Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Jordan India Fertilizer Company (JIFCO) Volume (I) MAIN REPORT Submitted to: Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) Submitted by: Royal Scientific Society / Environmental Research Centre Prepared by: Mohammad Mosa (Project Manager) Salah Abu-Salah Najeeb Al-Atiyat Jehan Hadad Rawia Abdalla Nuwar Al-Husseini Faysal Anani Supervised by: Dr. Bassam Hayek (Director of ERC) June, 2008 This document is a property of Jordan India Fertilizer Company (JIFCO) and the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior permission from both JIFCO and RSS including but not limited to in any network or other electronic storage or transmission. However, the document shall be used by JIFCO for fulfilling the requirements of the project. So, the document will be used by tenders and the regularity authorities in Jordan as and when required. ESIA/JIFCO Project ii Study Team The Environmental Research Centre (ERC) has been providing specialized technical studies and services since 1989 in a number of environmental areas. ERC has a specialized staff in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), it has conducted comprehensive ESIA studies for various major development projects. The environmental and social impact assessment study of the project was led by the Environmental Research Centre of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). The biodiversity study, the archeological survey and the marine environment study were conducted by external consultants hired by RSS. The following is a list of contributors to this study. The resumes of all contributors to this study are part of the study report, Annex (1). Project Management: Mohammad Mosa (Project Manager) Technical work done by: Mohammad Mosa (Noise and waste management specialist) Salah Abu-Salah (Public and occupational health specialist) Najeeb Al-Atiyat (Water resources and geology specialist) Jehan Haddad (Air quality and risk assessment specialist) Rawia Abdalla (Socio-economic specialist) Nuwar Al-Husseini (Chemical engineering) Faysal Anani (Air quality specialist) In addition to external consultants: Khaled Nassar (Biodiversity specialist) Dr. Mohammad Waheeb (Archeology specialist) Dr. Mohammad Alzibdah (Marine specialist) Supervisor: Dr. Bassam Hayek (Director of ERC) ESIA/JIFCO Project iii Preface This report provides the findings of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) study for the proposed Jordan India Fertilizer Co. (JIFCO) project that will be established in Eshidiya/Ma'an Governorate to produce 475,500 tons of phosphoric acid annually. The ESIA was focused on the main issues related to the following valued environmental components (VECs) that were identified in the scoping stage: • Water Resources • Biodiversity • Public Health • Archeology • Socio-Economic Conditions • Occupational Health and Safety • Marine Environment This document consists of two volumes as follows: Volume (I): Main Report Volume I includes a detailed project description (Chapter 1), in which all project activities and facilities are outlined. Policy, legal framework and consultation are summarized in Chapter 2. The results of the consultations stage are summarized in Chapter 3. The key issues and interactions with the valued environmental components are discussed. The assessment is then presented for each valued environmental component (VEC). The analysis of the impacts and the necessary recommendations to mitigate any significant impacts are provided for each VEC as presented in Chapters 4 to 10. A cumulative impact of all issues caused by all sources in the area of the plants site is discussed in a separate chapter (Chapter 11). Finally an action plan is established which is presented in Chapter 12. Volume (II): Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans This volume contains an outline of the proposed mitigation measures and a monitoring program that the company should implement throughout the project phases. ESIA/JIFCO Project iv Abbreviations ACOR = American Center of Oriental Research AFFF = Aqueous Film-Forming Foam AWC = Aqaba Water Company BAT = Best Available Technology BCRL = British Council for Research in Levant Cmax = Maximum Ground Level Concentration oC = Temperature in Celsius CaO = Lime CEO = Chief Executive Officer CN = Curve Number CO = Carbon Monoxide D = Diffusivity DCDA = Double Contact Double Absorption DH = Dihydrate process DH/HH = Di-Hemihydrate process DO = Dissolved oxygen