Index Locorum

Index Locorum

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information Index Locorum Archilochos 14–22: 158 fr.114: 17–18 26–28: 162 Apollodorus 26–36: 164 1.3.6: 98 35–36: 167 1.8.2–3: 124 36: 168 2.5: 159 37–41: 172 3.10.7: 99 38: 168 3.13.5–6: 101–102, 138 42–45: 174 46–47: 173 Cypria 48–56: 179 fr.10: 99–100 Catalogue of Women fr. 1.3: 37 Demosthenes fr. 1.1–8: 215 46.14: 112 fr. 1.16: 37 Diodorus Siculus fr. 2: 9 4.69.3–4: 68 fr. 4: 9 fr. 17a.6–12: 75 Herodotus fr. 22.4–7: 74, 185 6.126: 229 fr. 26.22–28: 78–79 6.127: 229 fr. 30.3–35: 45 6.128: 230–231 fr. 31.1–4: 45 6.130: 231–232 fr. 33.12–36: 46 Hesiod fr. 33a: 108 Aspis fr. 35.1–5: 46 1–10: 155 fr. 43a: 89–93 4–5: 230 fr. 43a.19–24: 67–68 11–13: 157 fr 43a.21: 65 257 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information 258 Index Locorum Hesiod (cont.) fr. 204.54–55: 194 fr. 43a.38–43: 73–74 fr. 204.77–85: 80,146 fr. 43a.39–43: 242 fr. 204.78–87: 189 fr. 43a.55–60: 106 fr. 204.85–93: 149–150, 198–199 fr. 43a.68–71: 116–117 fr. 204.102: 208 fr. 43b: 88 fr. 204.93–105: 202–203 fr. 43c: 88 fr. 204.96–106: 166–167 frs. 73, 75–76: 128–131 fr. 204.96–119: 206–207 fr. 73.2: 138 fr. 204.103: 8 fr. 75.5–11: 146 fr. 204.104–105: 213–214 fr. 75.6, 11: 134 fr. 204.115–120: 170 fr. 75.9–10: 133 fr. 204.120–124: 210 fr. 75.20–23: 134 fr. 204.124–129: 211 fr. 75.23: 135 fr. 204. 176–178: 214 fr. 76.4: 136 fr. 215: 3 fr. 76.4–8: 139 Fragmentum incertae sedis fr. 76.8: 135 fr. 343.4–6: 107 fr. 76.10: 135–136 Theogony fr. 76.16: 132–133 522–528: 177 fr. 76.18–23: 142–143 572: 85 fr. 141.1–6: 41 587–588: 213 fr. 141.2–7: 71–72 588–90: 221 fr. 175: 203 600–602: 213 fr. 180.6–11: 75–76 Works and Days fr. 196: 185–186 38–41: 37 fr. 197.1–5: 188 90–92: 214 fr. 198.2–8: 69 96–99: 215 fr. 198.10: 65 158–165: 169, 197, 209 fr. 199.0–9: 192 164–168: 7–8 fr. 199.9: 65 699–705: 39 fr. 200.1–2: 194 Homer fr. 200.3–9: 77–78, 187 Iliad fr. 200.4: 65 1.3–4: 170 fr. 200.7–9: 229–230 1.352–354: 104 fr. 200.7–11: 196 2.58: 156 fr. 204.42–43: 194 2.211–219: 16 fr. 204.43–51: 66–67, 190–191 2.244–250: 17 fr. 204.45: 65 3.340–343: 147 fr. 204.54: 65 6.234–236: 21 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information Index Locorum 259 6.516: 145 Lucian 9.337–341: 197 Dialogue on Hesiod 1: 44 16.178: 65 16.190: 65 Menander Rhetor 22.46–51: 240 Peri Epideiktikôn 628: 44 22.122–128: 144–145 22.157–166: 139–140 Palatine Anthology 22.199–124: 143 9.64: 44 22.472: 65 Pindar 24.480–484: 147 Nemean 4.62–68: 102 Odyssey Pythian 3.92–97: 82 1.274–278: 238 Plutarch 2.116–120: 171 Solon 20.6: 114 2.130–137: 239 5.394–398: 174 Semonides 6.152: 156–157 7.67–70: 219 6.225–332: 42–43 7.86–93: 220 8.315–320: 72–73 7.87: 49 9.420–424: 165 7.108–113: 218 11.282: 65 7.114: 223 15.16–18: 55–56 7.115–119: 222 18. 274–280: 69–70 Scholia 18. 