^P^T^^ifl—>—^P——PJPPPiPP^W^ ''^^^mmmmmmmmmmmmm P»gt6 Th« Eagto Ulc Htadllght — N«wt for Southrn Colofado County, T>xa< Thursday, March 21,1996 Thursday, March 21,1996 The Eagle Lake Headlight — Hows for South>m Colorado County, Tax>« H9»1 Come enjoy Eddy Raven in concert Nashville recording star Eddy such as Professor Longhair. Dr. John, career fuIl-Ume. "Bayou Boys", "I Got Mcxk»", sics: "Sooner or Later", "Island", Young Love", "I Should've CiOled", miiiMrEirs Raven will be the main attraction at Dale and Grace ("I'm Leaving It All Raven's attaition to quality has "Shine, Shine, Shine", "I'm Gonna "She's Playing Hard To Forget", "I "Who Do You Know In Califonk" Friday night's outdoor concert from 8 Up To You") and John Fred & the paidoff.He'sconsistentlyatdietopof Get You", "Joe Knows How To Live", Could Use Anodier You", "She's and "A Little Bit Crazy", p.m. to 1 a.m., following his opening Playboy Band. diecharts with music Uiat often defies "Til You Cry" and "In A Letter To Gonna Win Your Heart", "Right Hand When Don G»t moved to ABC act, "Cotorado". The great Bobby Charles fWalk- classification. He is an artist who, You". Man", "You're Never Too OU For (Sec Ravca, P^« D PRAIME CHICKEN FESnVAL Admission is $10 and tickets may ing To New Orleans" and "See You without sacrificing any musical integ- Even his songs diat did not hit die be purchased in advance at Wik:ox Later Alligator") Uved only a few rity, has had number one songs such as top went on to become country das- , J - Foods IGA or the Chamber of Com­ miles away. Charles cut one of March 22-24,1996, Eagle Lake, Texas merce Office, 408 E. Main. They will Raven's songs, becoming something also be available at the gate. of a songwriter mentor for the young Raven's #1 Records Raven's kind of music is rich in writer/artist. • Bayou Boys I Got Mexico lyrical imagery and strong in the La Louisiane eventually added • Shine, Shine, Shine • I'm Gonna Get You Friday, March 22, 8 p.m.'l a.m. artist's musKal roots. He has been Raven to its roster and released "That • Til You Ciy • In A Letter To You FESTIVAL KICK-OFF writing and playing a mixture of rock, Cajun Country Sound" which country, Cajun and blues since he was prompted Grand 01' Opry star Jimmy Nashville recording artist Eddy Raven perfonns outdoors at the a teenager in Louisiana. C. Newman to invite Raven to Nash­ Top 10 Hits His first release, "Once A Fool", ville. Acuff-Rose then signed him as a • Sooner or Later • Island Eagle Lake Community Center (show opens with the band Colorado). was one of his compositions for the staff writer and he went back to Lou­ • She's Playing Hard To Forget • I Could Use Another You Tickets are $10 at the gate. ., Georgia-based Cosmos label. isiana determined to write a hit song. • She's Gonna Win Your Heart • Operator, Operator Raven started working in That he did widi "Country Green" • I Wanna Hear It From You • You Should Have Been Lafayette's La Louisiane, selling rec­ and "Touch the Morning" for Don • Sometimes A Lady Gone By Now Saturday, March 23, and Sunday, March 24 ords and working in the facility's Gibson and "Good Moming Counoy • Right Hand Man ATTWATER'S PRAIRIE CHICKEN NATIONAL sound studios, gaining a huge amount Rain" for Jeannie C. Riley. • You're Never Too Old of all-around experience. With the encouragement of Acuff- For Young Love • I Should've Called WILDLIFE REFUGE TOURS It was there that Raven first Rose's Don G ant, the writer made the • Who Do You Know In California • A Ltttle Bit Crazy Begin at 7 a.m. Admission is free. worked with the great regional stars move to Nashville to pursue his music Local band to open for Raven Pre-register on the square in downtown Eagle Lake. '"Colorado", the official band of new name, "Colorado", in June 1994. Burke. •• ••••'••••• STLVE the North and South Texas finals of They have since grown to be one A professional musician since the 5K FUN RUN AND KIDDIE KILOMETER APC Refuge tours the Tnie Value/Jimmy Dean Country of the most popular bands in Southeast age of 16, Appelt leads the five- Both begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday in downtown Eagle Lake. Showdown in 1994, will open Friday and South Central Texas; keeping a member band as the drummer and offered during festival night's outdoor concert at the Eagle busy schedule at a variety of events in­ vocalist. Also included are veterans SILENT AUCTION AND WINE & CHEESE RECEPTION Lake Community Center. cluding fairs, festivals, public dances, Charles Barrett on bass, Dan Waddell Personnel at the Attwater Prairie Fish & Wildlife Service