BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,a Edited by NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.D. Assisted by t HUGH CLEGG, M.B., M.R.C.P. VOLUME 11 1938 JULY TO DECEMBER LONDON Published at the Office of The British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, W.C. I, and Printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., East Harding Street, E.C. 4 THE BRITISHi 2 JULY-DEC., 1938 INDEX MEDICAL JOU RNAL KEY TO DATES AND PAGES THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1938, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue Pages Pages 4043 .. July 2 1- 52 1- 20 4044 .. ,, 9 53- 106 21 - 40 4045 .. ,, 16 107- 162 41- 52 4046 .. ,, 23 163- 208 53 - 88 4047 .. ,, 30 209- 272 89- 116 4048 .. Aug. 6 273- 330 117- 128 4049 .. ,, 13 331- 386 129- 140 4050. ,,20 387- 436 141 - 160 4051 .. ,, 27 437- 480 161 - 172 4052 .. Sept. 3 481- 554 173 - 184g.. 4053 .. ,, 10 555- 604 185 - 196 4054 .. ,, 17 605- 644 197 - 2089 4055 .. ,,24 645- 690 209 - 220 4056 .. Oct. 1 691- 728 221 - 232 4057 .. ,, 8 729- 772 233 - 24 4058 .. ,, 15 773- 820 245 - 2 4059 .. ,, 22 821- 874 257 - 268 4060 .. 29 875- 928 269 - 288 4061 .. Nov. 5 929- 976 289- 300 4062 .. ,, 12 977- 1028 301 - 312 4063 .. ,, 19 1029- 1070 313 - 328 4064 .. ,, 26 1071 - 1126 329 - 340 4065 .. Dec. 3 1127- 1188 341 - 356 4066 .. ,, 10 1189- 1244 357 372 4067 ,, 17 1245 - 1296 373 - 384 4068 .. ,,24 1297 - 1350 385 - 396 4069 .. ,, 31 1351 - 1402 397 - 408 -11 INDEX TO VOLIUMIE II FOR 938 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate headings-for example, Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic: Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma; Child and Infant; Goitre and Thyroid. Subjects dealt with under various main headings in the JOURNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, " Annotations," " Correspondence," " Leading Articles," " Obituary," " Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A ANDERSON, D. M. (and J. H. DIXON): Acute bulbar Gas respirators, supply of, 157 paralysis, 1077 (0)-Correspondence on, 1281 Abbott, Francis Charles, obituary notice of, 923 Hospital accommodation for casualties, 719 - E. W.: Further observations on benzedrine, --W. N.: Sequelae of war gas poisoning, 597 services in air raids, 1238 60 (0) Abdomen, diseases of, review of book on, 1369 Hospitals, London, and air raids, 687, 809 - J. Barcroft: Green stools at 74, 386 Abel, Horace Marshall, obituary notice of, 641 -mental, and, 1345 -R.: Mammary cancer and menopause, 272 -John Jacob, death of, 155 Medical services in air raids, 12:36 -T. (W. R. SNODGRASS, and J. L. RENNIE): Abortion, charge of procuring: trial of M1r. Aleck Panic and, discussion on, 1327 Sulphamido-chryoidine, sulphanilamide, and ben- Bourne, 97, 199-Leading articles on, 185, 225- Questions in Parliaiiient, 769, 1020, 1183 zylsulphanilamide in treatment of erysipelas, Correspondence on, 254,. 315, 372, 427-Legal Services of Dr. J. H. Hebb, 161 399 (0) viewpoint, 262 Underground car parks for London, 1018 - W. A.: Health and agriculture, 1338 and the law, 198, 254, 315, 372, 427, 480, 644 See also War: National Defence ANDREWS, C. H.: Immunity in influenza, 1169 - criminal, and medical secrecy: conflict of A9drews, E. Collingwood, obituary notice of, 816 duties, 1230 Aitken, Robert Stevenson, appointed Regius M. C.: Aspirin poisoning, 106 discussion on illegal operations, 1273 Professor of Medicine in University of Aberdeen, Aneurysm of common iliac artery (J. Nuttall Horne), Interdepartmental Committee on, 155, 295 913 660 Parliamentary note on, 267 ALBRIGO, B: Two cases of aberrant vaccinia, 939 Angina of effort," cure or relief of cases mis- -- three eases of Cl. welchii infection following Albuminuria, first use of termii, 664 diagnosed (R. Halstead Dixon), 891-Corre- iR. Y. Dawbarn and Bryan Williams), 279 (0)- Alcohol injection in inoperable malignant growths of spondence on, 1281 eorrespondence on, 474 jaws and tongue (Wilfred Harris), 831 (0) -pectoris, role of adrenaline in, 412 ABRAHAM, J. Johnston: Air raid precautions, 915 and mental disorders, 847 Angiography, paper and discussion on, 241 Abscess, Brodie's, and its differential diatiosis ALEXANDER: Electrical Injuiries, 710 Angloid streaks-elastosis dystrophica, 999 (James F. Brailsford), 119 (0) - J. B.: Medical evidence at inquests, 728 Angiopneumography, importance of, 802 peritonsillar-quinsy, 41, 152, 684 Alexis, G. N., obituary notice of, 431 Animal Year Book, rev., 663 Academle de Medecine: Elections, 51-Greetings to Alger, Ellice At., awarded Leslie Dana Gold Medal, Animals, experiments on, in 1937, 459 medical profession of British Empire, 105-Prize 1347 - wild, as carriers or reservoirs of disease, 803 for competition, 926-Report on tarring of roads Alimentary disease, carbohydrates and, 635 Ankle, fracture-dislocation at (W. B. R. Monteith), and lung cancer, 1027 ALLAN, F. G.: Bone lengthening, 1221 1085 Academy of Medicine, New York, presidents of, 664 ALLEN, Clifford: Psychotherapy in organic disease, Annales de Midecine, October issue devoted to Rome: Elections, 51 370 septicaemia, 974 F.: Thimble for surgeon, 1296 -- d'E. Merck, article by A. Szent-Gy6rgyi in, 182 ACADEMY, ROYAL, OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND: -Frank Worthington (and Carl L. A. SCHMIDT): -de la Soci6td Belge de Chirurgie et Journal de Section of Pathology.