Boris King Reported One of Greatest War Conferences in Crucial * Red Army Advances ———— Allied t Here ♦ S History__ Maps Strateay Asking Hitler for Cee of the greatest war confer- ences the world ever has seen was Nazi Attacks going on in Washington today with Despite in Crisis the United States and Great Britain Troops putting into final shape the grand Near Novorossisk strategy of the offensives in both Gestapo Chief Himmler European and Pacific theaters of war. Heavy Artillery Said to Be Hurrying Barrage The highest names in both the Presages Big Push To Sofia After Plea American and British war machines, headed by President Roosevelt and Toward Black Sea By the Associated press. Prime Minister Churchill, were LONDON, May 14.—King Boris gathered around the conference By EDDY GILMORE, of Bulgaria has sent an urgent table. Every phase of operations is Associated Press War Correspondent. appeal to Adolf Hitler for addi- represented in the group that in- MOSCOW. May 14.—Battling cludes men with wide tional secret units as experience in against stubborn German re- police pro- the United Nations’ tection internal dis- operations in sistance in the Kuban, the Red against the Far East and India. turbances, reports reaching Al- Army has advanced in some sec- Eight of Great Britain's most im- lied said today. tors and captured additional governments portant and influential war leaders These advices said it was under- lines northeast of the Black Sea accompanied Mr. Churchill to stood that the chief him- of Gestapo Washington to plan the final port Novorossisk, dispatches Heinrich was self, Himmler, hurry- strategy with seven of America's from the front said today. to Sofia. ing top-ranking military leaders. Their (The German communique said There was no information, how- discussions probably will be the last Nazi artillery had set warehouses ever. on whether concerted out- between the two groups before the afire in Leningrad, but that the breaks had occurred. in the whole front was quiet yesterday. big guns open up war's final Field Marshal Sir Archibald P. Meanwhile, indications that trouble Admiral Sir James Air Marshal Sir Richard Gen. Sir Alan Admiral Sir The bulletin was broadcast by phase. Wavell, Dudley might be brewing in France were Somerville, Peirse, Brooke, Pound, Berlin and recorded by the As- Top-ranking British officer is GEN. Chief in India. seen in reports of a recent Gestapo Army Naval Chief in India. Air Chief in India. Chief Staff. First sociated Press.) SIR FRANCIS ALAN Imperial Sea Lord. roundup of 200 members of the BROOKE, The dispatches did not Indicate youngest son of a family of Vichy government said to have been nine, the extent of the Red Army’s most chief of the Imperial General Staff suspected of communicating with recent gains, but said definite prog- and charged with all of French resistance groups or Allied questions ress had been made in the face of military the agents. policy affecting security strong German counterattacks. ! of the British Commonwealth and It also was asserted that Grand for Barrage Hints Big Push. Armiral Karl Doenitz, German | responsible the organization of victory in the field. Yesterday frontline dispatches naval commander in chief, had ; said the Red Army had smashed Born at de moved his headquarters from Paris Bagneres Bigorre, into secondary German defenses to Kiel. because he felt France, Sir Alan, who will be 59 on Germany, northeast of the city and was at- unsafe in France. July 23, brings to the conference a tacking the inner defenses under a vast fund of technical warfare Holland Is Warned. tremendous barrage of hundreds of Holland, seeth- knowledge, based on studies of Ger- German-occtipied big guns. I with had a from man Panzer divisions In action. Re- ing unrest, warning (The mid-day communique, as its exiled government, meanwhile, garded by many as Britain’s great- recorded in London by the Soviet that premature revolution would est expert on mechanization, he monitor, said the heavy barrage lead only to crushing German Re- organized the successful British re- was continued during the night.) taliation before it could into treat at the main grow Dunkerque, saving The artillery barrage was so heavy, warfare. of after it was large-scale underground body troops virtually these advices added that it pre- The official hint that the time is conceded to be doomed. This ac- Gen. George C. Marshall, saged a final big push to shove the not for tion was for his eleva- Admiral William D. yet ripe wide-spread upris- responsible Chief of Staff. Leahy, Germans into the sea. to Chief of Staff to President. ings coincided with reports of tion knighthood bv King George The air war, which currently Is violence in both Holland in 1940. spreading fiercer than anything on land, was and