Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In LitchfkU County Vol. 37 No. 9 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE '10.00 PER YEAR Car. Rt.P.S. PRICE 25 CENTS March 4,1982 Gold ients Chosen Luddy Jasilunas, Tom Nevers cle President Gordon Elliott said. and Anthony (Kelly) Calabrese Lad Julianas Manager's Budget Asks Whopping have been chosen by the Water- Jasilunas, known as "jazzy" Oak Gold Circle of Sports to re- to most of his friends, was one of ceive Gold Rings at the organiza- the most natural and best ath- $981,000 Increase For 82-83 Year tion's 5th annual Awards Dinner Increases in the debt service, letes ever to play baseball and Mr. Troup said the public was by Jan. 1, 1982. Mr. Troup said to be held at Tart School, Sun- basketball at Watertown High landfill expenditures, and an in- made aware at the time of refer- the money should be used for the day, April 18, frequent 53rd pay day were cited School, • endum for the major projects- physical closure of the landfill The Gold Ring is emblematic Like so many of the ''old tim- by Town Manager James Troup road program, new police sta- this year, but he doubted it of outstanding achievements in this week as major causes in a ers," Jazzy played under the In- tion, Crestbrook Park expansion, would be enough. athletics and contribution to dians' great coach Al Belaud and proposed 18 percent administra- school roof repairs, athletic com- It will cost the town about community life. tive budget increase for 1982-83. was a captain of both the base. plex-the mill rate would in- $37,000 to take care of a 53rd pay Others who have received the ball and basketball teams. He The new budget, submitted by crease. day, a "phenomenon" which oc- rings in the past have been Lou Mr. Troup to the Town Council was a varsity member of both The town also had to borrow curs every seven or eight years, Pierce, Bob Cook, Mort Keilty. squads for all of his four years at Monday night, reveals a recom- $3.3 million to convert to the Uni- Mr. Troup said. Jim Liakos, Sam Fenn, Sr,, Moe mended town government figure WHS. form Fiscal Year (UFY) two years He pointed out the Welfare Zacearia, Bobby Ray, Phil Ber- A shortstop by trade, jasilu- of $6,281,039, up from the $5.3 ago. Department budget is up about chonak, Tony Roberts, Bob Pal- million adopted a year ago. nas played with many amateur Landfill Costs $44,000 over 1981-82, but the ac- mer, Jr., George Pierce and Age- and semipro teams before sign- Coupled with the Board of Ed- A second major increase is in tual increase is much less, since loDurante. Ing a contract with the Boston ucation's proposed fiscal pack- the landfill account, which falls the budgeted $37,852 of a year "Once again we are fortunate Red Sox in 1938, He was assign- age of $9,564,935, the totarbud- under (public works. The overall to have three men who are well ed to Welch of the Mountain get comes in at $15,8 million, a public works ledger is being rec- (Continued on page 2) worthy of our awards," Gold Cir- State League and was promoted boost of 12 percent. ommended at $1,082,569, an in- to Canton, Ohio, before deciding "Because the capital projects crease of $223,892 over 1981-82. that professional baseball wasn't approved in 1979 and 1980 have Landfill costs are expected to Boguslawski A t High for him. now been substantially complet- rise from $92,219 to a recom- His services were sought by ed, there will be no Idle cash-, in mended $255,000. several teams and he played 1982-83 to invest to offset the "The budget assumes the School Assemblies Today baseball with the Oakvilie Bull- cost of interest on the temporary landfill will close soon after July Watertown High School Chap- where he spemt more than a year dogs, Oakville Duvios, American financing," Mr. Troup said in his 1," Mr. Troup explained. "The ter, Future Business Leaders of in clergieal studies. Brass of the Industrial League, written budget message to the town willhave to seel andthef 'al- "America,-will-present'-two- as- ... On Jhe. sta|e. level, during Bethlehem Plough-boys, the Council, ternative and pay much more for semblies for the student body to- Governor Ella Grasso's first strong Waterbury Brasscos, The cost for bond anticipation disposal of solid waste than is the day (Thursday) featuring the term, he served with Mary Hes- which played many major league notes and the principal pay- case at the present time." popular consumer advocate and Hn on the Connecticut Depart- teams during the war time years downs will go up by $371,000, he The town manager said the Channel 