Daaombar t, I til Marty Lehrs Job Too Hazardous Amy Savage and For Insurance 'Opry Stars' to Marty Lehr he* insurance tor the dogs »he trains but. none for Present Skit herself. She taken too many The Torra,nee 'Opry Stars' of chances to be a good the Torrance Rebekah Lodge rink. will accompany Mrs. Amy Sav* The only woman member of age, good fellowship chairman, the Security Ouarri Dog Hand- to the Hollenbeclu. 1 .odge, East lers Association of California It* Angeles, at Chicago and 1st. she ha* two goals, to eee a guard Sts.. Nov. 22, to present a skit dog 1st every police patrol oar at the lodge's 'County P"air'. and to help ohtldren loose their ' On Nov. 26 the second nomina­ fear of dogs through teeming! tion of officers for the year of how to he/ndto them. 1959 will be held at the Mason M Rusria IK the only country Jn Temple, 2326 Cabrillo Ave. the world that has women Plans a>re now under way for trained to do the work she does. the Torrance Rebekahs to Join "I figured If Russian women the Trio Odd Fellows in a Joint could do It, I could too," she said. Christmas party for the children "They're no better than I am," of the Txxlge on Wednesday she added. evening. Dec. 17. "It all Htai-ted when I bought a German Shepherd for my son's birthday," ehie explained. "He' bared his teeth and charged at Kerbers Have DM, I wesi afraid of my own AS THE PIED PIPER, Rner, Knufle, Scl^hle, dog." fcermen ShepWd At many at 60 children join Mrs. Lehr and her dogt before Visitor From guard dogt owned by Mrs. Marty Lehr, gather children alonq the Worked with Other Trainers reaching school. Everyone takes turns holding the leashes and no way on their early morning walb to Halldale Elementary School. one k ever late. Working with other trainer* she passed the Southern Cali­ Pakistan fornia Obedience Council for dog Mahmead Ali Khan Akter, a training film producer from West, Paki­ after about 6 years. stan, was the recent guest of Mr. Hoy and Klingbeil Exchange Vows Then on* even she heard Mil­ and Mrs. Robert Kerber of 820 PAMPERED but no spoiled, these three German Shepherd guard ton Purdun of the Security Dog Terl Ave. At Flower dogs make'danger impossible, {jiner, Schatzie and Knofle posing Handlers Association auk for dog The Kerbers are taking part Decorated Church here with their owner, Mrs. Lehr, handlers over TV. When he tele­ In the international hostessing Baskets of white flowers and ring ceremony. The bride was aren't all business though. They phoned in anawer to her letter bows of love to play with children when off duty. program offered by the Torrance white ribbon decorated given in marriage by her father. h* asked for "Mr." Lehr. "When Junior Woman's Club. They the First Baptist church, Nov. The bride wore a waltz-length I explained that I was Marty were introduced to their visitor 22, as Jackie Elizabeth Hoy be­ gown, with a princesss-etyle bo­ Lehr, he said he, had no place by Mrs. Clifford Trezlse, Inter­ came Mrs. Charles Arthur K ling- dice of Chantilly lace and a high Vows Recited by Swedish Bride for me," said Mrs. Lehr. national Hostess for the Tor­ bell at a 2 p.m. wedding service. neckline. The skirt wan of white But at her insistence he rance Juniors. The bride Is the daughter of satin, covered with an overskirt agreed to let her art as decoy Widely traveled and speaking Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Hoy of 1B35 of tulle and Chantilly. at Baptist Church. Wedding ,. for the other member's dog*. fluent English he shared his ex­ W. 216th St. The groom 1« the Her fingertip-length veil was This meant standing out in a periences in recent film work son of Mrs. Jewel Wllklna of edged with lace and swept from Eilsbeth Karlestedt of den who were unable to attend. field, firing blanks, and giving with the Kerbers He Is also Pasadena. Stockholm, Sweeten a pearl and sequin crown. wa* the re­ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Karleetedt, the dog* a leather Hleeve when active in film production and Rev. Morgan Gates performed The bride carried a single cent bride of Jim York, son of parent* of the they charged for attack. "It was exhibition. the wedding rites at the double Mr% and Mrs. bride, are lok- white orchid on a white Bible Earl York, of Tor- ing forward to a summer visit two hours s day of hard and Some of the countries he has and a cascade bouquet of steph- ranee, at a Nov. 25 wedding at of the couple. It will be the dangerous