IN THIS ISSUE Shared Parental Leave Coulditworkfor your family? Easter Crafts Feed their imaginations with some simplecraftideas! Post-Natal Depression Howto recognisePND andwhat to do about it Competition! Win 4 Little Kickers classes foryou andtwo friends Issuefamiliesonline.co.uk 57 March/April 2018 familiesonline.co.ukFamilies SussexCoastMagazine |1 57 March/April Working Document .indd 1 15/02/2018 22:44 Family membership 08570737. ee number t n a r a u g y b d e t i m i l y n a p m o C . ) d n a l t o c S l ( Swimming and swimming lessons 0 4 8 6 Family 4 l Tennis, table-tennis, squash and badminton 0 C membership S ) s e l 370+ fitnessclasses perweek l a from just W d n l a Membership across five sites d n £88 a l g .75 n l Amazon Adventure,Tumbling Tinies, Beefit per month E ( 7 8 4 l 4modernfitnesssuites 3 5 1 1 r e l Discounted holiday programme b m u n y t i r a h 01903 905050 | southdownsleisure.co.uk/join c d e r e t s i g e R South Downs www.southdownsleisure.co.uk Planting the seeds forgrassroots football Fun FA Approved Football Classes 18 months -8years Pre-Scho ol Age! School Age 18 months -4years: Children! midweek &weekends 4-8years: Our goal is to build your child’s weekends &after school confidence and attention We giveyour child apositive, fun as well as develop their and developmental high quality basic motor skills in a WIN! 4 FREE football session in afriendly, fun football session. classes for you pressure-free environment. & 2 friends see page 3 Mondaymorning -pre-school age King Alfred LeisureCentre, Hove Tuesdayafternoon (4-5pm) school age King Alfred LeisureCentre, Hove Saturdaymorning -18mths-8yrs Patcham High School, Ladies MileRd Blatchington Mill School, Nevill Avenue Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane Call 01293 226201 NOWto Sundaymorning -18mths-8yrs arrangeyour trial or Longhill Sports Centre, Rottingdean email us at philbanister@ Brighton &Hove High School, Brighton littlekickers.co.uk Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane www.littlekickers.co.uk Great Walstead School, Haywards Heath 57 March/April Working Document .indd 2 15/02/2018 22:45 Managing Editor Mandy Earle [email protected] Advertising Sales Patricia Holloway [email protected] Foradvertising enquiries please call 07980 556813 Contributors Polly Warren Mandy Garner Next issue May/June 2018 Booking deadline 9th April Artwork deadline 13th April Covering Littlehampton, Arundel, Worthing, Shoreham-by-Sea, Portslade, Brighton, Hove,Newhaven, Lewes, Eastbourne and all the places in 4 News and views between 6 Lifewith achild with Special EducationalNeeds 8 Shared parental leave -how it could work foryou 9 Postnatal Depression and anxiety in new parents 10 Easter craft ideas! 11 What's on guide and specialEasterevents © Families SussexCoast2018 Count the footballstowin four FamiliesSussexCoast is part of Families Print Ltd, afranchise company. Allfranchised FREE LittleKickers classes for magazines in the group areindependently owned and operated under licence. Families youand twofriends! is aregistered trademark of LCMB Ltd, RemenhamHouse, Regatta Place,Marlow At Little Kickers,the focusisonfun -informalyet Road, Bourne End, BucksSL8 5TD. The professionallyrun classesgiving boysand girls contents of Families SussexCoast arefully protected by copyrightand none of the (18 months –8years), ahelping hand to stand on editorialorphotographic matter may be theirown twofeet. reproduced in anyform withoutpriorconsent Gamesare imaginative: outwit the bears to capture the fruit, sail on apirate ship, of Families SussexCoast.Every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, but the defend castlesand protectballsfromshark-infestedseas; all of whichinvolve franchise company, Families PrintLtd and children running about, stretching,jumping and getting hot and sweaty! Lifecycle Marketing cannotbeheld Little Kickers' goal is to use football as afun forumtoinstilalittle extra confidence, responsible forthe claims of advertisers nor forthe accuracy of the contents, or any co-ordination, controland sense ofcamaraderie! consequencethereof. For your chancetowin one of FOUR prizes on offer,find all thefootballsplacedaround the magazine and email your answertohello@ familiessussexcoast.co.uk withyour name, addressand phone number. Howmanyfootballs arethere? a) 3b)4 c) 5 When youhavefinished with T&C's apply. Competition closes15thApril 2018. this magazine pleaserecycle it fscmagazine FamiliesSussexC familiesonline.co.uk Families SussexCoastMagazine |3 57 March/April Working Document .indd 3 15/02/2018 22:45 BigMoments with The programme is deliveredbytrained volunteers whodeliver game basedactivities that teachbasic cricket skillslike catching, AllStars Cricket throwing, hitting amoving ball and social skillslike team