^ no N a m * Pages 13515-13554 % FEDERAL REGISTER V , '9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 29 5 ^Af/TEO ^ NUMBER 192 Washington, Thursday, October J, 1964 Contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING COMMERCE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SERVICE See also International Commerce Notices Proposed Rule Making Bureau; Martime Administra­ Hearings, etc.: tion. Milk in Greater Cincinnati and Arizona Public Service Co____ 13549 Dayton-Springfleld marketing Notices x Central Illinois Public Service areas; extension of time for Authority delegations, organiza­ Co----------------------------- 13549 filing exceptions_______ ______ 13535 tion, functions and responsi­ Florida Gas Transmission Co_ 13549 Perishable agricultural commodi­ bilities: Nemours Corp. et al__________ 13547 ties; license fee_______________ 13535 Assistant Secretary of Com- Northern Utilities, Inc________ 13550 merce for Administration— 13540 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Community Relations Service- 13541 FEDERAL REGISTER Procurement functions___ ____ 13541 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE See also Agricultural Marketing Public Roads Bureau_______ 13542 Service. CFR Checklist—_________________ 13517 Notices CUSTOMS BUREAU FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Designation of areas for emer- Notices gency loans: Rules and Regulations Minnesota and Nebraska______ 13538 Assistant Commissioner of Cus­ toms et al.; order of succession- 13538 Hunting in certain wildlife refuge Ohio— -------------------------------- 13538 areas: DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Klamath Forest, Oregon; mi­ ARMY DEPARTMENT gratory game birds__ ;_______13518 See Engineers Corps. See Engineers Corps. Upper Mississippi River, Min­ EMPLOYEES’ COMPENSATION nesota et al.; upland game__ 13518 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION APPEALS BOARD FOOD AND DRUG Notices Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION General Dynamics Corp.; issuance Employees of Canal Zone Govern- Rules and Regulations of facility license_____________ 13542 ment; definitions__ i_________ 13519 Oregon State University; issuance Food additives permitted in food of facility license amendment— 13543 for human consumption; methyl ENGINEERS CORPS glucoside-coconut oil ester.: 13534 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making Bridges; Charles River, Mass___ 13518 Rules and Regulations Juices; definitions and standards of identity: Certificated air carriers; uniform FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY system of accounts; reporting Fruit nectars, canned__________ 13535 of indebtedness data—________ 13528 Rules and Regulations Pinerapple-grapefruit juice drink Prohibition of air traffic over and and diluted fruit juice bever­ Notices ages ----------^------------------------13536 Hearings, etc.: - - in vicinity of Eufaula Dam Site, Eufaula, Okla.; special Federal Blocked freight air space tariffs. 13543 aviation regulation___ _________13519 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND frontier excursion fares case— 13544 Standard instrument approach WELFARE DEPARTMENT Michigan— - points “use AUit U1or 1UOClose ft case_____________________ 13544 p r o c e d u r e s ; miscellaneous See Food and Drug Administra­ amendments____ ____________ 13520 TACA International Airlines", tion. S.A--------------------------------- 13544 Notices United States Overseas Airlines, University of North Carolina; de­ INTERAGENCY TEXTILE Inc-------- --------------------------- 13544 termination of no hazard to air navigation________ 13544 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Notices FEDERAL HOME LOAN Cotton textiles; entry and with­ Rules and Regulations drawal from warehouse: Excepted service : BANK BOARD Portugal —!----------------------------- 13550 Agriculture Department-.____ 13517 Notices Republic of China_____________ 13551 «rmy Department________ 13517 Organization and functions_____ 13544 (Continued on next page) 13515 13516 CONTENTS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT MARITIME ADMINISTRATION STATE DEPARTMENT See also Fish and Wildlife Service; Notices Notices Water Resources Research Of­ Moore-McCormack Line, Inc.; Chief, Division of Supply and fice. notice of application and hear­ Transportation Management; delegation of authority----------- 13538 Notices ing --------------------------------------- 13540 A dm in istrator, Southwestern Power Administration, et al.; SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE TARIFF COMMISSION notice of basic compensation— 13538 COMMISSION Nojices Window glass from Czechoslo­ INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Notices vakia; investigation---------------- 13552 BUREAU SDM&R, Inc.; hearing, etc-------- 13552 Notices SMALL BUSINESS TREASURY DEPARTMENT Pechiney Progil Overseas, S.A., et ADMINISTRATION See Customs Bureau. al.; denial of export privileges-- 13539 Rules and~Regulations INTERSTATE COMMERCE Adjudicative procedures; invest­ WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION COMMISSION ment companies; miscellaneous Notices amendments -------- 1----------— 13518 Certificates authorizing employ­ Notices ment of learners at special mini­ Notices Fourth section applications for mum rates— ------------------------- 13553 relief______________________ — 13553 Arizona; disaster area declara­ Motor carrier transfer proceed­ tion _________________________ 13552 ings _________________________ 13553 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE LABOR DEPARTMENT See Employees’ Compensation Ap­ Notices peals Board; Wage and Hour Associate Director; redelegation Division. of authority--------------------------- 13538 Codification Guide The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations atiected by documents published in today s issue. A cumulative list of parts atiected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each xngnth. The guide lists the parts and sections atiected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are atiected. 1 CFR 21 CFR CFR Checklist-------- ------ ____ _ 13517 121___________________ _______ _-13534 Announcing: Volume 77 A P roposed R ules: 27 (2 documents)----- - 13535,13536 5 CFR UNITED STATES 213 (2 documents)---------- ____ — 13517 3 3 CFR STATUTES AT LARGE 203............ .......................___________ 13518 7 CFR containing P roposed R ules: 5 0 CFR 13535 TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE 46_________,— —------------ 32 (2 documents)------ _______ ____13518 1033 ____________________ _ 13535 UNITED STATES 1034__________________ Promulgated during the First Session of the 13 CFR Eighty-eighth Congress (1963) 109— ________________- _______ 13518 Price: $4.25 1 4 CFR Published by Office of the Federal Register, SSI National Archives and Records Service, 91 [Newl_______________ 13519 General Services Administration 97 [New]— ------------------ 13520 241—___________________ 13528 Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402 2 0 CFR 501_____ ____——---------- _______ 13519 1 Rules and Regulations C F R U n it P rice sistant to the Personal Physician to the 26 30-39 (Rev. Jan. 1 ,1961X..... .........................$3.50 Title 1— GENERAL PROVISIONS Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964)___ V_________________ . 40 President is no longer excepted under 40-169 (Rev. Jan. 1,1961)________ ________ 4.50 Schedule C. The section is also amend­ Chapter I— Administrative Committee Supp. (Jan. 1,1964)______________________ 1.00 170-299 (Rev. Jan. 1,1961).__ ?_____ _____ 6.25 ed to show the exception under Schedule of the Federal Register Supp. (Jan. 1,1964)_______ _________ ____ .60 C of one additional position of Secre-: 300-499 (Rev. Jan. 1,1961)............. ............... 4.00 CFR CHECKLIST Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964)....... ........ ¿____________ - .40 tary in the Office of the Military Aide to 500-599 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961).............................. 4.25 the President. Effective upon publica­ This checklist, arranged in order of Supp. (Jan. 1,1964)___ _•_________________ .30 tion in the F ederal R egister, subpara­ 600-end (Rev. Jan. 1,1961)_______________ 3.00 titles, shows the issuance date and price Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964)______________________ .40 graph (1) of paragraph (b) is revoked of current volumes and pocket supple­ 27 (Rev. Jan. 1,1961).......................................... 3.00 and subparagraph (2) is amended as set Suppr. (Jan. 1, 1964).......... 30 ments of the Code of Federal Regula­ 28 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1964)______________ >_______ _ . 50 out below. tions. The rate for subscription service 29 (Rev. Jan. 1,1964)________________________ 2.50 to all revised volumes and pocket supple­ 30-31 (Rev. Jan. 1,1959)................ — ..................... 3.50 § 213.3307 Department of the Army. Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964)_____________________ - 1.25 ments issued as of January 1, 1964, is 32 Parts- ***** $100 domestic, $30 additional for foreign 1-39 (Rev. Jan. 1,1961)!................................. 6.50 mailing. The subscription price for re­ Supp. (Jan. 1,1964)______________ - ______ 1.25 (b) General. * * * 40-399 (Rev. Jan. 1,1961)............................... 4.00 (2) One Administrative Assistant and vised volumes and pocket supplements Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964)..................... ........................ 60 issued as of January 1, 1965, will be at 400-589 (Rev. Jan. 1,1962)............................. 3.50 two Private Secretaries to the Military Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964)----- .45 Aide to the President. the same rate. Order from Superin­ 590-699 (Rev. Jan. 1,1962)________________ 4.25 tendent of Documents, Government Supp. (Jan. 1,1964):_____________ ________ . 70 (R.S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended; 700-799 (Rev. Jan. 1,1962)___________ w___
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