8 consumer reporter, ment of Consumer Protection and was a playing manager with said.1 The figure could have been budget is "predicated" on a $20 Mike Boguslawski, (Continued on page 6) the strong Oakville Red Sox of higher, he noted, if the town was per ton charge to the town for The "In Your Corner" dynamo the Inter-State League, going to permanently bond the disposal. started his career as a consumer His basketball career found projects next fiscal year. Approximately $100,000 for advocate back in the early 1950's him playing with the K. of L., Legislation allowing the town solid waste in the 1981-82 Fed- when consumer advocate was a Waterbury's strongest semi-pro to continue to use temporary fi- eral Revenue Sharing budget re- new name. His reason for be- team for many years; the Oak- nancing will save about $400,000 mains: unused because the town coming so interested in this field ville Kiesels of the Town Recrea- if in fact the law Is adopted by officials at one time thought the was because he himself was vic- tion League, the Oakville Dukes the General Assembly. landfill might have to be closed timized, He has been in the field and American Brass teams, for more than 20 years and has • jazzy joined the U.S. Navy in spent more than $50,000 dollars 1941and also was a sports writer Council Refects Proposal of his own money helping peo- for the Town Times in its first . pie, without state or federal year of publication. funding. For many years he wus involv- -For Ambulance Service Mr. Boguslawski was born and ed in organizing fishing tourna- The Town Council Monday a service was initiated after night effectively ended the push brought up in Bristol, and at- ments for the. handicapped as Town Manager James Troup tended Saint Anthony's High wel! as tournaments at Slados' to establish an ambulance ser- gave the group his blessing last vice in town by failing to place School which has now been Pond for local children, fall. Watertown Rescue is losing changed to Saint Paul's, He Tom Nevers the issue back on its agenda for members to other communities, future discussion. played All State basketball and Tom Nevers, like Jasilunas, is Mr, Dobos said, because the ad- then went on to further his edu- truly one of the all-time great After more than an hour of vanced training of the members cation and is a graduate of Pro- Watertown High athletes, hav- public participation, much of it is not bearing fruit in Water- fessional Baseball Umpires in ing won several varsity letters in devoted to the ambulance mat- town. West Palm Beach, Fla, He also baskettrall, track, soccer and ter, the Council rejected by a 5-3 The deputy took exception to entered Stiggmatine Fathers baseball. vote a motion to table discussion written comments made by Fire Seminary in Wellsley, Mass., until the March 15 meeting. Mlko Boguslawski With his brother, Francis, and Chief and Marshal Avery W, former Gold Ring winner Tony The action leaves the Council Lamphier safety service in town Roberts, Tom played on the with two conflicting reports for "would be less" via a private Church Women Presenting1942-43 WHS basketball team its files. The Watertown Fire ambulance. Naugatuck has two that lost the Class B state cham- Department, which did not sup- ambulances, he noted, and that pionship game to Plainville. port instituting a private service community is adjacent to Water- Special Prayer Service Nevers is the most successful in town, and Watertown Rescue, bury as Watertown is, Inc., a group of volunteers which A World Day of Prayer service The service will include a dra- Watertown High alumnus in the "Why was it necessary (for will take place at Christ Episco- ma entitled "Brigid of Ktldare," field of coaching. His records at did, submitted documents after Watertown) to call Middlebury conducting independent re- pal Church, 25 The Green, on performed by Ann Tucker and a Nathan Hale-Ray High School of for that tragic accident on Llteh- Friday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. women's choir, from the com- Moodus and at Eastern Connec- search over the past several field Road a few weeks ago?" months. The special day Is a worldwide bined churches, under the direc- ticut State College are phenome- Mr, Dobos asked. He referred to tion of Dorothy Ferguson. The nal. Both sides had supporters gathering of Christian women of a car crash which killed three many traditions who come to- group will sing a special anthem Before he began his coaching attend the meeting to lobby for area teen-agers.
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