Vol. 65 (2) Biophilately June 2016 151 ENTOMOLOGY Editor Donald P. Wright, Jr., BU243 and José Reis New Listings Scott# Denom Common Name/Scientific Name Family/Subfamily Code ARUBA 2016 April 29 (Butterflies) (Set/8) 85c Purple-Spotted Swallowtail, Graphium weiskei Ribbe PAP, Papilioninae A* 90c Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus L. PAP, Papilioninae A* 100c Grand Imperial, Neocheritra sp. (Cap: Jacoona amrita) LYC, Theclinae A* 130c Claudia’s Beauty, Agrias claudina Godart NYM, Biblidinae A* 135c Eunica eurota Cramer NYM, Biblidinae A* 220c Green-Banded Swallowtail, Papilio palinurus Fabr. PAP, Papilioninae A* 320c Silver-Washed Fritillary, Argynnis paphia L. NYM, Heliconiinae A* 420c Peacock, Nymphalis io L. NYM, Nymphalinae A* AUSTRALIA 2016 May 3 (Beautiful Butterflies) (MS/4) $1 Great Jay, Pale Green Triangle, Graphium eurypylus L. PAP, Papilioninae A* $1 Australian or Bordered Rustic, Cupha prosope Fabr. NYM, Heliconiinae A* $1 Cairns Birdwing, Troides priamus euphorion Gray PAP, Papilioninae A* $2.75 Checkered Swallowtail, Papilio demoleus L. PAP, Papilioninae A* Margin Bkgrd: Australian or Bordered Rustic, Cupha prosope Fabr. NYM, Heliconiinae Z* BENIN 2015 (Cats) (MS/4) d 500fr Mimic Tiger Longwing, Melinaea lilis messatis Hewitson NYM, Danainae C* Margin ML & MR: Stylized butterfly silhouettes Lepidoptera S Z CANADA 2016 March 1 (Hydrangeas) (Coil pair, Bklt/10, SS/2, 2ea Postal Card) (85c) Yellow Jacket, Vespula sp. VES, Vespinae C Z (85c) Stylized Beetle Coleoptera S Z Coil pair (die cut) (s/a) Bklt/10 (5ea) (die cut) (s/a) SS/2 (perf 13½) ($2.50) 2ea Postal Card CUBA 2015 November 20 (XI National Philately Championships) (Set/6) 75c Monarch, Danaus plexippus L., ♀ & ♂ NYM, Danainae B* 2016 January 9 (Anniversary of Mayabeque) (single) 90c Stylized Western Honeybee, Apis mellifera L. (in coat of arms) API, Apinae S B CZECH REPUBLIC 2016 April 27 (Butterflies) (single) 16k L: Old World Swallowtail, Papilio machaon L. PAP, Papilioninae B* R: Scarce or Kite Swallowtail, Iphiclides podalirius L. PAP, Papilioninae B* GREAT BRITAIN (Alderney) 2016 February 17 (Longis Nature Preserve) (Set/6) 56p Glanville Fritillary, Melitaea cinxia L. NYM, Nymphalinae GRENADA GRENADINES 2015 May 18 (150th anniv Qi Baishi) (MS/4) 2917d $3.25 Insect on leaf, Cicada? U A JAPAN 2015 May 1 (Moomin Characters) (MS/10) 3823e 82¥ Stylized insect (with characters & hammock) S 152 Biophilately June 2016 Vol. 65 (2) JAPAN (continued) 2015 August 21 (Sanrio Characters) (MS/10) (s/a) 3880c 82¥ Stylized butterfly Lepidoptera S 2015 September 11 (Greetings) (MS/10) (s/a) 3927c 52¥ Western Honeybee, Apis mellifera L. (bees holding heart) API, Apinae S 2015 September 18 (Children) (MS/10) 3934 Margin Ctr: Stylized butterfly Lepidoptera S 2015 November 6 (Winnie the Pooh) (MS/10) (s/a) 3959 52¥ Honey & stylized Western Honeybee, Apis mellifera L. API, Apinae S KOREA (South) 2015 March 12 (7th World Water Forum) (water drop shape) 2440 300w Stylized Butterfly Lepidoptera S LEBANON 2015 March 20 (Mother’s Day) 727 £2000 Stylized Butterfly Lepidoptera S LIBYA 2014 (International Children’s Day) (Horiz strip/3) 1798a 250d Scout & stylized Butterfly Lepidoptera S 1798c 1000d Scout & stylized Butterfly Lepidoptera S MALAYSIA 2014 (Bandung Stamp Show 2014) (SS/1) SS 3r Stylized Butterfly (with tigers) (also in margin) Lepidoptera S