, Site at, Sqaq ta’ Cint il-Wiesa’, Gharghur GĦASRI PA/02542/20 Proposed restoration of rubble wall boundary, 15m² storeroom and underlying basement, 4m² pump room, and underground 240m³ reservoir to facilitate agricultural activities. Armando Zammit, Site at (Field), Triq tal-Gallina, Ghasri GĦASRI PA/02552/20 To sanction existing store for agricultural tools. To replace existing temporary roof with concrete roof, to increase height and floor area of store. Carmel Zammit, Site at, Triq ta’ Ghammar, Ghasri GĦASRI PA/02565/20 To remove remains of dilapidated dwelling and to construct a residential dwelling. Amabile and Rita Grima, 57, Triq ta’ Ghammar, Ghasri GĦASRI PA/02621/20 Minor variations to elevation at ground and first floor levels and formation of a garage at ground floor. Josephine Azzopardi obo JSKA Operations Limited, 45a, 45b, Triq il-Fanal, Ghasri GĦAXAQ PA/02593/20 To renew PA 3484/14 (To demolish the interior of a maisonette, retaining the facade.
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