ACTON • ALFRED • BUXTON • CORNISH • HOLLIS • LIMERICK • LIMINGTON • LYMAN • NEWFIELD • SANFORD/SPRINGVALE • SHAPLEIGH • WATERBORO FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAP EVERY YOUR ER THURSDAY! www.waterbororeporter.com Locally owned & independently operated VOLUME 17, ISSUE 43 PO Box 75, North Waterboro, ME 04061 • 247-1033 • [email protected] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2019 Crime in Mobility Worldwide’s Maine 80,000th cart Crime in Maine decreased 9.3 percent during 2018, according to Mobility Worldwide, an inter- the Maine Department of Public national humanitarian Christian Safety. It is the seventh consecu- charity that builds specialized tive year that crime has dropped wheelchair-carts for those living in Maine for a total decline during in the developing world, recently the past seven years of 56.1%. celebrated the 25th anniversary of Crime dropped 8.2% in 2017, its founding by handcrafting Mo- 8.7% in 2016, 7.1% in 2015, 13% bility Cart number 80,000. The in 2014, 8.3% in 2013, and 1.5% commemorative Mobility Cart in 2012. was made with parts provided by “Maine has traditionally been the 21 affiliate locations through- one of the safest states in the out the US, including one located country and members of law en- in Waterboro, behind the Massa- forcement truly appreciate the besic Lions Club Regional Med- strong partnerships we have in ical Center building, Waterboro. our communities that have led The organization celebrated its to a seventh straight year of de- 25th anniversary during its annu- clining crime rates,” said Public al conference which was held in Safety Commissioner Michael Austin, Texas on Sept. 26-28. Sauschuck. “Our core mission Mobility Worldwide first be- remains focused on developing gan as the P.E.T. Mobility Project trust and relationships with all of in 1994. Over 80,000 Mobility our residents to include a special Carts have been distributed in emphasis on the victims we serve. Olivia Belanger had a blast climbing up on Carroll’s big pink cement mixer at the Touch-a-Truck event 104 countries since its founding. While we’ve seen consistent re- held in Limerick on Oct. 19. Below is Jerry Cote and his Chevy Street Rod with Paulie Rummery. Carts are built at one of 26 pro- ductions in crime in recent years, PHOTOS BY C.J. PIKE duction facilities throughout the I believe the workload of our first United States, Sierra Leone and responders has actually increased Zambia, Africa. Carts are donated as we continue to staff the front Truckin’ for a good cause to distribution partners who han- lines of various public health cri- dle the shipping, importation and ses. My thanks go out to all our BY C.J. PIKE members. Although, it is geared The Carrolls had a flat bed, assessment of beneficiaries and public safety professionals and mostly towards the children, I their pink cement mixer and then given free of charge to those partners for the work they do on The Limerick Newfield Lions could see that the adults were others from their local business. in need. Mobility Worldwide (an our behalf,” Sauschuck said. Club hosted their annual Touch-a- enjoying it, too, as kids and their Members of the Newfield Fire initiative of PET International, Only two crime categories had Truck event on Saturday, Oct. 19, parents climbed all over the big Department were there with their Inc), is a tax-exempt 501 (C) (3) increases in 2018, simple assaults with over 200 people attending. trucks. old forestry truck Bertha. There NGO/charity. and homicides. Adult arrests also This was their 13th year of Judy LePage was there with were also fire trucks from Lim- Most of the funds to support increased, but every other crime hosting it to give back to the her grandson Jackson LePage, erick, ambulances, construction this program are donated by the number went down. community, that is so generous in and they both climbed right up trucks, well drillers, a stump Maine State District Lions Clubs. Simple assaults reported an giving all year long. Su Cartisa- into the cab of one of the big grinder, and tow trucks – about 26 The Waterboro affiliate has man- increase of 4.7 percent in 2018 no was chairperson of the annual trucks, with no problems at all. trucks in all. ufactured over 300 of these carts (9,972 assaults were reported event, and several Lions mem- Jerry Cote was there showing The Lions were also collect- and has shipped them to organiza- compared to 9,527 in 2017). bers were there also, cooking off his ‘sweet little ride,’ a clas- ing for the White Cane Fund, to tions in under developed countries There were 23 homicides hamburgers and hot dogs, selling sic 1948 Chevy Streetrod pick support the Iris Network, to raise all over the