CASS CTryA* 'LE ME NTS . __ -_ - Thieves :hool board meeting strike Cass City AIDS and asbestos store problems aired Tlie C'ass City School rncndcd by a State hardof taxcsltevenues rose from$85,880 local to Board wrestled with two Education Advisory Cotn- pressing health problems mittee mere presented for A rcvised budget for 1985- $2,961,116. Total revenues Monday night at its regular study. 86 was presented and were up $69,614. meeting at the high srhool Most of the 10 suggcstions adoptcd by the board. It re- Expenses art. budgeted One of the problems is as- in thc policy wurc not ones veals that Cass City will be to rise to $3.947 million from bestos in the school. Suyt that board members were $75,630 in the red at the end $3.843 million, an increase Don Crousti revcaled that ready to accept. of the year. of about $104,000. the Environmental Protec- Trustees wcrc not sure The district started the tion Agency (EPA ) is fining that t hc co111 m it t ee ' s OTHER RCJSINESS the school $8,600 for impro- suggtstion that "most chil- year with a fund balance of per inspection. dren with AIIE should be $442,435 and that will be re- A request from Hill Sat- The school had bccn in- allowed to attend school" duced to $366,805, marking telberg to have his son, Ste- A FIKI-ChlAN FROM the Elklarid Township Fire spected by thcl Tuscola should be adoptcd They the second successive year ven, continue in the fourth Department assists an emergency medical technician County Health Ucpartrtwnt felt that not cnough is that thc fund balance has grade at Campbell Elernen- earlier and been declared known itbout tl~ltii:j~:lse at been reduced. Last year's tary was approved. The from the Cass City Ambulance Service in removing asbestos free. An EPA in- this tirncl to rcach that deci- deficit was $41.349 Sattelbergs are moving to Kimberly S. liiggins, Lansing, from a vehicle after an spection revealed that sion and be fair to all the Although statt aid money the Deford area. There is per pupil was sharply in- accident Tuesday, Nov. 12. Higgins was admitted to the there is a problem. Crousc students. no extra cost to the district. said that it's possible that Tht policy will bc submit- creased this year, the A request from Kathleen Hills and Dales General Hospital after the accident. all five schools may havv ted again at the December amount that the Cass City Mallory to have her son, arcas affccted. board meeting and the Schools received was less. Darryl, attend Campbell In a similar caw in Hay hard agrecd urith this That's because school en- from Deford was denied. City, the EPA fined the dis statcnicnt . 'h'l'hc best cdu- rollment declined by 61 stu- In a letter to the board trict $25,500 for "impr~pt~rcational setting for a child dents. Revenue from slate Mrs. Mallory said that her inspection" but latcr ag- with AILIS should be deter- sources totaled $793,609 in son has a personality prob- seed to rcduw the levy to mined by a team approach 1984 85 and is budgeted at lem at Deford. The board 1985-86, less than $1,000 when that involving the rhild's pa- $789,070 for a de- was told that a professional crease of $7,539. Kevenucs d is t I' ic t e 1i min a t ti s the rents and doctor, public had adviscd Mrs. Mallory problem to thc satisfaction health offic-ials and school from F1cdcral sources drop- that changing schools ped $9,601. of the EPA. pet*sonnel." Please turn to page 16. Crousu also hoostcd his rough estimate of what the cost may be to repair the buildingslo $200,000 bvtwcvn $~(K),ow Tuesdav recital to open A $200,0(M cost means R two-mill levy lor one year as a mill raises about $100,000 in the Cass City District. The board rnovcd to start 7th annual Rach Festival that necds to be done Browin at the First Pre- held Friday, Nov. 29, and The superintendent has sbyterian Church in Caro. Saturday, Nov. 30, from the name of a firm that has Thc recital will be the 9.30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. and surveyed about 25 schols first presentation of a busy from 12:30 p.m to 3 p.m. in Michigan. The board rc- Thanksgiving week end for Rehearsals are open to the quested that he investigatc the tiotcd performers, most public and are free. to determine if the com- of whom return year after LJnder the direction of a pany would assume liabil ytnar, to present the con- voluntcw board, housing, WEAKINC; A SEAT BELT