October 10, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S10133 territory, and this has fully exposed the ar- clear idea of this issue. Making a big country presence among us, and will be less for rogance of the U.S. hegemonists.''ÐEditorial like China as its opponent, the United States his absence. The model he offered, of a in the People's Daily, as reported by will surely lose more than it gains. The life of public service for the common ChinaOnline, February 3, 2000. United States suffered losses in every war it good, beckons us forward, toward the ``The move [Taiwan's effort to join the fought in Asia in the past, and I believe it United Nations] constitutes a flagrant viola- will surely learn from all its bitter lessons. light, and for that we are grateful. tion of the purposes and principles of the Even if the Untied States or U.S.-led U.N. From working to protect our nation's U.N. Charter, a distortion of the nature of troops are involved in the matter, in no way vulnerable homeless, to fighting to pro- the U.N. and a gross interference in China's will the United States afford a loss in the tect and preserve earth's natural treas- internal affairs.''ÐRemark by Zhu Bangzao, war; putting all other things aside, a slight ures from the Boundary Waters Canoe Spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Min- increase in its casualties will lead to domes- Area Wilderness to South American istry, ``China Objects to Taiwan Leader's tic pressure that will prove too much for it Rain Forests, BRUCE's legacy will last U.S. Visa,'' New York Times, August 5, 2000. to bear. What is more, we also have other ``If we were to take military action, it strategies to use in such a war, for example, many generations. His leadership re- should be sooner rather than later.''ÐJiang a China-Russia alliance is also a move that sulted in enactment of hundreds of con- Zemin, ``Act soon if force is needed, says can touch the United States on its sore spot. servation-related measures through the Jiang,'' South China Morning Post, March Therefore, we are not afraid of the involve- years, and protected millions of acres 28, 2000. ment of the United States or any other for- of our nation's parks, forests and wil- ``At the special Politburo meeting called eign forces, for we are assured that we can derness areas. Close to home, when we on the evening of the election, what the sen- win the war in the end.''ÐUnnamed PLA look at a map of Minnesota we literally ior cadres were debating was not whether general, ``Discussing Taiwan Strait Crisis are looking at an image created in part some degree of force would be used against with a General,'' Ta Kung Pao, May 15, 2000. Taiwan, but when.''Ð``Military pressure by BRUCE VENTO. Our state's parks and ANTI-U.S. STATEMENTS builds over Taiwan,'' South China Morning green spaces are as healthy as they are In reference to the relationship between Post, March 29, 2000. in large part because of BRUCE's work ``The [recently-acquired] Sovremenny de- Russia and China: ``The partnership is an ef- fort to oppose hegemony and supremacy, and over these many years. stroyer is equipped with eight SS±N±22 mis- Sheila and I will miss him terribly, siles, which can carry nuclear missiles.''Ð one single country dominating the world.''Ð Beijing Jiefangjun Bao, March 22, 2000 (Em- Remark by Zhao Huasheng, Director of the and our thoughts and prayers are with phasis added). Russian Studies Department at the Shanghai his family. ``The new Chinese-made super Kilo-class Institute for International Studies, ``Putin I ask unanimous consent to have diesel attack submarine was quietly put into Visits China in Hope of Strengthening a printed in the RECORD an AP story by service recently with the South China Sea Strategic Axis,'' New York Times, July 17, Frederic Frommer from today, a piece Fleet for the mission of combat readiness 2000. ``U.S. a Threat to World Peace.''Ð``China in the Minnesota Star Tribune by Greg against Taiwan.''Ð``Chinese-made Kilo-class Gordon, and a piece from Tom Webb attack submarine goes into service, starts Demonizes,'' title of editorial from PRC undertaking combat readiness task,'' Hong state-owned China Daily, as reported by from the Pioneer Press. Kong Sing Tao Jih Pao, April 4, 2000. Washington Post, July 17, 2000. There being no objection, the mate- ``A-Category Group Armies in Nanjing and ``On June 22, 1999, the People's Daily fed a rial was ordered to be printed in the Guangzhou War Theaters Have Been general anti-American campaign related to RECORD, as follows: the accidental bombing of the Chinese Em- Equipped With Naval Vessels To Enhance [From the Associated Press] Sea-Crossing and Landing Operations Capa- bassy in Belgrade with a long, hysterical bility''ÐHong Kong Ming Pao, April 10, 2000. piece accusing the United States of `acting MINNESOTA REP. BRUCE VENTO DEAD AT 60 ``In order to deal with the military crisis like Nazi Germany' by leading the NATO (By Frederic J. Frommer) that might occur in the Taiwan Strait, the campaign to stop the ethnic cleansing of WASHINGTON (AP).