work andcommunication. All Stars Cricket waslaunchedin Held at accredited cricket clubsthese courses March2017. The programme has had are a perfectway for children to learnabout an incredible firstyearwithover1,500 cricket andmake friendsinsafe, andmost All Stars Cricket centresdelivering importantly, funenvironment. the programme to over 37,000 kids.In The Centreswill be encouragedtodeliver their addition, the end of year parentsurvey programmesfromMay 11th through to July. If youhavealocalnews item yieldedverypositive results. •For all boys and girls aged five toeight please get in touchbyemailing All Stars Cricketprovidesboysand girls from 5to8yearsold with an opportunity to •Delivered nationwide at over 1,800centres become astar.The national curriculum of fun, [email protected] •Eightone-hour sessions, held over eight cricket activities andgamesprovideschildren weeks with the basic movementskillstobegin a Bubbleburstsinto lifelong love ofphysical activity. •Emphasis on fun and being active The programme isapaidfor productthat •Focus on developing your child's has aRRP of £40, although this can vary movementskills Brighton! across the Country. The costincludesthe 8 •Great firstintroduction to cricket week All Stars Cricketprogramme (1 xhour •Safe and fullyaccredited Bubble,the babysitting service for session perweekfor 8weeks)and the pack; finding arecommendedsitterinyour including abat,ball, rucksack,cap and tshirt •Valuable time with your kids –mumsand dads are encouragedtotake parttoo area,launchedacross Brightonthis (personalisedwiththeir name)–all delivered January. to your door.The pack also includesan •Easyonline registration activity bookthat allows children and parents The babysitting service has boomedin •For more information or to registerfor to engage with the programme using several London with more than30,000 parents and asummer of #BigMoments please visit weekly challengestoearn‘star awards’like sitters currentlyusing the app,scoring 9.4/10 allstarscricket.co.uk bowling,catching,running,and teamwork. on Trustpilot.Now,the companyisventuring outofLondon, bringing itsservice to parents in and around the Brightonarea. The app uses social and community data to Handcrafted Shepherd Huts connect parents to the local babysitters that theirfriendsknow, use and love.Ontop of and Muddy Kitchens this,the app lets parents read the reviews left by other mums and dads on thb e abysitter The SnugShepherdisafamilybusiness that handcraft before booking them.Every sitter on bubble traditional EnglishShepherd Huts andMuddyKitchens is also cleared through an online identity and especiallyfor children. background checkbefore their profile goes live. The father and daughterteam is very much focused on encouraging outdoorplay andexploration as well as promoting the educational The app also makeslightworkofpayment, so benefits of playing in the great outdoors.Each hutislovinglyhand there’snoneed to have cash to paythe sitter craftedinGrandpa Adamsworkshop in West Sussex. at the end of the session –which is tracked to the minute onthe app. What wasthe inspiration forthe Shepherd Huts? "Hannah (myDaughter) askedifIcould make aplayhouse for the twin’s Christmaspresent.Atfirst Iwas thinking of making atraditional playhouse butafew yearsago Ihad made afull-sizedshepherd’s hutand suddenly thoughtIcould make theboysasmall version to suit them.Ikept it asecretand Reader revealedthe Shepherd’s HutonChristmas morning.Itwas an instanthit with the Offer boys and Mumand Dadalike. Hannah’s Get 10% off all orders placed friendsand children lovedittoo and soon before 30th April 2018 -use we were getting lots of interest." voucher code SPRING10 - Grandpa Adam. when ordering.(excludes delivery costs) Visit www.thesnugshepherd.com or email [email protected] 4|Families SussexCoastMagazine familiesonline.co.uk 57 March/April Working Document .indd 4 15/02/2018 22:45 Girl from Arundelwinstripofalifetime to meet turtle with samename A13-year-old girlfromArundel called opposite direction….to become the firstever Morgan is to flytoaparadise island in Olive RidleyTurtle re-homedtoaBritish the Maldivestomeet an injured sea aquarium. turtle of the same name! Morgan the turtle was rescuedafter getting Morgan Yates, apupil at Angmering High entangledin‘ghost netting’-lost or discarded School, wonacompetition to become offii c al fishing netthat drifts in the ocean currents ‘Junior SeaTurtle Champion’for the Brighton and is apotential death-trapfor marine life. SeaLife Centre to help raise awareness of Herrescuers savedher life,but hertwo right- turtle conservation needs. side flippers were so badlydamagedthey She hasalready worked with SeaLife staff hadtobe amputatedand Morgan is thought to make aconservation video,
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