tuiv .(I Ifi London. 'ko8, being tctuliy different from ] I Majcs-u's Tlioatrt*. "THE BANDIT'S BABY" of llu> eharact. rlzutions she in pn ,n l!»n. Mr: Kendal in her familiar COLISEUM TONiGHT viousl.v port rayed. AT Vi durian bound fs not loss pi The fact that (he story of “Any than Whiutlor’s mother •!» A baby show in » we o n tow n, SUNDAY end MONDAY Woman" was written for ilie so much directly I s:i-h ■ portrait reproduced. iv In re the pi owl f it hi-rs 7:30—*-9:25 the .‘Screen Arthur Somers by llocho, to win peel llv ir respective offspring 1 the brilliant novelist, is positive a ;- Riflcwoman Tutors awl an willing to see that tit- : do stttanee of tilt tint rest-compelling Schoolboys to Title ^QX NEWS I | even il if taltei Run pluv to : elec idot. I’ nlrie? Van and Jules I'uitlt- (TiK’ACO. Hoys of th liescrvc the winner In one of 1111 out known prii'.e man. widely scenarists, made ; Ofiiccru Training Corps ar halt stand in;; bits of delightful come,Iv- .HI vA SHOP” the film adaptation. View high school. Chicago, have a in "Tlio I la wilt’s n.iby Fed Thorn The photoplay is crowded with in- woman rifle < oa< h. Mis ; Mary Mo* F. II. O. production <■. lin- cident and is son’s latest action, and set against I nohati. whose brother, Steph n, is FOX SCENIC ing to tin- Colieeutn tlio.lire loiiH.h*. MATINEE, NIGHT and MONDAY the faucinal itig background of big, la nationally known rifle shot, and And then, when "The Ittndit" alone business and smart society. Dim- who is lu nelf a crack markswom- to act as and tor has lias 1 he courage judge “FASTER FOSTER” King outdone himself in the i an. The excellence of her t •achiip is later burdened with a baby aftr. ()\ II) PALACE ORCHESTRA j matter of stage mounting, and tli -j was attested when the riflo tean Girl Comrlv No. 11 ERTURE he has escaped from Ilia sheriff's j Telephone entire production represents the last I of tin* school was awarded medals j posse, the real fun begins! The pro word in magnificent settings, gorge- tor proficiency in competition with of could not. ous and la visit verbis! barrel monkeys Sense on sense gowns display. ! all the scholarth riflo corps of tin* Hod HP Politic—Sonic nml \ .attsc more merriment than the new BF.T7’ COLISEUM Thelma Morgan, Ernest (iillen. I city. and Fred's Henry KolUer, Lawson Butt, James Thomson production; I MLl.OHY MEN "Silver King" a Nell and Margarita Fischer are great home, plays II' sou want to see the best coined\-drama ever both In the thrilling ( f’ONSTANTlN()l>I,K. M lulnmo among, those prominently cast in prominent part, CONCERT—OVERTURE and in the i MeziltP Mouhledditic, Ttiil: *>■’;» loail- ! support of Miss Terry. act inn of the picture produced SEE iHR feminist, president and founder many unusual comedy sequences. | Xylophone Solo of tit' Tur- ! “WATCH YOUR WIFE" -- I only women's club in “The Rosary’’ | AT PALACE SUNDAY | key. lias undertaken in tnako a (nationwide survey of women work- ISl'NDAY Pat and * O’Malley, husband father I era with th compilation of statistics of three ALICE 60 cems interesting children, recent- | on women in industry and prof m- TERRY 10—20—dO—Leges liis on llte Weuis and ly gave views attitude Vmwf j sions. Thp survey will he the first I of husband and wife toward the of the kind in Turkey and will re- lionte. O'Malley's ideas were brought quire at least six months for com. 7:30 TONIGHT ONLY-9:25 forth by the role he appears in, 'oPUJoroSt'lp | j pletion, so great are tho difficultie “Watch Your Wife," I'niversul-J ,-wol. I j in the way of gathering accttraip coming to tlto Palace theatre com-! (information in a land where stu- Roofs’ Woman Bank Employee uGailophi£i menclng at the matinee Sunday. I listies have been entirely unknown. O'-j Outranks Many Men Malley is co-starring with Virginia The women's ellth which is to un- Conn TL./.abrth F Valli. lUH’Il FSTRR. dertake the task has GOO members. a hank here, his a “The woman,” says Pat, “make.