"M ttgic-Valley^srH oine^N ^l]^^ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1971 VOL. 6/NO. 299 TWENTY CENTS Trucks SAIGON (UPI)-Hundreds of U.S. warplanes, including B52 loom bombers, ripped Laotian jun- -gles Saturday in steppedmp— WASHINGTON(UPI)-Labor raids ^gainst near-record C!om- W ' Secretary James D. Hodgson munlst truck traffic rushing said Saturday that “ con­ supplle's through the Ho Chi straints” was a better term Minh Trail. than “ controls” for the ma- Military sources- reported g chinery President Nixon wUl 1,200-1,500 North Vietnamese establish to curb wage and vehicles moving over the roads price Increases in the construc- every day in both directlonsJn l i o n industry.' a Hanoi move to make up for Apparently seeking to soften heavy losses Infiicted by South his announcement Friday—in Vietnamese forces in their ^«i^ich he referred to wagei>rice recently ended offensive against “ controls”—Hodgson said Nix­ the supply trail. on’s attempt to “ bring substan­ In Saigon, U.S. headquarters tial stability to the inflation- announc«l three U.S. Army ridden construction'industry” battalions totaling about '2,SCO would rely primarily on cooper­ men began stwdowns S a tu r ^ ation and self-regulation by in preparation for return to the unions and contractors.. United States under President tiut Hodgson conceded that Nixon’s withdrawal program. the government would enforce U.S. sources said the successes its new criteria for reasonable of the Laos offensive would wage and cost increases by IUYL.I«^ILSEN speed U.S. troop withdrawals. making "selective” suspensions ■•'tw. New Communist pressures of the Davis-Bacon Act, which were-<reported in Laos and requires that contractors on Key Gem Cambodia Saturday. North ^et- federal construction projects namese gunnm shelled the pay prevailing—usually union airport at the royal Laotian w.age scales—in any given area. builder capital o f. Luang Prabang This means that in"~any_ Saturday-4uld defenders-thaw- situation where wage settle­ were reported short of ammuni-- ments are judged excessive, the SPRING IS In the air as this trio of earct«rhQe dune-buggy faoi tion. In CambodUtrfield reports gdyernment Ignore them in try out their two-wheelers on a big dirt pile hi a Twin Falls suecumbs said Communist troops w m in figuring the prevaillcg-wage vacant lot. Balmy weather brought kids swarming throughout firm control of a KMrtlle stret^ Dirtpile ‘wheelies’ rate to be paid workers under a TWIN FALLS - Ray L.‘ of the highway linking- the the I ^ l c Valley. (TImes-News photo by Mike Robertson) federal contract. Neilset\. promhient Twin Falls capital of Phnom Penh to the If the new system of businessman and founder gf natlQri’s oil reflnery^wrt of Indira “ constraints” does not produce Neilsen-Miller Constructibn . Kompbng Som. results, Hodgson warned, “ it Cb., died of an apparent heart Reports on the Cknnmunlst vetoes will have to be replaced.” attack Friday in Salt Lake City. truck traffic in U o s qald the Pakistan’s backs ow normally dwindles to a few ' ' Labor Department, did not hint become one of the largest hundred vehicles'per day at. l ^ ^ K e l s what tougher action' might contracting firms in the In* this tim e.of year when the s c h o o r b iU substitute tor the proposed termointu^ area, building all mQnsoons are beginning. IJte NEW DELHI (UPI)-Prime wage-price criteria-- adminlis- but one building in the-CoUege traffic upsurge -was attributed Minister Indira Gandhi ex­ BOISE (UPI) '- Gov. CecU lawmakers could' work on It this weekend. tered by stabilization boards for of Southern Idaho academic to Hanoi’si'deslre to riS'Cqulp at rebels hit pressed support Saturday for D. Andrus announced Friday each building trade, such as complex, and working on vetoes of appropriations for “ If he doesn’t come up with least 16 North. Viatnameae the rebel fQllowers of Sheikh carpenters, plumbers and elec­ numerous other projects, in­ public schools and public something different in the way battalions totaling 10,000 men NEW DELHI, (UPI) - TTie other reports were: Mujibur Rahman in the East tricians. cluding a senior-citizens health and Republicans ac- of funding I jdon’t regard it which, military sources said, Pakistan's ragtag rebel '“ ar­ — Radio Pakistan said the Pakistan d vil war. This is the system Nixon is housing project in Boise and a him of “playing politics (the announced veto) as a bona were decimated by the South m y" fought for its life Saturday, rebel leader, Sheikh Mujibur “ We'welcome the democratic expected to Impbse by execu­ hospital expansion project in with kids.” fide effort for the schools," he Vietnamese campaign against facing superior West Pakistan Rahman, was arrested at his action