CZU 016: [621+378.4(478)+929] V18 Autori: Valeriu Dulgheru Elena Plăcintă Ana Rusu Descrierea CIP a Camerei Naţionale a Cărţii Dulgheru Valeriu; Plăcintă, Elena; Rusu, Ana Ion Bostan: Biobibliografie/ Biobibliography/ Dulgheru Valeriu; Plăcintă, Elena; Rusu, Ana; Ch.: Ed. Bons Offices, 2009 – 383p. Bibliogr. ISBN 978-9975-45-000-3 200 ex. Traducerea/ Translation: Tatiana Lucinschi Editare computerizată/Computer editing: Valeriu Dulgheru, Elena Plăcintă Fotografii / Photographs: Dorian Saranciuc. Îngrijire editorială: Zinaida Stratan, director al Bibliotecii Universităţii Tehnice a Moldovei Tehnoredactare: Valeriu Dulgheru Coperta: Vladislav Goncear Bun de tipar: 27.07.2009 ISBN 978-9975-45-000-3 Imaginaţia şi talentul sunt daruri divine, dar nu costă nimic fără transpiraţie şi efort. Academician Ion Bostan, biobibliografie LUCRĂRI PUBLICATE DE ION BOSTAN ION BOSTAN’S PUBLICATIONS Publicaţii ştiinţifice şi didactice Scientific and didactic publications 1973 1. Razrabotka i izgotovlenie nestandartnogo oborudovaniâ dlâ sborki i izgotovleniâ pervicnyh izmeritel'nyh preobrazovatelej iz mikroprovoda (Elaboration and fabrication of non-standard equipment for assembly and production of primary measuring transformes made of microwire): rap. şt. / I. Bostan, C. Gluşco (cond. şt), V. A j d e r, G. R o şca; Inst. Politeh. "S. Lazo". - Chişinău, 1973. - 80 p. 2. Sozdanie stenda dlâ ispytaniâ vetroelektriceskogo agregata (Creation of test bench for electrical-wind plant): rap. şt. /C. Gluşco, I. Bostan, I. Ţernă; Inst. Politeh. - Nr. înr. de stat 01827033435; Nr. de inv. 022830039934. - Chişinău, 1973. - 84 p. 1974 3. Bostan, I. ; Ajder, V. Stojkost' k shvatyvaniu metallov pri trenii v usloviâh vozvratno-postupatel'nogo dvizeniâ (Friction metal setting resistance under alternating motion)//Itogi nauc. Issled. KPI im. S. Lazo za 1973g. -Chişinău,1974. -P. 2-64. 4. Issledovanie zakonomernostej treniâ stal'nyh obrazcov na masine treniâ MVPD-1-S vozvratnopostupatel'nym plosko-parallel'nym dvizeniem (Research on friction regularity of the steel samples for the MVPD-1-S friction machine with alternating plane-parallel motion): rap. şt. / V. Ajder (cond. şt), I. Bostan, V. Comendant, …; Inst. Politeh. "S. Lazo". - Nr. înr. de stat 74065636. - Chişinău, 1974. 1975 5. Bostan, I. ; Ajder, V. Pribory, ustrojstva i metodika issledovaniâ rabotosposobnosti reversivnogo skol'zeniâ (Devices,installations and methodology for reversible slipping friction couples efficiency research // Promyslennaâ elektronika i mehanica. Priborostr. na sluzbe proizvodstva: Mat. konf. - Gabrovo, 1975. - P. 8-143. 1976 6. Bostan, I. Avtomaticeskaâ ustanovka AVT-120 dlâ prigotovleniâ pitatel'nyh smesej dlâ telât (AVT-120 automatic plant for nutrient mixture preparation to feed calves): Bul. Informativ Nr. 103. - Chişinău, 1976. - 4 p. 114 Academician Ion Bostan, biobibliografie 7. Bostan, I. Avtomaticeskij shnekovyj dozator dlâ ZCM (Automatic spiral batchmeter for unskimmed milk substitute): Bul. Inf. Nr. 201. - Chişinău, 1976. -5p. 8. Bostan I. Shnekovyj dozator reguliruemoj proizvoditel'nosti diskretnogo sposoba dejstvia / Inst. Politeh. "S. Lazo"KPI. - Chişinău, 1976. - 30 p. - Dep. VINITI 3. 10. 