-Laboratory diagnosis of Fundamentals of Biochemistry with Laboratory Chirurgie issues volume, 624 glandular fever, 1106 Experimentals, rev., 839 Annals of Medical History, vol. 10: No. 3, 301; Section of Sturgery.-Cleft-lip and cleft-palate, Allergy and immunity in ocular tuberculosis, 627, 763 No. 4, 1089-No. 5, 1383 962 stammering and allergic diathesis (A. M. ANNAN, W. Gillies: Sulphanilamide treatment of Kennedy and D. A. Williams), 1306 (0) gonorrhoea, 91 Accident rate, fatal, in coal mines in 1937, 38.3 ALLPORT, Gordon W.: Personality: Psychological Annandale, Thomas, centenary of birth of, 360, 436 Accidents, road, and speed limit, 1122 Inferpretaftso, rev., 223 ANNAu, D.: Psychotherapy in organic disease, 370 Acetone bodies in urine, stable sodium nitroprusside Alopecia, treatment of, 51 solution for (John Ingliain), 348 Ambulance instruction, elementary, 52 Annotations: Actinomycosis, observations on 79 cases, 1160 AMEUILLE, P.: Suicide by tubercle bacilli, 458 Abortion, Interdepartmental Committee on, 295 radiotherapy of, 628 Amoebiasis, carbarsone in, 953 Actinomycosis, radiotherapy of, 628 ADAM, C.: Die natilrliche Heileveise ion Rahmen der Anaemia, aplastic, with complete recovery (T. H. Advertising, science in, 842 Gesamtmedizin, rev., 1148 Boon),1041 (0)-Correspondence on, 1225 Amoebiasis, carbarsone in, 953 --.James: Atrophic rhinitis, 43 -Adrenialine .and gastro-intestinal tract (Janet M,N. Vaughan), Anaemia, tropical macrocytic, 1052 treatment of asthma, 1279 57 (0)-Correspondence on, 256 Analeptics, pharmacological actions of, 581 ADAMS, A. Wilfrid: Pyelotomy flushing nozzle, 351 nutritional macrocytic, in Macedonia, 314 Angina pectoris, role of adrenaline in, 412 AnD. %MON, R. 0.: Blood platelet, 1280 - pernicious : anti-pernicious principle, some Angioid streaks-elastosis dystrophica, 999 Addison's disease, discussion on recent (levelopnients experiments with urine (Edouard Jequier and Animals, experiments on, in 1937, 459 In treatment of, 1330 G. R. M. Apsey), 934 (0)-Correspondence on, Antigens and aiitibodies, chemical aspects of, 18(6 Adelheim, Roman, death of, 1389 1113, 1226 Bacilli, tubercle, demonstration of, in sputumn, 413 Adler, Alfred, and psychological medicine, review of --anand psychoses, 1166 Bed service, London emergency, 28 book on, 894 tropical macrocytic, 1052 Belgium, mortality in, 1000 Adolescence, disorders of, 369 Anaemias, haemolytic, of childhood (L. G. Parsons), Blo-economics, 1051 Adoption of Children Bill, 1346 851 Birmingham Medical School, 187 Adrenaline treatment of asthma, 709, 921, 927, 966, Anaesthesia, basal, 244 Blind, partially, problem of, 1212 1112, 1178, 1279, 1393 carbohydrate metabolism in (R. R. Macintosh Blindness: advisory committee appointed, 356 -in angina pectoris, 412 and C. L. G. Pratt), 310, 695 (0) causes of, 796 Advertising, science in, 842, 968 helium in (W. Stanley Sykes and Reginald C. Blood changes in experimental tuberculosis, 295 Africa, health of: research survey of a continent, Lawrence), 448 (0) transfusion, sequels of, 842 1099 review of book on, 1261 Bone marrow, post-mortem changes in, 999 - East, malarial endeniicity in, 1385 spinal, 244 British Ileart Journal, 1053 - South: Syphilis in, 330-Health of Btand teaching of, 310 Calcium and foetus, 227 mniners, 761-Correspondence on, 1174-Proceed- in thoracic surgery, 311 Cancer of alimentary tract, comparative study of, ings of Medical Congress, 802-Malnutrition in, 803 Anaesthetic doses, variations in, 244 898 -Orthopaedic service in, 1186 spinal, blood pressure after, 44 - of cervix, radiotherapy of, 669 - West: Incidence of tuberculosis in Gold Coast, Anaesthetics, aspects of history of (A. J. Clark), 244, - cures," testing in laboratory, 1267 383-Care of lunatics in Nigeria, 900-Commission 1029 (0) early diagnosis of, 1374 on development of Colonies, 927-Vital statistics basal, hypersusceptibility to (B. P. Hill), " inflammatory carcinoma " of breast, 582 of non-native
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