ÐMinnesota Rep. Bruce Central Military Commission has decided to Kosovo.''Ð``China Demonizes,'' Washington Post, July 17, 2000 (article excerpt). Vento, a 12-term liberal Democrat who set up a Fujian Joint Operational Head- championed environmental and homeless quarters. On 11 February the headquarters In reference to the relationship between Russia and China: ``The partnership is an ef- causes, died Tuesday after a bout with lung for the first time directed the ``routine mili- cancer. tary exercise'' of using submarines to block fort to oppose hegemony and supremacy, and Vento, who was diagnosed in February, the Taiwan Strait.''ÐHong Kong Sing Tao one single country dominating the world.''Ð died at 12:20 p.m. at his home in St. Paul, Jih Pao, February 17, 2000. Remark by Zhao Huasheng, Director of the Minn., surrounded by his family, spokesman ``The Taiwan authorities actually have Russian Studies Department at the Shanghai Rick Jauert said. He had malignant meso- only two roads to take: The first is to iden- Institute for International Studies, ``Putin thelioma, a rare type of cancer caused by in- tify with the one China principle, peaceful Visits China in Hope of Strengthening a haling asbestos fibers. reunification, and one country, two systems; Strategic Axis,'' New York Times, July 17, the second is to force Beijing to resolve the 2000. Vento, who was 60, announced in February Taiwan issue by military means. There is no The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. that he had cancer and would not seek re- third road, nor is it possible for the con- ENZI). The Chair recognizes the Sen- election. His treatment included the removal frontation to go on for a long time.''ÐZhang ator from Wyoming. of one lung, chemotherapy and radiation, but doctors discovered more cancer last month. Wannian, Vice Chairman of the Central Mili- Mr. THOMAS. I yield 5 minutes to tary Commission, July 6, 2000. As a young man, Vento worked as a state- the Senator from Minnesota. paid laborer in several St. Paul-area facili- ``In the process of settling the Taiwan The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- issue, we will do whatever we can to bring ties that he claimed exposed him to asbestos about peaceful reunification. But, in the ator from Minnesota. fibers. Two weeks ago he filed a lawsuit event that any serious incidents to split Tai- Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I against 11 companies that allegedly supplied wan from China under any pretext occur, thank my colleague from Wyoming. or installed asbestos products at those job that a foreign country invades Taiwan, or f sites. that the Taiwan authorities refuse for an in- Vento made his most significant legisla- definite time to settle the issue of cross- TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN tive contributions on environmental issues, strait peaceful reunification through talks, BRUCE VENTO which he called his ``true passion.'' then we will be forced to take all possible Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I ``I have been a member of Congress for the drastic measures to accomplish the great come to the floor of the Senate to past 24 years, dedicated to making the fed- cause of the motherland's reunification.''Ð eral government work for the people, to do speak about Congressman BRUCE General Zhang Wannian, the PLA's highest- for our community and stateÐand, yes, even ranking officer, a vice chairman of the Cen- VENTO from Minnesota, the Fourth internationallyÐthat which we cannot do for tral Military Commission, and a Politburo Congressional District, who passed ourselves,'' Vento said in February. ``The member, ``The One China Principle and the away today. federal government can and should make a Taiwan Issue,'' February 21, 2000 (English BRUCE VENTO was a fierce advocate difference.'' version published by Xinhua). for justice and a true representative, in When Democrats controlled the House, ``A possible interference by the United the best sense of that word, of the peo- Vento was chairman of the Natural Re- States has already been taken into account ple of the 4th District. He was generous sources subcommittee on national parks, for- ests and lands for 10 years, pushing for more in our military preparations; in fact, we have and good-humored, with a seriousness taken into account all possibilities in our money for national parks and other environ- preparations. If the United States really of purpose that energized his work and mental priorities.
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