paid off for Raymond J. ity if its reconirntmdat ions certs in Class City and assist transportation and a Srhncckcrgtsr said this Garety, who suffered only minor injuries in an accident proved to be inadequatc in in thc educational prog- brunch for host families is was thc first break in to thc Tuesday after his General Telephone and Electronics the future. rarris that are also a famil- arranged. The board also stow sinw thcy started 25 AILIS PC>l,IC:Y iar part of the Festival provides hospitality for the ycars ago. Ttw loss is CY- truck collided with a vehicle driven by Kimberly S. wtck end. musicians after concerts, v wed by i n s u r a 11 CY Higgins. (Story,pagc I 1 ) A good deal of time was Onc of thc primary haby sitters for musical spent trying to dcvisc a pol- reasons that the nationally families and handlc>sall the .a icy for handling a child suf- acclaimed musicians re- other details needed to fering from Acquil-ed Im- turn is thc fricndly wel- niakc the concert success- mune Deficiency Syn- C'OITW that they alwavs re- ful. Weatlier woes continue drome ( AIDS ) . c'c i ve . Thc home economics stu- THOMAS BROWN Guidelines reco11'- The orchestra will re- dents at Cass City High I A113 SSV3 I: l', I n0A llNWH1 I .I ..Ill 11.' Ad mm ma000 2- 07 IO mlp e0 %I ;. ;. g xm Crn WS ..m. m. *. ..0. .. I .. I m. a. c .. m 0. uh 0 *... =. I 9. 0. 0. I .. .. .. < I . ._I .. .. m *... 9. $6 aw ww %% 00 *- PAGE-- FOUR- CASS CITY CHRONICLE--WEI”WAV NnVEMRPR 3n IQQG t From 12 to 4 p,m, Sponsored By Cass City Retail Committee 3 !il CHRISTMAS HOUSE I$ E Sunday, NOV.24 - 12-4p.m. - Many InmStore Specials - f E !f I! I! Re freshmen ts D !f New Holiday Fashions Arriving If 111 COLORING CONTEST - 3 AGE GROUPS 8 To Age 5 5 years to 8 yrs. 8 yrs. to 12 yrs. IEI Winners will be judged Dec. 21st. I! I! Stop In and Pick Up Your Picture to Color. i€ Check for details in store. E- 1 f !I Gift 872-4551 6459 Main - Cass Clty 8 B Certificates HOURS: az Sixes Infant Mon -Thurs - 9 30-530 E Fri -93C-900 NATIONAL PICKLE DAY - Students at Campbell. E thru 14 Sa1 -99500 !I Elementary School celebrated National Pickle Day by Sun - 1200-500 writing essays about pickles, and by playing pickle4 guessing games, Steven Russell (left), a fourth grade student, guessed the jar of pickles he is holding weighs 176 ounces. The jar weighs 174 ounces. Nicole Hoggard (right), a second grade student, guessed the jar of pickles she is: holding had 349 pickle slices. The jar actually had 3675 slices. Lisa Burns, a third grade student, decided to; celebrate the day by dressing up like a giant pickle. I 8 ,IIt‘ +I #I # ,# \ 1‘- ~~~~ ~~,,111 #I, #I $#r,I ~~,~~~~ I # c SUNDAY SPECIAL TRACI HAAS was one of the many SUNDAY, NOV. 24 @ models who presented the latest ig J fashions at the Cass City Zonta Club’s 12 Noon to 4 p.m. Style Show Wednesday at the Cass I *. *A City High School. Traci, the daughter 0 Free $5 Gift Certificate of Albert and Judy Haas, was modeling for Kid’s Village, one of six 25 /o Off to the First 70 Customers Cass City merchants who participated in the show. About 150 persons AI I attended the presentation. Funds raised from the style show will be used by the Zonta Club for community Winter Coats improvement projects. 872-5172 Cass City 1 I ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Now Open Sundays ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... + F 1. I *I I 1 Your neighbor says 12 noon to 4 p.m. i Deer hunter enjoys Clothes For You Cass City 8 72 - 4 5 2 0 chance to be outside Why do you go deer hunt- Schwegler Road. After ing? downing the large buck, Rick Guilds, a 17-year-old Rick and his brqther Brad Cass City resident said he had to drag the deer about enjoys being outside, and 1% miles to the nearest for Guilds deer hunting is road. part of a family tradition. Guilds didn’t make any :: Q OPEN SUNDAYS He hunts with his father, special plans for where he grandfather and older was going to hunt this sea- ;I c brother. son. He decided he would Starting With Our go hunting two days before Guilds shot his first deer the season began. He chose Friday morning, a nine- his site, and waited for the - CHRISTMAS - point buck weighing about buck to come to him. He 180 pounds. This is the sec- fired five shots, three of J$ OPEN HOUS ond year Guilds has been which hit the buck.
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