Implications of the Transformation from the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to the African Union (AU) on Nigeria’s Foreign Policy from 2002 – 2014 Kangdim Dingji Maza Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations Eastern Mediterranean University July 2014 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research Prof. Dr. ElvanYılmaz Director I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in International Relations _________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sӧzen Chair, Department of International Relations We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and quality as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in International Relations. _________________________________________ Asst. Prof. Dr. Altay Nevzat Supervisor Examining Committee 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wojciech Forysinski 2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Aylin Gürzel 3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Altay Nevzat ABSTRACT The transformation of the OAU to the AU in 2002, is said to come with certain caveats and implication in the way Nigeria now formulate and pursue her foreign policy and national interest in the community of nations. The study was able to evaluate the impact of the transition of this „Pan-African‟ regional organization on Nigeria‟s external policy in line with her commitment to collective security in Africa. It goes on to study how the removal of the „non-interference clause‟ and its replacement with the principle of „non-indifference clause‟ in the AU Constitutive Act implied also on Nigeria‟s foreign policy. It further examined the impact of this transition in line with some of the policy initiatives introduced by the AU such as the New Partnership for Africa‟s Development NEPAD, and the African Peer Review Mechanism APRM on Nigeria‟s external relations. The study, finally concludes that despite the changes that came with the transition and Nigeria‟s commitment to ensuring the success of these changes, the degree of impact the transition is suppose have on Nigeria‟s foreign relations tends to be hampered by a number of challenges such as insurgency, non-cooperation amongst member states in tackling the problem of insecurity, double-standards in the application of the „non-indifference‟ doctrine, bad governance, corruption, weak institutional mechanism in proffering solutions to African problems among other contending problems. Keywords: African Union, Collective Security, Non-Indifference, Non-Interference, Regional Integration and Nigeria‟s Foreign Policy iii ÖZ 2002 yılında AU ABÖ dönüşüm, Nijerya şimdi formüle ve onun dış politika ve uluslar toplumda ulusal çıkarlarını takip şekilde bazı uyarılar ve ima ile geldiği söylenir.Çalışma Afrika'da kolektif güvenlik için ona bağlılık doğrultusunda Nijerya'nın dış politikası bu 'Pan-Afrikan' bölgesel bir örgütün dönüşümün etkisini değerlendirmek başardı. Bu AU Bünye Yasası 'non-kayıtsızlık maddesinin' ilkesi ile 'karışmama fıkra' ve onun yerine kaldırılması Nijerya'nın dış politikasına da ima nasıl çalışmaya devam ediyor.Araştırma ayrıca, bu tür Afrika'nın Kalkınması NEPAD için Yeni Ortaklık ve Nijerya'nın dış ilişkiler Afrika Akran Değerlendirmesi Mekanizması APRM olarak AU tarafından tanıtıldı politika girişimlerinin bazı doğrultusunda bu geçişin etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda böyle isyan gibi sorunlar bir dizi engel olma eğilimindedir geçiş ve bu değişikliklerin başarı sağlanması için Nijerya taahhüdü ile gelen değişikliklere rağmen, etki derecesi geçiş varsayalım Nijerya'nın dış ilişkileri üzerinde sahip olduğu sonucuna , güvensizlik sorunu, 'non-kayıtsızlık', kötü yönetim, yolsuzluk, diğer yarışma sorunlar arasında Afrika'nın sorunlarına çözüm proffering zayıf kurumsal mekanizmanın açıdan çifte standart mücadelede üye ülkeler arasında non-işbirliği. Anahtar Kelimeler: Afrika Birliği, Kolektif Güvenlik, Sigara-İlgisizlik, Sigara- Girişim, Bölgesel Entegrasyon ve Nijerya'nın Dış Politikası iv DEDICATION This work is dedicated to God Almighty for his grace, enablement and protection over me all through my study and secondly, to my family; my parents Rev. Prof. & Mrs. Jotham M. Kangdim for their continued support, assistance and love ensuring my stay here is worthwhile „(Popcy & Mumcy) I hail wuna‟. To my brothers and sisters: Kamshak, Bobby, Boyoz, Aunty H., Government, Dr. Dakom, Site-Engineer and Diddy I really appreciate the love, prayers and concern you‟ve all shown to me, God bless you. