NPS Form 10-900 (3-82) OMB No. 1024-0018 Expires 10-31-87 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service For NPS use only n ii National Register of Historic Places received ^U- Inventory—Nomination Form date entered See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries—complete applicable sections___________ ___ 1. Name____________________ historic Springfield Downtown Historic District Amendment and or common 2. Location street & number Brookline Apartments Wall Street, Park S t r e e t, ^L/A not for publication Along the Black River city, town____Springfield_______N-^- vicinity of______________________________ state Vermont code 50 county Windsor code 027 3. Classification Category Ownership Status Present Use district public X occupied agriculture museum X building(s) private __ unoccupied . commercial __ park X structure _ X. both work in progress __ educational X private residence site Public Acquisition Accessible entertainment religious __ object __ in process X yes: restricted __ government __ scientific N / A being considered X .. yes: unrestricted y industrial X transportation no __ military __ other: name See Continuation Sheets street & number city, town vicinity of state 5. Location of Legal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Springfield Town-Clerk street & number 96 Main Street city, town Springfield state Vermont 05156 6. Representation in Existing Surveys__________ Vermont Historic Sites and Structures Bridge title Survey (#63) has this property been determined eligible? _ _yes X no date May 1985 __ federal X state __ county __ local depository for survey records Vermont Division for Historic Preservation city, town Montpelier __________________________________ state Vermont 7« Description Condition Check one Check one excellent deteriorated unaltered X original s;ite X •; aood •'. :*•:', n /I ruins x altered moved date fair ypexposed Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance The Springfield Downtown Historic District (entered on the National Register August 11, 1983) consists primarily of the downtown urban core of Springfield, Vermont and abutting residences and industrial buildings. Information regard­ ing the district can be found in that nomination. The amendment. 1; adds one building the Brookline Apartment House, (#59), five dams (#60, 61, 62, 64, and 65), and a bridge (#63) to the historic district. , The dams, as well as the arch bridge, are all early twentieth century concrete structures located on the Black River which runs through the district; while the Brookline (#59) is a large, 5-story, woodframe tenement that is located immediately adjacent the district (physically connected to #16) and is visually and historically related to it.. : :. : i : , • .- _ .:•.--•- ..; .-.-.. : .< • : •• ... -. • - r r. *. .- t • Descriptions of the individual structures are as follows (numbers refer to the enclosed sketch map.) 59. The Brookline Apartment House; 1907 The Brookline was built in 1907 on Wall Street (then Summer Place), just east of Main Street and a short walk up from the main square of the central business district of Springfield, Vermont. Physically the Brookline marks a transition to a residential area of mainly nineteenth century single family homes across Wall Street to the east. The wood frame tenement is three stories high on the Wall Street front and five stories on the sides and rear due to the topo­ graphy of the lot. The vernacular structure is a simple rectangular mass with an apparent,.flat-.roof, symmetrically articulated facades and simple applied Queen Anne and Colonial Revival detail. The building retains its exterior and interior architectural integrity with only minor alterations. The rectangular frame structure measures 100. freet a.cros.s the:, .front and 30 feet on each side with a 68 foot rise from the ground to the eaves of the real and is set av, a rubble foundation topped with bripk. : , : The apparent flat roof is actually comprised of two shallow inverted hip roofs with 5" cast iron drains at the center of each half. Two symmetrically placed brick chimney stacks rise from the tar roof which is punctuated by a trap door covering the stairwell entry from the center stairhall. The clapboarded facade is trimmed, with .plain cornerboards, a molded water table, and entablature with a molded box cornice.- Sash is generally 2/1 throughout with plain trim and simple cornice cap moldings. The scale and combination of openings varies on the various facades. The 11 bay front facade is distinguished by a recessed, three level central entrance bay with balconies on the upper two levels. The principal entrance door and the upper balcony doors are comprised of a large square light above a rec­ tangular cross panel and a pair of small square panels set in bolection moldings. Each balcony has a simp'le -valance supp-orted -by jscro-ll.