world for distribution. during 2018, compared to 21 in baked goods, coffee, cocoa, pop- up truck, that was in cherry con- money for the visually impaired. They get support from the other 2017. Of the 23 homicides, nine corn, and helping out in any way dition. He was talking with the The Lions accept old glasses and Maine Lions Clubs who provides were domestic violence related possible. Hannaford driver Paulie Rum- donations. They also were collect- monetary support as well as some The violent crime categories The event was held in the In- mery, who drove a Hannaford ing for Stuff the Bus, giving all of the components used to build of rape, domestic assault, rob- dustrial Park in Limerick and it semi-truck with a 53’ trailer to the the proceeds from that to the Faith the carts, as well as donations, bery and aggravated assault went was busy all day, according to the event. Christian Church in Limerick. which can be sent to: Maine Li- down in 2018. ons PET Project, 813 Main Street, Rape incidents virtually were Box D, Waterboro, ME 04087. unchanged, with one less rape re- ported in 2018 compared to 2017, a drop of 0.2%. There were 447 rapes reported in 2018 and 448 rapes in 2017. Rape numbers in- creased in the three prior years. The Director of the Maine Coali- tion Against Sexual Assault, Eliz- abeth Ward Saxl said, “The num- ber of rapes represent significant trauma our fellow Mainers have endured. And yet, according the Muskie School’s Maine Crime Vic- timization Survey, we know that an estimated 14,000 Mainers will Presentation of the commemo- experience this crime each year, rative 80,000th mobility cart. indicating that the vast majority of The Maine Lions painted on the rear of the cart. (Continued on page 4) COURTESY PHOTO PAGE 2 Thursday, October 24, 2019 REPORTER Community Calendar BIRTHS Crockfest Chili & Chowder Cook- where it’s from, she’ll share why it’s TRUNK OR TREAT at Lake- UPCOMING EVENTS Off Challenge on Saturday, Nov. 2 important for happiness and she’ll side Community Church will have from 5 to 7 p.m. This Fall Fundraiser teach how to create and embrace it decorated trunks, hot chocolate FALL BOOK AND BAKE will be held at the Acton Town Hall, in your life this winter and beyond. and cider, popcorn, candy and SALE on Saturday, Oct. 26 from non-candy items. Join them for the 35 H Road. You can enter your spe- Walk away with new insights and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 187 East Main fun on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 4 to 6 cial recipe of Chili or Chowder for ideas that will help you create a sim- Street, East Waterboro. There will p.m. at 1248 Sokokis Trail, North $20 while having the opportunity pler, more joy-filled life. Registra- be baked goods for sale as well as a Waterboro. to represent your business, organi- tion not required. Event is free and 50/50 Raffle. They are also collect- TRUNK OR TREAT at the zation, or family heritage with that open to the public. Waterboro Public ing nonperishable food items for Waterboro Farmers Market at 6 Old special recipe you’ve been keeping Library is located at 187 Main St., Alfred Road on Monday, Oct. 28 the Waterboro Food Pantry from Henry William Bilbrey secret. You could also WIN $50 cash East Waterboro. For more informa- from 2 to 6 p.m. Join them for their Oct. 21-26; donations of food such was born on Aug. 25 at Maine if it’s voted the best! Or, you can tion, call 247-3363 or visit the web- last market of the season. Candy and as stuffing mix, gravy and cran- Medical Center weighing 7 come eat and judge all the delicious homemade goodies will be handed site waterborolibrary.org. Events are pounds, 5 ounces. His parents berry sauce are especially needed. out by vendors. There will be Best recipes for $5. For more information free and open to the public. are Hayley and John W. Bil- The library will also deduct up to Vendor Costume and Best Kid Cos- call 636-2781, emailactonpublib@ CHAIR YOGA is being of- brey of North Waterboro. Ma- $3 towards fines owed, $1 per item tume contests with kids crafts and gmail.com or visit: www.acton.lib. fered at the Waterboro Public Li- ternal grandparents are Bar- donated to the pantry. If you would bobbing for apples. Volunteers who me.us. Like us on Facebook too! brary on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from bara and Samuel B. Kelley of like to volunteer, donate books, or would like to come, decorate their The Waterborough Historical So- 2:30-3:15 p.m. Cindy Simon, Biddeford; and Lou and Lynne bake for the sale, call 247-3363 trunk and help pass out candy are ciety will have its annual HOLIDAY M.A., NCC, RMT will teach you Belanger of Biddeford.
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