500---STA LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS SOO-STA Soligrtors-Continued

500---STA LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS SOO-STA Soligrtors-Continued

592 500---STA LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS SOO-STA SOLIGrTORS-continued. leScott Oharles Goo. ~ Eltham rd. Lee S El2 Webb Frnncls Frederick Charles, 120 Barry STATIONERS-WHOLESALE & •Millar Edgar, 34 Da.cres l'd.Forest hill S E23 •Soott Edwa.rd, 76 Stree.tham High rd SW16 road, East Dulwlch SE2'l MANUFAC •Milliken William Drnmmond., 124 Fordwych -esrott Henry -Albert, 383 Ooldharbonr- lane. •webbWillia.m,Dulcote,494 Lordship la SE22 & road, Oricklewood NW2 Brixton SW9 •Wells Henry Garland, 100 Tressillian r~ Ohapman Oo. Grange.. mills, G-rove road.­ •Milne Da'Vid Barrett (firm, RiVen! & Milne), OSearl Peroy Brace, 24 Hayes court, Camber­ Brockley S E 4 Baiham SW12 1£, Westmount road, Eltham SE 9 well New roll.d S E Ct West Gilbert Lewis (firm, Bull & Bullj, 267 Horn William, 180 llattersea. park road S W11 •Moeran Edward Joseph, B.A. 66 Bishop's ltSeweU Harry Bolton, 26 Crooms hill, Green­ & 269 King street, Hammersmith W6 Mackrill Alfred & ()9'. 1l Bt. Ma.rk'a ~ mansions, Bishop'& park roarl,Fulham SW6 wich SE10 •weston Fredk. Wm. 2 Ulundi rd.GrnwchS E 3 Oamberwell S Ei> •Moi.t" Macrae, Sunnyba.nk, Olrristchnrch rd. Edwin,81 London st.GreenwchS ElO Westropp Berkley Grorge G. 15 Sternhold Neill Thomas, 20 Oressida rd. Up.HollowyN19 Hampstead NW3 Shaw & Son (ilJohn Edward Shaw), 88 avenue, Streatham hill SW2 Owens E. E. & Oo. 70A. Choumert road. •Money Douglas Waiter, 132A, Denmark hill, London street, Greenwich S E 10 Wetherfield, Son & Baines •. 213 Streatham Peck:ham SE 16 Oam berwell S E f>. •tShaw John Edward (firm, Shaw & Son), 88 High road SW16 SpellerJ.&Oo.Eltringham st.WndswrthSWlS :Moor house Edward Parker, 59 Pa.l~e road, London street, Greenwich SE 10 Whale & Wates (-George Leslie Wates), Bank Taplin Rchd. Wm. Upland rd. E. DlwchS E22 Brixton SW2 OShelton Edward Lyon (llrm, Howard & chambers, Powis street, Woolwich SE 18 WalkerJ n.&Oo.Ld.Kentbury st.CmbrwllS E & etMote Ohas.6 Sl~ithwaite rd.LewishamS E 13 She! ton), 94 London street,GreenwichS ElO •.nwuhatley Arthur Thomas, M.A., B.C.L. 7 Pond Yeomans N. & Oo. Albion works, Grayling •Natha.n Myer Samuel, LL.D. 7 Hollycroft •Simmonds Edwin, 48 Woodberry down, road, Blackheath SE 3 road, Stoke Newington Nl6 avenue, Hampstead NW3 • Finsbury park N4 •WbiteBertramEwart,4Eastrn.rd.BrcklyS E4 NewtJn, Lewin & Levett (•Harold Chaloner •Skan Alfd.Herbt.39 Penerley rd.OatfordS E 6 •White John, 66 Eltham road, Lee S El2 STATIONERS-FANCY. Lewin & •John Arthur Levett), 277 High Sloper,Potter & Gosden (OJohn Charles Potter Whitfield Lewis Lincoln, 42 Wandsworth BayliffeJ n.17Greyhouud lane,Streathm S Wl& street, Lewisham SE 13 & •Alfred William GQsden), 62 High street, bridge road, Fulham SW6 BennettMissA.M.241Gipsy rd. W.NorwdS E27 •Nichols George Aplin, 233 Lavender hill Wandsworth SW18 & 2 Putney hill SW15 Wilkinson William E. LL.B. 48 Ashmore road, BowdenHy.45&47 Streatham pl. BrixtonSW~ SWll & j Sisters avenue, Battersea SWll •Smith Henry (firm, Long & <hrdiner), 46A, Maida hill W9 Evans George M. 358 Clapham road SW9 •Nisbet Alfd. 248 BfUTy rd. E. Dnlwich S E22 Wellington streetj Woolwich SE 18 •Willcocks Waiter Morgan (firm, Tay~or, Will­ Fuller Frederick Arthur, 27 Replingham •North Harold George, 34 Kempshott road, •Smith Waiter Leslie (firm, Oswald Hanson cocks & Oo.),240 Lavender W.BattrseaSWll :road, Wandsworth SW18 Streatham SWHI & Smith),223 Lavendet" hill, BatterseaSWll Williams&Powell (•ArthurHarrison Williams, Gorton Waiter. 