- ! Doer, employe It was admitted last year to mem- till of bank- of homo something spiritual. K! rating of in knowledge bership in tlte International Fedora fundamentals higher than most fills it with high ideals, and makes ing tion. and Madame Moahieildine hopes “THE PIED HPLil PIPED” an ti. Flic has been attending a class of it it bulwark against the worr to represent Turkey at the Federa- the Hartford chapter, with the wonder liorse and troubles of the outside world. sponsored by tion's convention ;it Rio do Janeiro. American Institute of Banking. To most men home is merely a site! SILVER KING lii" ter a place to protect him from (li- Katherine M. del Maslro of ra in. the wind and fho cold. stat • banking commissioner's office, CjRCLE TRAPPER DIES "In 'Watch Your Oife,’ the wif ■ led the class with the flawless CN BLACK BODY cent. women RIVER; is just such a woman as 1 have c! i grade of 100 per Right three f them scribed, while the husband is per-- made passing grades, IS FOUND BY INDIAN haps worse Ilian the average man I taking honor rank. The of lie is an author so wrapped up in ; body Roy Feller, trapper hits been found on ! liis own work that lie has forgot i Madge Kendal Gets of Circle, Black about 100 miles north of ten all the little niceties, that are Official Portrait River, j due a wife. However, he learns lie- ! LONDON.- Dame Madge Kendal, Clrcl:-, according to a telegram re ; lesson, as such men always do." in rf tli" best loved British ad- eelvod at tho office of Gov. George! is man “Watch Your Wife" is a domestic > 'ssis of the last quarter century, A. Parks. The dead was found comedy drama containing a new idea. o have an official portrait done iiv hv an Indian trapper who brought ! It is filled with rich humor and is Sir William Orpen. The price of the word to Federal atilhorilles at Circle ! somewhat of a satire on the modern picture is to be paid by theatrical Felter was an ex-service man, h?- ( "SM divorce problem. "Watch Your, subscription, and it is hoped that ing in the U. S. Army during th Wife” is beautifully staged, tmi tveiiltially it will find its way to the war with Germany, lie is survived striking seen s being those in a res-1 National Portrait Gallery. Dame by his mol her who resides In Se- tauranl and in a roof garden. Kendal, who is 78 years of age. has attle. The cause of death was not Among the players are Nat Carr ! >.-•< n connected with the stage since definitely known hut it was believed in a most congenial role; Helen Lee l ler childhood. She visited Amov- in have resulted from natural caused ; Frese.iption Comedy:—“just what the Doctor ordered1”—Dis- Worthing, as the rented wife; A1 ed on several occasions, making h r as there is said to have been no j Drama:—‘ with a ■ tillery kick”—Prcg-ntor Pathos:—"a:, human 1 ('onli, Aggie Herring, and Nora H v-j irst npearance In New York at the evidence of foul play. as Adam and Eve"—A Bandit—A Horse—and a den. •’iftli Avenue Theatre in 188!», play- The body, it is expected, will lie | Baby, mixed up There will also lie Susan in "A of brought from Black River to Clrcl • in Machine gun Melodrama with a thousand a Hodge Podgi i ng Hartley Scrap j , laughs. and a Blister Brown Her lust wa.-i for interment. Also a Buster 1 comedy. Paper.” appearance Comedy __ _ 10—2C—40—10GE3—10-CENTS j BUSTER AND TIGE TAkE 1 l A NOSE DIVE” 1 GLOVERIZED DRY GLEANING Last 2 Times Tonight I { LON CHANEY in ‘THE UNHOLY THREE” 1 | Always Good— But Better This Time I i w ii •■inrwirwiam-eawe—m——aw——t—r ody and it Is interpreted by an "all- star east that lias used every op- Attractions portunity to a good advantage. The east includes: Lon Clinic y, Me Hunch, Matt Moore. Victor Me- At Theatres l.aglrti, Harry Enrleq and Mat!i'*\v It '!/., as w< II as a number of lesser names. (treat credit should lie given tin AT "••THE UNHOLY THREE” director for the masterful way in I PALACE, LAST TIME TONIGHT which litis production lias been — •m* -—— made. Vet it must he conceded lie a crook dra- “The Unholy Three,” started with an out-ol'-tli'-ordinary for in:! directed by Tod Browning glory. Tod Robbins's popular mystery r and now being Melro-(!oldwyn-May< novel, and an extremely good con the featured at the Palace and for tinuity which is the work of tin can be 'nsl (wo limes tonight, aptly sec soiled Waidc mar Young. described an one of (lie beat pictures ,nf i IBs class iho screen has ever known. “ANY WOMAN" AT Browning lias succeeded in inject- COLISEUM TOMORROW •* »• r*; 1 ""' ing e large amount of heart ini 'rest ti Into jhe film and has loft out the The efforts of a beautiful youny ..Id bromide situations about mort- girl to make a cold American busi- villain., who gages, snow storms and ness world pay her dividends on an ,-laiin the beautiful young heroine education acquired in an exclusive in lieu of certain amounts of money European school, and what happens owed by poor parents.
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