Thursday Non-Profit Org. April 25.1935 U.S. Postage PAID Volume 67 Bronx, New York Number 12 Permit No. 7608 Russian Relations ewYork - Page 12 Student Jumps White House Fence Jose Medina arrested during WAC trip. by John llrcunig member of the Fordham Coalition for fora bomb." A Fordham College junior was arrested Divestment. "It was more out of frustration." Medina's sister, who was visiting him on White House grounds Sunday after he The Fordham College junior would not com- Friday, owned the car. Security Director allegedly climbed the surrounding fence 20 ment further. Thomas Courtney said the search never took minutes before President Reagan arrived from Rev. Joseph Fitzpatrick, S.J., said he place. Camp David. became concerned for Medina after speaking Secret Service officials contacted Jose Medina was charged with unlawful with him on Friday. Assistant Dean of Students for Residential entry at his arraignment Monday in "He manifested strange behavior last Washington, D.C. District Court and released week," said Fitzpatrick. "He has always been on $1000 bail in the custody of Rev. Charles sensitive and concerned about issues of justice "1 do not believe it Beirne, S.J. His trial is scheduled for May 13. and peace and the intensity of his interest in Medina, currently Resident Assistant of the apartheid problem may have contributed was for political Hughes House and a member of the Fordham to an emotional disturbance." reasons... It was more Coalition for Divestment, admitted himself in- Although Medina's friends describe him to the psychiatric ward of a prominent as a "quiet person" who has "always been out of frustration." Washington hospital Monday. He traveled to straightforward and stable," several residents Washington on a bus trip sponsored by the of Hughes House said Medina began to - Stephen Philion Weekend Activities Committee and did not "show abnormal behavior" last Thursday. make an official statement following the in- "He came to me Friday night and said FC'86 cident. 'You have to help me, IBI is going to search Life Winifred Wegmann on Wednesday. She Jose Medina "I do not believe it was for political my room,' " said one student, who asked not said they asked a few "standard questions," reasons," said Stephen Philion, a fellow to be identified. "He said IBI searched his car but declined to elaborate. According to a student on the bus trip, Medina's actions en route to Washington were unusual. Housing Lottery Shuts Out 190 Students"He went to the front of the bus and took turns sitting, sleeping and standing," said the student, who requested anonymity. Wegmann Decreases Incoming Freshman Class ' 'He tried to go to sleep. Any time anyone said by Phillip Cicione flow list. noting that in past years lotteries were often anything even in a whisper, he'd yell for quiet." In order to ease Rose Hill's Housing "We picked number 299 out of 300 for unfair because of forged signatures. WAC Chairperson Anne Galligan, FC problem and accommodate 190 students who both the doubles and triples," she said. Wegmann said that the overflow students '86, who organized the trip, said she held the were closed out of housing, the Office of Her roommate, Pam Gibbons, FC '88, will have to wait until room cancellations are return trip for 30 minutes Saturday because Residential Life said it will decrease the in- number 55 in overflow, said, "I want to tran- made. After approximately every fifteen can- Medina was not present. She later learned he coming freshman residential class by 100 sfer junior year, and I thought it would be nice cellations, the Housing Office will call studen- was staying with Beirne, a dean at Georgetown students. to spend my sophomore year with my close ts and inform them of their possibilities. University who was Medina's headmaster At a time when the University is trying to friends." Wegmann is also sending out a letter to while he attended grammar school in his native Puerto Rico. increase its resident population, Dean of Despite the large number of students who overflow students saying that if they wish to Residential Life Winnifred Wegmann has do not have housing for next year, Wegmann move off campus for a year, they will be The incident on the White House lawn found it necessary to cut the amount of next said the recent lottery was a success. eligible to re-enter the lottery the following occurred the following afternoon. "He jumped the fence and was arrested year's freshman residents to 500. This "Our checkpoints were accurate; we year. Housing has compiled and posted a ten as soon as he hit the ground by the Uniform academic year the number of freshmen who made sure we had the I.D.'s of all the students page listing of apartments in the area for Continued on page 