S4520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 21, 2009 to make sure a tragedy like Columbine torical breakthrough in the fight against Whereas the Oilers have finished with a never happens again. poverty. winning record for the past 24 seasons; We owe that—and nothing less—to SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. Whereas the University of Findlay athletic the young people who died 10 years ago (a) PRESENTATION AUTHORIZED.—The program strives to improve the academic quality of the university by fostering pride, and the young people who count on us Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate unity, and academic scholarship to help its today. shall make appropriate arrangements for the members contribute to their community in a presentation, on behalf of the Congress, of a significant manner; By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. gold medal of appropriate design to Dr. Mu- Whereas each person, coach, and contrib- BENNETT, Mr. KERRY, Mr. hammad Yunus, in recognition of his many utor to the team remained committed to en- CASEY, Ms. SNOWE, Mrs. MUR- enduring contributions to the fight against suring the Oilers achieved this historic ac- RAY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. MUR- global poverty. complishment; and KOWSKI, Mr. BINGAMAN, Mr. (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For purposes of Whereas all supporters of the University of Findlay are to be praised for their dedication FEINGOLD, Mr. ENZI, and Mr. the presentation referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter to, and pride in, the university’s basketball PRYOR): program: Now, therefore, be it S. 846. A bill to award a congressional in this Act referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall strike a gold medal with suitable em- Resolved, That the Senate— gold medal to Dr. Muhammad Yunus, blems, devices, and inscriptions, to be deter- (1) congratulates the University of Findlay in recognition of his contributions to mined by the Secretary. men’s basketball team for achieving their first ever Division II National Championship; the fight against global poverty; to the SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. and Committee on Banking, Housing, and The Secretary may strike and sell dupli- (2) recognizes the University of Findlay Urban Affairs. cates in bronze of the gold medal struck pur- athletic program for its accomplishments in suant to section 2, under such regulations as Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask both sports and academics. unanimous consent that the text of the the Secretary may prescribe, at a price suffi- f bill be printed in the RECORD. cient to cover the cost thereof, including There being no objection, the text of labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and SENATE RESOLUTION 107—COM- the bill was ordered to be placed in the overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold MENDING THE UNIVERSITY OF medal. RECORD, as follows: CONNECTICUT HUSKIES FOR SEC. 4. STATUS OF MEDALS. S. 846 THEIR HISTORIC WIN IN THE 2009 (a) NATIONAL MEDALS.—The medals struck Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- pursuant to this Act are national medals for NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATH- resentatives of the United States of America in purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United LETIC ASSOCIATION DIVISION I Congress assembled, States Code. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TOUR- SECTION 1. FINDINGS. (b) NUMISMATIC ITEMS.—For purposes of NAMENT The Congress finds that— sections 5134 and 5136 of title 31, United Mr. DODD (for himself and Mr. (1) Dr. Muhammad Yunus is recognized in States Code, all medals struck under this LIEBERMAN) submitted the following the United States and throughout the world Act shall be considered to be numismatic as a leading figure in the fight against pov- items. resolution; which was considered and erty and the effort to promote economic and SEC. 5. AUTHORITY TO USE FUND AMOUNTS; agreed to: social change; PROCEEDS OF SALE. S. RES. 107 (2) Muhammad Yunus is the recognized de- (a) AUTHORITY TO USE FUND AMOUNTS.— Whereas on April 7, 2009, the University of veloper of the concept of microcredit, and There are authorized to be charged against Connecticut Huskies defeated the University Grameen Bank, which he founded, has cre- the United States Mint Public Enterprise of Louisville Cardinals 76 to 54 in the final ated a model of lending that has been emu- Fund, such amounts as may be necessary to game of the National Collegiate Athletic As- lated across the globe; pay for the costs of the medals struck pursu- sociation (NCAA) Division I Women’s Bas- (3) Muhammad Yunus launched this global ant to this Act. ketball Tournament in St. Louis, Missouri; movement to create economic and social de- (b) PROCEEDS OF SALE.—Amounts received Whereas the Huskies were undefeated in velopment from below, beginning in 1976, from the sale of duplicate bronze medals au- the 2009 season, with a record of 39–0, and with a loan of $27 from his own pocket to 42 thorized under section 3 shall be deposited bested each opposing team by at least double crafts persons in a small village in Ban- into the United States Mint Public Enter- digits; gladesh; prise Fund. Whereas the Huskies have won 6 national (4) Muhammad Yunus has demonstrated f titles, the second most in the history of the life-changing potential of extending very NCAA Division I women’s basketball; small loans (at competitive interest rates) to SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas sophomore forward Maya Moore the very poor and the economic feasibility of was chosen as the Naismith Award winner, microcredit and other microfinance and mi- the Wooden Award winner, the State Farm croenterprise practices and services; SENATE RESOLUTION 106—CELE- Wade Trophy winner, the United States Bas- (5) Dr. Yunus’s work has had a particularly BRATING THE OUTSTANDING ketball Writers Association player of the strong impact on improving the economic ATHLETIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS year, and the Associated Press player of the prospects of women, and on their families, as OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FIND- year; over 95 percent of microcredit borrowers are LAY MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM Whereas senior point guard Renee Mont- women; FOR WINNING THE NATIONAL gomery was chosen as the winner of the (6) Dr. Yunus has pioneered a movement Nancy Lieberman award, which is given to with the potential to assist a significant COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- the top point guard in the Nation; number of the more than 1,400,000,000 people, TION DIVISION II CHAMPIONSHIP Whereas junior center Tina Charles was mostly women and children, who live on less Mr. BROWN (for himself, and Mr. chosen as the Women’s Final Four Most Val- than $1.25 a day, and the 2,600,000,000 people VOINOVICH) submitted the following uable Player; who live on less than $2 a day, and which has resolution; which was considered and Whereas sophomore forward Maya Moore, already reached 155,000,000, by one estimate; senior point guard Renee Montgomery, and (7) there are now an estimated 24,000,000 agreed to: junior center Tina Charles were chosen as microenterprises in the United States ac- S. RES. 106 State Farm First Team All-Americans; counting for approximately 18 percent of pri- Whereas on March 28, 2009, the University Whereas sophomore forward Maya Moore, vate (nonfarm) employment and 87 percent of of Findlay men’s basketball team, known as senior point guard Renee Montgomery, and all business in the United States, and the the Oilers, won the National Collegiate Ath- junior center Tina Charles were chosen as Small Business Administration has made letic Association (NCAA) Division II Cham- members of the Final Four First All Tour- over $318,000,000 in microloans to entre- pionship, marking the first time in the his- nament Team; preneurs since 1992; tory of the university that the basketball Whereas Head Coach Geno Auriemma was (8) Dr. Yunus, along with the Grameen program achieved this mark; chosen as the Associated Press Coach of the Bank, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Whereas the Oilers’ undefeated record Year; 2006 for his efforts to promote economic and marks the first time a NCAA Division II bas- Whereas the University of Connecticut social opportunity and out of recognition ketball program has recorded 36 wins and 0 women’s basketball program has a 100 per- that lasting peace cannot be achieved unless losses; cent graduation rate among 4-year players, large population groups find the means, such Whereas in winning the Division II Na- exemplifying the commitment of the team to as microcredit, to break out of poverty; and tional Championship, the Oilers have ce- achievement in the classroom as well as on (9) the microcredit ideas developed and put mented their role as a symbol of pride for the court; into practice by Muhammad Yunus, along the past and present members of the Univer- Whereas each player, coach, athletic train- with other bold initiatives, can make a his- sity of Findlay community; er, and staff member of the University of VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:19 May 02, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\S21AP9.REC S21AP9 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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