Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-2-1967 The B-G News March 2, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 2, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2064. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2064 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. • The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Thursday, March 2, 1967 Bowling Green State University, Bowlina Green, Ohio Volume 51. No. 72 ZBT Tops Grade List Zeta Beta Tau social fra- averages are as follows: Phi Delta Theta CM, 1.937; Alpha Sigma ternity earned the highest grades Theta, 2.236; Beta Theta PL 2.202; PhL 1.867; Delta Tau Delta, 1.810; among active members of any Phi Kappa PsL 2.219; Tau Kappa Alpha Phi Alpha, 1.500. fraternity on campus, while Sigma Epsilon, 2.177; Kappa Sigma, Nu social fraternity led the list 2.150; Sigma Chi, 2.123; Alpha Sigma Nu was the only pledge of pledge grades, Wallace Taylor, Tau Omega, 2.118; Zeta Beta Tau, class to beat the all undergrad- dean of men, announced yesterday. 2.104; Sigma Phi Epsilon, 2.081; uate men's average of 2.239. The Two fraternities. Phi Kappa PI Kappa Alpha, 2.076; Sigma Al- all-campus average was 2.368 Psi and Alpha Sigma Phi were pha Epsilon. 2.048; Phi Kappa while the all women's undergrad- placed on a warning grace period Tau, 2.033; Delta Upsllon, 2.030; uate average was 2.502. for not maintaining the IFC re- quired point average of 2.25. Warn- ing grace period allows the fra- r ternity one semester to bring up OrchesiV Production their average before a penalty Is m given. Alpha Phi Alpha was placed on scholastic probation.Mils Involves Begins 3-Night Run a one semester penalty of no participation in Inter-fraternity Everything "from comic rou- tonaro, Darbara Backman,Carolee sports or sponsoring of all campus tines to folk dances" will be In- Melnke, Wendy Sue Waddle, Olga events. The probation is lifted cluded In this year's production Demldow, and Pamela Buracher. only after the fraternity makes of the Orchesls concert, says Mrs. the 1FC required grade average Marglt Heskett, the show's of 2.25 or the all undergraduate director. men's average, depending on which Press Conference is higher. The concert which features mod- Zeta Beta Tau with 54 members ern dance productions, begins to- led the fraternities with a 2.755 night and runs through Saturday. Set For Today average. Alpha Tau Omega was Each performance begins at 8:15 second with a 2.571 average. They CHRYSTAL WILHELM, chairman of the Charities Board, recieves pjnw and will be held In the Joe The B-G News will sponsor University President William T. Jerome's donation for Charities have 90 members. ThetaChlwas E. Brown Theatre. a press conference for the two third with a 2.571 and have 80 Week, which started yesterday. (Photo by Mike Kuhlin) candidates for next year's AWS members. Mrs. Heskett, Instructor in presidency today at 4 p.m. In The other averages of the fra- health and physical education, sug- 112 Life Science Bldg. ternities with the number of mem- gests that Interested University bers on which the grades were members attend one of the final News-Council Charity Game based is as follows: Sigma Alpha two performances, as the. first, Ann L. McCullough, a junior Epsilon, 2.555 (94); Delta Tau performance Is aimed at high In the College of Education Delta, 2.546 (79); Kappa Sigma, school students. and Cynthia M. Greenwald, Scheduled For March 14 2.536 (94); Beta Theta Pi, 2.481 "This year's concert features a junior In the College of Bus- (76); Sigma Chi, 2.440(94); Sigma all of the club's 20 members," iness Administration, will each Although the N.C.A.A. national admission charge, but donations Nu, 2.429 (62); Phi Kappa Tau, stated Mrs. Heskett, "and they give a 5 to 7 minute speech championship won't be decided will be accepted at the door. 2.410 (74); and Phi Delta Theta, have been diligently preparing for at the beginning of the con- until March 18, the game of the Officials and starting lineups for 2.399 (98). the program." ference, and then will answer year will be played March 14 the game, in addition to the public Four fraternities fell below the questions from the audience and when the B-G News meets the address announcer, will be an- all-greek average of 2.368. They This year's group Include: Jack members of the B-G News staff. Student Council In a basketball nounced In the News next week. are Tau Kappa Epsilon, 2.268(35); Sllvka, Richard Swenson, David game for charity. Tom Liber, student body pres- Sigma Phi Epsilon, 2.264 (82); PI George, Kathleen Schmidt, Jen- The AWS election was post- Anderson Arena will be the site ident, and Randy Ketcham, editor nifer Lowe, Jeanne Smith, Laura Kappa Alpha, 2.260 (57) and Delta poned late yesterday from the of the classic, with the tlpoff of the News, both agree that the Upsllon. 