CURRENT STATUS TABLE ON SELECTED LEGISLATION 111th CONGRESS (2009-2010) - UPDATED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 18, 2010 Prepared by Richard J. McKinney, Assistant Law Librarian, Federal Reserve Board This status table is for informational purposes only; staff at the Federal Reserve are not necessarily following any particular item listed Issue or Bill Title House Actions Senate Actions Final Actions Age Discrim in Empl Act - clarify HR 3721 (Miller) intrd 10/6/09; S 1756 (Harkin) intrd 10/6/09; Ed & Labor subcmte hrng 5/5/10; HELP Cmte hrng 5/6/10 Judiciary subcm hrng 6/10/10 American Ins. Group - intervmtn Financial Svcs subcm hrngs 3/18,24./09; Banking Cmte hearing 3/5/09 - Kohn - bonuses, bailout H Res 251 (Latourette) intrd 3/17/09; H Res 251 cleard Fin Svcs Cmt 3/25/09 Overst & Gov Reform Cmte hrng 4/2/09; H Res 251 reptd 4/23/09 Rpt No. 111-84; O & Gov Ref Cmte hrng 10/14/09 1/27/10 American Recovery and HR 598 (Rangel) intrd 01/16/09; S 1 (Reid) intrd 1/06/09; H (cnf) Rpt 111-16 reported Reinvestment Act of 2009 HR 629 (Waxman) intrd 01/22/09 S 336 (Inouye) intrd 01/28/09; 02/12/09; (economic stimulus package) HR 1 (Obey) intrd 01/26/09; S 350 (Baucus) intrd 01/29/09; HR 1 enacted 02/17/09 HR 679 reptd 1/27/09 Rpt No. 111-4 HR 1 considered 2/2/09-2/7/09; PL 111-5 123 Stat 115 HR 598 reptd 1/27/09 Rpt No. 111-8 HR 1 passed amended 2/10/09 407 p. HR 1 passed 01/28/09; HR 1 conf rept agreed to 2/13/09; HR 1 Conf Rept agreed to 2/13/09 HS & Gov Affrs Cmte hrng 3/5, 9/10/09 ARRA - impact of stimulus Transp. & Infras subcmte hrng 10/27/09 JEC hrng 10/29/09; Commerce Cmte hrng 10/27/09 ARRA - enhanced oversight of HR 2182 reptd 5/18/09 Rpt No. 111-115; S 1064 (Lieberman) intrd 5/18/09; State & local economic recov. HR 2182 passed 5/19/09; S 1064 cleared Gov Afrs Cmte 5/20/09 Oversight & Gov Ref Cmte hrng 7/8/09 S 1064 reptd 7/22/09 Rpt No. 111-56 ARRA amdt - low-income housing HR 2995 (Davis) intrd 6/23/09 S 1326 (Bayh) intrd 6/23/09; - signage prohibtions S 1318 (Gregg) intrd 6/22/09 ARRA extension to 2010 HR 3691 (Brown-Waite) intrd 10/1/09; HR 3810 (DeFazio) intrd 10/14/09 ARRA Commission - establish HR 4219 (Wilson) intrd 12/8/09 ARRA - resc of unobligated funds HR 3140 (Price) intrd 7/9/09; - 2% for vet claims processors HR 3504 (Miller) intrd 7/31/09 Amer w Disabilities Act - oversight Judiciary subcmte hrng 4/22, 7/22/10 Ant-money laundering Financial Svcs subcm hrng 5/26/10 Antitrust criminal penalties reform S 3259 (Kohl) intrd 4/26/10 Appointees w/o Senate consent HR 3226 (Kingston) intrd 7/15/09 Appropriation earmarks - limits HR 3233 (Lummis) intrd 7/16/09; HR 4560 (Kratovil) intrd 2/2/10 Arbitration - mandatory binding Judiciary subcmte hrng 9/15/09 Auto insurance fraud penalties S 3546 (Schumer) intrd 6/29/10 Auto manuf. - biofuel standards HR 2751 (Sutton) intrd 6/8/09 S 835 (Brownback) intrd 4/20/09 Incentives to replace old autos Balance budget Const. amdt HJR 1 (Goodlatte) intrd 1/06/09; SJR 22 (Lemieux) intrd 12/15/09; HJR 7 (Emerson) intrd 1/07/09; SJR 27 (DeMint) intrd 2/4/10; HJR 43 (Buchanan) intrd 4/22/09; SJR 35 (Hatch) intrd 7/21/10 HJR 73 (Broun) intrd ½7/10; HJR 75 (Broun) intrd 2/3/10; HJR 78 (Bright) intrd 3/2/10; HJR 89 (Terry) intrd 6/16/10 Balanced budget - limit increases HR 5323 (Smith) intrd 5/18/10 - 2 - Issue or Bill Title House Actions Senate Actions Final Actions Bank failures Financial Svcs subcmte hrng 1/21/10 Bank forbearance - families HCR 197 (Nye) intrd 10/8/09; affected by damaged drywall HCR 197 passed 12/2/09 Bank holding cos - prompt cor ac HR 3968 (Ellison) intrd 10/29/09 Bank of Am-Merril Lynch merger Oversigt / Gov Ref subcm hrng 6/8/09; 6/25/09, 7/16/09, 12/11/09 Bank prohibition in real estate HR 111 (Kanjorski) intrd 1/06/09 S 356 (Boxer/Burr) intrd 1/29/09 Bank regulator forbearance H Res 943 (Coffman) intrd 12/3/09 Bank safety, accountability reform HR 5159 (Miller) intrd 4/28/10 S 3241 (Brown) intrd 4/21/10 Bank supervision & regulation Banking Cmte hng 3/19,25, 8/4, 9/29/09 Bank - U.S. Employee Ownership S 2914 (Sanders) intrd 12/18/09 Banking / Commerce separation - HR 4375 (Hinchley) intrd 12/16/09; S 2886 (Cantwell) intrd 12/16/09; Reinstate Glass-Steagall act HR 4377 (Kaptur) intrd 12/16/09; Banking Cmte hrngs 2/2,4/10 HR 4461 (Dingell) intrd 1/15/10 Banking industry - state of Banking subcmte hrng 10/14/09 Bankruptcy - private education Judiciary subcmte hrng 9/23/09; 4/22/10; debt HR 5043 (Cohen) intrd 4/15/10; HR 5043 apprved 9/16 by Judiciary subcm Bankruptcy - high cost credit relief S 257 (Whitehouse) intrd 1/15/09; Consumer impact of reforms Judiciary subcmte hrng 7/23/09 Bankruptcy - medical debt woes Judiciary subcmte hrng 7/28/09 Judiciary subcmte hrng 10/20/09 Bipartisan fiscal respon task force S 2853 (Conrad) intrd 12/9/09 Bridging banks for underbanked HR 3171 (Baca) intrd 7/10/09 Broker / agent registered reforms HR 2554 (Scott) intrd 5/21/09; HR 2554 passed 3/2/10 Broker/dealer auditors - HR 1212 (Kanjorski) Intrd 2/26/09 PCAOB oversight Budgetary accoun. Commission HR 3964 (Hensarling) intrd 10/29/09 S 1282 (Brownback) intrd 6/17/09; & review Fed agencies S 3096 (Bennett) intrd 3/10/10 Budget - expedi rescissn authorty HR 1294 (Ryan) intrd 3/5/09; S 524 (Feingold/McCain) intrd 3/4/09; HR 1390 (Buchanan) intrd 3/9/09 S 3423 (KerrY) intrd 5/25/10; S 3474 (Feingold) intrd 6/9/10 Budget - restablish pay-as-you-go HR 2920 (Hoyer) intrd 6/17/09; Budget Cmte hearing 6/25/09; HR 2920 passed 7/22/09 Budget resolution FY 2010 HCR 85 passed 4/2/09; Budget Cmte cleared res. 3/26/09 H (conf) Rept 111-89 filed SCR 13 passed amended 4/22/09; SCR 13 amended & passed 4/2/09; 4/27/09 SCR 13 conf rept agreed to 4/29/09 SCR 13 Hse amdt considered 4/23/09; SCR 13 conf rept agreed to 4/29/09 Budget resolution FY 2011 Budget Cmte cleared res. 4/22/10; SCR 60 reptd 4/26/10 Budget transparency HR 5752 (Quigley) intrd 7/15/10 Business info collection HR 2392 (Issa) intrd 5/13/09 Buy American Act amdts HR 4351 (Lipinski) intrd 12/16/09; S 2890 (Feingold) intrd 12/16/09 HR 4553 (Murphy) intrd 2/2/10 Buy Amer. Act - to Legis. Branch HR 2039 (Kaptur) intrd 4/22/09; HR 2039 passed 9/15/10 - 3 - Issue or Bill Title House Actions Senate Actions Final Actions Caller ID spoofing HR 1110 (Scott) intrd 2/23/09; HR 1110 reptd 11/2/09 Rpt No. 111-321 HR 1110 passed 12/16/09 Caller ID act, Truth in HR 1258 (Engel) intrd 