Plum Creek Wind Project Final Environmental Impact Statement The Human and Environmental Impacts of Constructing and Operating a 414 MW Wind Farm and Associated 345 kV Transmission Project April 2021 eDocket Nos. IP-6997/CN-18-699; IP-6997/WS-18-700; and IP-6997/TL-18-701 Abstract Responsible Government Unit Project Applicant Minnesota Department of Commerce Plum Creek Wind Farm, LLC Energy Environmental Review and 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd Analysis Suite 1200 85 7th Place East, Suite 280 Bloomington, MN 55437 Saint Paul, MN 55101 Department Representative Project Representatives William Cole Storm Melissa Schmit Environmental Review Manager Jenny Monson-Miller 651-539-1844 952-988-9000 [email protected] [email protected] Plum Creek Wind Farm, LLC (Plum Creek or Applicant) is proposing to build a 414-megawatt wind farm in Cottonwood, Murray, and Redwood Counties in southwest Minnesota. The applicant is also proposing to build approximately 30-mile long 345-kilovolt high-voltage transmission line to connect the wind farm to the electric grid. Plum Creek anticipates that construction will take approximately 12 months to complete, and the project will be in- service in late 2022. In order to build the project, Plum Creek must obtain three approvals from the Public Utilities Commission (Commission): a certificate of need (CN) for the project as a whole, a site permit for the wind farm, and a route permit for the transmission line. The purpose of this environmental impact statement (EIS) is to provide information the Commission needs to make these permit decisions. This final EIS addresses the issues and mitigation measures identified in the Department’s scoping decision of November 4, 2020 and reflects comments received on draft EIS (January 11, 2021). It evaluates the potential human and environmental impacts of the proposed Plum Creek Wind Project and possible mitigation measures including transmission line route, route segment, and alignment alternatives. Additional materials related to this project and its permitting proceedings are available on the Department’s website: http://mn.gov/commerce/energyfacilities and on the State of Minnesota’s eDockets system: https://www.edockets.state.mn.us/EFiling/search.jsp (enter the year “18” and the number “699,” “700,”or “701”). Persons interested in receiving future notices about this project can place their names on the project mailing list by contacting [email protected] or 651-201-2246 and providing the docket number (18-699, 18-700, or 18-701), their name, email address, and mailing address. Please indicate how you would like to receive notices – by email or U.S. mail. This document can be made available in alternative formats (i.e., large print or audio) by calling 651- 539- 1530 (voice). Acronyms ____________________________________________________________________________________ Acronyms and Abbreviations AADT average annual daily traffic AC Alternating Current ACS American Community Survey ACSR aluminum-conductor steel-reinforced AIMP agricultural impact mitigation plan ALJ administrative law judge AM amplitude modulated amps amperes ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BMPs best management practices BWSR Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources CN certificate of need Commission Minnesota Public Utilities Commission CREP Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program CRP Conservation Reserve Program CSAH County State Aid Highway CWA Clean Water Act dB decibel dBA A-weighted decibel scale Department Minnesota Department of Commerce DEED Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development DNR Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ECS Ecological Classification System EERA Energy Environmental Review and Analysis EIS Environmental Impact Statement ELF extremely low frequency EMF electric and magnetic fields EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ESA Phase I Environmental Site Assessment FAA Federal Aviation Administration FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FM frequency modulated FSA Farm Services Agency GIS geographic information system GPS global positioning system HAP hazardous air pollutants Hz Hertz ICDs implantable cardioverter defibrillators JEDI Jobs and Economic Development Impacts Plum Creek Wind Project – Final Environmental Impact Statement |AC 1 Acronyms _____________________________________________________________________________________ kV kilovolt kV/m kilovolts per meter MBS Minnesota Biological Survey MDA Minnesota Department of Agriculture MDH Minnesota Department of Health MET tower meteorological tower mG milliGauss MHz megahertz MMPA Minnesota Municipal Power Agency MISO Midcontinent Independent System Operator MnDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency MW megawatt NAAA National Aviation Aircraft Association NAC noise area classification NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation NESC National Electrical Safety Code NHIS Natural Heritage Information System NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command NOX nitrogen oxide NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES/SDS national pollutant discharge elimination system/sanitary disposal system NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory NRHP National Register of Historic Places NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration O&M operations and maintenance OAH Office of Administrative Hearings PM Particulate matter ppm parts per million PWI public waters inventory RIM Reinvest in Minnesota ROI regions of influence ROW right-of-way RTK GPS real-time kinematic GPS SHPO Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office SMMPA Southern Municipal Power Agency SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TCP Traditional cultural property UHF ultra-high frequency USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers AC-2 | Plum Creek Wind Project – Draft Environmental Impact Statement Acronyms ____________________________________________________________________________________ USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service VOC volatile organic chemicals WCA Wetland Conservation Act WMA wildlife management area WNS White Nose Syndrome WPA waterfowl production area Plum Creek Wind Project – Final Environmental Impact Statement |AC 3 Executive Summary __________________________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary Plum Creek Wind Farm, LLC (Plum Creek or Applicant) is proposing to build a 414-megawatt wind farm in Cottonwood, Murray, and Redwood Counties in southwest Minnesota. The Applicant is also proposing to build an approximately 310-mile long 345-kilovolt (kV) high-voltage transmission line (HVTL) to connect the wind farm to the electric grid. Plum Creek anticipates that construction will take approximately 12 months to complete, and the project will be in- service in late 2022. In order to build the project, Plum Creek must obtain three approvals from the Public Utilities Commission (Commission): a certificate of need (CN) for the project as a whole, a site permit for the wind farm, and a route permit for the transmission line. The purpose of this environmental impact statement (EIS) is to provide information the Commission needs to make these permit decisions. This EIS evaluates alternatives to the project itself. It also evaluates the potential human and environmental impacts of the proposed project and possible mitigation measures including transmission line route, route segment, and alignment alternatives. This EIS is not a decision-making document, but rather serves as a guide for decision makers. Project The Plum Creek Wind Project consists of two parts – a wind farm and a transmission line that connects the wind farm to the electrical grid: • Wind Farm: The proposed 414 MW wind farm consists of up to 74 turbines to be located within an area of approximately 73,085 acres (the site). Plum Creek anticipates that the wind farm would consist of wind turbines with rated nameplate power outputs ranging from 5.6 MW (Vestas V162) to 6.2 MW (Siemens Gamesa SG170), corresponding to between 67 and 74 wind turbines at the site. The wind farm also includes underground electric collection lines, an operation and maintenance building, permanent meteorological towers, and gravel access roads. • Transmission Project: Plum Creek proposes to construct a HVTL that will connect the wind farm’s Collector Substations to a proposed Switching Station at the existing Brookings to Hampton 345 kV transmission line, approximately 26 miles north of the Plum Creek site. Plum Creek proposed two possible routes for the transmission line (Blue and Red Routes) from the wind farm to the Switching Station and two routes (Yellow and Green Routes) to connect the wind farm’s Collector Substations together. Plum Creek is an independent power producer; the power generated by the Project will be offered for sale to wholesale customers, including Minnesota utilities and cooperatives, and commercial and Summary Plum Creek Wind Project – Final Environmental Impact Statement |ES 1 Executive Summary _____________________________________________________________________________________ industrial customers that have identified a need for additional renewable energy or set clean energy goals. State of Minnesota’s Role In addition to the three approvals from the Commission, the Applicant also requires approvals (permits, licenses) from other state agencies and federal agencies with permitting authority
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