MARSHALL ISLANDS 2016 January 5 (Haiku) (MS/20) 1130k 49c “Twice the butterfly knocks at the window, making the quietest noise.” R MOLDOVA 2016 April 5 (Europa – Think Green) (MS/6) 5.75L Flowers & stylized butterfly around woman Lepidoptera S NEW ZEALAND 2016 March 2 (New Zealand Glowworms) (Set/4, MS/4, & Bklt/10) This is a new Superfamily (Sciaroidea), Family, and Subfamily on stamps. These stamp also glow in the dark. 80c Arachnocampa luminosa Skuse (Mangawhitikau Cave) Keroplatidae, Arachnocampinae A* $1.40 Same species (Nikau Cave) A* $2 Same species (Ruakuri Cave) A* $2.50 Same species (Waipu Caves) A* MS/4 (above) (perf 14.4×14) $2 Arachnocampa luminosa Skuse (s/a) Keroplatidae, Arachnocampinae A* Bklt/10 (die cut) (s/a) ROMANIA 2016 April 15 (Romphilatelia 2016) (MS/4) Each species shown with flower. Each stamp was issued in a pane of 5 + label and also in SS/1. 3L Large Copper, Lycaena dispar Haworth LYC, Lycaeninae A* 3.50L Checkered Blue, Scolitantides orion Pallas LYC, Polyommatinae A* 5L Silver-Washed Fritillary, Argynnis paphia L. NYM, Heliconiinae A* 15L Silver-Studded Blue, Plebejus argus L. LYC, Polyommatinae A* Margin UL: Danaus sp. NYM, Danainae U Z SAMOA 2015 September 15 (Express Mail) (new data) $10 Small Greasy, Acraea andromacha Fabr. NYM, Heliconiinae A* $12.50 Blue Tiger, Tirumala limniace Cramer NYM, Danainae A* $56.25 Orange Lacewing, Cethosia penthesilea Cramer NYM, Heliconiinae A* $75 Brown Pansy, Junonia hedonia L. NYM, Nymphalinae A* Strip/4 (above) MS/4 (above) Margin UR: Lycaena phlaeas L. LYC, Lycaeninae Z* Vol. 65 (2) Biophilately June 2016 153 SERBIA 2016 March 16 (WWF) (Strip/4 + label) (Pane/20 + 5 labels) a 23c Southern Festoon, Zerynthia polyxena Denis & Schiffermüller PAP, Parnassiinae A* b 46c Same species A* c 50c Same species (with larva) A* d 70c Same species A* Label One label from pane of 5 strips shows an adult & another label shows a larva Z* ST. MARTIN 2016 January 2 (Butterflies) (MS/10 + 2 labels & 8ea SS/1) a 25c Sickle-Winged Skipper, Achylodes mithridates thraso Hübner HES, Pyrginae A* b 100c Dotted Roadside Skipper, Amblyscirtes eos W.H. Edwards HES, Hesperiinae A* c 125c White Peacock, Anartia jatrophae Johansson NYM, Nymphalinae A* d 200c Nais Metalmark, Apodemia nais W.H. Edwards RIO, Riodininae A* e 250c Southern Dusted Skipper, Atrytonopsis hianna Scudder HES, Hesperiinae A* f 300c Red Rim, Biblis hyperia Cramer NYM, Biblidinae A* g 350c Little Callicore, Callicore hydaspes Drury NYM, Biblidinae A* h 400c Sweetheart Underwing, Catocala amatrix Hübner NOC, Catocalinae* A* i 450c Rosita Patch, Chlosyne rosita Hall NYM, Nymphalinae A* j 500c Early Hairstreak, Erora laeta W.H. Edwards (Cap: E. lutea) LYC, Theclinae A* Label Sickle-Winged Skipper, Achylodes mithridates thraso Hübner HES, Pyrginae Z* Label Little Callicore, Callicore hydaspes Drury NYM, Biblidinae Z* SS 500c Harmonia Tiger-Wing, Tithorea harmonia Cramer NYM, Danainae A* Margin Bot & MR: Small Emperor Moth, Saturnia pavonia L. SAT, Saturniinae Z* UL, UR, LR: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Orange-Spotted Tiger-Wing, Mechanitis polymnia L. NYM, Danainae A* Margin LL: Small Emperor Moth, Saturnia pavonia L. SAT, Saturniinae Z* LL: U/I Caterpillar Lepidoptera U Z MR: U/I Butterfly Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Morpho anaxibia Esper NYM, Morphinae A* Margin ML & LR: U/I Moths Lepidoptera U Z UL: U/I Butterfly NYM, Morphinae U Z UL, LL, MR, Bot: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Bartram’s Scrub Hairstreak, Strymon acis ssp. bartrami Comstock & Huntington LYC, Theclinae A* Margin MR: Small Emperor Moth, Saturnia pavonia L. SAT, Saturniinae Z* UR: U/I Butterfly NYM, Morphinae U Z ML: U/I Pupa Lepidoptera U Z UL, LL, UR, LR: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Prepona praeneste Hewitson NYM, Charaxinae A* Margin LR: Small Emperor Moth, Saturnia pavonia L. SAT, Saturniinae Z* ML: U/I Moth SAT, Saturniinae U Z LL, UR, MR, LR: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Andromica Clearwing, Greta andromica Hewitson NYM, Danainae A* Margin MR: U/I Butterfly NYM, Morphinae U Z MR: U/I Moth SAT, Saturniinae U Z LL: U/I Butterfly Lepidoptera U Z UL, UR, LR: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Atala, Eumaeus atala Poey LYC, Theclinae A* Margin UL, ML, MR: U/I Butterflies Lepidoptera U Z Top, Bot, LR: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z SS 500c Perisama hilara Salvin (Cap: P. priene) NYM, Biblidinae A* Margin Top, UR, MR: U/I Butterflies Lepidoptera U Z UL, LR: U/I Caterpillars Lepidoptera U Z 154 Biophilately June 2016 Vol. 65 (2) SPAIN 2015 July 21 (Protected Animals) (Block/4) 4060a 55c U/I Dragonfly Odonata U SURINAME 2016 March 16 (Butterflies) (Block/12 + 4 labels) a $1.50 Great Purple Hairstreak, Atlides halesus Cramer LYC, Theclinae A* b $1.75 Giant Grayling, Berberia abdelkader Pierret NYM, Satyrinae A* c $2.50 Bramble Hairstreak, Callophrys dumetorum Boisduval LYC, Theclinae A* d $2.75 African Migrant, Catopsilia florella Fabr. PIE, Coliadinae A* e $3.50 Spring Azure, Celastrina ladon Cramer LYC, Polyommatinae A* f $3.75 Western Blue Charaxes, Charaxes smaragdalis Butler NYM, Charaxinae A* g $4.50 The Hermit, Chazara briseis L. NYM, Satyrinae A* h $4.75 Common Jezebel, Delias aruna Boisduval PIE, Pierinae A* i $5.50 Basker Moth, Euchromia lethe Fabr. ARC, Ctenuchinae A* j $5.75 Great Banded Grayling, Brintesia circe Fabr. (Cap: Kanetisa) NYM, Satyrinae A* k $6.50 Small Tortoiseshell, Nymphalis urticae L. NYM, Nymphalinae A* l $7.25 Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing, Troides brookiana Wallace PAP, Papilioninae A* Label Common Jezebel, Delias aruna Boisduval PIE, Pierinae Z* Label Basker Moth, Euchromia lethe Fabr. ARC, Ctenuchinae Z* Label Great Banded Grayling, Brintesia circe Fabr. NYM, Satyrinae Z* Label Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing, Troides brookiana Wallace PAP, Papilioninae Z* SWITZERLAND 2016 May 12 (Europa – Think Green) (Horiz pair) 100c Stylized Butterfly around person’s head Lepidoptera S TONGA 2015 November 2 (Express Mail) (Set/2 & 2ea SS/1) $53 Great Mormon, Papilio memnon L. PAP, Papilioninae A* $71 Dark Cerulean, Jamides bochus Stoll LYC, Theclinae A* TONGA (Niuafo’ou) 2015 November 2 (Express Mail) (Set/2 & 2ea SS/1) $53 Monarch, Danaus plexippus L. NYM, Danainae A* $71 Meadow Argus, Junonia villida Fabr. NYM, Nymphalinae A* *Note: Recent phylogenetic DNA studies indicate that the Family Noctuidae should be broken into two families with the current subfamilies distributed between Noctuidae and Erebidae. Other families such as Arctiidae and Lymantriidae become subfamilies of the latter.
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