LunarLAB:Concept for a Permanent Lunar Lava Tube Settlement. M.Thangavelu1 and Julia Condon2, 1Conductor, ASTE527 Graduate Space Concepts Studio Department of Astronautical Engineering, Viterbi School of Engineer- ing, University of Southern California, [email protected], 2Graduate Student, Department of Astronautical Engi- neering, USC Abstract: As the new administration places more Developing a base within the lunar lava tubes emphasis on human space exploration, it is clear that would solidify the United States as a preeminent the United States is headed back to the Moon. Alt- spacefaring nation. The timeline to create such a base hough quite some time has passed since humanity last could be as near term as 5-20 years, as the technology touched our Moon's surface, space technology has already exists and just needs to be implemented. Ad- greatly progressed across the world. Establishing a ditionally, there are already prime locations that could permanent presence in space is becoming increasingly be used, including Schrodinger’s Crater (South Polar important and sought after by nations across the globe, Settlement), Marius Hills (Equatorial Settlement), Ar- as discussed by the newly reformed National Space istarchus Crater (Equatorial Settlement). The architec- Council (NSC) as well as the American Space Renais- ture of the base working with the natural structure of sance Act (ASRA) - and what better way to do so than the lava tubes would protect astronauts and provide a by establishing a permanent base on our Moon from base of operations for future space exploration with which to spawn future galactic explorations. minimal cost and effort. With teamwork and a clear A permanent Lunar Lava-Tube Astronomical Base project plan, the Lunar LAB can pave the way for a is proposed. The base would have some surface struc- new era in space travel and discovery amongst the tures, but would also have a broad subsurface compo- stars. nent, built inside the Moon’s natural structures. Lunar References lava-tubes are drained conduits of underground lava- Agle, D., Brown, D. and McDonnell, S. (2013). rivers; they are the perfect location for a permanent NASA's GRAIL Mission Puts a New Face on the base on the moon because they can be tens, or even Moon. [online] NASA. Available at: hundreds of meters wide with roofs ten or more meters https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/grail/news/grail2 thick. The base, and astronauts, would be protected 0131107.html [Accessed 5 Oct. 2017]. from harsh galactic cosmic rays(GCR), extreme diur- American Space Renaissance Act. (2017). ASRA nal temperature changes, lunar dust, and micrometeor- Summary. [online] Available at: ite showers. 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