Committee: Date: Classification: Agenda Item Number: Strategic 7th March 2011 Unrestricted Development Report of: Title: Town lanning Application Corporate Director of Development and Renewal Ref No: A/10/1734 Case Officer: Jane Jin Ward: Bromley by Bow 1. APP ICATION DETAI S ocation: Bow Enterprise ark, Cranwell Close, London Existing Use: Proposal: Demolition of e,isting buildings and erection of new buildings between 3 to 20 storeys plus basement and comprising of Use Class B1 .up to 6220s0.m2, fle,ible Use Class A1/A2/A3/A3 .up to 440s0.m2, 337 residential units .Use Class C32 .up to 46,844s0.m2 comprising 217,1bed, 234,2bed, 43,3bed, 6,4bed, 7,6bed with associated landscaping, highways and infrastructure wor)s. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment under the provisions of the Town 7 Country lanning .Environmental Impact Statement2 Regulations 1444. Drawing Nos/Documents: Drawings: 1387 L 001RE9 E: 1387 L 002 RE9 I: 1387 L 003 RE9 G: 13 87 L 004 RE9 M: 1387 L 003 RE9 H: 1387 L 006 RE9 H: 1387 L 007 RE9 K : 1387 L 008 RE9 H: 1387 L 004 RE9 H: 1387 L 10 RE9 E: 1387 L 011 RE9 E: 1387 L 012 RE9 E: 1387 L 013 RE9 E: 1387 L 014 RE9 E: 1387 L 013 RE9 F: 1387 L 016 RE9 F: 1387 L 017 RE9 E: 1387 L 018 RE9 E: 1387 L 014 RE9 E: 1387 L 020 RE9 D: 1387 L 21 RE9 D: 1387 L 022 RE9 B: 1387 L 023 RE9 C: 1387 L 024 RE9 C1387 L 023 RE9 C:1387 L 026 RE9 C: 1387 L 027 RE9 D: 1387 L 028 RE9 H: 1387 L 024 RE9 E: 1387 L 030 RE9 E: 1387 L 031 RE9 E: 1387 L 032 RE9 E: 1387 L 033 RE9 E: 1387 L 034 RE9 G: 1387 L 036 RE9 F: 1387 L 037 RE9 F: 1387 L 038 RE9 B: 1387 L 034 RE9 F. Documents8 9olume 18 Environment Statement ? Non Technical Summary by Entec dated July 2010: 9olume 28 Environmental Statement by Entec dated July 2010: 9olume 38 Environmental Statement Appendi,es by Entec dated July 2010: Response to the Initial Review of the Environmental Statement by Entec dated Actober 2010: lanning Statement by GeraldEve dated July 2010: Design and Access Statement by ARMS dated July 2010: Design and Access Statement Addendum by ARMS dated November 2010: Design and Access Statement Landscape and ublic Realm roposals by Townshend Landscape Architects dated July 2010: Baste Management Briefing Note by Hoare Lea dated July 2010: Energy Strategy by Hoare Lea dated July 2010: Sustainability Statement by Hoare Lea dated July 2010: Sustainability Appraisal by Entec July 2010: Addendum Transport Assessment 7 Travel lan by Savell Bird 7 A,on dated July 2010: Statement of Community Involvement by S Group dated July 2010: and Employment 7 Training Statement by Leaside Regeneration Ltd dated July 2010 Applicant: Borkspace Group plc Ownership: Borkspace 12 Ltd 7 Thames Bater (istoric )uilding: N/A Conservation Area: N/A 2. SU,,AR- O. ,ATERIA P ANNIN/ CONSIDERATIONS .U P ANNIN/ PER,ISSION 2.1 The Local lanning Authority has considered the particular circumstances of this application against the CouncilCs approved planning policies contained in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Unitary Development lan, the CouncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .20072, Adopted Core Strategy .2010 2, associated supplementary planning guidance, the London lan and Government lanning olicy Guidance and has found that8 2.2 The scheme will provide an employmentEled mi,ed used residential scheme which safeguards the employment uses onEsite and would also facilitate locallyEbased employment, training and local labour opportunities for the local community together with the identified public realm improvements. The scheme therefore accords with policies 3B.1 and 3B.3 of the London lan, saved policies DE93 and EM 1 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development lan .14482, and policies S 01 and S 06 of the Core Strategy 2010, which see) to support the growth of e,isting and future businesses in accessible and appropriate locations. 2.3 The building height, scale, bul) and design is acceptable and in line with regional and local criteria for tall buildings . As such, the scheme accords with policies 4B.8, 4B.4 and 4B.10 of the London lan 2008, saved policies DE91, and DE92 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development lan 1448 0 policies DE91, DE92, DE93 DE927 and IAD16 of the CouncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .Ac tober 20072 and policies S 10 and S 12 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010 which seek to ensure buildings and places are of a high 0uality of design and suitably located. 2.4 The proposal provides an acceptable amount of affordable housin g and mi, of units. As such, the proposal is in line with policies 3A.3, 3A.8, 3A.4 and 3A.10 of the London lan .Consolidated with Alterations since 20042, saved policy HSG7 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development lan 1448, policies HSG2 and HSG3 of the Cou ncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .20072 and policy S 02 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010 which see) to ensure that new developments offer a range of housing choices. 