Bishop Vasa Visits Exodus 90 ‘Padre, St. Vincent’s Campaign of he pecado’ Prayer Page 15 Page 11 Página 18 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The Newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • www.srdiocese.org • MARCH 2019 Noticias en español, pgs. 18-21 2019 Lenten Regulations for the Diocese of Santa Rosa “The Lenten Season has a double “We need to recognize with humility and courage that we stand face to face with the mystery of evil, which strikes most character, namely to prepare violently against the most vulnerable, for they are an image of Jesus.” both catechumens and faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery. The catechumens, both with the Pope Francis: Church Will Focus On 8 Points Rite of Election and Scrutinies, and by catechesis, are prepared for the celebration of the sacra- in ‘All-Out Battle’ Against Abuse ments of Christian initiation; the By Courtney Grogan faithful, ever more attentive to the Word of God and prayer, prepare themselves by penance for the renewal Vatican City, Feb 24 (CNA) - Pope Francis Sunday able, for they are an image of Jesus,” Pope Francis said of their baptismal promises. (From: The Order of outlined eight points that the Church will focus on in Feb. 24 following the Vatican summit’s closing Mass Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and the Celebration an “all-out battle” against the sexual abuse of minors in the Sala Regia. of the Eucharist) to, he said, “turn this evil into an opportunity for “For this reason, the Church has now become purification.” increasingly aware of the need not only to curb the The current discipline is as follows: “We need to recognize with humility and courage gravest cases of abuse by disciplinary measures and • Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast that we stand face to face with the mystery of evil, civil and canonical processes, but also to decisively and abstinence, that is, limited to a single, full meal which strikes most violently against the most vulner- (see Battle Against Abuse, page 4) and abstinence from meat. • The other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. • The law of fasting permits only one full meal a day, but it does allow the taking of some food in California Bill Would Remove Reporting the morning and a second light meal at noon or in the evening, as you prefer. Persons who have Exemption for Priests in Confessional completed their eighteenth year to the beginning of their sixtieth (60) year are obligated to fast. Sacramento, Calif., Feb 21 (CNA) - A • The law of abstinence from meat applies to all per- state senator in California introduced sons who have completed their fourteenth year of age. a bill Wednesday which would seek to However, it is highly recommended that children force priests to violate the sacramental from ages seven to fourteen years also follow the law seal of confession in suspected cases of of abstinence. child abuse or neglect. Clergy are already • All Catholics are encouraged to receive Holy mandatory reporters in the state of Cali- Eucharist frequently during Lent and to receive the fornia, but there is a legal exemption for Sacrament of Penance so that all may be prepared material disclosed in the confessional. to celebrate more fully the paschal mystery. Those Senator Jerry Hill announced Bill 360 who have received their first Holy Communion in the California senate on Feb. 20. are to receive Holy Communion during the Easter A spokesman for the California Catholic “Individuals who harm children or are season. Conference told local media that the bill suspected of harming children must be • The determination of these days of obligatory clearly targeted essential religious freedoms. (see California Bill, page 4) (see Lent Regulations, page 4) The “Great Hope That Surpasses Everything Else” Wednesday, March 6, Ash Wednesday, marks the rection’ and we want it now! We do not know the immerse ourselves more completely into the Paschal beginning of Lent 2019. In many ways I feel like Lent length of our particular and personal Lent but we do Mystery of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrec- of 2018 was never completed and now we are at the know, with faith, that there is abundant reason for tion. This may be done, not only by adding penances, beginning of another Lenten Season. In the Liturgical hope and even for joyful hope. Our annual Liturgical but especially by striving to dispel the darkness of Cycle, Lent ends with Holy Week and Easter. In life observance of Lent and our annual celebration of the discouragement, distress and dismay and resolving Lent often seems like a perpetual state. It would be great Mystery of the Lord’s Resurrection remain for to live through these things with a heightened sense wonderful if we could collect all of our sorrows, sins us as powerful reminders that we do have an ultimate of hope in the One who has overcome even death. and sufferings into the 40 day block of time which reason for hope. In