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PROVINCIAL MUSEUM padding, stays) it was decided A lengthy project is just to wash the skirt and bodice. being completed that proved There were two reasons for this more daunting than initially 1) only a water bath could hope expected. The subject is a to neutralize the material - doll, with china head, human the undergarments were ph4, and hair and a wonderfully jointed it was assumed that the outer kid body stuffed with sawdust. fabrics would also be low. 2) She is clothed in white cotton There was some concern that the undergarments, all exquisitely coloured spots were more than constructed - bloomers, innocuous dirt, but active chemise, a bustle, two sources of degradation. petticoats ; kni tted stockings and leather shoes; a trained The laundering (.2% sodium skirt and fitted bodice of lauryl sulphate .005% carboxy cream coloured cotton and silk methyl cellulose) was a success , satin. - nothing shrank, nothing stained and judicious blocking, The cotton undergarments were and later steaming and tacking very badly burned/stained by iron returned the sheen to the the acid inherent in the satin. The degraded satin was sawdust and kid. These were then covered with silk washed to neutralize. A crepeline, couched in place buffering layer has been with hair silk. This work is considered to place between the now almost complete, and has kid and the clothing, but no provided the major challenge - decision has been made. There continuing to perform slow, are two concerns 1) the outer painstaking work, day after clothing is very tight, so any boring day. added bulk will place unwanted stress on the fastenings and 2) And the worst of it was to what to use - there is a large find recently that the work was acid reservoir in the sawdust, not that of an enterprizing and the kid is happy as it is. dressmaker of the 1880's or even of a doting turn-of-the- The outer garments are badly century grandmother, but was a deteriorated. The satin of the centennial project. Old fabric bodice and parts of the skirt was used, but all the exquisite has lost almost all its silk garments were made in 1958. weft. On the skirt there are Ethical standards not numerous rust-coloured spots withstanding an artifact from which in many instances are the 1958 just strikes a different centre of degradation. Despite chord that one from 1888. I'm the complicated construction of having trouble looking that the outer garments interlining doll in the face. 2 This term I am taking two If anyone else has conducted weaving classes through the such a survey, had any problems University of Victoria (I call with dry cleaners, has a cousin them "professional in the business in Victoria, development," the B.C. had anything to saly on the Government calls them topic, please write to: entertainment). Colleen Wilson Cheryl Samuels is teachina Conservation Division "geometric weaving." This Ts B.C. Provincial Museum the name for the type of robe 675 Belleville Street that appears to have preceded Victoria, B.C. VBV 1X4 Chilkat weaving. Many of the techniques are more akin to ICOM Textile Group basketry, although the twining is worked on free-hanging warps Two staff members and a as in Chilkat weaving. graduate student presented Geometric robes went out of papers or poster sessions at production some 200 years ago the Textiles Section of the and only fourteen are known, so International Council of I don't anticipate applying my Museums Committee for new analytic skills very soon. Conservation in Copenhagen, Ms. Samuels has written on the Denmark in September. subject, but the material has not yet been published. The presentations were: The other course is a survey Fire Retardant Finishes for of Canadian weaving traditions, Fiber Art: A Conservation taught by Karen Selk.

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