to provide a C£Me The band's originator is well- private parties and night clubs. on lead guitar, Russ Lewandowski on Begins at 3 p.m. Tickets are $12.50 and may be purchased at the door Chicken National Wildlife Refuge, mechanism to enhance the awareness known in Colorado County. Darrel Primarily a top-40 country band keyboards and Darren Kunz, sound U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service volun­ of the endangered Attwater's Prairie r Appelt, the son of Lynda Appelt and that plays the latest hits, "Colorado" engineer and equipment manager. Also, arts & crafts, food & drink, local entertainment every 30 minutes, teers and docents from the Houston Chicken's plight. s Bill Appelt of Eagle Lake, grew up in Zoo have teamed up to offer guided also features rock, blues and classic All the band members live in Guided tours of the refuge will WALI Eagle Lake. country as well as 50s and 60s hits. Colorado County, except for Lewan­ carnival n'des, the Prairie Gator Farm, LCRAs Watchable Wildlife Trailer tours of the refuge during the second begin in downtown Eagle Lake at 7 n5 ' He originally organized the band They have also opened shows for na­ dowski who lives in Houston. and art & photography contestants' displays annual Eagle Luke's Attwater's Prai­ a.m. and leave every hour, on the hour, in 1987 as "Texas Dancetime Band", tional recording stars such as £)oug rie Chicken Festival, March 23 and until 4 p.m. on bodi Saturday and but with a new age of country musk Supemaw, Larry Boone, Charlie 24. Sunday. a a coming on, the group arrived at the McLain, Wayne Massey and Frenchie For more infonnation, call (409)234-2780 or (409)234-5713. The celebration was conceived Although visitors may not be able last year through a cooperative effort to see endangered Attwater's Prairie For a free brochure on all 18 Riverfest events, of the Eagle Lake Chamber of Com­ Chickens in the wild, the tours will Join the Party at the merce, Houston Audubon Society, take them into an area of the refuge please call (800)776-5272, Ext. 3235. .gg^ Texas Parks & Wildlife and the U.S. (See Tours, Page 9) Enjoying the Attwater's TIE FJIBRIS IffiiZ Attwater's Prairie Chicken Festival Prairie Chicken Festival? before the Eddy Raven concert IM Stop by and refresh yourself COMM^ 1 Fajita Buffet...^9.95.dnnk While you're in town, visit Silent Auction Items at Friday, March 22; 4 to 8 p.m. the Prairie Edge Museum, 408 RIVERFEST During Wine & Cheese Reception 1 Open for stays this weekend by reservation 3 p.m. Saturday, March 23; 123 E. Main, Downtown Ca^e on M^^^ ••1 E. Main, and get a glimpse of ALONG THE COLORADO RIVER TRAIL Call 234-2546 life before superhighways and 1. Southwestern placemats and napkins, donated by Ediel & Joe Lee > ; the Internet. McCreary. 2. "Good Woman" sign, Ethel & Joe Lee McCreary. t 222 E. Main I 3. Weighted dog's dish, Steven Meinecke. 1 Eagle Lake ^'"^' Focus Continued from Page 1 4. Prairie Chicken decanter. The Baumgart Agencies. 5. Book, "Songbirds In Your Garden", Lesley Matthews. SN 409-234-5818 vately owned body of water, also This lakeside site was a big hit /f 41 Other activities indue a wine and 6. All-day birding tour to High Island, Gary Woods. Looking to Fill Those Easter Baskets? cheese reception at 3 p.m. for $12.50 named Eagle Lake. All the land with birdwatchers last year and at this 7. $25 Gift certificate, Wilcox Foods IGA. Hot lunches on weekends! per ticket, and a trip to the Prairie around it is private; the lake itself is time of year should be teeming with 8. $25 Gift certificate, Wilcox Foods IGA. Look No Further! Come by... Gator Farm exhibit used by the Lower Colorado River migrating birds, alligators and other We Will Be Open until 9 p.m. i 9. Tour of captive breeding facility. National Parks & Wildlife. «» Tours of the nearby Attwater's Authority as a reservoir to irrigate area species. Visitors may drive out to the 10. Naming and releasing of one bird. National Parks & WiWIife. ' Flowers ^n More Thursday, Friday & Saturday, March 21-23 Prairie Chicken National Wildlife rice fields. lake from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m on Saturday 11. Refuge tour for 11, National Parks & Wildlife. Refuge run from 7 a.ni. to 4 p.m. both The Eagle Lake event is the first and Sunday. 12. Shirt and cap, Prairie Edge Museum. For All Your Easter Goodies! • Hot & Cold Drinks • Soups, Salads Saturday and Sunday. Visitors can see 1996 date of LCRA's Riverfest, a Saturday afternoon at the festival, Kawasaki ^^mtrM 13.
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