AAONOGRAPHI~ BIOLOGICAY CANARIENSES Proceedings of the I Internationãl Congress pro Flora acaroneska edited by G. Kunkel Este tomo se dedica a la memoria de Eric R. Sventenius, Direc,tor ded Jardín Ca- nario “Viera y Clavijo” y Presidente de Honor de este Congreeo, que falleció cn eAa ciudad el día 23 ,de Junio de 1973. Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria Las Palmas, Septiembre de 1973 l Monogr. Biol. Canar. 4; 1973 Dirección de In Redacción: Finca ‘Uano de !la Piedra” (Santa Lucha de Tirajana Gran Canaria, ‘España Depósito Legal: GC - 79-1970 Edición 600 ejemplares Precio de este nitmero: Ptas. 320,- 0 Imp. Pérez Galdós, c/ BuenosAires, 38 Las Palmasde Gran Canaria SP ISISN 0077 - 0647 -4- Indice Editorial notes Introduction ...................................................................... 7 List of participants ........................................................... 8 Daily ,programme (Span.) ............................................. 12 List of le&ures ............................................................... 13 Acknowledgements (Span.) ............................................. 14 Text of lectures STEARN: Philip Barker Webb and Canarian Botany ...... 15 STEINBERG: Macaronesian Collections of Phanerogams in the Herbarium Universitatis Florentinae ............... 30 KR0SS: Canarian Common Names of Wild Pllan,ts and their Meaning in Botany anld Linguistics ........................ 49 BOUfLOB: The Endemic Species of Sonohus and ReJated Ge- nera in the Macaronesian Islands ........................ 60 MENDOZA-HEUER: La Morfología de la Sideritis en Maca- ronesia y su Grado de Diferenciación ........................ 64 BRAMWELL: Studies in the Genus Eohium from Macaro- nesia ........................................................................ 71 PAGE: Ferns, Porlyploids, and their Bearing on ‘the Evol- ution of the Canarian Flora .................................... 83 ESTEVE-CH.: Sinopsis de las Alianzas y Asociaciones en la Clase Cytiso-Pinetea y Orden Cytiso Pinetalia * ...... 89 SANTOS G.: Algunos Aspectos de la Vegetación de la Isla de La Palma ......................................................... 93 SANCHEZ G.: Regeneración (del Bosque Subtropical de Laurisillva .............................................................. 96 KUNKEL: The role of Adventitious Plants in tihe Vegetat- ion of bhe Canary Islands ....................................... 103 SJOGREN: Plant Communities of .the Natural Vc’gctation of Madeira and the Azores * ................................. 107 SUNDINlG: Enlemism in mthe Flora of the Cape Verde Is- lan,ds ........................................................................ 112 * Proots corrected by the editor BRAMWELL & RIClHARDSON: Floristic Connections bet- ween Macaronesia and the East Medit,erranean Region 118 GAGNIEU, LINDER & VOGGENREITER: Caryotypes de la Flore Insulaire de Tenerife . ,.,....... 126 PELTIER: Endémiques Macaronésiennes au Mar’oc * . 134 GOMEZ C.: Hacia un Banco de Germoplasma de Endemis- mas Vegetales Ibéricos y Macaronésicos * .*............. 143 SJöGREN: Conserva,tion of Natural1 Plant Com’munities on Madeira and the Azores * . 148 SUTTON: Th.e Conservation and Use of Endangered Islands 154 GARCIA C.: Conservación de los Recursos Naturales en Canarias * .<.....,........ *..*. ..,.....,,...,.,,,.,..,.,...... 158 KUNKEjL: A New Publication ‘on the Canary Islands Flo,ra 1161 Proposals and decisions BRAMWELL & MOORE: Flora of Macaronesia Project . 1615 Conservation Appeal . 169 Foundation of the Macaronesian Botanical Society . 175 Communication (Ilett,er) IUCN / WWF . 176 -ô- ,More than 70 scientists from 30 universities in 13 countries attended a first international botanical meeting held a,t Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The Congress was sponsored by the Island Coun- ci1 (Cl~hildo Tnsul~r) and toolr place be.twea 13 and 18 April 1973. Twenty six lectures were given on such subjects as flora, conservation, herbaria, and inventories. During a joint excursion participants were introduced to the main plant communities exis- ting on Gran Canaria, Although the principal purpose of the mee,ting was to bring logether al1 bolanists whose work and interest, directly or indi- rectly, relates to the vegetation of the Macaronesian Islands, and to review progress of the “Flora Macaronesica” project, conserva- tion of the ve8getation with its high percentage of endemics re- ceived considerable attention. The urgent need to protect the large number of endangered species and to preserve uniquc communitics and landscapes on the islands gave rise to the prepara,tion and appromal of a general “Appeal” (see “Proposals and decisi’ons”). Thi’s will be widely circulated and brought to the atten,tion of institutions and govern- ments concerned. A communication from IUCN/WWF was read, informing the members