SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL- GEORGETOWN,DELAWARE- OCTOBER 17, 1972 Call to The regular meeting of the Sussex County Council was held Order on Tuesday, October 17, 1972, at 10:00 a.m., with the fol­ lowing members present: Richard L. Timmons, President - William B. Chandler, Jr., Vice John L. Briggs, Councilman President Wi lli am B. Chandler, Vice President, was not present until the afternoon session due to a business commitment. John L. Briggs, Councilman, was not present for the after­ noon session due to a business commitment. The me e ting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. M 3724 72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Minutes carried the minutes of the previous meeting were approved Approved as submitted . Correspon­ The following correspondence was read; dence Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Ec onomics Daniel S. Ku ennen, Area Agent Delmarva Advisory Council, John R. Blanchfield, Jr. Executive Director Re: Meeting, October 26, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. in the Fire Hall, Easton, Maryland Milford School District, Marine Biology, Maura Geens Re: "The Sea Beside Us" Department of the Army, Carroll D. Strider, Colonel Re: Permit to construct a storn water pumping station and an earth bank in and across the Bethany Beach Canal. State of Delaware, Department of Administrative Ser vices, Hugh Martin, Secretary Re: Zoning Change-Manufactured Homes, Inc. Public Notice, John E. Richter, Chief, Project Planning, Division of Highways Re: Delaware Route 404 and Delaware Route 18, Planning Study Mr. Muir, County Administrator was instrudted to reply to this notice. (149) October 17, 1972 Page 2 M 373rl 72 Motion b y Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Clerk of carried to authorize the Clerk of the Peace to advertise Peace in two newspapers, according to law, a list of all p olitical (Election) parties of the November 7, 1972 election. These two news­ papers are to be in Sussex County and will be placed in the paper submitting lowest bids. Civil »otice of Condemnation, Civil Action No. 4464, was filed Action October 12, 1972 with the Sussex County Council~ United 4J+64 States of America, Plaintiff, v. 222.90 acres of l and , more or less, in the County of Sussex, State of Delaware, Henry C. Bennett and Mary S. Bennett, and unknown owners. M 37 72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously IBM Cards carried to authorize Mr. Sidwell, Finance Director, to ac­ cept the low bid, when all bids are received, for key punch­ ing of 25,000 units of IBM Cards. County Mr. Sidwell was authorized to proceed with booklets, etc., Activities for presentations of the functions and activities of the Publications Sussex County Government. M 375 11 72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Ti mmons, unanimously Mr. Sidwell carried to authorize Mr. Sidwell to attend the Economic Conference Stabilization Program State and Local Government Wage­ Price Workshops in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2 and 3, 1972. Mr. Briggs Mr. Sidwell presented Mr. Briggs with a letter from the Mental Health Association of the State of Delaware, in appreciation for the work the County has done and also for the financial support by the County in this area. Conference Mr. Muir, County Administrator, gave a report on the Con­ Report ference of Executives of State Association of Counties, Mr. Muir Fall Workshop in Lincoln, Nebraska. Much of Mr. Muir re­ port was on information he received concer ning Revenue Sharing. Tie Down Mr. Muir submitted "Recommended Tie Down Ordinance" for Ordinance Sussex County. Copies of this proposed ordinance will be made for the Councilmen to review and to make recommendations. M 376,1' 72 Mr. Lee Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Sea Colony carried to authorize the Comptroller to make payment of $160.00 to William Swain Lee, County Attorney, for Sea Colony Contract and Fenwick Water and Sanitary Sewer Dis­ trict Public Hearing. (150) October 17, 1972 Page 3 M 377A 72 Civil Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Action carried to authorize the Comptroller to make payment of 421,1972 $350.00 to Jackson R. Dunlap, Jr. _in the case of Sea and Pines, et al v. East Coast Resorts, Inc., Court of Chancery. M 378 /J 72 Civil Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Action carried to authorize the Comptroller to make payment of 429,1972 $965.00 to Jackson R. Dunlap, Jr. in the case of Sussex Shores Water Company, et al in the Court of Chancery. Airport Mr. Muir read a publicity release regarding an "Airport Halley Halley", October 20, 1972, to be held at the Sussex County Airport by the Republician Committee . Federal Mr. Lee, County Attorney, read a letter from The Honor­ Grants able William V. Roth, Jr. U. S. Senate, regarding R.R. H.R.14370 14370, legislation to provide Federal grants to states which adopt programs of property tax reform and property tax relief for low and moderate income citizens. Mr. Lee will reply to this letter. Landfill Bids were received for the operation of Landfill # 3 and N(D. 3 were as follows: W. Paynter Sharp and Son Inc. $36,000 . 00 Estimated Extras Sundays - 6 hours - per day 120.00 Holidays - 8 a.m., 5 p.m. -per day 200.00 Overtime - 8 hours - per hour 22.50 Hudson Transfer and Construction Company 37,499.00 Estimated Extras Sundays - 6 hours - per day 120.00 Holidays - 8 a . m., 5 p.m. - per day 200.00 Overtime - 8 hours - per hour 17.00 M 3 7fJA72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Pawnter carried to accept the low bid of W. Paynter Sharp and Son Sharp Inc., subject to the review and approval by the Gounty Engineer, Mr. Henry, and if bid is in order that a contract be entered into by the County. M 380 72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously carrd._ed;. to accept as recommended by the County Engineer, Mr. Henry, proposal #2 as submitted by Burns Well Drilling, for water supply at the Sussex County Airport, in the amount of $630.00 for the first 50 feet and $4.00 per each additional foot of depth. M381 72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Sea Colony carried to lease to Sea Colony a 12 inch C.I.M.J. pipe installed at Station 349+90 as shown on Associated Delaware Engineers, Inc., drawing No. 3, entitled "Pipe Crossing (151) Oct ober 17, 1972 Page 4 Route#l4, dated March 17, 1972. M 382 72 Motion by Mr. Briggs, seconded by Mr. Timmons, unanimously Quaker carried to authorize Mr. Henry to advertise for bids for Heights street impovement at Quaker Heights to be opened at 11:00 a.m., October 31, 1972. Mr. Henry, County Engineer, presented financ i ng and costs for proposed Bethany Beach, South Bethany and Fenwick Island Sanitary Sewer Systems. HUD Mr. Timmons read a letter from William B. Patterson,Area Director, for the Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ men~ regarding Federal financial assistance under Water and Sewer Facilities Grant for Dewey Beach which has not been accepted by this department. Also read were letters from William V. Roth, Jr., U. S . Senate, Pierre S. du Pont, IV, Member of Congress and J. Caleb Boggs, U. S. Senate , regarding their support in the above matter. The Council recessed for lunch . The Council reconvened at 1:15 p.m. Proposed Public Hearing was held on Personnel · Ru les and Regulations Ordinance Ordinance NO . 11 proposed amendments to Ordinance NO. 6. # 11 for Sussex County Personnel. A copy of this ordinance and tape recording of the public hearing is on file in the office of the Clerk of the County Council. made Suggestiomand comments/on the ordinance by the personnel of the Courthouse will be taken into consideration by the Council and this ordinance will be adopted at a later date. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted ~4J~~ Lila Lee Porter Clerk of the County Council .
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