281–283: 70 Scholium to Argonautica 1.747: 19.259: 65 160 23.233–240: 175 Scholium D to Iliad 6.35: 24.374: 156 148–149 Homeric Hymn to Demeter Scholium to Odyssey 1.276: 52 371–374: 136 Solon fr. 5.1–6, 11: 30–31 3 IG i 1469: 224 Isaeus Theognis 3.64: 111–112 182–191: 28–29 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information General Index Achilles Amphitryon in Iliad, 79, 197 father of Herakles, 152–180 meeting with Priam, 147 parallel to Odysseus, 171–178 parallel to Atalanta, 14, 121, 124, parallel to Zeus, 168 138–151 Aphrodite potential relationship with Helen, 11, gifts of, 121, 135, 141, 151 119, 150–151, 186, 198–199, 200, in story of Atalanta, 135 202, 215, 233 Apollo, 210 son of Peleus and Thetis, 104 advocate for Hector, 143, 151 son of Zeus and Thetis, 103 father in Catalogue, 47 Agamemnon wooing on behalf of his son, 53, 78–79 in Iliad, 16–17, 79, 156, 200 Apollo Ptoion, sanctuary of, 224 in Odyssey, 168, 173 Apollodorus, relation to Catalogue, 99, 101 role in wooing of Helen, 186, 188, apples, as aphrodisiacs, 135–136, 144 190, 234 Archaic period, social changes in, 4, 15–41, Agariste, marriage of, 63, 83, 226–235 47–50, 60–64, 86, 109–114, 217, age of heroes, end of, 7–9, 14, 48, 80, 138, 225–226 146, 151, 153, 163–166, 169–170, Archilochos, representative of middling 178–180, 184, 196–216, 233 ideology, 17–18, 20 ages of humankind, myth of, 7, 208 aristocratic ideology, 10, 15–41, 49–55, Aithôn, 85, 87, 93–95, 110, 113, 115, 117, 58–60, 63, 76, 82–83, 110, 114, 179, 242–243 184, 200–201, 216, 217–235 Ajax, suitor of Helen, 66–67, 77, 186, Aristotle, on marriage laws, 112 190, 191 Aspis, relationship to Catalogue, 154 Aktôr, 75 Atalanta, 119–151 Alkmene, mother of Herakles, 152–180, huntress, 123, 132 230 masculine, 122–127 260 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information General Index 261 parallel to Achilles, 138–151 coinage, 20, 22 wrestling with Peleus, 122–123, Cyclic epics, 8, 13, 14, 99, 119 134–136 Cypria, 12–13, 99–100, 201, 205, 213 Athena, 55, 108 date of, 100 aid to Odysseus, 173 offspring of Zeus, 98 Davidson, John, 155–156, 161, 180 in story of Mestra, 73, 94–95, 114, Dêmodikê, parallel to Helen, 185 242–243 Demophoon, 205 Athens, aspects of Catalogue relevant to, Demosthenes, source of marriage laws, 4, 60, 74, 96, 109–114 112 Dios boulê. See Zeus, plan of Barringer, Judith, 103, 122, 124, 127 Doherty, Lillian, 11, 44, 46 Bergren, Ann, 85 dôra (gifts), in context of wedding, 52–57, birth, marker of social class, 27–32, 39–40, 64, 69–74, 190, 239 49, 63, 179, 220 dowry. See proix bride-price. See hedna Duplouy, Alain, 26–29, 32 bridewealth. See hedna Burgess, Jonathan, 10, 13 êhoiai, alternate title for work, 42 êhoiê formula, 43, 154 Cadmus, 82 êhoiê-poetry, as archaic genre, 43 Calydonian boar, hunt for, 121–123 êhoios formula, lack of, 49 Catalogue of Women epikleroi, 61–62, 110–114, 116–117 as aristocratic text, 38–40 Erysichthôn, 67, 85, 87, 93 audience of, 11–13, 44, 200 Eustathius, 201 authorship of, 5–9 date of, 3–5 female infidelity, fear of, 48, 85, 104, performance context of, 