and a Swedish news- Belgium, Sir Alan, an expert angler and big mounting today following wide- that had oc- paper reported rioting game hunter, served in Ireland and spread action ranging from the cen- curred in Berlin itself. India in the early stages of his mil- tral front to Warsaw, capital of Radio of the Orange, mouthpiece itary career and during the World Poland, which the Russians bombed exiled Netherlands government, War served as a general staff officer Wednesday night. warned the homeland that a widely- in the Canadian Corps. He fought Soviet airmen blasted at many distributed circular urging the Dutch at Vimv Ridge and later, after being objectives during the night and to register in an underground move- attached to the British 1st Army, raided a railway junction and com- ment "to the British lib- help troops won the Distinguished Service munication lines. erate is a your people” German plot Order with bar, the Belgian Croix German Planes Active. "to incite Netherlands violence over de Guerre and many commenda- German planes also were active the shortest and to period possible tions. last night, striking at Liskl, about break it most forcibly so that the SIR DUDLEY POUND. First Sea 45 miles southeast of Voronezh on consequent terror regime and the Lord and Admiral of the Fleet, is the the southern front. A dispatch from German plans may be executed son of the former the Kuban to Izvestia, official without further disturbance.” Miss Elizabeth gov- Packman Rogers of Boston, Mass., ernment newspaper, related one in- Warned of Hitler Trick. who married Alfred John Pound, an stance where German air units were The broadcast, warning of one of English lawyer. superior to the Russians, but this Admiral Ernest J. -- was taken Hitler's oldest tricks of divide and Sir Dudley assumed his present ——wawr^rnMnnrgrii^M>rvii'Wgaii— Gen. H. H. not to mean that the Rus- was King:, sians had lost air conquer, reported by Aneta, offi- duties in 1939 and a month after President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill as they met earlier this week. Arnold, superiority, as it Commander United States Fleet. cial Dutch news agency. being elevated to that post became —A. P, Wide World and Photos. Chief of Air Forces. probably referred to only one battle. ler-TT—.-.-r..*" Hsrris-Ewinj ‘‘Resistance is only good if it is an admiral of the fleet—a rank con- T '1 ■•‘■***r Soviet forces made additional carried out in concert,” the an- ferred only by the King. : night forays behind the Nazi lines nouncer said. “The Germans are de- The admiral, who accompanied in the mud flats and marsh areas liberately provoking the Netherlands Mr. Churchill here on his first visit, of the Kuban and wore reported to people.” was a director of operations in 1917, have sunk eight boats loaded with Of the circular's statement that when the convoy system first was German troops. the time of liberation instituted on a scale. Before (The approaches, large midday communique as the announcer said: that he had commanded the bat- heard in London said Russian “That is but he went on HMS Colossus at the bat- and possible," tleship ships planes sank two enemy to warn that its appeal to the Dutch tle of Jutland, gaining the Admiral- transports and two trawlers in to volunteer and register for train- ty's attention by the skillful maneu- the Barents Sea in the far north.) ing was “a of his under fire. The pure transparent provo- vering ship Russians announced they had cation. a means for the Ger- has held ! getting Sir Dudley every impor- seized the initiative in the Lisi- man hands on able-bodied tant of command in successive good post chansk area of the Donets front Netherlander.” in as Ad- steps and 1932 served after several days of fierce German The of violence on the reports spreading miralty representative League counterattacks, had driven forward tn Holland and Belgium came from of Nations’ Commission in Advisory considerably and had improved their sources with close links to the Allied 1932. Known as a driving and ex- position. This was the best progress governments, but without official commander, Sir Dudley acting reported from the Donets since the confirmation. to the conference a brings precise Germans began their counterattacks of the naval Situation Tense in Holland. knowledge European a W'eek ago. situation through his experiences as However, Aneta said the situation Virtually no action was reported commander in chief in the Mediter- from the had “reached its tensest in the other fronts. point ranean during the early stages of three years of German occupation I the present war. Lt. Gen. Sir L. and might erupt momentarily.” Hastings Lord Marshal Sir Charles F. A. Lt, Gen. Joseph W. Vice Admiral S. Gen.
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