Number 7, 2009, September our legal form, and in this article we want to Funding Towards an ERIC discuss some of the features of an ERIC. One of the important issues to solve is how Members of an ERIC the necessary funding can be provided. for CLARIN Funding will come from national contribu- It follows from the nature of research infra- tions, from contributions from institutional structures that in order for them to be sus- members in non-member countries, and tainable the members have to be countries. If from use of the infrastructure by non-re- a country is a member, then all the relevant searchers. In the next framework pro- institutions in that country are part of the gramme, FP8, there may be a possibility that Bente Maegaard ERIC and can use the services. However, we the Commission can fund up to 20% of the CLARIN EB member are pretty sure that not all countries will be in operational costs for an ERIC. Steven Krauwer a situation where they can join right now; so CLARIN coordinator we are investigating possibilities for also col- laborating with institutions from countries Host country LARIN is currently in the second year of that are not a member. Cits three-year preparatory phase. When An ERIC will have a statutory seat in a host the three years are over (at the end of 2010), Members’ rights and duties country and right now the Netherlands are the intention is that CLARIN shall make a offering to take that role. The Netherlands transition to a more permanent structure. Member countries will gain access to the has committed funding until 2014, and actu- There are two requirements for this: a ’legal CLARIN infrastructure and all its services ally NL is the only country which has form’ is needed, and funding is needed. for all their relevant institutions (universities, secured funding of CLARIN beyond the research institutions, academies, research preparatory phase. libraries and the like; the exact list will be Legal form according to the agreement to be made). They will have a vote at the General Next steps A legal form can be e.g. a company, an asso- Assembly so that they can influence the ciation, or the like. The European Com- development of the research infrastructure. The next step for CLARIN is to approach all mission has investigated available legal forms Members will have to pay a fee (with the fee countries (current partner countries and and concluded that they are not well suited proportional to country size, according to those who want to become partners) to see for research infrastructures, see also the some measure and a formula to be agreed), their interest in discussing the CLARIN CLARIN report Requirements and Best and they will have to ensure a centre which ERIC in further detail with the aim of setting Practice for Governance, D8S-1.1 at the can provide CLARIN services (or they may up first a Memorandum of Understanding, CLARIN website (documents, deliverables). pay another country to provide the centre and eventually an agreement between those As the various existing legal forms were not service), and they must have implemented an countries which agree to form the “Initial suitable, the Commission elaborated a new authentication and authorisation system for Coalition” or be the founders of the CLAR- legal form. access (to control which users get access to IN ERIC. In June 2009 the European Council of what materials). Other countries may join when they are Ministers adopted a council regulation for a The current thinking is that CLARIN should ready, but it is of utmost importance that we European Research Infrastructure Con- collaborate with institutions from non-mem- make sure that CLARIN will carry on from sortium (ERIC) providing a community ber countries, as users and/or contributors, the preparatory phase into the next phase as legal framework for research infrastructures. and that such institutions could enjoy the smoothly as possible. Ideally the CLARIN The Commission is still working on the prac- same access rights as members. They would ERIC should be operational from January 1, tical implementation of the regulation in col- have to pay a fee like everyone else, but they 2011. In order for this to work, we will need laboration with the governments. would not be able to participate in the to submit an application for the ERIC to the CLARIN is now investigating what it would General Assembly or in any of the managing Commission at the latest mid-summer 2010, mean to implement this suggested ERIC as bodies. so this will be a hectic time! C Then, continuing our tradition of pre- CLARIN, ethical and legal issues) this Editors’ senting a research in domains that need workshop configured as one of the the help of CLARIN, Hanne Fersøe most significant events organised by Foreword offers a very interesting article on a CLARIN since its inception. consortium project studying hearing We wanted to host in this Newsletter a loss, showing how sound and language presentation of one traditional NLP technologies could