Planning Committee 30 March 2021 Report of the Planning Manager Planning Ref: 20/00470/FUL Applicant: Owl Partnerships Ltd Ward: Barlestone Nailstone And Osbaston Site: Garden Farm Bagworth Road Barlestone Proposal: Residential development of 99 dwellings with associated infrastructure, vehicular accesses and areas of open space © Crown copyright. All rights reserved Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council LA00018489 Published 2006 1. Recommendations 1.1. Grant planning permission subject to The completion within six months of this resolution a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations: 100% Affordable Housing with a split of 50 units as affordable rented and 49 units as shared ownership £3,170.00 for library facilities at Newbold Verdon Library £4,903.00 towards improving existing waste facilities at Barwell HWRC £50,124.93 towards Health Care Provision (GP Practices) On-site Open Space requirement of 356.4m2 of equipped play area with equipment to a minimum value of £64,839;85; 1663.22 of Casual/Informal Play Space and 8965m2 of natural green space along with maintenance costs. £48,302.07 towards secondary school education at The Market Bosworth School. Travel Packs – one per dwelling (can be supplied by LCC at £52.85 per pack) 6 month bus passes – two per dwelling (2 application forms to be included in Travel Packs and funded by the developer) – can be supplied through LCC at £360.00 per pass. Travel Plan monitoring fee of £6,000. Traffic Regulation Order cost of £7,500. Planning conditions outlined at the end of this report 1.2. That the Planning Manager be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions. 1.3. That the Planning Manager be given delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods. 2. Planning application description 2.1. The proposal has been amended from the original proposal of 110 dwellings and now seeks full planning permission for the construction of 99 dwellings with associated accesses, public open space, landscaping and infrastructure. The site has an area of approximately 3.58 hectares. A detailed access plan has been submitted which shows a new road leading into the site from Bagworth Road along with a secondary access serving 7 units off an unadopted road. 2.2. The housing mix proposed comprises 50 affordable rented units and 49 shared ownership units. The properties proposed are a mix of 10 x one bed maisonettes, 43 x 2 bed houses, 40 x 3 bed houses and 6 x 4 bed houses. The properties proposed are of traditional construction comprising predominantly facing bricks with roofing tiles. All of the properties would be built to a height of two-storeys. 2.3. The site layout plan shows the development would be predominantly arranged into five perimeter blocks along with ribbon development along Bagworth Road and backing onto the attenuation pond properties along The Poplars and Ash Close. All of the properties would either face onto roads or parking forecourts. Some of the properties would have small front gardens whereas others would have parking along the frontage. All of the properties would have rear gardens of at least 9 metres in length with the exception of the maisonettes which would have a communal rear garden. 2.4. Areas of open space are proposed across the site. Along the eastern boundary of the site a large area of land would remain undeveloped. In this open space area would be a Locally Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) along with a kick about area. This area contains public footpaths R64 and S32. Areas of open space are also proposed to the south and south east of the site. This area contains public footpaths S15 and S35 along with an existing watercourse. An attenuation pond is proposed in the area of open space to the south east of the site. These areas of open space would link to May Meadow and Football Pitch open space (BARL16). 2.5. The proposal includes the widening of Bagworth Road to 5.5 metres along the site frontage and the provision of a 2.0 metre wide footway from the site access to the existing public right of way to the north. 2.6. Planning permission was granted in 2015 for the demolition of buildings and the construction of up to 64 dwellings (outline – access only) (ref: 14/00596/OUT) on the majority of the site (2.5 hectares). 2.7. The application is supported by the following technical documents:- Design and Access Statement Existing Site Sections Topographical Survey Transport Assessment Residential Travel Plan Geotechnical Report Land Transfer Plan Tree Removal Plan Bat Survey Water Vole Survey Protected Species and Habitat Surveys Construction Environmental Management Plan Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Tree Survey Planning Statement Ground Investigation Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Geophysical Survey Historic Building Recording Assessment of Scheme Viability Surface Water Management Scheme Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Building for Life Informal Assessment Flood Risk Assessment 3. Description of the site and surrounding area 3.1. The application site is an allocated housing site BARL02 in the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD. 3.2. The application site is located on the north-eastern side of the village of Barlestone and to the east of Bagworth Road. Comprising of a farmhouse, associated buildings and an area of paddock land, the site forms part of a wider area of open countryside. The majority of the site lies within the settlement boundary for Barlestone. A track with open fields beyond forms the northern boundary of the site with open fields forming the eastern boundary. Located along the southern boundary is an area of public open space with Bagworth Road forming the western boundary and the residential area of Barlestone. The presence of this built development along with the adjoining open fields gives the area its semi-rural character. 3.3. The north eastern corner of the site along with a section along the eastern boundary is located within Landscape Character Area B - Charnwood Fringe Landscape Character Area (LCA – B) in the Landscape Character Assessment (2017). This is characterised by a dispersed pattern of former mining villages following a linear pattern on ridgetops, either located close to a colliery or providing housing for mine workers. The area has good public access and footpath networks throughout. The majority of the site lies within Urban Character Area 14 – Barlestone. 3.4. The core of Barlestone is located to the west of the site and contains a range of services and facilities including a primary school, doctor’s surgery, community hall, pre-school, places of worship, public houses, shops, post office and car repairs. The nearest bus stop is within walking distance of the site being located on Newbold Road. Bus services provide access to and from Leicester, Hinckley, Coalville and Market Bosworth. 3.5. The application site is currently used as grazing land bound by hedgerows along its boundaries with Bagworth Road. The site is mostly flat and level, however, the land does fall away gradually from north east to south from 135.99m AOD along the public footpath to a low point of 130.80m AOD where the attenuation basin is proposed. 4. Relevant planning history 14/00596/OUT Demolition of existing farmhouse, stables and outbuildings for the erection of up to 64 dwellings (outline - access only) Planning Permission 17.12.2015 5. Publicity 5.1. The application has been publicised by sending out letters to local residents. A site notice was also posted within the vicinity of the site and a notice was displayed in the local press. 5.2. 156 letters of objection have been received (some residential addresses have submitted more than one letter) raising the following concerns: 1) Question whether this residential scheme is in addition to the 64 dwellings already approved on the site (some make reference to 84 dwellings already approved on the site) 2) The proposal would increase the volume of traffic around the site on roads which are already too narrow, full of parked cars and unsafe – photographs and videos have been submitted of on street parking along Bagworth Road and Main Street 3) Vehicles from the proposed site would use the already congested A447 junction where there have been a number of crashes over the last 10+ years including fatalities 4) The road leading to Desford already exceeds its capacity and cannot cope with this proposed increase in traffic 5) A lot of elderly people and young children cross the road near to the proposed site entrance to access May Meadows and the footpaths in the area are narrow 6) Horse riders also use these roads and footpaths and so there will be highway safety issues 7) There would be highway safety issues from construction traffic using surrounding roads 8) The vehicular access would involve the removal of mature hedgerow 9) The application site is close to Churches, takeaways, hairdressers, a funeral undertakers and a Children’s Nursery which all generate a lot of traffic 10) The existing residents occupying properties near to the site will be subjected to noise and disturbance 11) Public transport services have been affected by COVID-19 12) There is a need for additional parking in the centre of Barlestone 13) Parking restrictions should not be placed on Bagworth Road as residents will have nowhere to park 14) The Neighbourhood Plan does not identify a need for further housing 15) The site lies within a flood risk area and this proposal would increase this risk of flooding 16) Additional
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