Field Bryology number 93 New vice-county records and amendments to the Census Catalogue Hepaticae T.H. Blackstock Countryside Council for Wales, Plas Penrhos, Ffordd Penrhos, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2LQ 5.1. Trichocolea tomentella. 21: in a small current of water, 17.2. Odontoschisma denudatum. 57: on bare peat on steep which runs through a wood called Old Fall [Coldfall moorland bank by track, ca 325 m alt., northern slopes Wood], that lies between Highgate and Muscle Hill of Bleaklow, Woodhead Reservoir, SK086990, 2006, [Muswell Hill], TQ29, 1722, Dandridge, det. S.O. Blockeel 35/237. Lindberg (Druce & Vines, 1907; Dillenius in Ray, 17.3. Odontoschisma elongatum. 107: flush, by Gorm-loch 1724), comm. Hill. Beag, Skinsdale SSSI, NC705269, 2006, Lawley. 7.3. Kurzia trichoclados. 107: peaty bank, Raven’s Rock, 18.7. Cephaloziella stellulifera. 92: steep limestone slope Rosehall, near Altass, NC497011, 2006, Lawley. H8: with Betula, ca 400 m alt., E slope of Creag a’ Chlamhain, wet ground by forestry track, ca 300 m alt., Black Rock, NO26859547, 2006, Long 35610. Ballyhoura Mountains, R6418, 2005, Hodgetts 6040. 18.9. Cephaloziella nicholsonii. 46: on damp mortar 10.6. Calypogeia sphagnicola. 107: on Sphagnum low on slaty wall inside ruin of mine building, E of capillifolium on blanket bog, 390 m alt., Knockfin Cwmystwyth, SN802745, 1998, Holyoak 98-394, conf. Heights, NC90713353, 2006, Bosanquet. Paton. H3: patches on unshaded mainly bare damp sandy 10.7. Calypogeia suecica. 107: rotting log in ravine, soil of flushed area below old copper mine workings, ca upstream of viewpoint at Raven’s Rock, Altass, NC4901, 98 m alt., Allihies, V58954561, 2006, Holyoak 06-102, 2006, Preston. conf. Paton. 12.8. Cephalozia loitlesbergeri. 107: amongst Sphagnum on 18.12. Cephaloziella integerrima. H3: unshaded part-bare blanket bog, Grudie Peatlands SSSI, NC498126, 2006, damp ground by track edge on old copper mine site, ca Lawley. 107: on Sphagnum in bog, 280 m alt., Loch na 128 m alt., Allihies, V58874578, 2006, Holyoak 06- Fuarlaich, NC48050706, 2006, Bosanquet. 324B. 12.9. Cephalozia connivens. 85: on a raised tussock, in a 21.5. Barbilophozia attenuata. 107: on birch trunk, Loch bog, by the Dow Loch, NT093967, 2006, Chamberlain Shin, NC516130, 2006, Lawley. & Kungu. 22.1. Anastrepta orcadensis. 111: in heathy turf in stony 13.1. Nowellia curvifolia. 16: on fallen dead Pinus sylvestris, gully, 310 m alt., gully on E side of Enegars, HY203037, Parsons Marsh, Toys Hill, TQ471528, 2006, Pitt. 31: 2006, Rothero 16164. rotting birch branch, Monks Wood NNR, TL199798, 23.5. Lophozia sudetica. 84: on a stone wall, Valley of 2006, Walker. Barbauchlaw Burn, NS918680, 2006, Chamberlain & 14.1. Cladopodiella fluitans. 41: on Sphagnum subnitens on Kungu. 85: rocks above a burn, W of Nivingstone Craigs, raised bog, 100 m alt., Fforest Goch, SN738020, 2006, Chapman’s Grave, NT098969, 2006, Chamberlain & Bosanquet. Kungu. 93: on edge of rock embedded in hillside, ca 250 16.1. Hygrobiella laxifolia. 107: damp rock, Raven’s Rock, m alt., above The Shevock, NJ577316, 2006, Preston. Rosehall, near Altass, NC498012, 2006, Lawley. 107: 23.6. Lophozia excisa. H1: on bank above sea cliffs on N- damp rock faces in gully, 230 m alt., Bannock Burn, facing side of peninsula, ca 70 m alt., Dunmore Head, Kinbrace, NC9034, 2006, Bosanquet. V305982, 2006, Hodgetts 6743. H5: thin soil amongst 28 New vice-county records schisty rock on coastal clifftop, ca 30 m alt., Power Head, 2006, Chamberlain & Kungu. W8859, 2006, Hodgetts 6958. 