334 High road, Kilburn NW6 Nott Francil!- Robert, LL.B., J.P. 42 South •Soa.mes Ha.rold George R. 120 Woodwsrde Jl.A.), 276 Camberwell New roadS E5 HattonMissElizaJ .57 Abbeville rd.ClphmSW4 grove, Highgate N6 road, East Dulwich SE 22 Williams Alfred, 185 Peckham rye S E 15 Hughes Fras.88 Mit~bam la. Streatham SW16 Ody & Wilmot (il>Edwd.Dudley Lea. Wilmot), Speneer & Arnold (•Frank Tertimt Arnold), •Williams Arthnr Harrison, B. A. (firm, Wil­ J ohnsonArth. 77Dartmouth rd.Forest hiS E 23 l Denmark hill, O!illlberwell S E5 & 220 82 London street, Green wioh SE 1() liams & Powell), 276 Oamberwell New road Milne Wm.Reid,200La vender hl.BttrseaS Wll Brixto• road S W9 •Spencer·Yonng James Robert, 20A, Oedars SE 5 & 26 Flodden road, Oa.mberwell SE o Russon Mrs. Alice, 48 Clapham park rd SW4 eQsgood Wm. Hy. 235 Balha.m High rd SW17 road, Clap ham S W4. Williflms George,l3 Pandol"l,l rd.Kilburn NW6 Smith Arthur, 260 Stamford hill Nl6 Palmer William lames, 34 Broadway, Ham­ Spice Ja.mes A. M. 18 Gram1.rd rd.BalhmSW12 •Williams Waiter Charles, 130 Grove lane, Waiter J. 188 Westcombe W. BlackheathS E3 mersmith W6 ._8p6ttiswoodB- Henry PhillipSO!i, 157 Rushey Oan: berwell S E IS Woodley Mrs. Emily 0. 17 Tulse hill SW2 Parker Charles Rowland, 80 Hyde vale; green, Uatford SE 6 •Williams Wm. Jas. 67 Saltoun rd.l3rixtnSW2 Young Miss JanQ E. 101 Rosend3le road, Greenwich SE l<t •stone Arthnr William, 3 & -4 Commercial •Wilmot Edward Dudley Lea. (firm, Ody & Dulwich S E21 •Parrott George, 34 Fountayne road, Stoke chambers, Powis street, Woolwich S E18 & Wilmot), 1 Denmark hill, Oamberwell S E5 Newington Nl6 4 Woolstone read, Oatfotd SE 6 & 220 Brixton road SW9 STATIONERS-RETAIL. •Pasmore Leonard Nlcholas Sa very, 15 Hill• •storr Paul. 127 Fordwych rd.Oricklewd NW2 •Winterbotham Hubert Frederlc, 4 Southdea~ bury road, Tooting common S Wl7 •stutfield Ernest Alfred Burgoyne, 1~ Dry- gatdens, Wimbledon SW19- Abbiss MissMary,468StreathamHigh rdSWis. •Perks Frederiok John, 48 Grove park, Oam­ burgh road, Putney SWill •worrell Albt.Mills,43West hi. Sydenhm SE 26 Ablewhite Harry, OS V assail rd. Brixton SW!) berwell S E5 Sugden&Hextall,213Streatham High rdSW16 •Wright Herbt. Ohas. 323 Seven Sisters rd N4 Abrahams Alec, 773 Fulham road S W6 •Philcox Henry Nelson, 77 High street, Peck­ SydneyHy.I.43 Lavender gdns.Ba.ttrsesSWll Wright James Dunckley, 39 Foxberry roa~ Ackland Mrs. Harriett, 74 Northcote road, ham S E 15 & 138 l'eckham rye S E 22 08ykes Godfrey, 23 Magdalen road, Wands- Brockley SE 4 Battersea S Wll Phillips :Moreton & Son (•William Moreton worth SW18 •Wykes Edward W. 117 Rodenhnrst road, A dams MissJessie,53Queen's rd.PeckhmS Elf» Philli~ & •Henry George Hilliat Morgan •Tattoo Ernest John, 69 Streathbournc road, O!apham SW4 Ainger & Da.vls1 59 Uxbridge road Wl2 Phillips),2Woodberry down,Finsbury pkN4 Upper Tooting SW17 Young C. V. & Cowper (*Charles Vernpn Akam W. 49 Kynaston rd. StokeNewngtnNl& •Phillips Henry George Hillia.r Morgan (firm, · ~ayler Athelstane Artaud (firm, Finch, Young& •Waiter TaylorCowper), 65 Stoke Aldrirlge William Frederick, 400 Coldharbour Moretou