2.252 (65). F egley, J ean Prentlss, Dawn C arol original date of March 8 until coming at 8 pjn. (If the players game should be "Interesting," but Drees, Barbara Prothler, Janet I March 15. don't become too exhausted during neither cared to expand on the Sigma Nu led the pledge classes Sawdy, Mama Jean Tuck, Patricia pre-game warmups). There Is no statement. with a 2.248. The other pledge Wyss, Joan Slegel, Elaine Mon- Steve Beattie Winning Fight For Life Ws Kept His Cool' By ROSEMARY KOVACS his father, first answers the ques- operations without a complaint. "He kept his cool." lard, who is handing the special Feature Editor tion. It doesn't sound promising. Though he cannot breathe without For Steve, a three-letter man In Steve Beattie fund. That fund now "The doctors are amazed that a respirator, the slight return sports with several athletic totals approximately $26,000. How Bowling Green High School quar- he's living," Dr. Beattie, a local of feeling to portions of his chest scholarship offers, the physical long that will last is the question terback Steve Beattie was proba- optometrist, said. "They were Is encouraging. disability is shattering. But now as the Insurance money has bly good enough to make football quite frank about it -- they had But the biggest factor is Steve's mentally he's alert. He has been been used up. history. never had anyone with such a morale. Dr. Beattie best described reading and taking tests so he Of that money, $2,250 was from Instead, he makes medical severe Injury survive. how Steve survived the ordeal by can receive the two credits he students of Bowling Green State history today. Five months ago "But he did." saying; needs for graduation. And being University, which has quite a tie no one was sure If he would make Then, Dr. Beattie laughs as he a stralght-A student and athlete with the Beattie family. Steve's It at all. relates how Steve, his oldest son, who was reported to have the high- grandparents were two of the ori- It all began Sept. 24 when the can down two milkshakes after two est college boards of any athlete ginal faculty members, his father BGHS football team was In Mans- hamburgers and fries with the ap- in Northwest Ohio, he probably attended classes here for a year, field playing Madison. Madison petite of a normal high school will graduate. and Steve himself has a special led 14-8 going Into the third senior. For his parents, the strain also coed, his girlfriend, here. quarter. BGHS had the ball with Four months ago Steve couldn't has eased. It seems they can be When Dr. Beattie talks about only a few feet to go for a first eat at all -- except by intra- home together at least one night how people have donated time and down. It was time for a quarter- venous feeding. "But now he's a week with their three younger money for Steve, he shakes his back sneak. regained weight," his father said. sons. For the first few months head and smiles. He says "The Moments later Steve was being Right now the talk around the after the accident, Dr. Beattie response Is overwhelming." rushed to a Columbus hospital Beattie table Is when and how would drive down on weekends to For example, when grade with two broken vertebrae. He Steve can be moved to a special Columbus to be with Steve,and his schoolers from Flndlay donate to was paralyzed from the neck down. hospital In California. The move wife, who had been staying through the fund what would have been BGHS eventually lost the game includes getting federal approval the week, would return to Bowling money for Christmas exchanges 20-14, but Steve Beattie won his of his admission to the hospital, Green. ... well. It's just overwhelm- battle for life. which is under the state's juris- The only thing that hasn't Im- ing.
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