76. - Nr. 3261-76 Dep. 1977 9. Bostan, I. Issledovanie processa dozirovaniâ trudnosypucih kormov pri prigotovlenii zamenitelâ cel'nogo moloka (Research on the dry forage dosage process for the preparation of unskimmed milk substitute): Diss. kand. tehn. nauk; Nauc. ruk. C. B. Gluşco. – Saratov, 1977. - 210 p. 10. Bostan, I. Issledovanie processa dozirovaniâ trudnosypucih kormov pri prigotovlenii zamenitelâ cel'nogo moloka (Research on the dry forage dosage process for the preparation of unskimmed milk substitute): Avtoref. dis. kand. tehn. nauk. - Saratov, 1977. - 16 p. 11. Bostan, I. ; Gluşco, C. Rascet shneka s peremennym ob'emom mezvitkovogo prostranstva (Design of screw with variable volume of the interturn space) // Proizvodstvo i ekspluataciâ detalej masin. Processy mashinostroeniâ: Mezvuz. sbornik. - Chişinău, 1977. - P. 97-108. 12. Bostan, I. Voprosy teorii shneka s peremennym ob’emom mezvitkovogo prostranstva (Theoretical issues of the screw with variable volume of the interturn space) // Proizvodstvo i ekspluataciâ detalej masin. Processy mashinostroeniâ: Mezvuz. sbornik. - Chişinău, 1977. - P. 45-52. 13. Diplomă. Bostan I. i se conferă titlul de LAUREAT AL PREMIULUI de STAT al RSSM în domeniul ştiinţei şi tehnicii pe anul 1977 pentru “Elaborarea şi aplicarea unor instalaţii automate pentru amestecarea şi distribuirea amestecurilor nutritive viţeilor la marile complexe zootehnice”. // Diploma. Bostan I. is awarded the title of LAUREATE of the STATE PRIZE of MSSR in the field of science and technology in 1997 for the “Development and application of some automatic plants for the allegation and distribution of the nutritive composite for the calves in the large livestock breeding complexes”. – Chişinău, 1977. 1980 14. Bostan, I. ; Popovici, G. ; Macarişin, S. Detali mashin (Machine parts): Ukazaniâ k laboratornym rabotam. - Chişinău: Inst. Politeh. , 1980. - 46 p. 15. I. Bostan, V. Mudreac, S. Macarişin, V. Certan. Issledovanie rabotosposobnosti uzlov treniâ elektronasosov (Research on electrical pump friction 115 Academician Ion Bostan, biobibliografie knot efficiency) // Puti povysheniâ nadeznosti mashin: Mat. nauc. -tehn. konf. Cast' 2. - Chişinău, 1980. -P. 5-46. 1981 16. Bostan, I. ; Mudreac, V. ; Macarişin, S. Issledovanie par treniâ, rabotauŝih v malovâzkih sredah (Research on the friction couples working in low viscosity medium) // Zbornik referatov XXI Conferencie Katedier CSSR medzinarodoiu ucastoiu. - Bratislava, CSSR, 1981. - 82 p. 17. Bostan, I. ; Mudreac, V. ; Macarişin, S. Teoreticeskoe i eksperimental'noe issledovanie dozatora s peremennym ob’emom mezvitkovogo prostranstva (Theoretical and experimental study of batcher with variable volume of the interturn space) //Strojnicky casopris [Bratislava, CSSR]. - 1981. - Vol. 32, Nr. 1. - P. 101-115. 18. Bostan, I. ; Gluşco, C. Shnekovyj dozator s peremennym ob’emom mezvitkovogo prostranstva (Screw batcher with variable volume of the interturn space) //Mehanizaciâ sel'skogo hozâjstva. - 1981. - Nr. 6. - P. 84. 