THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MEDITERRANEAN CARTILAGINOUS FISH WITH EMPHASIS ON SOUTHERN AND EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN 14-16 October 2005 Ataköy Marina Istanbul - TURKEY Edited by Nuri BAŞUSTA Çetin KESKİN Fabrizio SERENA Bernard SERET All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission from the Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV). The finding, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this publication are entirely those of authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV). Texts are as originally submitted. Citation: BAŞUSTA, N., KESKİN, Ç., SERENA, F., SERET, B. (Eds.), 2006. “The Proceedings of the Workshop on Mediterranean Cartilaginous Fish with Emphasis on Southern and Eastern Mediterranean” Turkish Marine Research Foundation. Istanbul- TURKEY. Publication Number: 23 Copyright: Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Vakfı (Turkish Marine Research Foundation). ISBN 975-8825-13-5 Avaible from: Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Vakfı – Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV) P.O. Box 10 Beykoz / ISTANBUL – TURKEY Tel: + 90 216 424 07 72 Fax: + 90 216 424 07 71 Web: www.tudav.org e-mail: [email protected] Cover pictures: Dasyatis pastinaca (up left) by Ateş EVİRGEN Carcharhinus plumbeus (up right) by Hasan LAFÇI Scyliorhinus stellaris (bottom) by Bayram ÖZTÜRK Printed by: Grapis Dijital Tel: +90 212 629 06 07 CONTENTS Page Preface .................................................................................................................................. I Population Parameters of Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias from the Turkish Black Sea Coast and Its Commercial Exploitation in Turkey Düzgüneş, E., Okumuş, I., Feyzioglu, M., Sivri, N...........................................................1 Seasonal Variation of Hysterothylacium Aduncum Infection in the Common Guitarfish, Rhinobatos rhinobatos in Iskenderun Bay (North-Easthern Mediterranean Sea) Turkey Genç, E., Yıldırım, Y. B., Basusta, N., Çekiç, M. .............................................................10 Some Biological Aspects of the Lesser Spotted Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) in Edremit Bay (The Northern Aegean Sea) Turkey Türker Çakır, D., Torcu Koç, H., Erdoğan, Z. ................................................................17 Difficulties in Age Readings from Dorsal Spines of Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias L., 1758 Demirhan, S. A., Öğüt, H., Engin, S., Başusta, N, Genç, E. ...........................................28 Sediment Structure and Occurrence of Skates and Rays Inhabiting in Babadillimani Bight Located in Northeastern Mediterranean Yeldan, H., Avşar, D. .........................................................................................................35 Save the Sandbar Sharks of Boncuk Bay, Turkey Öztürk, B.............................................................................................................................42 Sexual Dimorphism in the Head, Mouth and Body Morphology of the Lesser-Spotted Dogfısh, Scyliorhinus canicula, from Turkey Filiz, H., Taşkavak, E. ........................................................................................................48 Food of Lesser Spotted Dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758), in Foca (The Northeast Aegean Sea, Turkey) in Autumn 2002 Filiz, H.,Taşkavak, E. .........................................................................................................60 Preliminary Results on Depth Distribution of Cartilaginous Fish in the North Aegean Sea and their Fishing Potential in Summer 2001 Keskin, Ç., Karakulak, F. S. ..............................................................................................69 The Production and Economic Importance of Sharks in Turkey Doğan, K..............................................................................................................................79 Page Iago Omanensis, a Deep-Sea Shark under the Stress of Fisheries in the Gulf of Aqaba (Northern Red Sea) Baranes, A. .......................................................................................................................88 Cartilaginous Fishes of the Mediterranean Coast of Israel Golani, D...........................................................................................................................95 Elasmobranch Research in Slovenia: State of the Art Mavrič, B., Turk, R., Lipej, L........................................................................................ 101 The Gulf Of Gabès: A Spot for the Mediterranean Elasmobranchs Bradaï, M. N., Saidï, B., Enajjar, S., Bouain, A. ...........................................................107 The MEDLEM Database Application: A Tool for Storing and Sharing the Large Shark’s Data Collected in the Mediterranean Countries Serena, F., Barone, M., Mancusi, C., Magnelli, G., Vacchi, M. ..................................118 Status of the Sharks in the Adriatic Soldo, A.............................................................................................................................128 Use of Scientific Campaigns (Trawl Surveys) for the Knowledge of the Sensitive Habitats. A Review of the MEDITS, GRUND and APHIA Data with Special Attention to the Italian Seas Serena, F., Relini, G.........................................................................................................135 By-Catch of Sharks in the Mediterranean Sea: Available Mitigation Tools Ferretti, F., Myers, R. A..................................................................................................149 Chondrichthyes in Cyprus Hadjichristophorou, M....................................................................................................162 A Summary of Shark By-Catch in the Italian Pelagic Fishery Garibaldi, F. .....................................................................................................................169 Shark Research Programme in Libya Seret, B., Ben Abdallah, A. .............................................................................................176 Conservation Management of Sharks and Rays (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) in the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean)- A Review of Status and Trends Schembri, T. .....................................................................................................................177 Page General Overview of Sharks Landing and Research Programme in Morocco Moumni, A., Mesfioui, A., Semmoumy, S.......................................................................188 Establishing an Informative (Sampling) Network for the Assessment of the Stock Status of Sharks: A Review Macías, D., Melendez, M. H.............................................................................................194 Shark Exploitation and Conservation in Syria Saad, A., Ali, M., Seret, B.................................................................................................202 Fishing and Cartilaginous Fishes on Adriatic and Ionian Seas of Albania Arapi, D., Sadikaj, R., Nelaj, E........................................................................................209 Annex I ...............................................................................................................................215 Conclusions and Technical Advice Annex II..............................................................................................................................219 Draft protocols proposed by RAC/SPA for monitoring commercial landings and discards by species, as well as for recording data on rarely observed, endangered and protected species Annex III ............................................................................................................................259 List of Participants PREFACE The International Workshop on Mediterranean Cartilaginous Fish with Emphasis on Southern and Eastern Mediterranean was held in Ataköy Marina, Istanbul, Turkey on 15-16 October 2005. The previous day, 14 October, was dedicated to deepen in the Turkish national component of the same subject, gathering the national experts on the matter. It was a meeting organized by Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV) with RAC/SPA support, within the framework of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyans) in the Mediterranean Sea (UNEP-MAP- RAC/SPA). This was the first meeting ever intended to understand the problems on conservation and fisheries management of cartilaginous fish in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean. The aim of the workshop was to exchange information among scientists and experts especially in the developing Mediterranean countries. This meeting focused on by-catch and discard as a serious threat on the cartilaginous fish and their stocks, information retrieval for standard protocols and a database to be used in the whole Mediterranean region, critical habitats such as nursery areas, collaboration and coordination among all the countries along the Mediterranean. We hope that the results of this workshop will help better understand the cartilaginous fish species in the Mediterranean Sea for their protection. We thank Ataköy Marina for kindly hosting the meeting. Also our special thanks are due to Dr. E. Mümtaz TİRAŞİN for his valuable comments on the drafts of the proceedings as well as to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for their support. Daniel CEBRIAN Programme
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