Opening of Red Bank Mall Set for January SEE STORY BELOtf Weather HOME Sunny and warm today and to- THEDAILY morrow with high in mid 80s. Clear tonight, low in mid-60«. Thursday's outlook, fair and FINAL warm. MONMOUTlf COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 49 TUESDAY, SEPIEMBER 5, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Ky Leading in Senate SAIGON (AP) — Vice Presi- One slate thought to favor hat as vice president he would Leading the Senate race was a was forming a coalition of losing dent-elect Nguyen Cao Ky, whose Thieu also was among the lead- have strong powers. ticket headed by retired Gen. candidates which would present military ticket won handily in ers. A slate favoring lawyer Reliable sources'report that Ky Tran Van Don, a. leader in, thecharges of election fraud to the Sunday's presidential election, Truong Dinh Dm, who surpris- wants Thieu to appoint him pre- overthrow of President Ngo Dinh appeared today to be coming up ngly ran second in the presiden- mier, the Dost he now holds. Diem. He was retired by Thieu Constituent Assembly this week. a winner in the Senate election tial race, was in seventh place. This would require an amend-iand Ky and supports-n&ither of "If Dzu has proof there was also. Conclusions Difficult ment of the constitution, but thislthem. f^aud," said a spokesman for Returns from 27 of the 44 prov- Firm conclusions could not be could be accomplished if Ky con- Charges Fraud Ky, "let him go ahead. If there inces put four slates known to drawn, however, until all results trols the Senate. Dzu, the runner-up presidential was fraud, we would have had a support Ky among the top six are.in and six tickets actually The sources report that Trieu candidate, visited foreign news bigger margin." runners. Six of the 48 slates of elected. ' has not decided whom he will ap- organizations in Saigon |pday to U.S. observers sent by Presi-. 10 men each will be elected, The powers of the president point as premier. The U.S. Em-press his charges that the elec- dent Johnson agreed that the forming a 60-man Senate. and vice president are not sharp- bassy has been pressing him totions Sunday were a "nation- voting was fair, but Dzu said With control of the Senate, Ky ly defined in the new, constitu- appoint a civilian to counter crit- wide fraud." they "could not see it. They would be in a strong position in tion, and Ky is thought to have icism of the predominantly mili- Declaring himself "the leader could not'Stay all day long at the any power struggle that might received assurances from Thieu tary character of the regime. of the opposition," Dzu said he polling places.'' • • develop with the president-elect, Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu. For Unneeded Union Beach Title Liens Hughes: Want Legal Fee Explained Election UNION BEACH — Insurgents the end of the year reduced the July at a council conference and Though" the total delinquency n the Democratic primary here amount available and only about ;hat Mr. O'Bosky then raised no vas less than the 1965 sum of for mayor and council called yes- $2,176 was spent. questions. He saw the current de- (204,660, the percentage was up terday for explanation of a 52.100 The difference between Me. mands for inquiry as "political." rom 26.7. Unrigged legal fee paid in 1966 for title Blanda's fee and the total was Mr. Crowley, a former coun- The auditor warned in discuss- lien foreclosures when the bor- for newspaper advertising related cilman and now president of theing tax collections: HONOLULU — Gqv. Richard J. ough auditor said no Hens were to scheduled tax sales, they said. Young Democrats of Monmouth "A study of the tabulation . Hughes of New Jersey said yes- acquired. „' It was the second time in the '.ounty, said "the new disclosures will indicate a possible trend in terday he found no hint of pres- Councilman Andrew J. O'Bos- current primary campaign that of audit study reinforce the ne- future tax levies. A decrease in sure on the voters to cast their ky, seeking the mayoralty now the anti-Hennessy candidates cessity for a financial investiga- the percentage of current collec- ballot -for President-elect Nguyen held by Alfred T. Hennessy Jr., drew on the audit, signed by ion. tions could be an indication of a Van Thieu and Vice President- and running mates for council George W.Hurs, of the firm of "The information found about possible increase in ' future tax elect Nguyen Cao Ky in theJohn D. Crowley and Bernard J. Suplee, Clooney "& Co., Eliza- paying for legal services in anlevies." THE MALL PROGRESSES — The Mall, a