Phillips & Son), 2 Woodberry Turner & Tayler), -41 Gipsy hi. N orwd SE 19 Newington road N16 lane, Brixton SW9 down1 Finsbury park -.,4 Taylor, Willcockd & Oo. (•Waiter Morgan Young W. W., Son & Ward (•Waiter William Alexander Alexander,28Chnrch rd.Homrtn E9 •Pbillips William Moreton (firm, Moreton Willoocks ; -cJharles Alsager Elgood & Y mmg ; OWalter Plomer Y ~mg & OBurton Allard Henry J. 12 Gipsy hill, Norwood S El9 Phillipil & Son), 2 Woodberry down, Fins­ •Eustace Bernard Ames), 240 Lavender hill, Ward), 21)1 Lavender hill, Battersea SWll Alien .AlfredVictor,3Kirkdale,SydenhmS E26 ·bnry park N4 Battersea SWU •Young OharlesVernon (firm, 0. V. Young & Anderson Arehiba.ld M. 11 Oavendish parade, •Pidduck Alfred Isaao, 20 Rollsoourt avenue, •Taylor Frank, 1118 Upper Richmond road, Cowper), 65 Stoke Newington road N16 Sou~h side, <Jlapham oommon SW4 Herne hill S E 24 Putney SW15 •YoungWaiter Plomer(firm,W. W. Young,Son Andrews Frank,115A,Landor rd. Stockwl S W9 •Pilbrow Albert Horaoe (firm, Dallimore, "Taylor Lewis W.8 Broadway,HammrsmthW6 & Warrl), 251 Lavender hill, BatterseaSWll Andrews Rt. 120 Up.Richmond rd.PtnySW15 Pilbrow c.\1 Oo.).328CamberwellNew rdSE5 Tewson- Donald Oamerou, 40 Ashtead road, •YoungWalterWilliam(finn, W. W. Young,Son Anger Hy.21 The Parade, Up. Tooting rdS Wl7 •Pittman J a.mes Bankl\o 72 La wrie pa.rk road, Upper Clapton E5 & Ward), 251 Lavender hill, BattkrseaSWll Anns Andrew, 80 High street, Highgate N6 Sydenham SE 26 ~homss Herbert Edward & Oo. 111 Powis •Young William Simpson, 76 Mitcham lane, Anns Charle.~ JBJDes, 70 High st. HighgateN6 •pooock Alfred Grooby, 35 Heybridge a venue, street, Woolwich S E18 Streatham SW16 Atkinson Austin, 4.04 Uxbridge road, Shep- Strootham SW16 "Thomas Percy Oliver, 32 Green's end, Wool­ herd'll bush Wl2 •Pouter Henry, 165 Rushey grn.Oatford SE 6 wich SE 18 & 52 Little heath, Oharlton SE 7 SOOT MERCHANTS. Atkinson George E. 28 St. James"s -road. •Potter lohn Charles (llrm, Sloper, PottR.r & •Thomas Rowland Daniel, 128 Ohristchurch Upper Tooting SW17 G08den), 62 High street, Wandsworth SW18 Yetton William & Son. 25B, Lea bridge road, Auger Alfd.125 Northwold rd. Up. Claptn E!i road, Brixton SW2 Lower Clapton E 5 & 2 Putney .hill S W15 Tilley Saml.Yardley, 92 Stk.Newingtn.rd Nl6 Bachboffner A.204 High street, OlaphamS W4 •Prichsrd Illtyd Moline, 34 Blessington road, •Tilling George, 11 Rydal rd. Streatham SW16 BaileyMrs.O.l79Trafalgar rd.GreenwichS ElO Lee SE12 •tTimbreliAndrewWm.31 Westpk.ElthmS E 9 SOOTHING TEAT MAKERS. Baker William Henry, Hi Batterses rise SWll •Pulleyn George Frederick,4 Elsenham stree~ •Tubbs Leonard, M.A. 7 Kidderpore gardens, ThomasS.&Co.3Hawksley rd.Stk.NwngtnN16 Ball Fmncis Wm. 109 Lower Olapton rosdE5 Wandsworth SW18 Hampstead NW3 Banks Ecnest,l49 Tunnel sv. E.GrnwchS E 10 •Pyke H. Reason, LL.D. Bankside, Upper •Tnoker William Robey (firm, Beckingsale, SPEED INDICATOR MAKERS. Barnes William,163 Peckham park road SE 11) Tooting park, Upper Tooting SW17 , Greenwood, Tucker & Gross), 144 Stoke Davenport G. & Oo. Ltd. 62 Guildford road, Barnett John, 19 Frances st.. Woolwieh S El8 •Read Ernest Sabine, 64 Loa.mpit bill S El3 Newington road N16 Greenwich S E 10 Barrett Edgar John,398 Brockley roadS E4 & 96 High street, Lewisham S E13 •Turner Arthur (firm, Finch, Turner & Ba ttell Alfd.154 Plumstead rd.

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