1982 19. Bostan, I. Sinteză a ştiinţei şi producţiei: [la catedră este creat un aparat cu dirijare electronică pentru tratarea traumelor încheieturilor oaselor care, la propunerea prof. V. A. Ilizarov, va fi aplicat la Institutul de Cercetări Stiinţifice în domeniul Traumatologiei şi Ortopediei din Kurgan] (Synthesis of science and production): [an electronic controled device for the treatment of bones articulation trauma was designed within the department; it will be applied by Prof. V. A. Ilizarov, at the Research Institute in the field of Traumatology and Orthopedy in Kurgan] // Inginerul. - 1982. - Nr. 4. - P. 2. 1983 20. Bostan, I. ; Gluşco, C. Zaceplenie precessionnoj peredaci s nestandartnym prâmolinejnym profilem zub’ev (Precessional transmission gearing with teeth non- standard linear profile) : dep. VINITI. № 741-М. // Deponir. naučnye raboty. - 1983. - Nr. 3. - P. 15. 21. Bostan, I. ; Gluşco, C. Rasčet zacepleniâ s nestandartnym prâmolinejnym profilem zub’ev. (Design of teeth non-standard linear profile gearing): dep. VINITI. № 742-М. // Deponir. naučnye raboty. - 1983. - Nr. 3. - P. 15. 1984 22. Geometriâ i kinematika planetarnyh precessionnyh peredac s odnim i dvumâ precessionnymi kolesami (Geometry and kinematics of planetary precessional 116 Academician Ion Bostan, biobibliografie transmissions with one and two precessional wheels) / V. Muradu, A. Parpalac; nauc. ruk. : I. Bostan, A. Oprea // XXVIII Studenceskaâ Naucno-Tehniceskaâ konferenciâ vuzov Belorussii, Moldavii, Estonii, Latvii, Litvy: Tezisy dokladov (3-5 aprelâ, 1984). Cast' II. Ekonomika, mashinostroenie, metallurgiâ, mehanika. - Minsk, 1984. - P. 151. 23. Gluşco, C. ; Bostan, I. ; Dulgheru, V. Elektromehaniceskij privod k manipulâtoru dlâ raboty v ekstremal'nyh usloviâh (Electromecanical drive for manipulators working in extreme situation) //Sostoânie, opyt i napravleniâ rabot po kompleksnoj avtomatizacii proizvodstva na osnove gibkih avtomatizirovannyh proizvodstv, robototehniceskih kompleksov i promyslennyh robotov: Tezisy dokladov k oblastnomu seminaru (26-27 marta, 1984). - Penza, 1984. - P. 8-9. 24. Gluşco, C.; Bostan, I.; Dulgheru, V. Kinematiceskaâ tocnost' ispolnitel'nogo privoda promyshlennogo robota na baze planetarnoj precessionnoj peredaci (Kinematic accuracy of the executive drive of industrial robot based on planetary precessional transmission) //Sostoânie, opyt i napravleniâ rabot po kompleksnoj avtomatizacii proizvodstva na osnove gibkih avtomatizirovannyh proizvodstv, robototehniceskih kompleksov i promyshlennyh robotov: Tezisy dokladov k oblastnomu seminaru (26-27 marta, 1984). - Penza, 1984. - P. 31-32. 25. Gluşco, C. ; Bostan,I. ; Dulgheru,V. Perspektivy primeneniâ precessionnyh peredac v ispolnitel'nyh privodah promyslennyh robotov (On-going application of precessional transmision in industrial robots drives) // III Vsesouznoe soveŝanie po robototehniceskim sistemam: Tezisy dokladov. - Cast' II. - Voronez, 1984. - P. 104-105. 26. Gluşco, C. ; Bostan, I. ; Dulgheru, V. Perspektivnyj ispolnitel'nyj privod dlâ promyslennyh robotov (Perspective executive drive for industrial robots) // Sostoânie, opyt i napravleniâ rabot po kompleksnoj avtomatizacii proizvodstva na osnove gibkih avtomatizirovannyh proizvodstv, robototehniceskih kompleksov i promyslennyh robotov: Tezisy dokladov k oblastnomu seminaru, 26-27 marta
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