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank God whose grace has sustained me right throughout my years of studies in Eastern Mediterranean University and for giving me the strength to write this work. I am grateful to the Head of Department Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sozen, and all the lecturers in the department of International Relations, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimaguza, for all the moral, and academic assistance all through my study here, all I can say is that may God continue to richly bless and equip all of you. My special thanks and indebtedness is to my supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Altay Nevzat, who despite his crowded schedule and numerous commitments, was always willing to spare his time to patiently and carefully guide me throughout the writing of this thesis, all I can say sir, is may God richly bless you. Words cannot express my appreciation to Mz. Enoima my wonderful and caring woman for all the love, advise and support she has been rendering to me, and ensuring that whenever, the steam of procrastination begins to manifest itself on me, she was there to cheer me up and say „baby-din, you can do it‟, all I can say is that may God continue to richly bless you and keep you I love you. Finally, to all my friends and course mates here in Famagusta: Kimakazee, Lale, Stepper, Jeff, Theirno, Bashar, Shah, Grace, Kemi, Blessing, Tomi, Wadak, Mantaum, Aaron, Elyon, Nantuam, Chioma, Dami, Ibrahim, Zippo, and Pdee all I will say is that thank you very much for making my stay in Kibris an eventful one. vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AAI African-American Institute Africom African Command AMIS African Union Mission in Somalia ANC African National Congress APRM African Peer Review Mechanism APSA African Peace and Security Architecture ASF African Standby Force AU African Union AUCU African Union Constitutive Act BH Boko Haram CD Citizens Diplomacy CEWS Continental Early Warning System CMPs Concert for Medium Powers DFID Department of International Development DTAC Directorate of Technical Aid Corps ECOMOG ECOWAS Monitoring Group ECOSOC Economic and Social Council ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ED Economic Diplomacy EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment FESTAC Festival of Arts and Culture FNLA National Front for the Liberation of Angola HRV Human Rights Violations IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ICJ International Criminal Court of Justice vii IMF International Monetary Fund ING Interim National Government LPA Lagos Plan of Action MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola NAM Non-Aligned Movement NATO North Atlantic Trade Organization NEPAD New Partnership for Africa‟s Development NIIA Nigerian Institute of International Affairs NIPSS National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies NIPCR National Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution OAU Organization of African Unity PAC Pan African Congress POW Panel of the Wise PSC Peace and Security Council SAP Structural Adjustment Programme SWAPO South West Peoples Organization of Namibia TAC Technical Aid Corps UN United Nations UNGA United Nations General Assembly UNITA Union for the Total Independence of Angola UNIMIL United Nations Missions in Liberia UNMIS United Nations Mission in Sudan UNSC United Nations Security Council viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………...iii ÖZ …………………………………………………………………………………...iv DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………………v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………………………………vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ………………………………………………………vii 1 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………........1 1.1 Statement of the Research Problem & Objective of the study ….....................4 1.2 Research Questions.…….……………………………………………………..5 1.3 Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………..6 1.4 Scope and Limitations to the Study ……………………………………….….6 1.5 Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………….....6 1.6. Research Methodology …….……...………………………………………....8 1.6.1 Reliability and Validity of this Method …......……………………………8 1.7 Method and Sources of Data Collection…………………………………..…..9 1.8 Structure and Organization of the thesis………………………………...….....9 2 CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATIONS AND LITERATURE REVIEW ………....11 2.1 Conceptualizing Literature Review & Foreign Policy....……………………. 11 2.2 Conceptualizing Collective Security ……..………. ………………………....13 2.3 Conceptualizing Non-Interference ………...……..……..…………………....16 2.4 Conceptualizing Non-Indifference ……………..…..…………….…………..17 2.5 Nigeria‟s Relations with the OAU …..……………………………..………...19 2.6 Transformation from the OAU to AU …………………………………….....21 2.7 Nigeria and the AU ………………………………………………………….23 ix 2.8 AU and Collective Security in Africa ……………………………………......24 3 NIGERIA‟S INITIAL FOREIGN RELATIONS IN RELATION TO REGIONAL COOPERATION IN THE REGION…………………….…..…...28 3.1 Early Development and Principles Guiding Nigeria‟s Foreign Policy….……28 3.2 Nigeria‟s External Policy in the First Republic 1960 - 1966…………………31
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