\ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1968 Av«n«« Dally Net Pt m Run The Weather PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT deer «nd extol tonight, ooma For The Waok W m itee matirbrsti^r £tt?ning UmiUi fog developing, low la the 60a. Seplember 1 4 ,18M ' Sunny, worm Sunday with highs Miss Kathleen Ann Murray, JHanrhTat^r Itrm titg In the 80a. Shower probably About Town daughter of Mr. and Mrs.^F.R. 14,895 near aero throiklbout. Murray of M TVebbe Dr., is a Manehe»ter--^A City of Viliage Charm member o f the freshman class PMNr The Hartford Pembroke Ool- at Emmanuel College, Boston, on Page U ) PRICE TEN^CENTS lef« Club wm have a buffet ao- YOU LXXXyn, n o . SOO ( f o u r t e e n p a g e s —t v SECmON—t a b l o i d ) MANCHESTER, (X>NN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 ctal meeting Sept. » at 4 p.m. BUIBS at the home of Mr. and M n. David Wlttmer, 106 Tamara Army Spec. 4. Russell W. Circle, Avon. For reeefvatlona, Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ver- NOW memlMrs are reminded to con­ nice H. Cole of 46 S. Alton St., tact Mrs. Juris Zars, IS Grant recently was asslgived as a lia«rlfpHtpr1Eiipnitt0lll2ralh -M m Hill Rd., Bloomfield, or MTs. carpenter to the 87th Engineer te^ etr^ O m m Viet W ar Martin Wolman, si Foxcroft Battalion near Du Long, Viet­ ^Tulips '^Crocus Dr., West Hartford. nam. , Escalates Philippine Embassy Hit if Kennedy Qualnis over LBJ Saigon Halts Execution The Combined Catholic Moth­ Cub Scout Pack 47 will have Hyociirilis Its first meeting of the year to­ Boost Chances for McCarthy ers’ Circles will h<dd a demon­ " S S x n ' S i A s Is s u e stration meeting at St. Bartholo­ night at 7 in Cooper Hall of Of Viet Cong Terrorists South Methodist Oiurch. This Is if Daffodik mew’s School Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. wiwiea » mOS wmm moraraw m m By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Any Manchester mother who is an organi^ti<mal meeting. Any s r s r . a i t Z Vietnam is escalating os on boy from 8 to 10 years of age raising children in the CathoHc & rs= c.*u Hul’S.'.'s .’i: losue in the roes for the White By Students in Sabah faith and would like to become wishing to Join the pack may Large House. attend this meeting accompani­ EVEROREENS^ a member Is Invited to attend. Selection m m * totoig t o r n Vice President Hubert H. Fqr further information, contact ed by at least one parent. Humjphrey drew a atondteg ova- KUALA LUMPUR, Ma­ Mrs. John McNamara, 68 Cush­ DRIED FOR g S 5 555 IWoeOte Uon from a crowd of 6,000 Fri­ laysia (AP) — About 400 man Dr. or MTs.’Thomas Parker, ’The Army-Navy Club march­ MATERIALS V foiap ■■ tow e i » tonoMaa aM9 e « M to day night os he pledg^ to do students stormed into the ing unit will meet tomorrow at 18 Gerard St. For AU Fall YOUR AsModell everyOiing possible "to find an Philippine Embassy 4 p.m. at the clubhouse to par­ ItotoMtotoaMOanto honorable peace, to end this Miss Judith A. Naschke, ticipate in the Tall Cedars of Flower grounds and tore down Arranging FALL PLANTIMI war.” daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ L e l^ o n parade at 4:80. a S T r - : " , His Republican rival, Richard ^ e PhiHppine flag today win A. Naschke o f 28 Nye St., M .Nixon, cautioned against a in protest against a Fili­ has been named to the dean’s ’The Rev. George Noetrand, Rtgftitr Now For Our Chrftfmo* Woifnliop settlement Oiat would bring pino claim to the Malaysian list for the fall semester at rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal home today's 19 and 20-year-oId state of Sabah. Malaysian Pembroke College, Providence, Church, will conduct a service JOHN L soldiena but would mean "their Prime Minister Tunku Ab­ Simday at 8:16 a.m. on radio R.I. 14 and 16-yeor-old brothers will dul Rahman congratulated station WINF. The program is be fighting someplace else Ibe BritiSh-American Club sponsored by the Manchester the students. agahv'* "Malaysia needs this kind of will have a dance tomorrow Council of Churches. Nixon sold If a cooUUon gov­ spirit,’ ’ the prime minister told “V from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. at^ the ernment were Impoaed on South WHITHAM the students after they marched clubhouse. Charles Varrlck’s Committee chairmen of the Vietnam, the CkMnmunists would from the embassy to his official \ orcheetra will play for dancing. Manchester Junior Women’s LANOSCAPC lilURSERY only be encouraged to try A buffet will be served. Club will attend a Connecticut agg^resslon elsewhere. He sold residence. "We appreciate this “ GROW WITH US” \ ffi State Federation of Women’s Vietnam’s future Should be de­ spirit to show that you are going to defend Malaysia.’’ Manchester Rod and Gun Club Club Junior Workshop tomorrow Boute 6, Bolton—600 Yds, from Bo|too Notch—648-1808 termined by free elections. s will have its quarterly meeting from 9:46 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the HumiSuwy, speaking In Louls- Rahman then led the crowd in Monday at 8 p.m. at the club­ First Congregational Church, OPE^ DAILY and SUNDAY 9*5t80 vMle, Ky., made what may have three shouts o f "M erdeka,” the house, Daley Rd., Coventry. Waterbury. been an allusion to his role as Malay cry for freedom. Say Shabby Peddler vice juresldent In the Johnson In htenUa, the Philippine gov­ W as G estapo O fficer administration when be noted ernment lo^ed a "stiong pro- Che eagle on his seal of office test" against the embassy Intru­ hoids only a single olive branch, sion In a note handed to the Ma­ compared to the cluster on the laysian ambassador. Malaysia JARMAN PUTS YOU announced earlier this week it is lnr,eimirtim presid^tlal seal. Mahoney Opens Campaign Headquarters ■nie Democratic candidate suspending relations with the Patman, Fowler Fight said, "How can you expect me PhlUpplnes over the Sabah dis­ On Tax-Free Groups gars.’a'Srs pute, but the note was delivered Francis Mahoney, right, and his campaign mana­ of workers and well-wishers. Mahoney, a town di­ to be the No. 1 peace man with rector and former mayor, is the Democratic can­ one lltUe oUve branch. You let nonetheless. ger, Hertiert Stevenson, “ map” campaign strategy owe toN a atotoe n me iwiiaw m * • m tn m tm m tsna a any taa a ms w m b w wra • Ow oaM«»9vaw ^ w wtoto to awwMWw Meanwhile, Informed sources in Mahoney’s race for sptate representative from didate for the State Legislature seat. His Repub­ (See Page Foniieen) Boston Snarled by 13-Inch Snowfall r?.*g?rfr; said the Malaysian government Manchester’s 19th Assembly District. The map is lican opponent is incumbent State Rep. Robert had dispatched about 300 troops on the wall 6f Mahoney’s 521 E. Middle 'Tpke. head­ Stavnitsky. (Herald p’ oto by Bucelvicius) aboard naval vessels to Sabah, quarters, opened last night and visited by a host located about 1,000 miles across Police and sign-carrying crowd in Kqta Kinabalu, capital of Sabah, watch as the South cailna Sea from the 46 Stranded Malaysian mainland. TTie Phil­ summer home o f Mias Miaitta Mrs. Bernice Mhher will be In­ teachers was dlsnimed and the Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos is burned in effigy, yesterday, to ippines government has main­ Three Teachers Kemp at Cotaimfata. take. stalled as state president and group felt that ft would h ^ tained it does not Intend to use to widen the teachers’ cultural protest the Filipino claim on the Malaysian state of Sabah. Malaysia has in­ They are Mra Ruth Boimey Mrs, Mllke Farr and as corre­ In Havana force to wrest the disputed terri­ Joiii Socieity sponding secretary. background emd thus enrich the formed the Philippine government officially it is suspending diplomatic rela­ tory from Malaysia, but some end Mlaa Isabelle Regan, both lives of the children and youth o f Manebeober, and Mrs. Har­ ATter a chicken dinner, pro­ Malaysian officials fear FlUplno The Alpha DeKa Kappa, in- they teach. tion and asked it io withdraw its customs officers from Sabah. (AP Photofax riet Osbom o f Somera. They grams for the year wore dis­ After Hijack nationalists might try to launch tenwUoaol honorary society wlU be installed O ot 19 at the tributed and plans were made Prize-Winning Herald Page of Nov. 16, 1967 via cable from Kuala Lumpur) guerrilla raids. More than 950,000 American foe teachers pledged three new Connecticut convention of the for the group to esaiat the laitz MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Forty- H>e students’ Invasion of the Bowling Congress awards are i®fTravfflB«7TaaHSp«a When a meniaera .at its first meetiivg aorority at the Hotel Amcrtca, Junior Museum. A schedarEtiip embaasy grounds came after a presented each season. gesturing, armed hijacker rally at toe University of Ma­ of the year yesterday at the Hartford. At the convention, program for Alpha' Delta Kappa In New England Contest forced an Eastern Air Unes jet laya protesting a Philippine to Cuba, Were stranded in Ha­ law, rigned Wednesday, annex­ lU vana t o iiy alter the Castro gov­ 2,000 Marines Sweep DMZ ing toe Malaysian state In North ernment refused to let them fly Borneo.
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