two-level shopping complex under con- South Vietnamese elections Sun Fahey, said in a statement: beth. area where there were no title day. One of general recommenda- struction at Broad and Monmouth Sts. in Red Bank, is progressing toward a January "The borough auditor, on July Last week, the trio, asked Su- foreclosures raises doubts that tions made to, the council, though The Democratic governor and shouldte resolved immediately." completion date. Photos show exterior work, including new roof over section that 26, 1967, declared that no proper- perior Court Judge Elvin R not new, was that a tax sale be several other U. S. observers ties were acquired in 1966 by Simmiil, the assignment judge in The audit report states that the held. The report also contained a contained hottest part of a fire that destroyed the corner two years ago, and interior voiced the opinion that the war- foreclosure or deed, as a result Monmouth, and Prosecutor Vin- value of property acquired by statement that, though a sale construction of two levels of shops and walkways. Ramp is temporary for construc- time vote was honest and! well of tax title liens. The foreclosed cent P. Keuper, to investigate liquidation of tax title liens on was advertised for last Dec. 27, run as they arrived yesterday tion purposes. Stairs between the levels will be part of a bridge that will span the property register is not being the auditor's report that munici- Dec. 31 1366, was the same as 'it was not completed." aboard an Air Force C135 jetmaintained.. " pal court funds had not been de- 12 months earlier, $132,405. Mayor Hennessy said in reply opening, according to revised plans. New plans also call for skylights in the roof After spending the night in the But; according to the "out can- posited betwen Oct. 15 and June It said that the total of $120,to last week's criticism that a over the center well. (Register Staff Photo), Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki, didates" seeking party nomina- 30, 1967. They have had np re- 544 in. outstanding liens am lack of funds to buy modern ac- they are to take off later today tions in next Tuesday's party sponse. $77,646 in delinquent taxes, addei counting equipment was respon- for Washington. election, bills approved for pay- Mayor Kennessy replied that up to $198,190, represented 30 pei sible for failure to meet several Gov. Hughes and several other ment by the mayor and council no money was missing but that cent of the total municipal ta> repeated audit recommendations. members of the delegation ap- Dec. 12, 1966, included $2,100 for a lack of understanding, occa- levy. (See FEES, Pg. 2, Col. 5) pointed by President Johnson said Philip J. Blanda Jr., borough at- sioned by a switch of "court clerks Mall in Red Bank they had found no evidence of torney, credited to the account twice during the nine months, led fraud or vote rigging and added for title tax liens and foreclo- to, a misunderstanding of respon- they never heard any of the other sures, sibility -for" posting a daily cash delegates complain of fraud. Reduced by Transfers book. Opening in January He said that although many of Initially, they said, the 1966 Calls Demands 'Political' the voters probably never heard municipal budget allowed $4,000 -The mayor contended that tlv RED BANK — Some of the ply- But leases are being signed for leading to the shops below. (See ELECTION, Pg. 11, Col. 4)for that account but transfers at situation was fully explained lasi wood walls veiling construction the new date, Mr. Dexter 6aid, The general contractor is the of The Mall at Broad and Mon and some revisions in the plans P and B Construction Corp. of mouth Sts. are expected to come promise additional natural light Hempstead, L.I., of which Paul down this week to give the public inside the structure and a more Weissbluth is president. Hd also its first glimpse of the finished attractive layout of its two levels is a principal of The Mall Inc. product. of shops. One of the changes. Mr. Weiss High Rise Construction A crew of masons working be- The Mall is being built by abluth and his architect, Gerard hind the boards began building new corporation of the same j Barba of Shrewsbury, have the fieldstone facades last week name on the site of the former made is a substitution ot real as the project moved into high Scott Prug Store and_Schtflte skylights for artificial ones. United Store, which were hol- The new plan calls for true Hinted at Tax Appeals gear toward a' first-pf-the-year target. lowed by fire on.Aug. 19, 1965.
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