3/3/09; S 30 (Nelson) 1/7/09; HR 1258 reptd 4/13/10 Rpt No. 111-461; S 30 reptd 11/2/09 Rpt No. 111-96; HR 1258 passed 4/14/10 S 30 passed 2/23/10 Calling card cons protection act HR 3993 (Engel) intrd 11/3/10; En & Commerce subcm hrng 12/3/10; HR 3993 reptd 6/16/10 Rpt No. 111-507; HR 3993 passed 6/23/10 Capital standards for spec entit. HR 2660 (Ellison) intrd 6/2/09 Carsharing/ridesharing tax reim. HR 5129 (Hodes/Carnahan) intrd 4/22/10 Certification, Fed Bd of - establish S 1592 (Snowe/Cardin) intrd 8/6/09 Child care employer facilities HR 460 (Ruppersberger) intrd 1/13/09 S 210 (Boxer) intrd 1/12/09 Checking accts - interest HR 4067 (Murphy) intrd 11/7/09 Children’s Heath Ins Program HR 2 (Pallone) intrd 1/13/09; HR 2 passed amended 1/29/09 HR 2 enacted 2/4/09 - reauthorization, employer req. HR 2 passed 1/14/09; PL 111-3 123 Stat 8 HR 2 Sen amdts agreed to 2/4/09 104 pages China-US economic relationship Finance Cmte hrng 6/10/10 City gov fiscal relief HR 506 (Brady) intrd 1/14/09 COBRA benefits extension S 3548 (Casy) intrd 6/29/10 COBRA premium accounts - estb HR 6001 (Pitts) intrd 7/30/10 Coins for IRAs, ind pension plans S 1769 (Vitter) intrd 10/8/09 Coins - palladium - for investors S 758 (Baucus/Tester) intrd 4/1/09 Coins & currency, state of U.S. Financial Svcs subcmte hrng 7/20/10 Commercial real estate market Fin Svcs Cmte hrng 7/29/10 Commodity speculation limits, Agriculture subcmte hrng 3/3/10 S 447 (Levin) intrd 2/13/09; CFTC antimarket manip. auth. S 1412 (Collins) intrd 7/8/09; S 1682 (Cantwell) intrd 9/17/09 Cmty bank small loan guar fund HR 5816 (Minnick) intrd 7/22/10 S 2824 (Kohl) intrd 12/3/09 Community banks, credit unions Banking subcmte hrng 7/8/09; - cmty devl inst assistance S 2867 (Murray) intrd 12/10/09 Cmty credit renewal fund - Treas S 1822 (Merlley) intrd 10/21/09 Community devel financial inst - HR 1674 (Maloney) intrd 3/23/09; bank affiliates HR 1674 passed 6/16/09; HR 4694 (Speier) intrd 2/25/10; Financial Svcs Cmte hrng 3/9/10 Community reinvestment act amt HR 1479 (Johnson) intrd 3/12/09; or repeal Financial Svcs Cmte hrng 9/16/09; Financial Svcs subcm hrng 4/15/10; HR 5038 (Hensarling/Bachus) intrd 4/15 Commuter Benefits Equity Act S 322 (Schumer) intrd 1/26/09 Commuter bill of rights HR 6064 (Ruppersberger) intrd 7/30/10 Commercial real estate Joint Economic Cmte hrng 7/9/09 Congress automatic pay HR 156 (Mitchell) intrd 1/06/09; S 317 (Feingold) intrd ½6/09; HR 5146 enacted 5/10/10 increases - prevent HR 282 (Sestak) intrd 1/07/09; S 542 (Reid) intrd 3/6/09; PL 111-165 No COLA for FY 2011 HR 395 (Burton) intrd 1/09/09; S 620 (Reid) intrd 3/17/09; - 4 - Issue or Bill Title House Actions Senate Actions Final Actions Congress - no automatic salary HR 566 (Buchannan) intrd 1/15/09; S 620 passed 3/17/09; Increases HR 581 (Latta) intrd 1/15/09; S 3071 (Bennet) intrd 3/4/10; HR 4255 (Mitchell) intrd 12/9/09; S 3143 (Coburn) intrd 3/18/10; HR 4336 (Deal) intrd 12/16/09; S 3244 intrd & passed 4/22/10; HR 5146 (Mitchell) intrd 4/27/10; HR 5146 passed 4/28/10 - cleared HR 5146 passed 4/27/10 402-15 Congress pay reduction 5% HR 4720 (Kirpatrick) intrd 3/2/10 Cong.
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