9 180, 218 women’s speech in, 45 Finkelberg, Margalit, 77 childbirth, and stability of female identity, Finley, Moses, 56, 59, 94 104–109, 116, 118 formulae Cingano, Ettore, 188, 191, 202 metrical anomalies in, 65 citizenship, development of, 32–35, 60–62, use of in Catalogue, 65, 113, 147, 186, 72, 110, 118 193–196 Clader, Linda, 195 Fowler, R. L., 4, 49 class, social, 15–41, 49, 55, 62, 81, 114, 201, 216, 219 genealogical literature, as genre, 42–43, Clay, Jenny Strauss, 6, 9, 38, 183, 204, 47–48, 216 208, 211 genealogy, as structuring principle, 4, 7, 43, Cohen, I. M., 43, 46, 64 46–47, 182, 204 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information 262 General Index Gernet, Louis, 33 in Semonides, 7, 217, 222 gift-exchange, 21–22, 33, 37, 59, 63, suitors of, 1, 8–9, 42, 48, 53, 64–68, 77, 237 76–77, 80, 146, 149, 163, 166, 170, marriage as, 55, 59–60, 84 181–216, 230 Golden Age, end of, 205, 210, 212 hemitheoi, heroes as, 7–8, 14, 47, 169, González, Jose, 203, 207, 210 207–209, 214 Goody, Jack, 57–58, 62, 237 Herakles Graziosi, Barbara, 2, 5, 13 birth of, 152–180 compared with Iphikles, 179 Hammer, Dean, 24–25, 36, 38 destroyer of cities, 152, 163, 168–169 Haubold, Johannes, 2, 5, 152 divinity of, 4 Hector, pursued by Achilles, 139–148 rescuer of Prometheus, 177 hedna, 52–60, 64–80 son of Zeus, 116–117, 211 absent in marriage of Agariste, 232 in story of Periklymenos, 46, 108 competition surrounding, 74–80, 83, in Theogony, 163 157, 187, 191, 199, 201 unique in Catalogue, 152 dispute over, 158, 244 Hermione, daughter of Helen, 198, 202, frequency in Catalogue, 53 204, 215 in Homeric poems, 237–241 heroic burials, 20 not present in Atalanta narrative, 134 Hippodameia, daughter of Pelops, 127 in Odyssey, 68 Hippomenes in poetry of Pindar, 63 parallel to Hector, 139–148 service in place of, 64, 79, 134, 159 suitor for Atalanta, 126–127, 132–138 in story of Mestra, 67, 73, 93, 95, 244 Hirschberger, Martina, 42, 133, 161, Heilinger, Kurt, 182–183 205 Helen Homeric epics, 11, 18, 23, 40, 54–60, 119, alternative genealogy for, 213 147, 167 birth of, 99–100 in intertext with Catalogue, 138–151, cause of Trojan war, 7, 148–150, 167, 171–178, 197 170, 198, 201, 214 relation to Catalogue, 156, 181, 191, 195, compared with Agariste, 226–228, 199, 204 233–234 society of, 56–60, 70, 225 in Euripides’ Helen, 199 Homeric similes, rare in Catalogue, 173 in Iliad, 194 hoplite fighting, as cultural development, marriage of, 235 225 mother of Hermione, 215 horses, as aristocratic, 220 parallel to Atalanta, 133, 137, 138, 146 potential relationship with Achilles, 11, Iasos, father of Atalanta, 121 150, 151 Idomeneus, suitor of Helen, 193 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03519-5 - The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece Kirk Ormand Index More information General Index 263 inheritance aristocratic, 41, 54, 58–60, 63, 74, and family

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