CRM = Cultural Resources Management dB(A) = Decibel (measured with A-weighting) DM = Demineralization E = East EFMA = European Fertilize Manufacturers' Association EHS = Environmental, Health and Safety EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment ESIA = Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ERC = Environmental Research Center Fig. = Figure HAZOP = Hazard and Operability Analysis HAJ = Hydro – Agri Jordan Fertilizer Project HDH = Hemi-Dihydrate process HF = Hydrogen Fluoride HH = Hemihydrate Process H2SO4 = Sulphuric Acid H2S2O7 = Olium H.S. = Hydrogen Sulphide IFC = International Finance Corporation IFFCO = Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative IJCC = Indo Jordan Chemicals Company ILO = International Labor Organization IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ESIA/JIFCO Project v IR = Irreversible JADIS = Jordan Antiquities Database and Information System JIFCO = Jordan India Fertilizer Company JPMC = Jordan Phosphate Mines Company JS = Jordanian Standard KEMAPCO = Kimera Arab Potash Company Kg = Kilogram Km = Kilometer Km2 = Square Kilometer LAeq = Equivalent Sound Pressure Level (measured with A- weighting) LÃeq = Average Equivalent Sound Pressure Level (measured with A-weighting) m = Meter m3 = Cubic Meter MCM = Million Cubic Meter mg/Nm3 = Milligram Per Normal Cubic Meter �g/m3 = Microgram Per Cubic Meter �g/Nm3 = Microgram Per Normal Cubic Meter mm = Millimeter µm = Micro meter MJ = Mega Joule MoEnv = Ministry of Environment MSDS = Materials Safety Data Sheets MT = Metric Ton MTPD = Metric Ton Per Day MT/hr = Metric Ton Per Hour m/sec = Meter Per Second m3/hr = Cubic Meter Per Hour MW = Mega Watt N = North NE = Northeast NFPA = National Fire Protection Association NMVOCs = Non Methane Volatile Organic Compounds NPK = Nitrogen, Phosphor, Potassium NS = No Standard Available NGOs = Non-governmental Organizations No. = Number NO = Nitrogen Monoxide NO2 = Nitrogen Dioxide NOX = Nitrogen Oxides NW = Northwest ESIA/JIFCO Project vi O2 = Oxygen OHS = Occupational Health and Safety OP = Operational Policies PA = Phosphoric Acid PM10 = Inhalable Particulate Matter with Diameter Equals to or less than 10 Microns PM2.5 = Inhalable Particulate Matter with Diameter Equals to or less than 2.5 Microns PPE = Personal Protective Equipment ppm = Part Per Million P2O5 = Phosphate R = Reversible 226Ra = Radium RDC = Recently Died Corals 222Rn = Radon RSS = Royal Scientific Society S = Sulphur SCBA = Self-Contained Breathing Equipment SCSA = Single Conversion Single Absorption SE = Southeast SiF4 = Silicon Tetrafluoride SO2 = Sulphur Dioxide SO3 = Sulphur Trioxide SW = Southwest t = Ton UTM = Universal Transverse Mercator V2O5 = Vanadium pentoxide VECs = Valued Environmental Components VTC = Vocational Training Corporation TORs = Terms of References W = West WAJ = Water Authority of Jordan WHO = World Health Organization yr = Year ESIA/JIFCO Project vii ���� ���� ������ ����ﻥ�� ������� ������ ���ﻡ� ﻡ���� ������ ��� ﻡ����� �������� ��� ﻡ������ ﻡ���� �ﻥ����� ﺡ���ﻡ� ������������ (H3PO4) ������ ���� ������ �ﻥ����� ﺡ���ﻡ� ����������� (H2SO4) �������� ��ﻡ�� �������� ����ﺝ��� ��� ���� �������� . ����� ������� ��� ������ ��� ������ ﺏ��� ﺵ��� ﻡ ��ﺝ� �������� ����ﻥ�� ﺏ����� %48 ��ﺝ���� ���������� �������� ������ﻥ��� ������� ﺏ����� 52%. ﻡ�� ����� ������� ���� 36 ﺵ���. �ﻡ� �ﺝ� ����� ������ ����� ������� ���ﺝ������� ��������� ﻡ�� ﻥ������ ��������� ���� ��� �ﺝ���� ����� ����� ��� ﺏ��� ��ﺝ����� ﺵ�ﻡ� ﻡ� ��� ���� ������� �������� ��������. ﺡ��� ��� ���� ﺝ���� ��������� ���� ﻡ������ �������� ﺏ������� 2/2/12( 008 ) �� ���� ������ ﻡ������ �������� �����ﻡ���� ������ �����ﻡ����� ﻡ���� ﻡ��������� ﻡ������ ���������� �������� �ﻡ������� ���������� ������������� ��������� ��������� ������ﻡ���� ���������� ���������� ﺏ�������� ��������� ����������� ﺏ������� �������� ��������� Valued) :Environmental Components) − ﻡ���� ������ ������ ������ − − ����� ����ﻡ� ���������� ������� − − ������ ��������� ���ﺝ������ − ����� �����ﻡ� ������� ������� ������ − ��� �� ����� ��� ������ ﻡ� �ﺝ� ��� ����� ﺏ��ﻥ�� ������ ���� ������ ﻡ� ��������� ﺡ��� ﺵ���� �������� ﻡ� ���: − ﻥ���� ������ ������ − − ﻡ���� ������ ������ ������ − ������ ������� ���� − − ������ ��������� ���ﺝ������ ����� �ﻝ����� 1- ����� �ﻝ���� ���ﻝ���� ����� �ﻝ����� ��� ������� ��� ��� ﻡ����� ﺡ�� ���� ���� ���ﺏ��� ������ ﻡ���� ﻡ���ﺡ� ﻡ����� ������� �� ������� ���� ������ ������ �����ﺝ� ��� ������� ���� ������ �������� ����� - 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