DOCUMENT RESUME ED 054 508 CG 006 647 TITLE Proceedings or the Eighteenth AnnualConvention of the ChriStian Association for PsychologicalStudies. Theme: Christian 5:elf-Esteem. INSTITUTION Christian Association for PsychologicalStiudies, Grand Rap ds, Mich. PUB DATE Apr 71 NOTE 137p.; Reprint from Proceedings of 18th Anual Convention of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, April 14-16,1971, Milwaukee, Wisconsin EDRS PRICE MF-4.0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *Christianity; Human Development;*Identification (Psychological) ;Individual Development; Personal Growth; *Self Actualization; *Self Concept;*Self Esteem ABSTRACT This volume represents the collectionof all papers presented at the convention (April,1971) of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies,whose theme was ,,Christian Self-Esteem." Some of the titles include "ADemonstration of an Affective Counseling Technique," "SeIr-Imageand Self-Esteem--A Christian Psychiatric Appraisal," "Conceptsof Validity in the Measurement of Self-Esteem," "Self-Esteem:A Function of Ego Strength," "Self-Esteem and the Classroom,""Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization," and "Social Conditioners ofthe Self-Con- P " Ninetcen papers were presented at theconvention. (TA) U 5 )EPARTMENTor ALTII EDUCATION & WI Li ARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG. INATING I I POINTS OF VIEW OR (=WIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY e REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF MU CATION POSITION OR POLICY .5_1.1141-'7h1qr U S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION TEI;S DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG INATING IT POINTS OF vIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OH POLICY Wm. L. Hiemstra, Ph.D. 6850 S. Division Ave. Editor Grand Rapids, Mich, 49508 SUMMER NEWSLETTER - AUGUST, 1971 1971 PROCEEDINGS This Newsletter will accompany the new Proceedings. This is the largest issue we have printed,. Minutes of the Association meeting and a directory of members are included in the ProceedingL. REMINDER 1972 CONVENTION DATES: April 5-7, 1972 (Wednesday evening-Friday noon) (Easter is April 2) PLACE: The University of Chicago Center for Continuing Education 1307 East 60th St., Chicago, Illinois THEME: "CREATIVE FAMILY LIVING" COMMITTEE:David Busby, M,D Chairman, Lacy Hall, Ed.D., Edwin Hallsten, Ph.D. *Members who can help the Convention Committee are urged to do so. You can suggest speakers, offer to conduct a sectional meeting or offer a research presenta- tion- We had four research papers this year and we want to continue this feature. Please wr te to Dr. David Busby, 7501 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles, Illinois 60648. NEWS OF MEMBERS- James R. Jacobs, Ph.D. has moved from Madison, Wisconsin to Decatur, Georgia. Dirk Lieverdink, Th.M. is now Director of Field Education and Dean of Students at Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Al Dueck, M.A. is leaving Tabor College to pursue a program in graduate education. S. James Daniel, B.A. is operating a c,)ffee house for the New York Bible Society. Walter J. Teeuwissen, Jr., D.D. is leaving the Drayton Plains (Michigan) United Presbyterian Church after a long and successful pastorate of 23 years to serve the North Kent Church of Rockford, Michigan, David R. Armstrona, M-A. is Director of Educational Services for the Reformed Presbyterian Churcii of N.A. in Pittsburgh, R, Dale Chaddock, M,Ed. has moved from Pittsburgh to the Wheaton (Illinois) Counseling Center. Philip R. Lucasse has returned to Grand Rapids from Ann Arbor with an earned doctoral degree! Congratulations! Ralph Herbert Johnson, Jr., M.Div, is a chaplain-intern at Connectic,t Valley Hospital, Middletown, Conn, Wm. E. McCresiaL1M,A.. is now a psychologist at the Sunflower Guidance Center, 4401 Concordia, Kansas. Merville O. Vincent, M.D. is on leave from his duties as Ass't. Supt. at Home- He is spending a year at Harvard Medical School as a C)wood Sanitarium, Guelph, Ont. Fellow at the Laboratory of Community Psychiatry. A book by Dr. Vincent, GOD, SEX AND YOU, published by Holman Books, a division of J. B. Lippincott Co, will appear this fall, 2 (over) NEW MEMBERS A cordial welcome is extended to the following new members: David Claerbaut, M A., Instructor in Psychology, North Park. College, Chicago, Ill. Lee Daniel_Downs, Ph D (cand.) Boston University (pastoral counseling). Brian G._He_a_Alty, B.A. graduate student, Fuller Theological Seminary, Rag=e2._p_Kepple, Counselor, Crisis Center Mental Health Clinic, Tacoma, Wash. Ronald I. Kotesty, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology, Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky. porrest_E. LaddPh.D., Professor of Psychology, Bethany Nazarene College, Bethany, Okla. Steven P. McNeel, Ph.D., Ass't, Professor of Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill. Bertil R. PetersonM.A., Cou eior, private practice, Boulder, Colorado. Cclias.se E. SIJITIA212, Editor, The Atlantic Baptist, Kentville, Nova Scotia. Nelle A. Vander Ark, M.A., Ass't. Professor of