E884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 24, 2020 newscast in 1980. Our paths have crossed impact on our community, Congratulations Voting Rights March in Alabama; and the A.P. many times over the years, sharing informa- Clint, the honor is well deserved! Tureaud House in Louisiana, which was the tion about the challenges and triumphs in Ken- f home of the prominent civil rights attorney and tucky’s Appalachian region. Though small in legal counsel for the NAACP for more than stature, it is clear that Barbara carries tremen- SPRINGFIELD RACE RIOT STUDY three decades; along with many others. dous love and compassion for the people of ACT I thank the bipartisan group of my col- Kentucky, with a special place in her heart for leagues who supported this bill, Rep. DARIN SPEECH OF southern and eastern Kentuckians. LAHOOD, Rep. ALBIO SIRES, Rep. JOHN H. As she begins a new chapter of life, I wish HON. RODNEY DAVIS RUTHERFORD, Rep. ROBIN L. KELLY, Rep. BOB Barbara many wonderful years of retirement ´ OF ILLINOIS GIBBS, Rep. ANDRE CARSON, Rep. DON with her family and grandchildren. The people ACON ENNIE HOMPSON IKE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES B , Rep. B G. T , Rep. M of southern and eastern Kentucky are proud to BOST, Rep. MIKE QUIGLEY, Rep. VAL BUTLER call Barbara Bailey one of our most distin- Monday, September 21, 2020 DEMINGS, Rep. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Rep. guished daughters of the mountains. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- ALMA S. ADAMS, Rep. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI, f er, I rise today in support of my bill H.R. 139, Rep. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, Rep. MARCIA L. FUDGE, Rep. STEVE COHEN, and Rep. SEAN HONORING THE 2020 GEORGE the Springfield Race Riot National Historic CASTEN. MEANY AWARD TO CLINT DRURY Monument Act, to designate the site of the OF WEST CENTRAL ILLINOIS 1908 Springfield Race Riots as a National His- I also thank Rep. WM. LACY CLAY, who co- BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION toric Monument to preserve and recognize it sponsored my bill and led the African Amer- TRADES COUNCIL as an important part of our nation’s history. I ican Civil Rights Network Act of 2017, which am proud of the support this bill has received, was signed into law in January 2018. This Act and that the House Natural Resources Com- established this important Network that I am HON. DARIN LaHOOD mittee came together in a bipartisan way to proud the Springfield Race Riot Site is now OF ILLINOIS amend this bill to pass it as the Springfield part of. Thank you to House Natural Re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Race Riot Study Act, the next step in desig- sources Chairman RAU´ L GRIJALVA and Rank- Thursday, September 24, 2020 nating it as part of the National Park System ing Member ROB BISHOP for their support and Mr. LAHOOD. Madam Speaker, I would like (NPS). moving this bill through their Committee. to honor and congratulate Clint Drury, Execu- This site represents one of the three worst Thank you to the Springfield Branch of the tive Director, West Central Illinois Building and race riots in our nation’s history, where terrible NAACP, the Illinois NAACP, the Central Illinois Construction Trades Council on being award- and appalling events of racially motivated African American Museum, and the Library of ed the 2020 George Meany Award. mass violence were committed against African Congress, for their efforts to preserve the arti- This prestigious award recognizes Clint for Americans for merely existing in their own facts, and raise awareness regarding the im- his significant contribution to the youth of their community, destroying an entire neighborhood portance of this site. communities by volunteering in the programs as a result. The site and artifacts were un- We must continue this work to preserve and of the Boy Scouts of America, The George earthed during construction of the Carpenter protect this site for present and future genera- Meany Award was named after the AFL–CIO’s Street segment of the Springfield Rail Im- tions. It is imperative that we never forget the first president, who gave strong support to provements Project and consists of the re- work that’s been done or the innocent lives Scouting over the years, In recognition of their mains of five homes that were burned during that were lost, and the work we must continue contributions to America’s future, the AFL–CIO the 1908 Springfield Race Riot. This event, to do. Executive Council then established the and others like it in Illinois demonstrated that George Meany Award, Clint’s community in- racial injustice was not an isolated issue only f volvement this year ranges from the Children’s in the South, but one that must be addressed OPPOSITION TO H.R. 4447 Hospital of Illinois Annual Telethon, Heart of Il- across the country. linois United Way, Illinois Prevailing Wage Ultimately the riots that occurred at the site Council, Better Build, Labor Day Parade, and played an integral role in the formation of the HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS too many more examples to count Clint has National Association for the Advancement of OF TEXAS dedicated his time and energy to his commu- Colored People (NAACP) when Ida B. Wells- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Barnett, a key leader in the African American nity, leading by example to strive and improve Thursday, September 24, 2020 the lives of those around him. civil rights movement, launched an anti-lynch- Clint is a 22-year member of the Laborers’ ing campaign to end violence against African Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise Local 231 in Pekin, Illinois. As the spokesman Americans as a result of the horrific events today disappointed in the Majority for pushing for the construction professionals of central Illi- that occurred in Springfield. In 1909, just a forward H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs nois, Clint’s role could be best described as year later, the NAACP was established, work- and Innovation Act. Despite the bill’s stated business development Business development ing tirelessly to improve race relations and to objectives, this legislation would hurt our econ- successes are what is best for the folks he ensure that the events that happened just over omy and hamper technological progress. represents, but more importantly, what makes a hundred years ago would never happen This legislation authorizes over $135 billion our community a better place to work and again. in new taxpayer spending, and creates new raise a family. Clint and his wife, Sarah, are Just last month, we were successful in add- mandates and prohibitions, all of which would advocates of children with hearing loss, fund- ing the Springfield Race Riot site to the Afri- only hurt Americans’ finances and consumer raising, and creating policy changes for can American Civil Rights Network in order to choice. The Majority failed to include the most healthcare plans to include hearing aids and give it proper recognition immediately while we important policies that would enable the rapid speech therapy, Clint’s competitive spirit posi- continue our work to designate the site as part investment and development of new energy tions him to secure projects for local, union of the NPS. The Site is now among several technologies: regulatory and permitting re- contractors, in turn putting more union workers other important places that serve to com- forms. on the job with higher wages, benefits, and memorate and interpret the history of the Afri- While I was pleased that five of my amend- safe working conditions, The men and women can American Civil Rights movement. Also in- ments were considered and that three passed, of Central Illinois in the construction industry cluded in the Network is the Pullman National I cannot in good faith support this partisan leg- have benefited because of Clint’s relentless Monument in Chicago, which recognizes the islation that will hurt our Nation’s economic re- efforts to put them to work and keep them first major labor agreement between a com- covery and reduce the speed of innovation in working. pany and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car the marketplace. I am grateful for Clint’s time and commit- Porters, the first African American led labor Due to the partisan nature of H.R. 4447, I ment to his community and the promotion of union; the Selma to Montgomery National His- would have not only voted no, but strongly en- American youth. His work has had a profound toric Trail, which traces the route of the 1965 couraged my fellow members to do so. 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