A Reclas~ification of Western Hemisphere Typhlocybinae (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) by David A. Young, Jr. A.B. 1939, University of Louisville M.s. 1942; Cornell U1iiversity Submitted to the Department of Entomology and the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of tne re4uirements for Lhe degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Advisory Commitee January, 1951 IITRODOCTI0.11 The preaent problem was undertaken at the Joint 1naggesti,,n ot Dr. R.H. Beaaer or the University of Kansas. and Dr. P. w. Oman ot the Division of Insect Identification or the United States De_p.artment ot Agr1cu1t.ure. The last treatment of' the genera or the aubram.117 waa that of l&cAtee (1~34&). That elasa1f'icat1on was balled pri- marily on the venation o! the apical portions of the fore and .llind wings• and aside Crom those characters mentioned in the ~ey, the genera were not characterised. The venation ot tne base or the hind wings was not taken into account in tbe ~•l• nor were the characters of the male genitalia, although genital1e cti.aracwn al.ready had COIie t.o be or recognized. value 1n eatabliabillt,. the identity of species. ?he emphasis whl.ch the venation of the wing apex receiveti as a ~esul.t of th€ acAtee classification led &enerally to tne oversight of raan7 other useful. characters, and indeed to the ne&lect of the most significant characters or toe W1Dgs theiuelvea, the venation or the vanr..al region or the bind •i.Dc•• Followi.Dg tbe .licAtee classification, workers describing new apeci~s placed these in alread7 existing genera, frequently without pausing to anal7&e their relationsllipa to the genotypes involved. There resulted heterogeneous genera wr.ich could be recognized almost aolely QU the baa1a or the venation of th~ wing apicea, and oceaaiowul.y not even that well. - l - Since 1934• .IU.baut (l936b), in a study ot the French Typhlocybinae, recognized interspeci£ic relationships and placed the French species in groups which in some cases COI18titute genera, and in others constitute species groups within genera. Oaan {l949a) described two new genera 1n the subfamily, and pointed out the need tor a critical stud7 o! the group. DeLong and co-workers have also described several genera and subgenera. The a1la of the present paper has been to restudy the Western Hemisphere typhlocybine genera with a view to a fuller cbaracterl.ntion of genera and the developJHnt of a wore natural system ot classification. It has been necessary. in so doing, to describe a nUblber of new genera. Moreover, in several instances, it has been found necessary to base a new genus on a single species, jt.ost often in eases involving leotropical species. The tropics of the New World, however, have been so poorly covered by collectors that the writer subscribes to the opinion that many of the Neotropical genera which are monobasic 1n the present treatment are not li~ely to remain so when lllOre collecting has been done. In other cases, tne same paucity of material has led to the retention of some genera which are adtaittedly hetero- geneous, for example 1n the ilebrini, where forms which were fairly closely related morphologically were retained in the same ge)'.lua for want of sufficient material to establish where discontinuity in variation 1'111ght occur. W:M4H&• Jielal.J.Yel,1 , .. cooat.-.n-\ oh&r&cu:ra h.Ye been toad 1a \aia croup or 41veraU1e4 .uaec:t.a-. ust or \he tmaNiet.ffa £'-,.._.J.y C1Wd. U 41egllU&t1C f~r Ul4' aubfut.1.ly have .ta:Uell $o Hr91'H t.lae eollocUon l&ll4 at.lld:, ot .ad:4a.t.O&al aatcri•la• TA. G<.iafU&'tJ,vely ...u a1se of t.be leatbcpt1cra @£ Ule •wa- fa:&11.1 1• uaet'w.. tl.- 8"'8e •x.iea~, 111. Ue-ntity.ui:. lt• l>ut. tae -.ll••t. aeabet·a or ...,.. o~er aubtaa.Uies are exo4:eded 1n aiz:e b7 .ne lv.;~at. 'f>'pblocybinae. 'ttwft•e a.a be•n a .N4ucUen 1n .rea 6ilil YeD&UAm in~. •~1ca.l jiOl"UOA o! tae CvBL&l ere& or u:,.e ~ti.Ii IJUl6, w.t. ••A a l'GdweUoa 1.a present. 1L acue ~-t.y;nl~:,tine le&r.uo.,pu", aAd 1.ta ,1..._,... 1• •arable w1 uun tlMl 'fypnlGcyoinae. hoa a p~act.l.cu s.~;,01.nt. all laal'bOppt;-ra wt11en lack ,\i;&@M WallO"":.llC GE tne l°'.U.li:UAu Veins ot t.a:.e rvre •1L&a,, llliiM4 or tAe baae-e ot t.LW •.-ic:al eel.a, lliAY be i,cUCed .m 1.aia aubt'U.U,,. .iDii ev-. tw.• cua1·acwr 1.a lKit. 1.uraJ.lllile:, Cc.;r 1fl Off-w1a Alel>r.iui.