of a grant all’ocated for a survey of the natural resources in the eastern Canary Lslands. It was also agreed to create a Macarone,sian Eotanical Associla- tion which would ensure the direction and continuity of the pro- grammes. The Congress received much public interest and was reported on daily and at length by al1 local inlormation media. Summari- zing reports were also publiskd in “Nature” (val. 243:261) and in the “Bulletin IUCN” (vol. 4:23). Official speeche’s pronounced have been published in ful1 in INoca newspapers. -7- LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ALEMANIA Mattick, Prof. Dr. F.; Botanischer Garten und Museum, Berlin-Dahlem Milbradt, J., cand. phil.; Botankches Institut, Universität Erl,angen-Nürnberg F’aul, I’rof Dr. F.; Eotanischm Institut, Univcrsität Bonn Voggenreiter, V., cand. rer. nat.; Botanisches Institut, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg DINAMARCA Hansen, A., cand. mag.; Botanisk Museum Keben’havn FRANCIA Gagnieu, Prof. Dra, A.; Institut Bo,tani,que, Université Strasbourg Linder, Prof. Dr. R.; Institut Botlanique, Université des Sciences Lille GRAN BREBTAÑA Aldridge, 4. (Miss); Department of Botany, University Reading Bramwell, Dr. D.; Department of Bobany, University Reading Gibson, P.; Roya1 Holloway College London Heywood, Prof. Dr. V. H.; Departm,ent of Botany, University Reading Moore, Dr. D. M.; Department of Botany, University Reading Page, Dr. C. N.; Roya1 Bota& Gardens Edinburgh Stearn, Dr. W. T.; British Museum (Natu,ral Htistory) London HOLANDA De Wit, Prof. Dr. H. C. D.; Laboratory of PBant Taxon,omy and Plant Geography, University for Agriculture; Wageningen -8- ITALIA Steinberg, Prof. Dr. C.; Herbarium Universitatis Flor,entinae Firenze JORDANIA Boulos, Prof. Dr. L.; Botanical lnstitute, University of Jordan Amman NORUEGA Hagen, Dr. A.; Lovenskiolds Gate 4, Oslo 2 Sunding, Dr. P.; Botanical Gnr.den, Univers?ty Oslo 5 Torkelsen, A. E. (IMrs.) ; Botanical Labonatory, University Odo 3 PORTUGAL Franco, Prof. Dr. J. Amaral; Instituto Superior de Agronomla Lisboa Malato-Beliz, Dr. J.; Esta@0 de Melhoramento de Plantas Elvas Pi’ckering, Major C. H. C. Funchal Da Rocha Afonso, Dra. M. NdNaLuz; Instituto Superior de Agr,onomía Lisboa SUECIA Eriksson, Dr. 0.; Department ,of Biology, University Umeå Nordenstam, Dr. B.; Swedish Museum of Natural History Stockholm Sjögren, Prof. E. A.; Växtbiologisk$a Institutionen Uppsala SUIZA Burdet, Dr. H. M.; Con,servatoire B’otanique IGeneve Mendoza-Heuer, Dr. 1.; Institut für Systematische Botanik Ziirich U. S. A. Etter, Dr. A.; The Morton Arboretum ,Lisle, Illinois -9- Midcap, ProZ. J. T.; Department of Horticulture and Forestry Kan- sas University; Mbanhattan, Kansas ESPARA (Continental) Bellot Rodríguez, Prof. Dr. F.; J,ardín Botánica Madrid Casaseca, Prof. Dr. B.; Departamento de B’otánica, Universidad Salamanca C1ement.e Muñoz, M. (Srta.); Esc. Técn. Sup. Ing. Agrónomos Madrid Esteve C’hueca, Prof. Dr. F.; Departamento de Botánica, Univer- sidad Granada tiómez Campo, Prof. Dr. C.; Esc. Técn. Sup. Ing. Agrónomo,s, Cat. de Fisiol. Vegetal; Ma,drid Hernández Bermejo, J. E.; Esc. Técn. Sup. Ing. Agrónomos Madri’d Matías Mayor, Prof. Dr.; Departamento de Botánica, Universidad Oviedo Tortosa, M. E. (Sra.); Esc. Técn. Sup. Ing. Agrónomos, Madrid ESPARA (Canarias) Acuña González, Prof. Dr. A.; Departamento de Botánica, Univer- sidad; La Laguna Alonso Socorro, J.; Jardín Canario “Viera y Clavijo” Tafira Las Palmas Alvarez, J.-A.; Servicio Municipal d,e Parques y Jardines, Las Palmas Apolinario N’avawo, B.; Col. Oficial de Farmacéu~ti~cos ILas Palmas Apolinario Cambreleng, J.; Colegio Oficia’1 de Farmacéuticos Las Palmas Barquín, E.; Departamento de Botánica, Universidad ILa Laguna Beltrán Tej’era, E. (Srta.) ; Departamento de Botánica, Univewidad ‘La Laguna Breitfeld, Ch, (Sra.); La Cuesta Santa Cruz Díaz Cruz, Dr. M.; 1. C. 0. N. A. Las Palmas García Correa, L.; A. S. C. A. N. #Las Palmas González González, Prof. Dr. A.; Dep. de Química Orgánica y Bioquímica, Universidad; La Laguna - 10 - González Hernández, Dr, J. M.; 1. C. 0. N. A. Santa Cruz Gallo Ll.obct, L. (Srta.); Departamento de Botánica, Universidad La Laguna Gil Rodríguez, M. C. (Srta.); Departamento de Botánica, Univer- sidad; La Laguna Hernández Mayor, J. D.; Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos Las Palmas Hernández Guerra, J.; Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos Las Palmas Krüss, J.; La Calzada. ‘Las Palmas Kunkel, G. (Serretario), TaEra Alta Las Palmas Kunkel, M. A. (Sra.), Tafira Alta Las Palmas León Pérez Li.; Jardín Canario “Viera y Clavijo”, Tafira Las Palmas López Paláez, S.; A. S. C. A. N. ,L,as PnlrIins Machado Carillo, A.; Departament’o de Biología Marina, Univcr- sidad; La Laguna Navarro Valle, F.; Jardín Canari.0 “Viera y Clavijo”, Tafira Llas
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