feed advanced tech- event, that grew in significance over the niques intended to develop hearing aid years, due to the attentive selection of devices. the hot topics of this so rapidly devel- The central pages of the issue, as always oping field, the quality of the papers intended to present recent important presented and the inspired association Marko Tadi} CLARIN events, are contributed by with a number of workshops: the & Dan Cristea Peter Wittenburg, Antti Arppe, International Conference Recent CLARIN Newsletter editors Pirjoleanna Forsstrom and Nicoletta Advances in Natural Language Pro- cessing. So we invited two of its main e offer the honour to open the Call for contributions organisers, Galia Angelova and Ruslan Wissue this time to Bente Maega- Dear readers of the CLARIN Mitkov, to author an article describing ard and Steven Krauwer, because we Newsletter, this September event, held in Borovets, want to emphasize the significant activ- If you have ideas, thoughts, Bulgaria. ity that was recently pursued inside our comments, additions, corrections, Then, Felix Sasaki signs a short article community towards the creation of a arguments, questions etc. which are connected to the CLARIN project, bringing into attention a major topic of legal form to the CLARIN entity. The even remotely, please feel free to interest for the infrastructure that we newly framework approved by the send them to us as your contribution want to build: the standards to support Commission to support research infra- at [email protected] or directly to the editors at [email protected] the diversity of languages, and the lan- structures related activities is called and dcristea info.uaic.ro. @ guage identification software that will ERIC and this is what we are heading have to bridge the language resource towards, with an application that has to Calzolari. NEERI, the Networking information and the Web information be submitted in the middle of 2010. Event for European Research space. Research infrastructures in linguistics Infrastructures + Standards was organ- And finally, dear reader, you will find a seem to develop widely, not only in ised by CLARIN and hosted by the report, written by Ineke Shuurman, on Europe, and a signal from USA is University of Helsinki, in September the activities developed by CLARIN- brought by Koenraad de Smedt. He this year. By its attendance and the Vlaanderen on the Dutch language, reports on the Cyberlink 2009 work- diversity of themes approached (among spoken essentially in the northern part shop, held recently at the start of cyber- which: long-term preservation, persis- of Belgium, Flanders, and partly in infrastructure – the American term for tent identifiers, metadata frameworks, Brussels. research infrastructures – project at UC semantic interoperability, grid comput- Berkeley. ing and federation technologies used in Enjoy your reading! C List of national Denmark Greece Poland correspondents Bente Maegaard Maria Gavrilidou Maciej Piasecki Hanne Fersøe Hungary Portugal ELRA/ELDA Tamás Váradi Antonio Branco Austria Stelios Piperidis Italy Gerhard Budin Khalid Choukri Romania Valeria Quochi Belgium – Flanders Estonia Dan Cristea Latvia Tiit Roosmaa Dan Tufis, Inneke Schuurman Andrejs Vasiljevs Finland Bulgaria Spain Kimmo Koskenniemi Malta Svetla Koeva Mike Rosner Nuria Bel France Sweden Croatia William Del Mancino Netherlands Marko Tadi} Bertrand Gaiffe Peter Wittenburg Sven Strömqvist Czech Republic Germany Norway UK Karel Pala Lothar Lemnitzer Koenraad De Smedt Martin Wynne 2 No 7 / Newsletter CLARIN Research Infrastructures: The American Way Cyberling 2009 Workshop (5) models from other fields, (6) funding targeted at linguistics, while CLARIN has a sources, and (7) collaboration structure. broader orientation towards the use of lan- Berkeley, July 17-19, 2009 guage materials in all the Humanities and How and Why Approach Social Sciences. This has consequences not only for the inclusion or exclusion of differ- On each day of the workshop, working ent kinds of data sources and applications, Koenraad de Smedt groups presented preliminary conclusions in University of Bergen but also for the consideration of possible plenary sessions open to anyone. The first organizational anchorings of a future infra- We have really everything in common with one, with the theme Data Sharing: How and structure. America nowadays, except, of course, language. Why? addressed the benefits of data sharing Cyberling currently does not have the orga- Oscar Wilde and the obstacles to the widespread adoption nizational status of a project like CLARIN. yberinfrastructure is the American term Cfor what Europeans refer to as research infrastructure. Hence the name Cyberling for an initiative taken by Emily M. Bender, Jeff Good, Scott Farrar, Laura Welcher and Dan McCloy to promote a cyberinfrastructure for linguistics. The objectives of this American initiative are obviously also close to CLARIN's heart.
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