effect, we conclude that these times are indeed marks our annual Lenten exercises. In his Encyclical, on Hope (Spe extremely difficult and we do not see much hope Unfortunately, we may feel, espe- Salvi) Pope Benedict acknowledged for a positive societal change and yet we announce cially in the Diocese of Santa Rosa, our need to see concrete signs of hope. with confident hope that Christ is Risen! With Pope that we have been ‘in Lent’ for more He called these the “greater and lesser Emeritus Benedict we set our hearts on the “great than twenty consecutive years. It is hopes”. So many of the things we hope hope that surpasses everything else”. Too often we set not only because of the sexual abuse for fall into this general description. our hearts and our hopes on the lesser hopes which crisis which has dominated the head- He wrote in paragraph 31: “Again, provide some degree of solace and consolation to us lines for decades, it is also the sad- the greater and lesser hopes that here and now and we forget or lose sight of the one ness we experience as we see young keep us going day by day are not great hope, which never fades and which is always people leaving the Church, vocations enough without the great hope that present to us. The Liturgical Seasons of Lent and declining, marriage falling into disar- From the Bishop surpasses everything else. The foun- Easter keep us rooted and grounded in this great ray, state approval of ever more liberal dation of every hope is the God who hope, the hope that as Christ has risen and conquered abortion laws, erosion of reverence has a human face; He has loved us to death, so we too shall rise with Christ to reign with and respect for human life and human Bishop Robert F. Vasa is the end, each one individually and Him forever. This will be the end of the “exile” about the sixth bishop of the dignity as laws expand so-called Diocese of Santa Rosa. humanity as a whole. His Kingdom which we pray. ‘right-to-die’ legislation, confusion is present wherever He is loved and Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our Life, our about immigration questions. All of wherever His love reaches us. Only Sweetness, and our Hope. To Thee do we cry, poor these things tend to keep us confined to ‘Lent’. with His love can we persevere day by day in this banished children of Eve. To Thee do we send up our While we have no doubt that the Lord is risen and imperfect world in a life that is truly Life.” sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. while we certainly do anticipate and celebrate the In the midst of this seemingly endless ‘Lent’ it Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine Eyes of wonders of His Glorious Resurrection and Ascen- is easy to give in to discouragement, distress and Mercy toward us, and after this our exile show us the sion, the realities we face in this world from one day dismay. I believe it is fair and just to look to the Litur- Blessed Fruit of thy Womb, Jesus. to the next are a recurring source of sadness, distress gical Season of Lent to be a time when we redouble Blessed Lent to all. God bless you. Persevere! Be and grief. We want some sort of present day ‘resur- our efforts, under the influence of God’s grace, to holy. Pray! ❖ CONTENTS POPE FRANCIS: CHURCH WILL FOCUS ON 8 POINTS IN IS IT POSSIBLE TO CHANGE YOUR REALITY? ............8 LA “GRAN ESPERANZA QUE SOBREPASA PRIESTLY ‘ALL-OUT BATTLE’ AGAINST ABUSE ...............................1 TODO LO DEMÁS ....................................................18 MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE OFFICE: HOW DO ORDINATION 2019 LENTEN REGULATIONS FOR THE DIOCESE YOU “DO” LENT?. ......................................................9 LA IGLESIA SE RECONOCE CULPABLE DE ABUSOS: OF SANTA ROSA .......................................................1 “HEMOS OCASIONADO VIOLENCIA A NIÑOS” ........18 ‘UNPLANNED’ GETS UNEXPECTED R RATING .........10 ANNIVERSARY CALIFORNIA BILL WOULD REMOVE REPORTING NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL ..........................................19 EXEMPTION FOR PRIESTS IN CONFESSIONAL ..........1 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH Bishop Daniel Walsh, SUPPORTS ARMORY WINTER HOMELESS VENEZUELA: ARZOBISPO ALERTA DE GRAVES THE “GREAT HOPE THAT SURPASSES EVERYTHING SHELTER .................................................................10 CONSECUENCIAS TRAS DESTRUCCIÓN DE AYUDA March 30, 1963 ELSE”. .......................................................................2 HUMANITARIA .......................................................21 Rev. Pat Stephenson, MEN ON A MISSION: ‘EXODUS 90’ ENCOURAGES ‘WHAT HAVE I FAILED TO DO?’ - POPE LEADS BISHOPS SPIRITUAL GROWTH IN CONTRAST TO CULTURE ...11 REGULACIONES PARA LA CUARESMA DEL 2019 March 3, 1968 IN ABUSE CRISIS EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE ......3 EN LA DIÓCESIS DE SANTA ROSA ............................21 Rev.
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