32.4. Jungermannia polaris. 111: in thin bryophyte turf 23.10. Lophozia capitata. 24: on bare, sandy/clay soil in over basic rocks at top of gully, 260 m alt., Quoyawa, heather regeneration plot, with Dicranella heteromalla, Hoy, HY235020, 2006, Rothero 16188, conf. Paton. Pogonatum aloides, Cephaloziella sp., 210 m alt., Ivinghoe 32.6. Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia. 107: Common, Ashridge NT Estate, SP980142, 2006, in base-rich flush below sandstone outcrop, 260 m alt., Tipper. Creag na Cathaig, Beinn Dhorain, NC931146, 2006, 23.11. Lophozia incisa. 85: soggy peaty bank, by a small Bosanquet. ride in a forestry plantation, Rennie Knowe, E of Loch 32.12. Jungermannia paroica. 59: extensive mats on Glow Reservoir, NT098960, 2006, Chamberlain & masonry of reservoir feeder, Anglezarke, SD6116, 2006, Kungu. H4: wet bank in clearing in conifer plantation North West Naturalists’ Union (Figure 1). 111: in dense on W-facing slope at base of mountain, ca 370 m alt., damp turf on bank by footpath, ca 60 m alt., Lenders Musheramore, Boggeragh Mountains, W320852, 2006, Dale, Hoy, HY2104, 2006, Hodgetts 6787. Hodgetts 6879. H5: wet spring turf on trackside in 33.1. Nardia compressa. 107: on stone in rivulet, near Allt forestry plantation, ca 300 m alt., Knockduv, Ballyhoura a’Bhuan, NC500125, 2006, Lawley. Mountains, R5817, 2006, Hodgetts 6858. 34.1.a. Marsupella emarginata var. emarginata. H4: 23.12. Lophozia opacifolia. 107: abundant on flushed wet vertical rocks on NE-facing cliff, ca 400 m alt., gritty slab, 850 m alt., at head of An Ghorm Choire, Ben Musheramore, Boggeragh Mountains, W312840, 2006, Hee, NC42683387, 2006, Rothero & Bosanquet. Hodgetts 6883. 23.13. Lophozia bicrenata. 93: roadside bank in conifer 34.9. Marsupella stableri. 108: on mineral soil on easy- plantation, 380 m alt., Knockespock Forest, NJ547229, angled section of ridge, 940 m alt., just on W side of NW 2006, Bosanquet & Preston. ridge of Conival, Assynt, NC300203, 2006, Rothero. 24.4. Leiocolea fitzgeraldiae. 111: on flushed rock in gully, 34.13. Marsupella alpina. 108: on sloping face of gneiss 130 m alt., incised burn low in coire on Quoyawa, Hoy, boulder in river, 55 m alt., Glencoul River at head of HY235023, 2006, Lawley 16174. Loch Glencoul, NC27653020, 2006, Rothero. 24.6. Leiocolea heterocolpos. 107: rare in holes in Old 35.4. Gymnomitrion crenulatum. H4: among boulders Red Sandstone cliff, 400 m alt., Ben Griam Beg, in open summit heath vegetation, ca 640 m alt., NC82584106, 2006, Bosanquet. Musheramore, Boggeragh Mountains, W329851, 2006, 24.8. Leiocolea turbinata. H1: severely cattle-poached Hodgetts 6877. coastal dune slack, ca 8 m alt., Kilshannig, Magharees 37.3. Diplophyllum obtusifolium. 39: peat bank by path, Peninsula, Q620172, 2006, Hodgetts 6573a. Sherbrook Valley, Cannock Chase, SJ988183, 2006, 26.1. Eremonotus myriocarpus. 111: vertical rock face in Lawley. H1: gentle and steep gravel faces in old quarry, N-facing gully, ca 200 m alt., Cuilags, Enegars, Hoy, part shaded by Ulex bushes, ca 90 m alt., Derrynabrack, HY199039, 2006, Hodgetts 6775. V81136507, 2006, Holyoak 06-92. 28.5. Anastrophyllum joergensenii. 92, 94, [96], 97, 105, 106, 108: revised distribution following Long et al. (2006). 