of an entire people who tive order as early as Monday. (^d w ell. ^ Andrus told newsmjen he con­ said. the Hb Chi Afinh IVail. troops backed by tanks, ar­ residence in Dacca early have spoken with one voice,” In addition, Mr. Neilsen was sidered the areas of health and Andrus ha^ said he will amend Despite the increaae in tillery and Jet bombers. An Friday. A speaker identifying she told parliament In refer­ president of the Lynwood education so critical they can­ his call for this special session traf<ie,-however, military sour­ Indian n^ws agency report said himself as Rahman on the rebel ence to the uprising by East Development Co., owner- not “ wait another year for le­ of the legislaturQ..on Monday to ces said only about eig^t per an estimated 10,000 East radio said Saturday that the Pakistanis against the Pakistan operator of the Lynwood gislative action. include funding for schools and cent of the Onnmunist supplies Pakistanis had been killed in Radio Pakistan report was false army. Mansfield shopping center, and president “ If we don’t fund from the health and will outline ways and moving on the trail was less than two days of Civil War. and that hj^ was. firee. “ An unarmed people, have of % lid a y Inns, Iiic., of Twin stafe level, then the property m^ans at that time.. actually getting throu^ to ‘ Each side claimed to have the' been met with tanks," she said. Palls. His firm also buUt the. communist forces in South taxpayers in the local areas upper hand. Radio Bengal “ The government'(of India) is says war large Holiday Inn franchise on Vietnam and Cambodia. claimed at nightfall Saturday fully alive to the situation and a will feel the bit,” Andrus, a Blue Lakes Boulevard North. that the East Pakistani decision will^ be taken in Democrat, told reporters. Mr. Neilsen was a member of He voted the public health War cost separatist government, the time...certain international laws widened the Associated General Con­ "Bangla Desh," controlled Paris talk have to be followed.” appropriation Friday and said tractors and had served on the he would veto the school bill Tate jury most parts of the province. But Mrs. Gandhi made no men­ released WASHINGTON (UPI)^-Sen- board of the Twin Falls official Pakistani federal tion of material or military Monday. He then left his office ate Democratic Leader Mike Cliamber of Conunerce. He was deliberates government reports said its postponed support of Rahman’s followers, to go to Coeur d’Alene to at­ Mansfield said Saturday that also active in numerous other army was in complete control. who seek East Pakistan inde­ tend the Coeur d'Alene Wildlife WASHINGTON (UPI)-.Sen. “ no matter how you cut it,” the dvic and business activities. LOS ANGELES ( U P I ) - n » Association banquet. Laotian operation amounted to Rebel rado broadcasts said PARIS (U P I) --Hie United pendence from the federal George S. McGovern, D-S.D., Funeral services will be Jury In the Sharon Tate murder a widening of the Indochina Pakist^i air force jets roared States postponed for a second government in West Pakistan. Republican legislative said Saturday the Pentagon’s announced by the White Mor­ trial deliberated for five hours War and a weakening of the into action In support of hard- week Saturday the next session But her foreign minister, leaders, however, countered own figures show the Indochina tuary. and 40 minutes S a t in g they have spent all available entire Allied position in South­ ^ess^iJSijyest Pakistani ground of the Vietnam peace talks Swaran Singh, told parliament War has cost American taxpay­ (Obltiiary.PageZ) without reaching a dedsion on east Asia. _ troops who were en'countering which the Communists had earlier Saturday that India is money and that a “ tax in­ ers at least $104.5 billion in the the punishment of Charles 'tough resistance from already put off for a week. ready to provide relief for crease” is the only proper way past six years. “ The result of the invasion Manson and his women. ' liberation army” filte r s . The victims of the fighting. to raise additional revenue that He said the figures also show has been the beefing up of Itie panel was escorted badt latter were clad in sarongs and The North Vietnamese boy­ will be needed. that other untold billions in North Vietnamese forces both to the Alexandria Hotel, where pajamu, and many of them cotted last Thursday’s 108th Sen. Richard High, R-Twin hidden subsidies have been paid along the Demilitarized Zone they wer« sequestered, tor the were reported armed with only session of the talks because of Falls, chairman of the Senate to the Saigon government, and^ along the area (of Laos) rethkinder of the weekend.
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