• the oeeurreaoe1 or [email protected]&S eroaa veb.ia 51lY PffNa'- u.a ~iWCa ot" brancned l(iJli:U~ ·ve1na, 1111 a-,~ Offt.u.n \Cl be cot.tusl.ng to ou.e •·'-t .fudl1ar ffi.Ul tM g_l'(;up. ~14-w:-.t. td.t.n ¼1r. lac..: oL dJ.ac&l briiDCtun& oC YlE lW4.U.wiaal ·veu.aa, is tilt oco•reace or vlll.7 t.~ en~1cal o•li•• a cwraet.u wilicA doe•, uowev•r, occur 1a .wot.bn- au.b- rua117. 1Rrnn11t:v•• Tai• "'-'l'& baa eas:,J.oyed tJ.e n.ue TfRMHUiPM 1a U.a t.1Ue, becauae tba~ m.ae c"n!\,nu t.. toe ;:•ra.etic-e or reauu.ifc •lllPl'a&enel'ic Dalaea •ltil pric.r1ty. A;,parentl.l t.b.4t tirat use of the group name was that ot Kirschbaum (l868b1l6) who used 11 Typhlocybidae" as a subfamily name. It one did subscribe to uaing the oldest generic nue as a basis for a aubt&!llily- name, then because of a nom.enclatorial problem concernirig the true identity of the genus Cicadella Dwaeril, the correct name of the subfamily would be presently in question. Duilleril (l806a), 1n a publication which listed a 8Jlloptic table of some families 0£ Hcmoptera, divided the leafllOppers into two groupaz those with ocell1, and those without ocelll. lie mentioned the name Cieadella 1n t>ia dis- cussion of the group 1n wnich ocell1 11-ere present. In tue same year, Froriep (1806a), in a German translation of uie Dullleril work, listed Cicadella vittata (L.) as an exaiaple of tne group in w.:iich veelli were present, and tn1s waa toe first (and at that time the only) included species. On the basis o1· tr,1s, CJ.cada yittata Linnaeus can be considered tne genotype of the genus Cieadella Dumeril, and it tbia course is t'ollowed, tben Cicadella Dumer11 is a genus 1n the subtaw.17 under treat.aent, and incidentally the oldest genus, and the subfamily could be appropriately dea1gnated •Cicadelli.Dae"• But, on the other bond, as Vlagner (19b0a) baa pointed out, Cj,cada vittata L. is a species wnich does not have ocelli, and its selection by i'roriep as an exa111ple ot Cicadell§ Dwaeril ca.o. be considered to bave violated the intent of Dumeril. lagner therefore designated Cicada v1ridis L. as genotype or Cicade1l.a Ouat.:ril, pcinting out that tnia species J2,U have oceill, and does not, therefore, violate tile intent of Dulaer11. Moreover, he suggested tb&t this selection ot e:enotype had the added advantage of making Cicadel.h Duaeril. and Cicade})i f.atreille isogenotypie, thereby relegating the l..&tter to &ynonyay wider t.ne former. The writer subscribes to the opinion that the solution is .nut as siJllpl.e as wa.gner suggests. lu tne first place, it seems that Fruriep's designation ot Cicada vittata L. as an example of CJ.eade1la Dumeril may be construed as a type 1"1xation, in spite o.r the fact that it does not ct.-ufor.m to tne o.:•ig;illal characterization of Dulaeril, unl€SS a rul.1.D& to the co.,t.ru-7 is fortbeollli.ng troia the International C0111111sa1on on Z<.iologieal iuaeacature. Certa.1Jlly the selection vf a tenotype w.b.ich violates, 1n one character or ~ore, the original description of a genus is nu novel occurreace. Moreover, aa Oman (!a .lJ.tt•) has pointed out, Dumer1l hiasel.f, in a sub- sequent paper (1816a) listed vittata as an incluaed species 1D nis OWll genus Ciead~l~a. Dr. Vlagner '• action was probably motivat.ed partl.y by tbe desire to restore tne name Cicagella to the group recently designated Tettigellinae, wnieh group was called CicadelliDae based ou Cicadella Latreille (type, Cicada virid+a L., by subsequent des4nation of Van Duzee, 1917) UAtil 1946 (China aud Fennah 1946a). 'l'i1t: writer agrees that such a course would miniJlu.ze the e...,nfua1on in the literature, and Dr. 1.agnerts action is !'ollowed herein. It is nol-'ed, nvwever, that the statwa o!' Cicadella Dum.Jril will be stabilized by a ruling ot tne ColUliasion.. - 6 The remoYal ot tile wuae Cifidella from tnb sub.fa.ail)' restores the 1W1Ja.e Eypterxx as tbe oldest &enus,. ud the subfaiaily coulti be appropriately d~signated Eupterygina.e. Ph,Y1ogeu. ?he relatiuns.uip ot the typhloeybinae to ol.il"'r sui>tamilies bas long been obscure. The present work has .ione little to clarLJ'y u1is 14uestion, anJ tn~ ,.-riuir is unable to state which of the various subtaailies of Cicadellidae a.re probably closely related to the T)-~nlocybinae, or indctd 1Jhether only a silljgle suw.·am11y is to be soUtiht in t.,is connection.
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