28.5a. Anastrophyllum alpinum. 105, 106, 107, 108: distribution of a newly recognised species following Long et al. (2006). 29.1. Tritomaria exsectiformis. 111: shaded peaty bank in ravine, ca 100 m alt., Berrie Dale, Hoy, HY2001, 2006, Hodgetts 6785. H1: in mixed hepatic crust on peaty soil among rocks above sea cliffs on N-facing side of peninsula, ca 80 m alt., Clogher Head, Q30890262, 2006, Hodgetts 6741. H5: thin peaty soil over rock in heathland near summit, ca 430 m alt., Carron Mountain, Ballyhoura Mountains, R606177, 2006, Hodgetts 6857. 31.2. Mylia anomala. 61: peaty ditch bank with Calypogeia Figure 1. Jungermannia paroica on masonry of reservoir feed- muelleriana and Campylopus introflexus, Skipworth er, Anglezarke Reservoir (v.-c. 59). Photo: Des Callaghan. Common, N of Selby, SE654373, 2006, Wall. 85: on a raised tussock, in a bog, by the Dow Loch, NT093967, 29 Field Bryology number 93 38.3. Scapania calcicola. 111: on rock, in gully, Enegars, Hoy, HY199039, 2006, Hodgetts 6777. Hoy, HY198042, 2006, Lawley, conf. Paton. 51.1. Radula complanata. 39: on ash trunk at edge of wood, 38.5. Scapania scandica. 107: on birch, by Loch Shin, Loyton Moss, 2006, Godfrey. NC516130, 2006, Lawley. 107: friable soil under 52.1. Ptilidium ciliare. H1: damp N-facing ledge on large boulder, 390 m alt., SW side of Ben Griam Beg, sandstone rocks, sparsely with other bryophytes, 1035 NC82574094, 2006, Bosanquet. m alt., ca 20 m NNW of summit of Carrountoohil, 38.10. Scapania umbrosa. 84: shaded quarry face, V80368443, 2006, Holyoak 06-317. Barbauchlaw Quarry, NS918683, 2006, Chamberlain 52.2. Ptilidium pulcherrimum. 107: growing on horizontal & Kungu. dead branch over river, in gorge, Raven’s Rock, Rosehill, 38.12. Scapania irrigua. 61: soil on woodland ride, NC503014, 2006, Wilbraham. Allerthorpe Common, SE753473, 2006, Wall. 53.2. Porella cordaeana. H1: boulders at shore of small loch 38.19. Scapania aequiloba. 48: growing through in N-facing coire, ca 560 m alt., Coumbrack Lake, Slieve Blepharostoma, Isopterygiopsis pulchella and Amphidium Mish Mountains, Q761078, 2006, Hodgetts 6540. mougeotii, rocks above Llyn Gafr, 2006, Forster-Brown. 53.4. Porella obtusata. 111: on exposed calcareous rocks H1: wet turf under NE-facing cliff above loch, ca 300 m on knoll, 10 m alt., W side of Loch of Watten, Egilsay, alt., Loch Cruite, Brandon Mountain, Q475103, 2006, HY477310, 2006, Rothero 16191. H4: top of old Hodgetts 6608. wall around fort, ca 40 m alt., Charles Fort, Kinsale, 40.2. Lophocolea bispinosa. 98: on side of gravel path, ca W65554951, 2006, Hodgetts 6898. 107: scattered 30 m alt., near courtyard, Benmore Botanic Garden, patches on igneous rocks above E end of quarry, 70 NS14038579, 2006, Long 35568. m alt., Marian’s Rocks, Rogart, NC44791301, 2006, 40.4. Lophocolea semiteres. 12: around cut birch/Salix Bosanquet. stumps in bryophyte dominated open clay grassland, 54.1. Frullania tamarisci. 32: fallen ash, broadleaved Eelmoor SSSI, Farnborough aerodrome, SU8453, 2006, woodland, 110 m alt., Geddington Chase SSSI, Rumsey. 30: N-facing grassland, Sandy Heath Quarry, SP903844, 2006, Carter. TL206491, 2006, Hill & Outen. 39: on open heath on 54.2. Frullania teneriffae. H5: rocks in old quarry, ca 20 m quarry floor, 130 m alt., Brocton Quarry, SJ97701905, alt., Ballyshane, W903610, 2006, Hodgetts 6949.
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