2.3 The scheme provides acceptable space standards and layout. As suc h, the scheme is in line with policy 3A.3 of the London lan .Consolidated with Alterations since 20042 and policies DE91 and DE92 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development lan 1448, policies DE91 and DE92 of CouncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .20072 and policy S 02 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010 which seek to provide an acceptable standard of accommodation. 2.6 The proposed amount of amenity space is acceptable and in line with saved policy HSG16 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development la n 1448, policies HSG7 of the CouncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .20072 and policy S 02 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010, which seek to improve amenity and liveability for residents. 2.7 The development would form a positive addition to LondonDs s)yline, without causing detriment to local or long distant views, in accordance policies 4B.1, 4B.8, 4B.4 and 4B.10 of the London lan .20082 and policy S 10 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010 which see) to ensure tall building s are appropriately located and of a high standard of design whilst also see)ing to protect and enhance regional and locally important views. 2.8 It is not considered that the proposal would give rise to any undue impacts in terms of privacy, overloo)ing , sunlight and daylight, and noise upon the surrounding residents. As such, the proposal is considered to satisfy the relevant criteria of saved policy DE92 of the CouncilCs Unitary Development lan .14482, policy DE91 of the Interim lanning Guidance .200 72 and policy S 10 of the of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010 which seek to protect residential amenity. 2.4 Transport matters, including par)ing, access and servicing, are acceptable and in line with London lan policies 3C.1 and 3C.23 o f the London lan, saved policies T16 and T14 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development lan 1448, policies DE917, DE918 and DE914 of the CouncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .Actober 20072 and policy S 08 and S 04 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010 which see) to ensure developments minimise par)ing and promote sustainable transport options. 2.10 Sustainability matters, including energy and climate change adaptability are acceptable and in line with policies 4A.4, 4A.6, 4A.7, 4A.14 and 4B.2 of the London lan, policies DE93 to DE94 of the CouncilDs Interim lanning Guidance .Actober 20072 and policies S 04, S 03 and S 11 of the of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010, which see) to promote sustainable development practices. 2.11 Co ntributions have been secured towards the provision of affordable housing: education improvements: public realm improvements and open space provision: transport infrastructure improvements: social and community facilities; employment 7 training: health car e provision and access to employment for local people in line with Regulation 122 of Community Infrastructure Levy: Government Circular 03/03: saved policy DE94 of the CouncilDs Unitary Development lan 1448: policy IM 1 of the CouncilDs Interim lanning G uidance .Actober 20072: and policy S 02 of the Core Strategy Development lan Document 2010, which see) to secure contributions toward infrastructure and services re0uired to facilitate proposed development. 1. RECO,,ENDATION 3.1 That the Committee resolve to /RANT planning permission subFect to8 3.2 A. Any direction by The ,ayor 3.3 B. The prior completion of a legal agreement to secure the following planning obligations8 Financial Contributions a2 G338,741 towards Leisure: Libraries: and/or Community facilities; b2 G1,340,323 towards Education: c) G327,684 towards Health Care: d2 G144,388 towards ublic Realm: e2 G343,834 towards Apen Space: f2 G130,000 towards cycle route and infrastructure provision: g2 G3,000 towards monitoring Travel lan h2 G440,000 towards public transport infrastructure provision .TfL2: Total8 3100000000 NonEfinancial Contributions i2 33H affordable housing, measured in habitable rooms: F2 Commitment to implement a Green Travel lan: )2 Commitment to use local labour in construction: l2 CarEfree agreement: m2 Code of Construction ractice: n2 rovision of two dedicated car club spaces and entering into an agreement with Carplus accredited operator: o2 rovision of 40H electric car charging points; p2 ublic access to public open space: 02 rovision of cycle stands by Devons Road DLR: r2 ublic access through IBuilding CD during hours 08830 to 18800 Mondays to Fridays.
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