work, I was covered visited include Singapore, Indo­ anotis. the First Baptist Church. groom's first visit to Sweden. with mud and mosquito bites," nesia, Malaya, Burma, and Thai­ The Swedish bride met her she continued. land. Reception Given Gayel Hoy, maid of honor and has band during a sightseeing The couple are now residing Champion of fount* After leaving the Los Angeles sister of the bride, wore a gown trip to Disneyland. at 20607 New Hampshire Ave. With the completion area he will visit San Francisco. of blue chiffon over taffeta. Her The groom 1« a graduate of of the She ajrived for her first visit training Mrs. Lehr became -a New CDA Members head piece was white with a Gardena High School and now champion of the guard Reception blue veil. She carried pink ear- if> the Umlted States Jan. 14 and ,works with his father hi the dog of new members nations. had been employed a* a gover­ cause. "If patrol men had dogs was staged Nov. 24 at Nativity oomstruction business. with them, they Hi Neighbor Club Bridesmaids Cherel Wells and ness in Balboa. The bride studied both would have lots parish hall by Court St. Cather­ Before coming in better protection," she states. Milly Lewis wore dresses inden veden ami Kngland ami had "The dog obey ine, Catholic Daughters of tlcal with that of the maid of «he had visited most, or uic planned to work in the United on command, Exchanges Gifts European countrles< and hadj practically sense danger and can America, with Mrs. Laurence honor and pair pink carnation XV-1-"1 f-••- ~ time a't a Lor' 1 -- States for a year before return- A white elephant gift ex­ bouquets. ;' home. knock down s criminal before change was held at the Nov. 20 Derouin, grand regent, presiding. } he has a chance to react. With meeting of the HI Neighbor Fourteen new members were Penny Hoy served as flower , <n MM- wedding ceremony, the use of the trained doges, pa­ Club, at the home of Mrs. Sander received into Court St. Catherine girl ami wore a white dress with she wore a 'white baJlerina-: Toy Day7 Meetmg Held trolmen wouldn't need to carry an over.skirt sprinkled with pink Olsen, 2019 W. 180th St. and one candidate, Mrs. E. Me- length gown of satin with a chif­ 'Toy Day' was observed at the a gun," she added. The exchange of gifts netted rosebuds. She carried a white fon overskirt. Her veil wa« at- Nov. 18 Dolores St. PTA meeting A trainer herself, qualified to $10.08 for the club treasury. Cray Moody, was initiated for basket filled with pink flower ;it;K'b"<1 to a matching tiara and when members brought toys to use her dogs for tracking and A special door prize of a string Court St. Christopher oC Culver petals. < ,'d a bouquet of white be given exceptional children. and guard work, Mrs. Lehr will of Christmas lighte, was an­ City. New members of the local Both the brides and the r , u/itli an m-rhifl rv-nlf'i Officer Box from the Compton be ready to train police dogs nounced for the special Dec. 3 court include: Mmes. Ellis E. grooms mothers wore dresses of way Patrol was guest speaker. when the times comes. meeting. Cook, Louie V. Derouin, Harold lace over taffeta. The brides He spoke on safety around the In the meantime she is busy Three new committees were Mr DeWan. Eugene J. Erbetta, mother choose dusty rose with fn<-n'J, eerved as maid of honor, school areas. concentrating on her second formed. Serving on the ways and Jr., Paul Horvat, George Klimek, brown accessories and wore t the fnmilv in Swe­ aim, to see children learn to take means committee will be Mmes. Arthur t,ey, William J. McDon­ corsage of Sterling Silver roses. care of and handle their own Ralph Madden, Jews Huerta, ald, Richard Oliver, Leonard L. The grooms mother wore brown dog*. Richard Fleming and Harold Reid and Marie Wubker; also with beige accessories. Her cor­ Every morning at 8:15 she can Bloom. the Misses Rosa and Katie Ort- sage was of deep pink roues. be seen with her three German On the entertaining and plan­ man and Miss Grace Young. Peter L. Edwards served as Shepherds and from 50 to 60 ning committee will be Mmes. Purple and gold, the colors of best man with ushers Alien Mc- children on the way to school. Louis Ambrlsio, Sander OLsen, the order, keynoted the decor on Collach and Gene Esquibel com­ "I do It because I love kids." David Rrnddes and Alton Nigh. the tea table and the hall. Cor­ pleting the wedding party.
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