English and Supervisor of Secordary Education, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Tenn. C. M. wIliza12,21., Ed.D., Professor of Psychology, Central State Univ., Edmond, Okla. Arthur Zeilstra, Student, Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan. MORE NEWS A significant recognition for C.A.P.S.!Abstracts of Proceedingl for 1968, 1969 and 1970 will_appear in September 1971 issue of Research in Education published by Counseling and Personnel Services Information Center, 611 Church Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. C.A.P.S. members will be interested in learning about the existence of the American Association of Christians in the Behavioral Sciences. Dr. C. M. Whipple is Executive Director and his address is: P.O. Box 14188, Oklahoma City, Okla, 73114. Several members of the Executive Committee have recently joined C.A.P.S. POSITION OPEN Social Workers, M.S.W. required. Exceptional opportunities In Christian setting. Excellent fringe benefits. Contact: Personnel Department Pine Rest Christian Hospital 6850 S. Division Ave. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49508 THEME: "CHRISTIAN SELF-ESTEEM" he 1971 Convention 2 A Demonstration Of An Affective Counseling Technique" by Lacy Hall, Ed.D The Christian Self-Image" by Anthony A. Hoekema, Th_D 8 Self-Image and Self-Esteem A Christian Psychiatric Appraisal" 24 by David F. Busby, M.D _ Reactions To Presentations Of Dr. A.A. Hoekema and Dr. David Busby" by Robert A. Nykamp, Ed.D. (cand.) 40 A Female Looks At Sex Roles Within The Christian Community" by Cathy D. Schilke, M-S 42 Some Implications Of Wesleyan Theology For Self-Esteem" by F. Franklin Wise, Ph D 49 Love Your Neighbor As Much As You Love Yourself" by Kirk E. Farnsworth, Ph D 60 Concepts Of Validity In The Measurement Of Self-Esteem" by John Stapert, Ph D 63 A Review Of The Tennessee Self Concept Scale" by J. Rolanc Fleck, Ph.D 69 The Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis: An Evaluation" by Joe D. Garms, Ph D 73 Self-Esteem: A Function Of Ego Strength" by Arthur W. Forrester, 2h.D 75 Reactor's Notes For The Session Research On Self-Esteem" by Keith J. Edwards, Ph_D 80 Self-Esteem And Depression" by Ronald Rottschafer, Ph.D 83 Self-Concept and The School" by Jacqueline Anne Deeb, Ph D 89 Self-Esteem And The Classroom" by Glenn W. Felch, M.A 91 Self-Esteem And Self-Actualization" by Everett L. Shostrom, Ph.D 96 Some Social Aspects Of The Self-Concept" by David () Moberg, Ph D 108 The Changing Self Image Of Black Children" by Joseph H. McMillan, Ph D 116 Social Conditioners Of The Self Concept" by Gerald Vander Tuig, M S W 121 losing Devotions by the Rev. Donald Postema, B D 122 onvention Program For 1971 124 inutes Of 1971 Annual Association Bus-nessMeeting 125 embership Directory (corrected through July, 1971) 128 4 1 THE 1971 CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS All the papers presented at this Convention are published in this volume called the "Proceedings." Full members receive copies as a part of their membership privilege. Student members and non-members y purchase the Proceedings separately at cost of$3.00. Copies of earlier annual volumes are also available from tie Ex- ecutive Secretary. At the present time only copies of the 1968, 1969, and 1970 Proceedings are available for $3.00 each. Xerox and microfilm copies of past Proceedings for years 1954-1968 are available (Order No. OP 34, 187) from University MicrofilmsLibrary Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. * ** * * CONVENTION COMMITTEE James Kok, B.D., M A Chairman Martin Haendschke, Th.D., Ph.D. .......... Arrangements Chairman David Busby, M.D.* Richard Westmaas, Ph.D.* Jack Wiersma, Ph.D. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Robert Baker, M.D. Vice-President Jack Wiersma, Ph.D. Treasurer Alfred Reynolds, Ph.D. Executive Secretary William L. Hiemstra, Ph.D. Director David Busby, M.D. Director James Kok, B.D., M.A. Director William Kooistra, Ph.D. Director Robert Nykamp, Ph.D. Director Ronald Rottschafer, Ph.D. Director Don L. Van Ostenberg, M.A. Director Floyd Westendorp, M.D. Director Richard Westmaas, Ph.D. Director Roderick Youngs, Ed.D. Published as a Convention Report by CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES 6850 Division Avenue, S. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49508 William L. Hiemstra, Ph.D., Editor C.A.P.S. is incorporated under the Laws of the State of Michigan as a non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible. 5 2 A DEMONSTRATION OF AN AFFECTIVE COUNSELINGTECHNIQUE by Lacy Hall, Ed.D. In keeping with the conference themeof this year,I appreciate this invitation to share some of the results of aresearch project which has been conducted over the past several years. I explained to the program committee that this would not be a paper or speech assuch, but an explanation of a process and an invitation tohave an experience in affective learning. Several years ago it was my privilege toaccept an invitation to join a research team which was sponsored by the W.C.and Jessie V.
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