22 obtained housing was 600, and in 1983 it was for the different lotteries," said Wegmann Continued on page 19 645. During the recent housing lottery, 90 up- perclassmen were closed out of housing for next semester. These students are now in over- Plans Develop For New Dormitory flow along with over 100 freshmen who were also closed out of housing. Ideas Include Air Conditioning, Cable T. V., and a Sundeck. The Housing office says il will find a by Deirdre Murphy and Christine Federico place for all of these students. In a meeting held to discuss plans for the "I don't think it's fair to be worried new dormitory, scheduled to open in Septem- about housing for next year when I have ber, 1987, architects presented drawings of the crucial finals coming up," said Ann Peterson, pre-design phase of the buildings to students FC '88, one of those students who must wait and asked their comments and suggestions. to find out where they'll be living in the fall. The Hillier Group of Princeton, New Jer- After being locked out of eight-man sey has been selected to design the $12 to $14 suites in Martyrs' Court and New Hall doubles million dormitory, which will house both and triples, Petersen is number 21 on the over- freshmen and sophomores. The dormitory will be located behind Queens Court and the Alumni House, an area which is currently a parking lot. The new facility will consist of two separate buildings housing 300 students each. Underground tunnels will be built bet- ween the two buildings. "The basic project is to provide housing far 600 students," said John Rizzo of the Hillier Group. Vice President for Student Affairs Joseph Stuck McGowan said that the Hillier Group was selected after considering a list of schools in New England that hud built dorms in the last - page 3 three to five years. Fordham preferred the clonus that were built by the Hillier Group for Villanova University because they combine Coke Is It economy with attractiveness and comfort. '•A design committee coumrised of ;,,l- on i>Lif!i' ••' • Page This (Kirkiiifi lol behind Qiii-i-ns Court is Hie silc ol (lie m-vv iloriuUon. 2/THi; RAM/THURSDAY; APRIL 2<Vl%f; •*•"•* THE CAB CALENDAR *• !'• ' •1¥:& V Friday, Sunday, April 28,1985 April 26,1985 University Chorus Spring Concert: 3 pm Special Events: MONTE CARLO NIGHT!!! Ballroom. 8 pm Ballroom. Donations will be accepted for the Bronx Mimes & Mummers present The Shadow County Society for the Prevention of Box 8 pm Coll ins Auditorium. Cruelty to Children. aWHHHMHHel Saturday, Monday, April 27,1985 April 29,1985 Fordham College Deans Day Riflery competition: men and women. Mimes and Mummers: present The Compete in teams of two. 6 pm Faculty Shadow Box 8 pm Collins Auditonum. Memorial Hall - Rifle Range. Thursday, May 2,1985 Sociology Club: presents the film Pole Town Lives. Lecture and question and answer session following. 10:30 am Media Center. Spring Weekend Friday, Saturday, May 3,1985 May 4,1985 The Concerts Committee of CAB Presents: Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes RHA Spring semi Formal 8 pm-2 am. 8 pm Gym. Tickets on sale in McGinley Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes Center $4.00 with ID, $8 without. Tickets are $20.00 per person. Includes dinner and 5 free drinks. Tickets are will appear in the Gym, May 3 at 5 p.m. available in the McGinley Center Lobby Use mis lorm to list events in the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Group Address Description of Event Date Place Time____ _ . Admission Requirements 01 interest To: M College TJ CBA P DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT 4rM Upon completion ol this form, please return to: ! i Crad Students i J other - Calendar Committee Members of Fordham University Only Cimpiis center Directors Office THE RAM/THURSDAY, APRIL.25,1985/3 Hockey Club Fights To Skate by Jackie Hattar and Michael Zuccarello Zwiren claims he must see evidence of the This may be the last season for the For- players' interest if they want the hockey dham hockey club. program to continue. On Tuesday, the team was notified by "Ice hockey has been floundering for the Lombardi Center Director Marty Zwiren, the last couple of years," said Zwiren. "I don't head of Club Sports, that the squad must raise see any interest if you call six players showing $1600 in cash by May 15, or1 the hockey team up for agame interest." will be disbanded. Hockey team members believe this request is unreasonable. He added, "I've only seen Pete (Agostini) fighting for the program regularly and An- "Six hundred dollars is for bus money, drew (Mola). Where is Doug (Winkler) and all and the $1000 is for the balance of dues that those other guys," he said.
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