-s-awn brackets and is enclosed by square balusters, supporting a handrail. The 8. Significance Period Areas of Significance— Check and justify below prehistoric . archeology-prehistoric _ community planning ...__ landscape architecture. _ . religion 1400-1499 archeology-historic conservation law science 1500-1599 agriculture economics . literature sculpture 1600-1699 X~ architecture . education military social/ __ 1700-1799 -_.__art . _x ... engineering __ music humanitarian 1800-1899 commerce .. exploration/settlement philosophy theater X 1900- communications .. X ... industry . • : . politics/government X transportation _ . invention other (specify) Specific dates c. 1905-1930 Builder/Architect N/A Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) The amendment to the Springfield Downtown Historic District (The original district was entered on the National Register August 11, 1983.) adds 5 dams, (#60, 61, 62, 64, and 65) a bridge, (#63) and building, (the Brookline Apartment house #59) that have significant historical associations with Springfield and are important visual elements within the district. The dams, built during the early years of this century, are primarily associated with the machine-tool 'industrial complexes which line the banks of the Black River in the district's core and make Springfield one of Vermont's preeminent manu­ facturing centers. The bridge, also within the district's preexisting bounda­ ries and springing above a ledge and the Comtu Falls dam (#62), is an early and sizable example of a concrete arch bridge. The Brookline apartment hous.e was built in 1907 as part of a four building rental complex (see also #15, 16, and site of 14) owned by Charles A. Woolson, the member of a prominent Springfield, Vermont family. The largest structure of the complex, it featured all of the then modern improvements, 1 was heralded as a "very desireable" place- to reside^ and was "much the highest building in Springfield." 3 Today retaining its original architectural integrity, it is a good example of turn of the century woodframe tenement design in Vermont of which there are relatively few examples. The lot on which Charles Woolson developed his rental complex was, until 1845, the homestead- 'prop-erty of Mos'-e's Cobb 1^, who built a house and connected out­ buildings c.1814 on Main Street on the site. The lot Hater jhad:_early connections with the W-oolson family of Parks and Woolson frame, -the manu­ facturers of cloth finishing machinery. The property passed from Moses Cobb to John Davidson5 in 1845. Davidson was the founder of the above company with Parks in 1829. Both Parks and Amassa Woolson, father of Charles, married daughters of Davidson; Woolson became a business partner with his in-laws, and after Davidson died, both inherited this property with their wives.6 The lot passed in 1859 to the Thompson family and the Beers map of 1869 shows the Thompson property with Moses Cobb ' s house, a building owned by Amassa Woolson to the north (site of the Bank Block #12), the Main Street School set back to the south (site of 'the Underbill #16 and the Brookline) and the Universalist Church (site of a parking lot today) also to the south on. Main Street. The Thompson lot" including the house was purchased by the Colburn family in 1871.7 They also purchased the adjoining brick Greek Revival style schoolhouse in 1896^. Both properties were so'ld' to Charles Woolson on January 5, 1907," thus returning' Davids-dn's homest'ead tb1 -the 'family through his grandson. 9. Major Bibliographical References See Continuation Sheet 10. Geographical Data Acreage of nominated property approx. 48 acre s Quadrangle namedaremont N.H.-VT Quadrangle scale 1 ;6250QQ UTM References A li isl I? loi d 3io iol U lybiyli IOP I 1 1 8 I? lo i4 k 12 is I k I?|Q 16 Uis in I Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing C ll I8l I? Iot4l 3I5 iol |4 \7\9 l6Ul7 15 I D ll isl I? lo 13 Is 10 10 L 17 I 9I6|6I-S 10 E ll i8l I? lot 3hi2i5l U !7l9i6|QlS O i F ll is! I? In n|fi is in I Uiviq i? I? i G h Ift I I? In nL IS mi IA I7 I 9l8hi2 fi I Hi . I I I i I i , I I . I , I . I Verbal boundary description and justification See Continuation Sheet List all states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundaries state code county code N/A state code county code 11. Form Prepared By name/title Deborah Noble organization Keep It Up Associates date August 1984 street & number FO Box 85 telephone (802) 695-2507 city or town Concord state Vermont 12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: __ national J£_ state __ local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89- 665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth bv£hebvjhe National Park/Service.Park/Senricc //* \L U/~ J Deputy state Historic Preservation Officer signature /4,4*S /^J>4£i/f^^> title Director, Vermont Division for Historic For MPS use only I hereby certify that this property is included in the National Register date Attest-- date Chief of Registration "PS Form 10-900-a OMB No _ 1024 .
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